Annual Report 2012 •United States• Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Educating Leaders for Church & Society Patrons His Beatitude Sviatoslav Shevchuk Patriarch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church His Beatitude Lubomyr Cardinal Husar Patriarch of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, Emeritus Advisory Council His Eminence Timothy M. Cardinal Dolan Archbishop of New York, Chairman, Catholic Relief Services His Eminence Edward Cardinal Egan Archbishop of New York, Emeritus His Eminence Francis Cardinal George Archbishop of Chicago His Excellency Most Reverend Robert M. Moskal Bishop of Parma, Emeritus His Excellency Claudio Gugerotti Apostolic Nuncio to Belarus Rev. Andriy Chirovsky Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies Rev. J. Bryan Hehir Harvard University, Archdiocese of Boston Mr. George Weigel Ethics and Public Policy Center Board of Directors Guy Camarata, Chairman Oleh Karawan, Vice-President John F. Kurey, Esq., President Emeritus and Secretary Most Rev. Borys Gudziak, PhD, Director Nataliya Klymovska, Director Andrew Lencyk, Director Prof. Jeffrey Wills, Director UCEF Management Joe Solimini, Chief Operating Officer Alexander B. Kuzma, Chief Development Officer UCEF Staff (full-& part-time) Nelson Bosacoma Yulia Komar Matthew J. Matuszak Vasil Nazar Sr. Stephanie Schmidts Paula Solimini Mission of the UCEF in the US T he Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation teaches Americans about the academic and financial needs of Ukrainian Catholic educational institutions in Ukraine. In a sincere commitment to personal involvement and high standards, the UCEF works with these institutions hands-on to meet present needs and develop resources for the future. Through grant and endowment programs, distribution of books and teaching materials, and collaborative volunteer projects, emphasizing foreign exchange of students and faculty, we foster the communion of Ukrainian Americans with the Ukrainian nation and of Roman Catholics in the West with the largest Eastern Catholic Church. 2012 Financial Statement Statement of Activities - Operating Account For the Year Ended December 31, 2012 SUPPORT Contributions.................................................................................. $1,912,547 Bequests................................................................................................ $42,936 Investment Return............................................................................. $752,925 Total Public Support and Revenue ...................................... $2,708,408 ALLOCATIONS and EXPENSES Program Services Institutional Support (including endowments)*...................................... $1,471,648 Information and Education .................................................................. $141,624 Exchanges ........................................................................................... $22,251 Teaching Materials ................................................................................. $3,154 Management and General ................................................................ $393,817 Fundraising and Newsletters ............................................................. $627,868 Total Allocations and Expenses ........................................... $2,660,362 * Endowment/Reserve funds prepare for the future. Costs in Ukraine are rising dramatically as the economy stabilizes, leaving the Church’s educational institutions in greater need. Foreseeing this challenge, a number of individuals and parishes have contributed funds for the UCEF to endow scholarships and professorships in perpetuity. This is an informal summary of our financial results for the year ending 12/31/2012. Our accounting records and financial statements are audited by Desmond & Ahern, Ltd. For a more detailed financial report please contact our main UCEF Chicago office at (773) 235-8462. 2 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation From the Chief Development Officer Dear Friends in Christ: T he year 2012 was marked by both outstanding educational accomplishments and spiritual breakthroughs at the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). The highlight of the year, the blessing and opening of the collegium (residential college) in August, actually embodied the best of all worlds. In an elegant and comfortable architectural space, students now live in community with professors, nuns, and developmentally disabled individuals, who help them in their formation as visionary and compassionate leaders for Ukraine. Americans turn to UCU to learn about Ukraine, its society and Church, and so students from Fordham University visited in March. Benefactors like Mrs. Jaroslawa Gudziak and her son Dr. Marko Gudziak are helping the university develop by honoring outstanding professors who help students return “to the sources” of various disciplines. And new endowments for history and women’s studies are helping students confront pressing social challenges from a Catholic perspective. Visitors from North America continue to be amazed by UCU’s great spiritual dynamism. John Allen, a journalist for the National Catholic Reporter, after his visit in October wrote of the university as “the future of the new evangelization.” And historian and respected commentator George Weigel, who spoke at UCU’s graduation ceremony this year, in his new book Evangelical Catholicism marveled at how campus ministry is “flourishing” at UCU. A clear sign of the “outpouring of the Holy Spirit” on the university in 2012 was the ordination of UCU’s rector, Borys Gudziak, as bishop. Hundreds of devoted UCEF supporters came out to greet the new bishop in the fall, braving Hurricane Sandy’s terrible consequences. 