Mount Pleasant Lane JMI and Nursery School ‘Limitless learning, friendship and fun’ School Improvement Plan 2014-15 Mount Pleasant Lane JMI and N School Vision – September 2014 Our school is a creative, nurturing and safe place, where everyone is inspired to learn in exciting and challenging ways. We believe we each have limitless potential and always aim to achieve our personal best. Children at MPL believe in themselves and feel valued. They are guided and motivated to enjoy their learning, build positive relationships and achieve so that they become: Confident, free-thinking and successful learners Aspiring, positive and respectful citizens. Main priority areas: 1. Achievement: Progress throughout KS2 to be accelerated, particularly in Reading and Maths To ensure that progress in KS2 for Reading is at least in line with national (expected progress and exceeded progress) To ensure that progress in KS2 for Maths is at least in line with national (expected progress and exceeded progress) To ensure that PPG children (including CLA) make at least good progress from individual starting points – and that the attainment gap continues to narrow 2. Teaching: All teaching results in children making rapid and sustained progress over time Consistent use of challenge at all levels High expectations for all pupils Consistently good pace of learning Background Priorities: 1. Consistency of practice: Improve further on our quality feedback strategies to promote accelerated progress Ensure consistently high expectations for pupils’ presentation in books Improve consistency of existing whole school behaviour strategies: ‘Sunshine Ladder’ and other reward 2. Increase the influence of pupil voice in improving practice: Pupil Council to be more involved in identifying aspects of school improvement, relating to learning as well as material improvements 3. To increase the engagement of parents in their children’s learning: Head and class teachers to arrange regular progress meetings with targeted parents of targeted pupils. Pupils to be involved where appropriate Post-OfSTED Action Plan (2012 to next inspection) Target 1: Outcome Targets (What we want to achieve) This target should be SMART and should focus on raising standards Ensure that pupils know precisely what skills or knowledge they should develop during each lesson Success Criteria (How we will know when we’ve achieved it) Governor Monitoring and Evaluation LIs will be a focus for staff INSET to ensure that teachers develop skills of writing effective LIs LIs will be a focus for observation feedback and drop-ins LIs will be a focus for pupil interviews Monitoring Meeting with Pupil Council Feedback FGB meetings NS will be a focus for INSET NS will be expected weekly in Maths and Writing and must always result in clear impact on learning/ progress Teaching & Learning Leaders (Team Leaders) will develop best practice in how pupils will know, use and evaluate the impact of implementing their own NS independently Method for raising NS in Reading with pupils to be identified Develop the independence and persistence of pupils in tackling their own next steps of learning. Lead: John Dibdin, Governors and Hannah Dovey Actions (What we will do) Pupils can answer the question: ‘what are you learning?’ and can differentiate that from ‘what are you doing?’ L.I.s and S2S will be identified as a strength in lesson observations NS and feedback will be identified as a strength in SLT work scrutinies Pupils will know their NS/ and will actively and independently use them to improve their work NS will result in observable progress in writing / maths books Monitoring Meeting with Pupil Council Feedback FGB meetings Action Plan: Priority 1 2014-15 Priority area 1: Leaders: John Dibdin/ Hannah Dovey/ Subject Leaders and Team leaders Achievement - Progress throughout KS2 to be accelerated, particularly in Reading and Maths Outcome Targets (What Success Criteria (How we will know when we’ve Actions/strategies(What we will do) we want to achieve) achieved it) 1. Reading progress in KS2 to be accelerated (MWS) Y3 & 4 – 100% of children on track to make expected progress; 40% on track to exceed expected Y5 & 6 – minimum of 95% on track to make expected progress and 35% on track to exceed expected Average points of progress for each cohort to exceed 1 step per term (using HFL Assessment Tracking System) Cohorts and groups who are identified as not having made sufficient progress, to exceed 1 step of progress per term Literacy Leader to focus CPD on development of rigorous and consistent expectations for guided reading (including observation and moni toring – MWS) Extra TA support for reading in UKS2 Traffic Light records to be updated, based on termly assessments. Groups/individuals identified to not be on track, to have additional support provided, as required. Reading focussed events to raise the profile of reading across the school; stories read to class every day etc Focussed regular reading practise for children identified as not making good progress ‘Train’ parents as reading volunteers Pupils identified in termly pupil progress meetings for targeted interventions and support Create a menu of effective activities for groups working independently during guided reading including recording answers Governor Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring -Use of traffic light assessment, as window to progress for individuals/classes/yeargroups. 