School Development Plan 2014-15 At The Frances Bardsley Academy for Girls, we are passionately committed to ensuring that every girl fulfils her academic potential and receives a holistic education that will help our students develop as confident individuals well equipped for future study, able to take up their role in the workplace and to make a real contribution to society. We have a sharp focus on improvement and have highly developed systems for monitoring the effectiveness and impact of our provision. Our school leaders and governors are relentless in the pursuit of excellence. As a community, we are determined to show that every child matters, that we are narrowing any identified gaps between pupil groups and that improvement is continual. We have set challenging academic targets for the next 3 years and will be working hard to achieve them. This year’s Improvement Plan takes its priorities from a rigorous self-assessment that has taken account of what we already know about the school, what RAISEonline tells us are key areas for focus and the results of a review led by an external Team. Working with our School Improvement Partner we have sought to produce a well-focused Plan with a clear time frame that will allow leaders and governors to monitor impact. Each priority area has an allocated member of the Senior Leadership as lead and an allocated Governor who will monitor the impact of our actions which are designed to raise standards. Each department writes its own Department Development Plan (DDP) which is tied into the overall School Plan and shows how it will do its part to support our improvement journey. FBA Results / Targets 2014-2017 % making 3 levels of progress in English % making 3 levels of progress in Maths % making 4 levels of progress in English % making 4 levels of progress in Maths % of students achieving 5 or more A*-C at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths % of students achieving A*-C at GCSE in Eng % of students achieving A*-C at GCSE in Maths % of grades at A* / A at GCSE % of Pupil Premium students achieving 5 or more A*-C at GCSE or equivalent including English and Maths % of Pupil Premium students making 3 levels of progress in English % of Pupil Premium students making 3 levels of progress in Maths % of Pupil Premium students making 4 levels of progress in English % of Pupil Premium students making 4 levels of progress in Maths % of Teaching Good or Better at FBA FBA 2014 National 2015 Targets 2016 2017 68% 74% 32% 28% 65% 72%** 66%** N/A N/A 53%* 75% 75% 37% 30% 70% 80% 80% 40% 35% N/A 82% 82% 42% 40% N/A 72% 79% 22% 41% 67%* 65%* N/A 36%* 75% 80% 22% 71%*** 80% 80% 24% N/A 85% 83% 26% N/A 52% 48% 16% 11% 80% 58%* 48%* 22%* 17%* N/A 62% 60% 24% 20% 85% 72% 72% 33% 30% 90% 82% 82% 42% 40% 92% Local Authority Data 2014 (NCER National) ** data from PIXL *** 2014 figures refer to unvalidated data where available. N/A = not applicable or not available data from 4 Matrix 1 Headline A: Good Progress at GCSE. SLT lead: Julie Payne. Governor Link: Ms Ann Smart Objectives: English 3 Levels of Progress 75%; 4 Levels of Progress 37% Maths 3 Levels of Progress 75%; 4 Levels of Progress 30% 70% of students gain 5+ A*-C grades including English and Maths 75% of students gain 5+ A*-C grades in English 22% of grades are A*/A at GCSE Best 8 measure improves to above national average Intention Ensure outstanding intervention strategies at GCSE Action A1 Introduce timetabled Year 11 Intervention lessons for both Maths and English. A2 Maintain 15 minute form time sessions for targeted Year 11 students A3 Introduce 2 Year 11 Parents’ evenings: Term 1 and 2. Success Criteria Target students make improved progress towards EFG. Lead Person DT. Maths and English Leaders and subject staff. Maths and English subject staff Time Scale Timetabled ready for Sep 14 Cost £12,000 Throughout 2014-15 N/A Parents report increased involvement in their daughter’s education JP/DK/Exam s and Assessment Team N/A A4 Full subject report January for Year 11, following first mock In December as opposed to RoA at end of year. Parents’ and students more informed about what needs to be done A5 Celebration strategy. Outstanding Learner Award extended to Year 10 and embedded in Year 11. Progress Manager’s prizes Students and parents express greater confidence in reward strategies