012 was marked by both 2 outstanding educational accomplishments and spiritual breakthroughs... UCEF is glad to support UCU in every way it can, and joyfully welcomes visitors like Bishop Borys, the university’s leaders like Senior Vice-Rector Dr. Taras Dobko, and accomplished alumni who are now making their mark on Ukraine and the world. UCU continues to be a source of hope for Ukraine’s orphans and street children and we are grateful for the generous support of an anonymous US donor who helps improve the standard of care, in soul and in body. In this Annual Report, we can share only small glimpses of the great strides that UCU made in 2012, so we invite you to visit our new campus in the magnificent city of Lviv to see first hand the impact of your generosity. Thank you for your ongoing support of UCU’s mission. May God bless you, Alexander B. Kuzma Chief Development Officer Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 3 Building a Brighter Future Busy August includes ordination, building blessing, and honoring scholars A ugust is usually a fairly quiet month at universities, whether in Ukraine or the US. August 2012, however, was particularly busy at the Ukrainian Catholic University, with many very important events happening. Staff and friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University joined together to add their prayers at Rector Bishop Borys Gudziak’s ordination ceremony (left). Then the university’s new collegium was blessed on the very same day (bottom). 100th anniversary of Plast’s founding P last, the Ukrainian scouts, held an international gathering on university territory to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the organization. Young people, and the young at heart, came from the US, Canada, and eight other countries to celebrate. And dedicated, lifelong scout Father Borys Gudziak, rector of UCU, found time to join them, though he was at the time preparing for his ordination as a bishop. 4 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Mrs. Jaroslava Gudziak (right in the photo at left) and her son Dr. Marko Gudziak established a new award in memory of the late Dr. Alexander Gudziak. “Ad fontes” honors those UCU professors who have helped students “return to the sources” of theology, history, and other disciplines, especially through study in the original languages. Three professors, each with a long career of serving the university, were honored this year. Honored Guests Visit Fordham students excited about UCU Professor inaugurates new program A group of students from Fordham University visited the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU) in March. They visited the construction site of the university’s new dormitory, got acquainted with UCU activities, and heard a lecture of Professor Yaroslav Hrytsak about historical memory in Ukraine. The guests also had a chance to spend some time with UCU students. “We had pleasant impressions from our meetings with your students,” said one of the visitors from Fordham. T hanks to a major contribution from the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, UCU has started a Women’s Studies program. Dr. Marta Bohachevsky-Chomiak came from the US to deliver the program’s inaugural lecture in September. As commentator Andrew Sorokowski puts it: the program’s goal is “to prepare a Christian vision of a society where women have their just and proper place.” Noted writer visits UCU UCU’s vice-rectors visit UCEF offices J ohn L. Allen, Jr., a noted writer for the National Catholic Reporter, returned from an October visit to the university stating: “I have seen the future of the new evangelization, and its name is the Ukrainian Catholic University... Its bold aim is nothing less than to ‘rethink’ what a Catholic university can be in the 21st century... In the context of present-day Ukraine.... this place is nothing short of a miracle... a profoundly, palpably Catholic place, where the spiritual roots run deep, flying on the wings of martyrs and the mentally handicapped, courageously engaging the issues of the day, even when doing so takes guts.” I n May the UCEF’s Chicago office was most pleased to host two of UCU’s top administrators, Dr. Taras Dobko and Dr. Volodymyr Turchynovskyy, senior vice rector and vice rector for strategic planning (respectively). (Dr. Turchynovskyy is seen in the photo.) On their way to a symposium at the University of Notre Dame, they briefed UCEF staff on what’s new at UCU, including the new residential college which subsequently opened in August. Communication between UCEF and the university is greatly improved by such visits, whether they are brief ones that last a few hours or days, or longer ones that last weeks or months. Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 5 Reaching Out to “...the Least of These” UCEF’s Ginger Fund gives Ukrainian orphans and street children a chance at a better life H undreds and hundreds of Ukraine’s orphans and street children have had their own “guardian angel” for eight years now. The contributions of the anonymous sponsor of UCEF’s Ginger Fund have given these children a chance at a better life. This includes access to better education, to give them better opportunities for future work. Often it means a caring environment provided by Catholic nuns in a small-group setting. 6 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Bringing the Message to the United States Fundraising banquets and dinners, Boston Silent Art Auction and UCU in Rome S pecial events were numerous and varied in 2012. Many cities greeted newly-ordained Bishop Borys Gudziak in the fall. New York City and Whippany, New Jersey, deserve extra special mention for keeping with plans for scheduled events even after the unwelcome visit of Hurricane Sandy. (New York also hosted an art auction in Spring 2012). The Chicago event in November was particularly well-attended. The Greater Boston Friends of UCU are to be commended for a great amount of activity. They held an art auction in October, greeted the bishop at his Harvard alma mater in November, and ended the year with a Christmas concert. « The Detroit area welcomed the former dean of UCU’s Humanities Faculty, Fr. Yury Avvakumov, PhD, who gave a lecture on “The Legacy of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky.” Fr. Iwan Dacko, PhD, represented UCU’s Rome campus, speaking at events in US cities (lower right photo). Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 7 Donor Generosity W e thank all of our donors for helping rebuild the Ukrainian Catholic Church in Ukraine. In 2012, more than 2,000 people contributed to programs benefiting seminarians, students, and the faithful throughout Ukraine. With apologies in advance, if anyone was inadvertently omitted from the list below, please notify us so that we may update our records. For a complete list of donors, please visit Patriarch’s Circle ($100,000 and over) Anonymous (2) Mr. Adrian J. Slywotzky and Mrs. Christine Balko Slywotzky Cardinal’s Club ($25,000 - $ 99,999) Ms. E. Teri Allen Mrs. Mary Antonyshyn Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Brody-Lew, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan S. and Joanne Celewycz The Heritage Foundation of First Security FSB Dr. Michael E. Klufas The Maria Hulai-Lion Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Leonard and Helena Mazur Dr. Yaroslav Muzyczka+ and Mrs. Larissa Muzyczka Mr. Eugene Repeta Self Relliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union and The Self Reliance Foundation - Chicago, IL Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. Stefan and Wolodymyra Slywotzky Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. The Estate of Ihor M. Vitkovitsky President’s Cabinet ($10,000 to $24,999) Anonymous (3) Mr. & Mrs. Z. John and Anne H. Bilos Dr. and Mrs. George E. Charuk The Coca-Cola Company Drs. Timothy P. and Luba Dumenco Flanigan Mrs. Irene Koczerzuk Harris The Hewko Family Charitable Foundation Ms. Dorothy M. Kennett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. and Mary K. Kilcer Dr. Irene D. Klufas Dr. Lydia Ann Klufas-Tkach and Mr. John Tkach Mrs. Daria M. Kurylko The Estate of Tamara Mryc Mr. John Mucha Mr. Bill Melanie Pasulka The Estate of William Swiderski Ms. Stephania Szypula Dr. & Mrs. George and Roma L. Temnycky Mrs. Maria Tymiak+ Foundation Club ($5,000 to $9,999) Anonymous (1) Ms. Orysia J. Bartkiw Brown University Mr. Leroy T. Carlson, Jr. Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Combined Federal Campaign Mrs. Olha Lusia Dudiak Dr. Dmytro Farion Mr. & Mrs. Roman and Eleanor F. Fedorak Mr. & Mrs. Chuck and Ellen Haas Mrs. Romana Jachtorowycz Mr. & Mrs. Ihor and Sonia Konrad Ms. Maria Z. Odezynskyj Open MRI of New England, Inc. Mrs. Mary Ann Philipchuk Mrs. Lidia Stebelsky Sts. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church, Chicago, IL Dr. & Mrs. Stanley P. and Elizabeth A. Taraska 8 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Mr. Peter Z. Teluk Mrs. Nadia Trojan Mrs. Vera M. Trojan and Mr. Mark Carthy UNWLA - Branch #30 Mrs. Martha Wiegand Bishop’s Club ($1,500 - $4,999) Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. and Angela S. Adams Anonymous (1) Ms. Olena C. Boyko Mr. & Mrs. Guy J. and Carolyn S. Camarata Drs. Jean Pierre and Biruta Cap Dr. & Mrs. Jose V. and Maria Koznarsky Casanova Mrs. Wolodymyra Charuk Christ the King Ukrainian Catholic Church, Boston, MA Mr. & Mrs. Roman and Melania Chwyl Mr. Randy B. Crath and Mrs. Catherine E. Bryant Crath Dr. Boris Lushniak and Dr. Patricia Cusumano-Lushniak Mr. Borys Y. Dackiw, Esq. and Dr. Christine Dackiw Dr. and Mrs. Roman J. and Jan M. Daczkewycz Dr. Joseph Danko Mr. Henry R. Davison III Dr. Yuri A. Deychakiwsky and Ms. Irena Eva Mostovych Drs. Adrian A. and Larissa Dolinsky Mr. Orest L. Dolyniuk Dr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw and Maria Dzwinyk Mrs. Chrystyna Ferencevych Lozynskyj Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Christine Fylypovych Msgr. Lawrence J. Gibson Mr. & Mrs. John and Deanna Grivetti Dr. Lubomyr Hajda Mr. Mykola