2. Maths progress in KS2 to be accelerated (JR) Y3 & 4 – 100% of children on track to make expected progress; 40% on track to exceed expected Y5 & 6 – minimum of 95% on track to make expected progress and 35% on track to exceed expected Average points of progress for each cohort to exceed 1.2 each term Cohorts and groups who are identified as not having made sufficient progress, 1.5 points of progress per term Cohorts and groups who are identified as not having made sufficient progress, 1.5 points of progress per term Progress in books to be judged as consistently ‘good’ in every class and year group – with significant examples of ‘outstanding’ progress 3. PPG children (including CLA) to make at least good progress/ attainment gap continues to narrow All PPG children throughout the school (including CLA) to be on track to make at least expected progress in all core areas All PPG children (including CLA) to be making ‘good’ progress in-year Books of all PPG children (including CLA) will indicate good and sustained progress Longer term plans/ next steps: (give an overview of future aims) 1. Achievement to be judged as at least good in ofsted inspection Introduction of whole school approach to building factual recall skills (HD) More regular practise SATs tests for year 6. Testing weeks to also include year 5 with Test Base levelled questions . Follow up meetings to involve JD to target areas of concern. Closely monitor and review KT groups. Ensure that children understand that this extra support is transferable and valued Traffic Light records to be updated, based on termly assessments. Groups/individuals identified to not be on track, to have additional support provided, as required. 380 Basic Facts maths to be introduced and used consistently from Year 2 – 6. Pupils identified in termly pupil progress meetings for targeted interventions and support CPD for teachers in the progression of each domain to allow lessons to incorporate the ‘next step’ regardless of levels Introduction of mathematical recall booklets to aid monitoring and assessing of children and encourage parental involvement. (JR) Book scrutiny to show good use of “Next Steps” appropriately balanced with good use of “Challenges” in maths. Focused book moderation with teachers for core children at risk of not making progress. Create action plan to help as needed Monitoring HD to meet with class teachers half termly, to discuss progress of individual PPG children and to ensure that needs are being met. Weekly / fortnightly key stage scrutiny to monitor progress Monitoring -Use of traffic light assessment, as window to progress for individuals/classes/yeargroups. -Basic facts data, to provide indication of progress. -Meeting records, with evidence of meetings, actions and responses. Action Plan: Priority 2 Priority area 2: 2014-15 Quality of teaching - All teaching results in children making rapid and sustained progress over time Outcome Targets (What Success Criteria (How we will know when we’ve we want to achieve) achieved it) 1. continued improvement in quality of teaching as recorded in the Teaching Profile 2. Coordinator: John Dibdin/ Hannah Dovey/ Team leaders Children will be challenged at all levels Proportion of good or better teaching will increase (above 90%) Proportion of outstanding teaching will increase (above 35%) Regular, purposeful feedback will consistently result in demonstrable improvements in children’s learning All book scrutinies will be judged as at least good, with significant ‘outstanding’ practice Feedback will regularly include guidance that is clearly focused on challenge (procedural feedback may also be included) Books will show that children are given regular opportunities to struggle with difficult concepts – demonstrated, for example, by errors being made Children will say that they are being challenged when asked There are school-wide learning opportunities for both pupils and staff, to challenge thinking. Longer term plans/ next steps: (give an overview of future aims) 2. Quality of teaching to be judged as outstanding overall Actions/strategies(What we will do) Focus in staff inset on dialogue with children that develops thinking and higher order skills (Bloom’s taxonomy etc.) See actions for achievement priority Inset to revisit / update / consolidate LI and S2S at MPL and ensure new staff are trained(AG) Target training needs specific to staff. One in three PPA meetings to involve moderation of books within KS groups ‘Thinking wall’ and RM unify page to be set up by HD. Children identified in pupil progress meetings as in need of support or acceleration to be monitored through book scrutiny Governor Monitoring and Evaluation Monitoring Meeting with Pupil Council Action Plan: Background Priority 1 Background Priority area 1: 2014-15 Consistency of practice Outcome Targets (What Success Criteria (How we will know when we’ve we want to achieve) achieved it) Practice will be consistent and progressive across the school: Presentation standards Book scrutinies will show a high standard of presentation, where all children are using an agreed, cursive writing style and presentation conventions Actions/strategies(What we will do) Feedback strategies Book scrutinies and informal observations of work will show adherence to agreed practice in all classes Homework provision and expectations Use of electronic communication with parents and pupils Homework will be provided consistently and regularly in all classes according to agreed expectations and marked regularly