JP/DK/Exam s and Assessment Team All subject staff JP/PM’s One at end of October/Nov ember. One March following second mock and EFG. Dec 2014 Termly assemblies Jan, May, July Rewards Budget increased by £1,600 Target students make improved progress towards EFG. N/A 2 Integrate and remodel KS4 assessment strategies to ensure outstanding progress. Ensure effective extended to Year 10 and embedded in Year 11. A6 Introduce half termly data drops Tracking of progress more regular and swifter intervention strategies implemented JP/DK/Exam s and Assessment Team A7 Introduce focused assembles for Year 11 e.g. underachieving groups following data drops. Students report increased motivation JP/Progress Manager/SLT Link and Year 11 Mentors. A8 Introduce data action/intervention sheets to be completed by subject teachers following each data drop. Students appearing in three or more departmental returns to be dealt with as per point. Other students who fall below by 2 grades in Year 10 and 1 grade in Year 11 to be targeted by subject staff / departments. Targeted students make improved progress towards EFG. Staff report increased ability to track progress of students JP/DK/Exam s and Assessment Team All subject staff for Years 10 and 11. Progress Manager/SLT Link/Year 11 Mentors A9 Introduce Academic Review sessions and monitoring on a rolling programme for students identified as underachieving globally. Target students make improved progress towards EFG. . A10 Gap between Progress and JP/DK/Exam s and Assessment Team. Progress Manager/SLT Link/Year 11 Mentors KM Oct, Dec 2014, Feb, Apr, May and July 2015 ROL revised Dec 2014 and June 2015 reported to Govs Oct, Dec 2014, Feb, Apr, May and July 2015 Evaluation July 2015 Sheet distributed Sep 2014 Completed Oct, Dec 2014, Feb, Apr, May and July 2015 N/A Throughout academic year and by July 2015 Mid Term Review in Jan 2015 N/A 4 times in N/A N/A N/A 3 performance of micropopulations Ensure curriculum allows students to excel Effective Tracking of Pupil Premium A11 Effective Tracking of SEN students A12 Increase no of lessons @ KS4 for Eng/Maths for Years 10 &11 from Sep 2014 achievement of pupil premium students and all students decreasing rapidly. Students being tracked are making progress and being challenged by the curriculum. Half termly data shows increase in rates of progress in Eng and Maths LFY DT A13 Prepare to Implement 3 yr KS4 curriculum for Sept 2015 Increased rates of progress at GCSE evident in half termly data DT A14 Increase no of lessons @ KS3 in Humanities putting back fuller curriculum Improvement in Humanities and English Language rates of progress DT A15 Review entry policy for Triple Science Increase % in Chemistry, Biology and Physics DT year at Gov Monitoring Committee Sep 2014 Reviewed for June 2015 Implemented Sep 2014 Progress reviews in January & April 2015 reported to Governors Implemented in Sep 2014 Planning by July 2015 Implemented Sep 2014 Progress reviews in January & April 2015 reported to Governors Review by Jan 2015 Effect in Aug 2016 N/A N/A N/A £36,000 N/A 4 Headline B: Outstanding teaching and learning. SLT Lead: Liz Fowkes. Governor Link: Mrs Julie Chenery Objectives: Lessons judged as at least 80% Good and 25% outstanding Improvement in quality of formative feedback Improvement in consistency and quality of home learning (homework) Intention Drive teaching and learning from good to outstanding Action B1 Programme of weekly learning walks created so that HODs and HOFs will be able to regularly monitor the learning taking place in their subject area. Success Criteria All stakeholders will feel encouraged to have an open door policy. Lead Person EF Time Scale Established Sep 2014 Weekly programme until July 2015 Cost N/A B2 System created to monitor lesson observations, whether appraisal targets have been met and to record staff training. Underperformance and progression through performance related pay easier to identify. Appraisal of staff performance and development needs will be very accurate. Specific training and support can be identified for all individuals. School INSET days can be partly driven by the needs of staff EF Established Sep 2014 Programme commences Nov 2014 Reported to Gov FFP committee N/A B3 Bespoke disaggregated INSET programme created as a result of appraisal targets being