Haliv Mr. Andrei Harasymiak Ms. Maria E. Hawrysczuk Mr. & Mrs. Ihor and Roma M. Hayda Mr. and Mrs. Lev and Halyna Holubec Mr. & Mrs. Marko and Lori Dawn Horb Mr. Serhiy Hoshovskyy, Esq. Mr. Lawrence H. Hyde Dr. Marko Jachtorowycz Mr. Walter and Mrs. Luba Keske Mr. Eugene Klymko Mr. William G. Kofron Mr. & Mrs. Michael and Luba Kostryba Dr. & Mrs. Roman M. and Bohdanna M. Kowalchuk Mr. & Mrs. Roman and Irena Kramarchuk Mrs. Natalia Krawczuk Dr. & Mrs. Ihor A. and Zenovia Kunasz Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan and Bohdana Kurczak Mr. John Kurey, Esq. Dr. & Mrs. Ingert and Judy Richer Kuzych Dr. & Mrs. Jurij B. and Tania Kuzycz Ms. Olga Kwasnychka Dr. & Mrs. Myroslaw J. and Larissa S. Kyj Fr. James Lease Dr. & Mrs. Boris J. and Svitlana Leheta Mr. Andrew E. Lencyk, Esq. and Mrs. Iryna Zaluzhna-Lencyk Dr. & Mrs. Michael and Svitlana Lewko Mr. & Mrs. Wasyl and Vira Liscynesky Mr. & Mrs. George and Tetyana Logush Dr. Marta Lopatynsky and Mr. Ihor Zwaryc Mrs. Lubomyra Lukomskyj Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. and Connie Maurer Dr. & Mrs. Borys and Miriam Mychalczak Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. and Erlinda C. Neubecker Mrs. Luba D. Onuferko Mr. John Paulovich Dr. Jaroslaw Pikolycky Ms. Mary Pinaha Mr. Eric Plaut Dr. & Mrs. Roman and Lydia M. Procyk Mr. E. Irynej Prokopovych and Mrs. Anna Kokawa Prokopovych Mr. Boris Rakowsky Mr. Neal W. Raymond, Jr. Rev. Dean Russell Ms. Jean I. Sagan Mrs. Irene Savchak Sawa Family Charitable Fund Mr. and Mrs. Bohdan R. and Annete S. Sawycky Dr. Chrystia Marta Slywotzky Mr. & Mrs. Wolodymyr and Bohdanna Slyz Ms. Maria Moroz and Mr. George Smith Ms. Neonila C. Sochan St. Joseph the Betrothed Ukrainian Catholic Church, Chicago, IL St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, Yonkers, NY Mr. Alex P. Stogryn SUMA Yonkers Federal Credit Union Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. and Lenore E. Swoboda Mr. Walter Swyrydenko Dr. & Mrs. George B. and Jaroslawa Szczerbaniuk Dr. Gregory Szczerbaniuk Dr. Taras Masnyk and Mrs. Christina Trojan-Masnyk Dr. R. Scott Turicchi Dr. Vassyl A. Lonchyna and Dr. Roksolana M. Tymiak-Lonchyna Ms. Eleanor J. Valentine Mrs. Alena Grivetti Watts Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. and Irene Wolfe The Estate of Alexandra Woloshyn Mr. & Mrs. Myron W. and Marianna Zajac Millennium Circle ($1,000 - $1,499) Anonymous (4) Omelan and Tatiana Antonovych Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Luba Bac Col. Robert J. Balog Bank of America Matching Gifts Dr. Larissa Bilaniuk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Margaret Bocon Mrs. Christine Bonacorsa Ms. Natalia Brandafi Ms. Mary Brudny Dr. and Mrs. Borys and Lida Buniak Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan and Roxana Charkewycz The Chortkiv Foundation Mr. Mychajlo Ciapa His Excellency Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan Dominican Monastery of St. Jude, Marbury, AL Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. and Marilyn M. Doyle Dr. Richard S. J. Flahavan Mr. & Mrs. William H. and Shirley J. Fletcher Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. and Florence Fromel Mr. & Mrs. Tazio S. and Katie J. Grivetti Ms. Lidia V. Jurkiw-Gulawsky Ms. Lesia L. Haliv and Mr. Thomas Myer Kearney Ms. Olha Hankevych Lt. Cmdr. John R. Heltsley, Msc, USN and Mrs. Myroslawa Heltsley Ms. Myroslawa Heltsley Mr. & Mrs. Myron and Olha Hnateyko Mr. & Mrs. Timothy and Anna Hnateyko Mr. Jurij N. Horajeckyj Msgr. Donald E. Horak Mrs. Aurelia Hrab Mr. & Mrs. Orest and Ann Hrycyk Dr. Linda L. Hryhorczuk and Mr. Lew M. Hryhorczuk Mr. & Mrs. Lubomyr and Maria Hrynewycz Dr. & Mrs. George and Patricia Isajiw Dr. Lionel Iwaskiw and Mrs. Taisa Markus Iwaskiw Mr. Richard A. Javick Mr. & Mrs. Stefan and Swiatoslawa Kaczaraj Mr. & Mrs. Oleh G. and Joanne Karawan Dr. Tosca Kekish Mrs. Luba Kerod Knights of Columbus #6065 Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. and Sarah M. Koenig Mrs. Marta Kolomayets and Mr. Danylo Yanevsky Mr. & Mrs. Roman and Anisia I. Kowalchuk Mr. & Mrs. Taras and Xenia E. Kozbur Mr. & Mrs. Zenon and Theodozia Krislaty Mr. Julian E. Kulas, Esq. & Mrs. Elizabeth Kulas Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan R. and Taissa T. Kusma Mr. George Lencyk Rev. & Mrs. Taras R. and Jaroslava L. Lonchyna Mr. & Mrs. Oleh and Oksana Lopatynsky Mr. and Mrs. John G. and Mary A. Makar Mr. & Mrs. Ihor and Olena Matwyshyn Fr. Robert Melnick, OFM Conv. Mr. Andrew Melnyk and Ms. Irena Hlatky Dr. Iouri Melnyk/ Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas I. and Germaine Milanytch Dr. & Mrs. Stephen and Valentyna Nychay Ms. Maria T. Oharenko Mr. and Mrs. David A. and Natalie Olds Mr. & Mrs. Lubodar and Zenia Olesnyckyj Our Lady of Refuge Parish, Brooklyn, NY Mrs. Mary Padykula Passionist Nuns of St. Louis County Drs. George I. and Ann M. Pawliczko Ms. Marta M. Pereyma Prof. Wolodymyr V. Petryshyn Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan and Christina Pichurko Ms. Daria Pokinsky Dr. Petro Popowycz Mr. Myron B. Rabij Rev. David C. Robisch Mrs. Yaroslawa P. Rubel Mrs. Irene H. Russnak Dr. Halyna Sabir Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union - Whippany Mr. Ihor A. Shust Mr. Taras Sochan Mr. & Mrs. John