E-communications using RM Unify will be consistent – parents will report a clear improvement in consistency Development of factual recall in Maths New Maths recall strategies will lead to higher profile for progress in this area Longer term plans/ next steps: (give an overview of future aims) Coordinator: John Dibdin/ Hannah Dovey/ SLT Leadership and management to be judged as outstanding overall Introduce presentation expectations in September inset Regular SLT book scrutinies will focus on standards KS team book scrutinies will support teachers in meeting standards ‘Big push’ on presentation standards in September Introduction of cursive from reception and through KS1, tied in with RWinc Remind teachers of agreed strategies Monitor and support through regular leadership scrutinies and KS team scrutinies Continue to build ‘best practice’ files for teachers to refer to Each KS team to agree timing of homework and consistent expectations of homework strands HW will be added to RM Unify class page weekly See above (HW) Weekly update from each class teacher to keep RM Unify class pages current and relevant Update class pages with photos regularly HD to introduce Maths recall test strategy across the whole school Baseline test to be done in September and then re-tested half-termly Governor Monitoring and Evaluation Action Plan: Background Priority 2 Background Priority area 2: 2014-15 Increase the influence of pupil voice in improving practice: Outcome Targets (What Success Criteria (How we will know when we’ve we want to achieve) achieved it) Children will be more influential in the development of effective practice Pupil council will report an increased influence Practice in classrooms will reflect input from pupils Pupils in each class will have opportunities to feedback on effectiveness of practice Actions/strategies(What we will do) Governor Monitoring and Evaluation Longer term plans/ next steps: (give an’ overview of future aims) Coordinator: John Dibdin/ Hannah Dovey and SLT Leadership and management to be judged as outstanding overall Pupil council will undertake a learning walk with senior staff member once per term – focusing on agreed area of practice as identified by teaching staff/SLT. Feedback from this will be shared with teachers and reviewed at next learning walk KS teams will identify consistent ½ termly strategy for pupils to learn how to feed back on effectiveness of learning activities Subject leaders to include pupil interviews as part of their monitoring cycle Action Plan: Background Priority 3 Background Priority area 3: 2014-15 To increase the engagement of parents in their children’s learning: Outcome Targets (What Success Criteria (How we will know when we’ve we want to achieve) achieved it) Parents of all pupils will be more engaged with the learning and progress of their child(ren) Parents will report a clear improvement in this area (through parent forums, questionnaire and informal feedback) Impact of parental engagement will be seen in improved standards and progress for identified children (particularly PPG and other vulnerable groups) Actions/strategies(What we will do) Active family use of unify. Coordinator: John Dibdin/ Hannah Dovey and SLT Set percentage of families to be using unify by end of year? Governor Monitoring and Evaluation Regular, termly parent forum to be held as agreed – attended by HT, DHT, SBM and key governors (meetings at 9.00am and 8.00pm each term) Individual meetings with parents where children’s progress is of concern (HT and/or DHT to lead – with parents, class teacher and child in attendance) Improvement of e-communications (see background priority 1 Foundation stage electronic journals emailed home to parents at least termly Class teachers to survey use during parent consultations. School information, including whole-school (dates/events) and class-based (homework) to be put onto unify. Longer term plans/ next steps: (give an’ overview of future aims) For parents to report excellent levels of engagement in their child’s learning – and for this to lead to outstanding outcomes. Parent Forum Action Plan 2014-15 Outcome Targets (What we want to achieve) Actions (What we will do) 1. Sunshine Ladder: t o improve t he effect iveness of t his posit ive behaviour management strategy 2. Electronic communications: t o improve t he consist ency and effect iveness of elect ronic communication with parent s 3. Governor Communications: t o improve t he underst anding that parent s have of t he work of t he governing body 4. Other areas: t o maintain high quality dialogue with parents about ident ified school improvement areas Leads: Mr Dibdin and Mrs Crocker Success Criteria (How we will know when we’ve achieved it) Review of the Sunshine Ladder with staff and pupils, incorporating parents’ views, to plan specific improvements o Any changes to be made in advance of new school year o Changes to be communicated to parents promptly in new school year Review use of Golden Book and other related reward systems to streamline and clarify. o Adjust as needed Introduce new e-communication system (RM Unify) and ensure all stakeholders are supported in using it Establish a consistency checklist for class teachers for communicating with parents and pupils. Setup new Governors page on RM Unify for parents to access, including: Definition of the role of a Governor List of MPL Governors with photos 2014/2015 areas of responsibility (once allocated – these are done annually) School