set. Performance of staff can be tracked against targets. In the areas identified as priorities performance will improve and lessons B4 Develop a system of joint practice with departments at local schools Specific training and monitoring will lead to an increase in the number of lessons that are outstanding EF /JD Appraisal by Oct 2014 Programme begins Nov 2014 Reported to Gov FFP committee N/A Staff will be able to embrace new ideas and strategies which they will utilise to raise performance in EF FACULTY HEADS Established Sep 2014 Reviewed N/A 5 Ensure students receive good quality written feedback which they act upon to share good practice through CPD and lesson observations. B5 Focus groups created to tackle specific aspects of teaching and learning: Questioning Differentiation Feedback ICT Resources/ Dept champions created in order to develop use in every department. lessons. Secure evidence of differentiation, planned questions, opportunities to reflect on feedback etc. found in lesson plans and observation feedback EF Established Oct 2014 Meet termly until June 2015 Effectiveness review July 2015 £6,000 B6 Work scrutiny calendar with 3 weekly checks HODS can identify where effective next steps marking is not taking place and ensure there is consistency. Departments can extend knowledge of giving feedback – including effective verbal and formative feedback Homework will be regularly set, will be challenging according to ability and used to extend learning in classroom. EF Established Sep 2014 HoDs report to SLT links Weekly from Sep 2014 N/A £2,000 Successful dialogue between TAs and teachers will take place guiding AFL. MSi LFY Sep 2014 Student and Parent Evaluation Mar 2015 Report to Gov Curriculum and Welfare Dec 2014 B7 Sharing of good practice on every curriculum agenda B8 Purchase “Show My Homework” and HODS use this to scrutinise consistency and suitability of homework tasks. HODS will report back to SLT so that line managers have an overview of home learning. B9 TAs to be given training on being more proactive in the classroom and staff trained on effective use of TAs. TAs given specific, planned tasks whereby they can feedback to teacher on the progress made by June 2015 EF DT N/A £400 6 Continue to raise levels of literacy amongst students SEN students in the lesson B10 Set up Literacy Leaders Award scheme. Students will act as ambassadors to take literacy into lessons. Profile of literacy will be raised in lessons. English and Humanities results will see improvement. EF (RS) Established Sep 2014 Reviewed June 2015 £300 Time Scale Oct, Dec 2014, Feb, Mar, May 2015 Review of process June 2015 Oct, Dec 2014, Feb, Mar, May 2015 Review of process June 2015 Cost Headline C: Attainment at A2 level above national average. SLT lead: JD. Governor Link: Mrs Marilyn Clay Objectives: In Year 13, 90% of students meet or exceed their ALIS target In Year 13, 44% of grades are A*-B 80% of 6th Form students with a D grade in English and/or Maths GCSE achieve a grade C 70% of students gain entrance to their first choice University Intention Student progress is closely monitored and swift intervention occurs Action C1 Data sheet for all BTEC, AS and A2 students updated on a 1/2 termly basis Success Criteria Track each individual students’ progress Lead Person DK LW AC MJ Each student requiring intervention will receive a GOAL booklet enabling targets to be set and tracked. This will be signed by their mentor and enables the student to take ownership of their own progress AC MJ HOD’s Subject teachers Specific strategies for C2 Academic mentoring of underachieving students will take place after each data drop. If underachieving in one subject, intervention by subject teacher or HOD. If student underachieves across majority of subjects, they will be mentored by Progress Managers. All mentoring will be recorded onto central database therefore accessible by all C3 Improved attainment at A2 AC MJ Sept to May 7 exam success implemented Good practice in teaching and learning identified and disseminated Review of curriculum in light of funding changes Completed Sixth Form build Study skills sessions as part of E3 2015 C4 Learning performance company provide revision session in Oct C5 6th Form parents consultation evening with subject staff in December 2014 and February 2015 C6 Easter