Y. and Ulana N. Sos St. Martin de Porres Trust St. Mary’s Sodality, Nativity of the BVM, Los Angeles, CA St. Sophia Religious Association - USA Dr. Alexander R. Strilbyckyj Mr. Taras Szmagala, Jr. and Ms. Helen Jarem Mrs. Maria Oksana Bachynsky Tarasiuk and Mr. Yurij Tarasiuk Rev. John Tataryn Ms. Irka O. Tkaczuk Ms. Adrienne Tymiak Ms. Bohdanna M. Tytla Ukrainian National Museum Ukrainian Studies Fund Ukrainian West Side Club University of St. Thomas Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan and Bohdanna K. Vitvitsky Ms. Tania S. Vitvitsky Mrs. Yvonne M. Williams The Hon. Jeffrey Dirk Wilson Drs. Andrij R. and Martha A. Wojtowycz Mr. Joseph Woytowych Ms. Renata A. Zajac Mr. & Mrs. Rudolf R. and Dorothy Zaveruka Acolyte’s Circle ($500 - $999) Rev. Terry Edward Allen Dr. & Mrs. Roman I. and Svitlana Andrushkiw Anonymous (1) Dr. Peter Bandera Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 9 Sheptytsky Society We recognize members who have made major lifetime contributions to assure the glorious future of the Church in Ukraine forseen by Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. Lifetime gifts of $50,000 and above Ms. E. Teri Allen Anonymous (13) Omelan and Tatiana Antonovych Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Luba Bac Ms. Orysia J. Bartkiw Mr. Ivan Bereznicki, Dr. George Bereznicki + & Dr. Stefanie Tershakovec-Bereznicki Mr. & Mrs. Z. John and Anne H. Bilos Mr. Michael Boyko+ Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan S. and Joanne Celewycz Community Foundation for the National Capital Region Mr. Mykola Diakun Dr. & Mrs. Stephen+ and Olha Lusia Dudiak Mr. & Mrs. Roman and Eleanor F. Fedorak Dr. Maria Fischer-Slysh+ Estate of Maria Fischer-Slys Drs. Timothy P. and Luba Dumenco Flanigan Mr. Udell I. Harris + Estate of Walter Hendricks The Heritage Foundation of First Security FSB The Hewko Family Charitable Foundation Mr. Lawrence H. Hyde Mr. & Mrs. George H. and Zenowia Jurkiw Dr. Emil J.+ and Dr. Irene D. Klufas Dr. Michael E. Klufas Koch Foundation, Inc. Estate of Yurij Koval-Cardinal Slipyj Trust Fund Mr. Michael Kowalchuk+ Mr. & Mrs. Taras and Xenia E. Kozbur Mr. Lubomyr+ and Mrs. Daria M. Kurylko The Maria Hulai-Lion Foundati Estate of Olga Martyniuk Mr. John Mucha Dr. Yaroslav Muzyczka+ and Mrs. Larissa Muzyczka Estate of Maria Olensky Open MRI of New England, Inc. Mr. Bill Pasulka Pronko Family Charitable Fund Dr. Petro Pshyk+ Drs. Andrew G. and Taisa Rak Dr. & Mrs. Ihor W. and Susanna C. Rak Mr. Eugene Repeta Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union and The Self Reliance Foundation, Chicago, IL Self Reliance New York Federal Credit Union Dr. Vladimir+ and Mrs. Nadia Shkilnyk Estate of Walter Skocen Mr. Adrian J. Slywotzky and Mrs. Christine Balko Slywotzky Mr. & Mrs. Stefan and Wolodymyra Slywotzky Dr. Roman P. Smyk+ Mr. & Mrs. Dennis and Myra Stachiv St. Sophia Religious Association - USA Sts. Volodymyr and Olha Ukrainian Catholic Church, Chicago, IL Dr. & Mrs. George B. and Jaroslawa Szczerbaniuk Ms. Stephania Szypula Dr. & Mrs. George and Roma L. Temnycky Dr. Lydia Ann Klufas-Tkach and Mr. John Tkach Mr. & Mrs. Sydir and Maria Tymiak+ Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Stamford Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. Ukrainian Studies Fund Mrs. Gloria H. Wills Lifetime gifts of $25,000 to $49,999 Mr. & Mrs. Patrick F. and Angela S. Adams, Esq. Anonymous (3) Mr. Bohdan+ and Mrs. Mary Antonyshyn Estate of Wolodymyr Beriska 10 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Estate of Neonila Bilczynsky Estate of George Binkowski Ms. Olena C. Boyko Brody-Lew, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Guy J. and Carolyn S. Camarata Carey Associates Mr. Leroy T. Carlson, Jr. The Coca-Cola Company Combined Federal Campaign The Esseff Foundation Eurasian Cultural Fund Mrs. Irene Koczerzuk Harris Johnson and Johnson Family of Companies Ms. Dorothy M. Kennett Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. and Mary K. Kilcer Dr. & Mrs. Roman M. and Bohdanna M. Kowalchuk Estate of Anna Krupnyk Mr. Julian E. Kulas, Esq. and Mrs. Elizabeth Kulas Mr. & Mrs. Andrew M. and Ludmilla Kurylko Dr. & Mrs. Ingert and Judy Richer Kuzych Ms. Olga Kwasnychka Mr. Bohdan Lysiak+ Rev. Deacon Yourij+ and Mrs. Zoria Malachowsky Mr. & Mrs. Leonard and Helena Mazur Estate of Gloria Muenks Mr. & Mrs. William D. and Cynthia M. Nahm Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. and Erlinda C. Neubecker Estate of Rev. Ostap Oryshkevych Our Sunday Visitor Institute Mrs. Helena Panczak+ Dr. & Mrs. Kevin J. and Jean M. Parker Ms. Marta M. Pereyma Mr. & Mrs. Mychajlo & Lubomyra Pezansky + Mrs. Mary Ann Philipchuk Plast Foundation - New York Dr. & Mrs. Leon D. and Fran Prockop Dr. & Mrs. Wolodymyr and Anna Rak Mrs. Lidia Stebelsky SUMA Yonkers Federal Credit Union Dr. Gregory and Mrs. Helen+ Szczerbaniuk Rev. Robert F. Taft Turula Family Fund, Inc. Ukrainian Marian Foundation/ Mrs. Helen Nykolyshyn+ Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, Inc. Ukrainian Patriarchal Society - Warren, MI Ukrainian Patriarchal Society in the USA Estate of Ihor M. Vitkovitsky Lifetime gifts of $10,000 to $24,999 Estate of Leo Adamiak Anonymous (3) Mrs. Ksenia Antypiv+ Archdiocese of Omaha Mr. Evhen Bachynskyj Dr. Vera O. Berezowsky