Improvement Plan Contact details for Chair of Governors Links to other useful Governor information Governors to provide a monthly update in the school newsletter Continue parent forum meetings: o Termly o 9.00am and 7.30pm o Focus on 3 identified areas and/or newly identified areas based on feedback Pupil Council will report improved perceptions from classes Parents will give more positive feedback (12% currently D/SD) Behaviour will continue to improve (from currently ‘good’ to ‘outstanding’) Staff members at all levels will report effectiveness of strategy RM Unify will be successfully introduced (all stakeholders using it confidently) Parents will give more positive feedback (11% currently D/SD) Consistent information will be provided by each class teacher Positive feedback from parents to Governors informally and at Parent Forum Feedback forms from parent forums Improved rating on the 2015 Parents Questionnaire Parents will report informally that the forums are useful Parents’ views will feed into school improvement planning Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring (HT & Governors) HT meeting with Pupil Council Parent forums (termly) Staff Feedback FGB meetings Monitoring (Governors) Parent forums (termly) Staff Feedback FGB meetings Monitoring (HT & Governors) Parent forums (termly) Staff Feedback FGB meetings Mount Pleasant Lane JMI and N School - Curriculum Goals 2013-14 Taken from subject/faculty leaders’ action plans Further aspirati ons Outcomes for 2014-15 Actions and strategies to achieve outcomes Subject /area £ Further aspirations Outcomes for 2014-15 Actions and strategies to achieve outcomes Subject/ area £ Literacy Maths Science £3,500 MWS Inclusion/ SEN £1,000 JR £500 AG £1,500 HD/ JJ All staff given Guided Reading record file – to include revised record sheets, resources for guided reading and reading workshop written activities Focus on written responses to reading comprehension questions – T modelling as ;part of teaching All children from Year 1 upwards to have reading workshop exercise books Reading focussed events to raise the profile of reading – Roald Dahl Day, Book at Bedtime week Regular learning walks and informal observations to ensure quality of the reading workshop lessons INSET – to support all aspects of reading Prepare lists of reading books for each age group to support parents in choosing appropriate books Audit guided reading resources (particularly in KS2) - purchase new resources where needed Children’s progress at least good - monitored closely using record sheets with clear next steps noted Staff confidently delivering high quality guided reading lessons Improvement in children’s written responses to reading comprehension questions Ensure new curriculum and related assessment procedures impact positively on progress and standards Introduce maths recall booklets. Implement online revision resource for LKS2/Renew for UKS2. Subject observations of colleagues. Maths buddy system to encourage younger children in learning Resources managed effectively Monitor MTP and weekly planning to ensure new curriculum being taught. Monitor how children are engaging in the curriculum – pupil interviews / lesson observations. Staff inset to ensure that teachers are familiar with New curriculum and changes. Science needs to be made real and to be shown to have a purpose in the world – investigate ways of ensuring this happens at MPL. Eg – visits by scientists in specific jobs / science focus week in KS groups. Look into system of assessment for science this will lead to moderate and monitoring of these assessments. *Identify and target pupils and pupil groups who are underachieving or where progress is not in-line with that of their year group. Invest time, support and resources to best meet the needs of these children Clear improvement in children’s knowledge of maths recall facts Whole school to be using Maths Recall Book to improve maths skills in recall. Greater parental involvement in learning maths facts. Engagement of LKS2 children in independent maths learning. Ensure new curriculum and related assessment procedures impact positively on progress and standards New curriculum coverage embedded in 2 year rolling programme across all KS groups. Evidence that new curriculum is having an impact More accurate assessments across the school. Ensure new curriculum and related assessment procedures impact positively on progress and standards *'Ensure at least good progress for all vulnerable groups, including SEND and continue to close achievement gaps' Reading progress and attainment to be well above national benchmarks Raised profile of reading for both enjoyment and for learning Overall Improvement in progress in reading for all children Maths progress and attainment to be well above national benchmarks 100% achievement of level 6 children entered for SATS test. Whole school maths day activity. Take part in “World Maths Day” competition Assessment of science to show at least good progress for all children *Support staff to feel confident in delivery of support. PE Art Hist RE Music Geog DT French £750 HD £400 AJ £400 DF £400 KM £400 JJ £400 CT £400 PM £300 NI Use kitemark guidelines, to prepare for Bronze application in June 2015. Introduce new school-wide scheme of work, in line with updated curriculum and to support teachers. Maximise extra-curricular club activity. Assess which artists are studied per year group. Purchase resources. Plan local artists visits. Display work in