revision programme provided 80% positive student evaluations AC MJ Oct 2014 80% attendance from Parents and students AC MJ Dec 2014 and February 2015 Tracking compulsory attendance of intervention students at revision sessions AC MJ C7 Progress managers in Year 12 and 13 conduct learning walks Quality of teaching and learning improves as evidenced in student and teacher feedback AC MJ C8 Sixth Form Review C9 Review Sixth Form FBA offer, class sizes and number of courses offered C10 Smooth transition into new building 84% of teaching observed as Good or Outstanding Recruit 120 for September 2015 JD SLT AC MJ JD DT AC MJ Planned JanMar 2015 Implemented Apr 2015 Reviewed May 2015 Programme established Sep 2014. Weekly walks. Evaluation Dec 2014, April 2015 TBC 80% positive response to pupil satisfaction survey AC MJ £1,500 £1,000 January 2015 September 2014 8 Headline D: Excellent Behaviour. SLT lead: MSi. Governor Link: Father Hingley Objectives: Consistency of approach in behaviour management evident in staff and student surveys Decrease in fixed term exclusions by 25% Decrease in number of students with repeat inclusions by 20% to 45 Increase in range of intervention strategies Intention Increase in range of intervention strategies to support students who exhibit challenging behaviour Action D1 Review of pastoral support packages in House (inclusion centre) Success Criteria Decrease in inclusions by15% to 110 over the 3 terms. Decrease in number of repeat inclusions by 20% to 8 (students) and 45 (inclusions) Lead Person MSi D2 Increase use of Behaviour Improvement Plan (BIP) meetings Decrease in number of inclusions and exclusions for 80% of students given BIP meeting in following term MSi D3 Updated behaviour practice booklet and procedures Consistency of on call referrals from depts. Decrease in behaviour incidents. Reduction in inclusions by 15% over 3 terms Reduction in exclusions MSi D4 Introduce Behaviour for Learning Coordinator Improvement in the speed and action in dealing with behaviour issues within 24 hours. MSi D5 Distribute emails on latest information and guidelines on behaviour management; arrange CPD for staff Staff fully trained on latest techniques and strategies MSi Time Scale Implemented Sep 2014 Reviewed Jan, April and June 2015 Throughout academic year Review June 2015 Review Practice Sep 2014 Decrease noted at half termly reviews Cost N/A Begins Sep 2014 Review of performance Mar 2015 Dec 2014 £11,500 N/A N/A N/A 9 D6 Set up a mentoring scheme for disaffected students with a member of staff chosen by them Ensure rewards and sanctions systems are highly effective D7 Review effectiveness and impact of detention system D8 Review and develop reward system Improved monitoring and liaison about particular student, resulting in improved behaviour an fewer incident with the students. Reduction in inclusions and exclusions Decrease in overall attendees and repeat attendees MSi MSi Established Sep 2015 Reviewed Mar 2015 and June 2015 Review by Oct 2014 N/A N/A Implementation Increase in student satisfaction through pupil survey JP Dec 2014 Review September 2014 £1,600 Implementation October 2014 Events termly Appendix: As well as focusing tightly on the above key objectives, our plans for 2014/15 include: The development of the Wellspring as a place of worship and reflection for the whole school community Structural improvements to the canteen, library and external facilities The development of teaching and learning links with Sanders School Increased means for gaining stakeholder feedback and acting upon responses Improved communication with key stakeholders The integration of the Farm into the curriculum and pastoral systems of the school Key to Personnel: DT JP DK PMs RG LFY EF JD MSi RS David Turrell, Assistant Headteacher Julie Payne, Assistant Headteacher Dave Kiff, Data Manager Progress Managers Rachel Grimwood, Pupil Premium Co-Ordinator Lynn Foster-Young, SENCO Elizabeth Fowkes, Assistant Headteacher Julian Dutnall, Headteacher Malini Sidhu, Deputy Headteacher Rachel Smyth, Literacy Co-ordinator ACr MJ KM Alex Crosby, Progress Manager Year 13 Maria Jackson, Progress Manager Year 12 Katy Martin, Pupil Premium Co-ordinator Awaiting full Governing Body ratification at their meeting 16th December 2014 10
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