Mrs. Bohdanna-Nadia Bihun Estate of Mychajlo Bilyk Mr. & Mrs. Thomas and Margaret Bocon Mrs. Christine Bonacorsa Mr. & Mrs. Patrick and Joan Carey Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan and Roxana Charkewycz Dr. and Mrs. George E. and Catherine Charuk Dr. Zenia D. Chernyk Chevron Humankind Matching Gift Program Dr. Marta Bohachevsky-Chomiak and Mr. Rostyslav L. Chomiak Prof. Bohdan B. Chopyk and Mrs. Alexandra Kudryashova Chopyk Estate of Anatoliy Chorniy The Chortkiv Foundation CNEWA Mr. Robert C. Coleman, Jr. Mr. Borys Y. Dackiw, Esq. and Dr. Christine Dackiw Dr. Joseph Danko Mr. Henry R. Davison III Dr. Yuri A. Deychakiwsky and Ms. Irena Eva Mostovych Ms. Caroline M. Dietzen Mrs. Eugenia Dobczansky Drs. Adrian A. and Larissa Dolinsky Dr. Paul J. and Irena Marie+ Dzul Mr. Thomas Egan Mr. John Fedkiw Dr. Richard S. J. Flahavan Mr. Peter Flanigan Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Christine Fylypovych Msgr. Lawrence J. Gibson Mr. Mykola Haliv Ms. Anna Hamuka + Mr. & Mrs. Ihor and Roma M. Hayda Mr. Thomas Heenan Ms. Emily Heringer Rev. Msgr. Carl D. Hinrichsen Mr. & Mrs. Myron and Olha Hnateyko Mr. Walter and Mrs. Luba Keske Mr. Ihor Humeniuk+ Dr. & Mrs. George and Patricia Isajiw Mrs. Romana Jachtorowycz Dr. & Dr. Roman and Lydia L. Klufas Mr. Eugene Klymko Mr. William G. Kofron Dr. & Mrs. Vsevolod and Lidia Kohutiak Mr. & Mrs. Ihor and Sonia Konrad Mr. & Mrs. Mark and Karen Koulogeorge Mr. & Mrs. Roman and Anisia I. Kowalchuk Mrs. Natalia Krawczuk Dr. & Mrs. Ihor A. and Zenovia Kunasz Estate of Maria Kupczynski Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan and Bohdana Kurczak Dr. & Mrs. Jurij B. and Tania Kuzycz Mr. Orest M. Kyzyk Estate of Jaroslawa Labka Estate of Janet Lancaster Dr. & Mrs. Boris J. and Svitlana Leheta Mr. Andrew E. Lencyk, Esq. and Mrs. Iryna Zaluzhna-Lencyk Mr. George Mycak & Mrs. Anisa Sawyckyj-Mycak Mrs. Lydia Odezynsky Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan+ and Maria Odezynskyj Mrs. Luba Palashewsky+ Mrs. Jaroslava Panchuk Passionist Nuns of St. Louis County Mr. John Paulovich Drs. George I. and Ann M. Pawliczko Mr. & Mrs. George and Maria Pazuniak Prof. Wolodymyr V. Petryshyn Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan and Christina Pichurko Dr. Jaroslaw Pikolycky Ms. Mary Pinaha Mr. Eric Plaut Dr. Jurij Savyckyj Self Reliance Federal Credit Union Clifton, NJ Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Maria G. Serednycky Sheptytsky Institute of Eastern Christian Studies Mr. Ihor A. and Daria+ Shust Sisters of St. Joseph, Belleville, KS Mr. & Mrs. Wolodymyr and Bohdanna Slyz Drs. Alexander Z. and Maria C. Sosenko Ms. Rose Ella Spilman Squire, Sanders & Dempsey LLP St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, IL St. Thomas More College Mr. Alex P. Stogryn Estate of William Swiderski Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. and Lenore E. Swoboda Mr. & Mrs. Leon and Oksana Szczur Mr. Michael Szypula Dr. & Mrs. Stanley P and Elizabeth A. Taraska Mr. Peter Z. Teluk Ms. Tamara Tershakovec Mrs. Vera M. Trojan and Mr. Mark Carthy Dr. R. Scott Turicchi Dr. & Mrs. Stephan and Tamara Tymkiw UA Group Development, LLC Ukrainian American Publishing & Printing Co., Inc. Ukrainian Patriarchal Society - New York City Ukrainian Selfreliance Federal Credit Union - Philadelphia The generous man will be prosperous, and he who — Proverbs 11:25 waters will himself be watered. Mr. & Mrs. Wasyl and Vira Liscynesky Mrs. Maria Lohaza+ Estate of Jaroslaw Luchanko Mrs. Lubomyra Lukomskyj Mr. & Mrs. Lubomyr A. and Christina R. Lypeckyj W.K. Lypynsky East European Research Institute, Inc. Rev. Gordon Mahoney+ Prof. George Majeska Dr. & Mrs. R. Joseph Marilley Ms. Marta Matla Mr. & Mrs. Peter K. and Connie Maurer Metropolitan Archeparchy of Philadelphia The Estate of Tamara Mryc Mrs. Helen Prociuk+ Dr. & Mrs. Roman and Lydia M. Procyk Mr. & Mrs. E. Irynej Prokopovych and Mr. Anna Kokawa Prokopovych Mr. Myron B. Rabij Raskob Foundation for Catholic Activities, Inc. Mr. Boris Rakowsky Mr. Wolodymyr Walter Romaniw+ Mr. Allen H. Roth and Mrs. Mary Schmidt Roth Mrs. Yaroslawa P. Rubel Mrs. Irene H. Russnak Mrs. Anna Salecki Mrs. Steffi Sarvady Sawa Family Charitable Foundation Ukrainian Senior Society of Miami University of St. Mary of the Lake Ms. Eleanor J. Valentine Fr. Gregory Veneklase Mr. & Mrs. Edward F. and Joan C. Waterbury Mrs. Alena Grivetti Watts Mrs. Martha Wiegand Mr. & Mrs. Gary J. and Irene Wolfe Mr. & Mrs. Mykola M. and Oksana Y. Yaremko Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan N. and Nadija Zarewych Ms. Ann Zinich Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 11 Donor Generosity continued Acolyte’s Circle ($500 - $999) continued from page 9 Rev. Roy R. Bauer Dr. & Mrs. Marko and Maria Bej Dr. Vera O. Berezowsky Mrs. Katarzyna Bezruchko Mrs. Bohdanna Nadia Bihun Mrs. Zenovia M. Bihun+ Mr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw W. and Laurie Bilaniuk Mr. & Mrs. Stefan and Darlene Bilaniuk Mr. and Mrs. Viktor and Vera Bokhenik Mr. George M. Bozio and Mrs. Olga Popil-Bozio Drs. Andrew and Taisa Browar Dr. & Mrs. Stephen J. and Mary Beth Burns Mrs. Ulana I. Campbell Dr. Marta Bohachevsky-Chomiak and Mr. Rostyslav L. Chomiak Mr. Robert C. Coleman, Jr. Mr. Volodymyr Chmyrov and Ms. Halina Czaban Mr. Stephen W. Czebiniak Mr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw and Katria Czerwoniak Mrs. Maria M. Czyzyk Mrs. Ulana M. Diachuk Ms. Nadia M. Diuk Drs. Leo and Areta Dobrjanskyj Dr. Donna Dobrowolsky Rev. Patrick J. Dolan Ms. Jo Ann Dunne Mr. & Mrs. Adrian and Ina Dzerovych Mr. & Mrs. Andrij and Vera Eliashevsky Rev. John C. Fallon Mr. & Mrs. Myron and Daria Fedoriw Ms. Oresta Fedun Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Christine Fedynsky Mr. Taras Filewych The Flinn Foundation Ms. Alexandra Florchuk Mr. Frederick F. Foy Judge Bohdan A. Futey and Mrs. Myra Futey Ms. Mary Gaboda Mr. Andriy Gavryliv Mr. Terry Gawryk and Mrs. Irene Quirmbach Rev. John J. Gorski Mr. & Mrs. Andre and Anna Grabowicz Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth B. and Iryna S. Graves Mr. & Mrs. Jaroslaw and Maria Hankewych Mr. Roman A. Hawrylak and Mrs. Maria Tershakovec Hawrylak Rev. Msgr. Carl D. Hinrichsen Mr. & Mrs. Bohdan and Irene Hlushewsky Mrs. Iwanna Holowaty Mr. Orest Hrabowych Mr. & Mrs. Andrew and Sonia Hrynewycz Mr. & Mrs. George V. and Lidia Huk Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Byzantine Catholic ChurchPalatine, IL Mr. & Mrs. Lubomyr and Maria Iwaskiw Mr. John C. Kalitka Ms. Andrea Kebalo Mr. and Mrs. Jarema and Christine Kochan Dr. & Mrs. Vsevolod and Lidia Kohutiak Mr. & Mrs. Teodozyj and Irena Kolasa Ms. Oksana Korduba Dr. & Mrs. Walter G. and Mary F. Korytowsky Drs. Roman and Irene Kostrubiak Mr. & Mrs. Igor and Irene Olga Kowal Mr. & Mrs. Jerry and Kalyna Kozak Mrs. Jaroslawa Kryshtalowych Mr. & Mrs. Myroslaw W. and Zenowia C. Kulynych Mr. & Mrs. Stefan and Olha Kusznir Rev. Fr. Yuri J. Kuzara, C.P.P.S. Ms. Joann Lenn Mr. Bohdan Lisowsky and Mrs. Maria Lonchyna Lisowsky Dr. & Mrs. Petro and Tanya Lisowsky Mrs. Irene Orysia Lonchyna Most Rev. Innocent Lotocky, OSBM + Rev. Thomas D. Marick Mrs. Clare Martinez-Wise Ms. Sonia Martyniuk Mr. & Mrs. Petro and Lydia Matiaszek Mr. Myron Melnyk and Mrs. Christine Dobczansky Melnyk Ms. Theresa A. Meyers Mr. & Mrs. Zenon J. and Natalie J. Miahky Prof. George L. Morgan Mr. & Mrs. Gene and Frances Muzyka Mrs. Anna Lubomyra Mychovsky+ Mr. & Mrs. Ihor and Vera Mykyta Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Leonarda Nadzikewycz Mr. & Mrs. William D. and Cynthia M. Nahm Mrs. Catherine Nazark Mr. & Mrs. Alex H. and Kathy M. Omecinsky Mrs. Irene Ostapiuk Mr. Robert L. Owens Mr. Peter Palij Mrs. Jaroslava Panchuk Mrs. Tamara Pankewycz Ms. Nadia Paselsky Pfizer Foundation Dr. & Mrs. George and Nadia Popel Mr. & Mrs. Ihor G. and Oxana Rakowsky Rev. Dale J. Rausch Col. Joanna D. Reilly, Ret. Mr. & Mrs. John L. and Thelma L. Riccardo Mr. Ed Rieker Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. and Gretchen K. Roetzler Mr. Allen H. Roth and Mrs. Mary Schmidt Roth Mrs. Olga Rudensky Mr. & Mrs. Taras and Chrystyna Rudnitsky Mr. Andrew J. Rudyk Dr. & Mrs. Roman and Kateryna Saldan Mr. Michael R. Savage Dr. Alexandra Shkolnik Mr. Nestor W. Shust and Mrs. Anisa Weresiuk Shust Mr. & Mrs. Vole and Anna Skibicky Mr. & Mrs. Oleh and Tania Sklepkovych Mrs. Theresa M. Solimini Drs. Alexander Z. and Maria C. Sosenko St. Procopius Abbey, Lisle, IL St. Rita Church, Rockford, IL Mr. Orest Szul Mr. & Mrs. Orest and Daria Temnycky Rev. Richard Joseph Terga Mr. & Mrs. Maxim and Romana G. Thibodeau Mrs. Maria C. Thomeer Ms. Lydia Tkaczuk Ms. Martha Turczyn Dr. & Mrs. Stephan and Tamara Tymkiw Ukrainian Congress Committee, Chicago, IL UPO Orange Wave, Chicago, IL Mr. Peter Woloschuk Rev. Wolodymyr Woloszczuk Mrs. Irena Worobec Ms. Luba Wyznyckyj Ms. Tatiana Yasinsky Mr. & Mrs. Modest and Natalia Zacharczenko Mr. & Mrs. Jaroslav W. and Olga D. Zaplitny Dr. & Mrs. Bohdan N. and Nadija Zarewych Mr. Scott Zeitlin and Ms. Jeh-Ping Liu Mr. & Mrs. Lubomyr and Larysa Zielyk Mr. Lubomyr M. Zobniw Have you considered including UCEF in your will or bequest? A will is an expression of your commitment to the people and groups that you cherish here on earth. As a supporter of the Ukrainian Catholic University, a bequest in your will ensures that the training of young leaders in Ukraine will continue into the future. Here’s suggested wording for a bequest: I give and bequeath to the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation, of Chicago, IL, _____% of the residue of my estate [or: the sum of $_______] for its charitable, educational and religious purposes.” - See more at: Please contact Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation (UCEF) in Chicago for more information about bequests. Call us today at: (773) 235-8462 12 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Thanks to Our Institutional Partners Ukrainian Organizations Archeparchy of Philadelphia, Stefan Soroka, Metropolitan Eparchy of Stamford, Paul Chomnycky, Eparch Eparchy of St. Josaphat in Parma, John Bura, Eparch Eparchy of St. Nicholas in Chicago, Richard Stephen Seminack, Eparch Chicago Area Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University Greater Cleveland Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University Michigan Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University New York Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University Philadelphia Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University Washington, D.C. Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University Whippany, D.C. Friends of the Ukrainian Catholic University Basilian Fathers in the United States Basilian Sisters, St. George Convent, NY, NY Basilian Sisters Convent at St Nicholas Cathedral, Chicago Basilian Spirituality Center, Fox Chase Manor, PA Chervona Kalyna Ukrainian Scouting Fraternity Chicago Business Professionals Consul General of Ukraine in Chicago, Andriy Pravednyk, Consul CYM Ukrainian American Youth Association Detroit Deanery Committee, Detroit, MI Dumka Ukrainian Choir of New York Encyclopedia of the Ukrainian Diaspora Epiphany of Our Lord Parish, St. Petersburg, FL Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute Hromovytsia Immaculate Conception Parish, Detroit, MI Immaculate Conception Ukrainian Catholic School, Hamtramck, MI League of Ukrainian Catholics Lozynskyj Foundation Lviv Education Foundation Lypynsky East European Research Institute Manor College, Jenkintown, PA Nativity BVM Parish, Los Angeles, CA Plast Chicago PLAST Fraternity - Orden Khrestonostsiv Pokrova Parish Banquet Hall, Parma, OH Pokrova Ukrainian Catholic Parish, Parma, Ohio Redemptorist Fathers, Newark, NJ Redemptorist Sisters, Lviv, Ukraine Selfreliance Association of American Ukrainians, NY, NY Shevchenko Manor, Parma, OH Shevchenko Scientific Society Sisters of St. Basil the Great, Fox Chase Manor, PA St. Basil College, Stamford, CT St. Constantine Parish, Minneapolis, MN St. George’s Parish, New York, NY St. Josaphat Parish and Banquet Centre, Warren, MI St. Josaphat Cathedral, Parma, OH St. Josaphat Seminary, Washington, DC St. Nicholas Cathedral, Chicago, IL Sts. Volodymyr & Olha Parish, Chicago, IL Ukrainian Academy of Sciences in the USA Ukrainian American Bar Association Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation – Canada Ukrainian Congress Committee of America Ukrainian Cultural Center, Chicago, IL Ukrainian Cultural Center, Warren, MI Ukrainian Education and Cultural Center, Jenkintown, PA Ukrainian Institute of America, NY, NY Ukrainian Medical Association of North America Ukrainian Museum, NY, NY Ukrainian Museum-Archives, Cleveland, OH Ukrainian National Association Ukrainian National Home, New York, NY Ukrainian National Women’s League of America Ukrainian Patriarchal Society Ukrainian Studies Fund Ukrainian Village Retirement Home, Warren, MI United Ukrainian Organizations of Ohio The US-Ukraine Business Council Our UCEF Foundation is on Facebook The Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation is now on Facebook! We are excited to be using this social media outlet to connect with our supporters and the potential to reach new followers. We plan on keeping everyone informed of latest updates and upcoming events. Please visit our Facebook page, read our articles, stay informed and like us! Our address is U.S.-Ukraine Foundation World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations Yevshan Ukrainian Vocal Ensemble of Connecticut Others United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Archdiocese of Chicago American Express Foundation Ave Maria Mutual Funds Byzantine Catholic Eparchy of Parma, John Kudrick, Eparch Catholic University of America CCS (Community Consulting Services) Charles Stewart Mott Foundation CNEWA Diocese of Cleveland Dominican University Embassy of the United States Consular Section, Kyiv, Ukraine EWTN Global Catholic Television Fordham University Inside the Vatican Magazine Johnson and Johnson Families of Companies Legatus Chapter of Ventura / N. Los Angeles County Loyola University - Chicago Lubrizol Foundation National Endowment for Democracy Oblates of Jesus the Priest, Chicago, IL Our Lady of Refuge Roman Catholic Parish, Brooklyn, NY Partners for Sacred Places Pfizer Foundation Sabre Foundation, Inc. Stanford University Center for Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center, Detroit, MI University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN The UPS Foundation The Washington Group Sign up for UCEF’s ‘E-Messenger’ Receive monthly e-mails with news from UCU and UCEF. Go to (look in the bottom of the right-hand column for “E-MAIL UPDATES”), submit your name and e-mail address, and we’ll do the rest. In addition to “E-Messenger,” you’ll receive invitations to upcoming events and more. Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 13 Photo Collage of Various Events at UCU The Ukrainian Catholic University Eastern Christian tradition and forming in Ukraine and internationally - for the glory of the human person. 14 | Annual Report 2012 | Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation is an open academic community living the leaders to serve with professional excellence of God, the common good, and the dignity Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation | Annual Report 2012 | 15 Виховуймо провідників для Церкви і суспільства! Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation 2247 W. Chicago Ave. Chicago, IL 60622, USA phone: (773) 235-8462 | fax: (773) 235-8464 e-mail: [email protected] | website: 263 Bering Ave. Toronto, ON M8Z 3A5, Canada phone: (416) 239-2495 | toll free: 1 (866) 871-8007 fax: (416) 239-2496 | e-mail: [email protected]
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