classrooms. Purchase resources Form a list of potential visits Contact list of related visits School timeline display to include British and World topics Purchase Resources Form a list of potential visits Form a list of potential Religious Leader contacts for in school visits Ensure full coverage of Religions throughout years/schools - check Religious Week to ensure not missed through Creative Curriculum Excellent provision and achievement in PE Application for Bronze kitemark award. New scheme of work to be used school-wide. Ensure that provision in art is of consistently high quality. High quality provision and achievement in History Ensure new curriculum topics this academic year are resourced effectively and links are made with visits and trips Religious Topic boxes are suitable resourced Each religion is having equal coverage throughout the school Silvermark to be considered for 2016. Each year group to be knowledgeable of at least one artist. Chn to demonstrate a knowledge of an artist and their techniques in sketch books or on displays. Whole school or key stage reenactment days Religious Week throughout school – each class/key stage focus on a religion/aspect of multiple religions to deepen understanding of other’s beliefs and cultures Introduce regular extra-curricular clubs – introducing varied techniques. Ensure that children make good progress in their artistic development. . Singing to be included as part of key stage and other assemblies Sing-up subscription Audit of instruments and electronic music resources Singing to become embedded as part of whole school practise School sing-up singing school award Purchase resources. Form a list of potential visits. Profile of geography to be raised across the school with maps and/or globes to be on display in each classroom. Purchase resources to support practical activities Ensure full coverage of DT throughout years/schools – check Carry out pupil interviews at the beginning and end of the year. Arrange for teachers delivering French to attend MFL training session for on-line resources. Carry out pupil interviews at the beginning and end of the year. Purchase resources to support practical activities. High quality provision and achievement in geography. Ensure new curriculum topics are effectively resourced. Geography links made to visits and trips. High quality DT provision throughout the school. DT resources are suitably resourced A geography day held throughout the school, with possible links to MFL. Each class to focus on one country , it's location, language, peoples and customs. To have ‘claydaz’ workshop to work on a whole school project. Increase teacher confidence in delivering consistently good French lessons. Improve levels of engagement, during French lessons, through the use of interactive resources and practical activities. French to be taught from KS1. Organise and run cookery club All subject leaders to ensure that the new curriculum is introduced effectively and has a positive impact on achievement Ensure the consistent use of the MPL Progression Ladders in each subject Mount Pleasant Lane JMI and N School Assessment and Monitoring Schedule 2014-15 Teacher assessments (TA) for Speaking & Listening, Reading, Writing, Overall English, Maths and Science are completed in all year groups using AM7 towards the end of each term. 5 Reading + Spelling Test – Sept Test Base maths and reading BF Maths Test Base maths and reading task purple books BF Maths 4 Reading + Spelling Test – Sept BF Maths Maths Term Test/ task purple books BF Maths 3 Reading + Spelling Test – Sept BF Maths Maths Term Test/ task purple books BF Maths 2 Reading + Spelling Test – Sept RWI BF Maths purple books RWI Maths Term Test/ task BF Maths Reading + Spelling Test – Sept (for more able pupils only) RWI BF Maths Letter writing – purple books RWI Maths Term Test/ task BF Maths 6 1 Monitoring SIP1 Achievement SIP2 Teaching Background Priorities M oderation PM Lesson observations (Headship Team) Work scrutiny (SLT) Spring Term First Half Reading + Spelling Test – (re-test) BF Maths Planning scrutiny (SLT) Intervention observations (INCo) Reading in KS2 Reading in KS2 Learning walks , observations, pupil interviews, parent forums, KS consistency check, SLT consistency check Writing – agreement trialling Summer Term First Half KS2 SATs – May SATs Practice (inc SPaG) – April(informal) BF Maths Second Half Writing Purple books SATs Practice (inc SPaG) – Mar BF Maths Reading + Spelling Test – (re-test) BF Maths Writing – Non Fiction Purple books Test Base maths and reading BF Maths Reading + Spelling Test – (re-test) BF Maths Writing – Non Fiction Purple books Maths Term Test/ task BF Maths Reading + Spelling Test – (re-test) BF Maths Writing – Non Fiction Purple books Maths Term Test/ task BF Maths Reading + Spelling Test – (re-test) RWI BF Maths Writing – Non Fiction Purple books RWI Maths Term Test/ task BF Maths RWI BF Maths Writing – Non Fiction Purple books RWI Maths Term Test/ task BF Maths PM Lesson observations (Headship Team) Work scrutiny (SLT) Intervention pupil interviews (INCo) Reading in KS2 Reading in KS2 Second Half Purple books BF Maths Writing – (SATs) BF Maths Optional SATs tests Maths & Eng ( Purple books) BF Maths Writing – (SATs) BF Maths Optional SATs tests Maths & Eng ( Purple books) BF Maths Writing – (SATs) BF Maths Optional SATs tests Maths & Eng ( Purple books) BF Maths KS1 SATs – May Writing – Fiction (SATs) RWI BF Maths RWI Purple books Maths Term Test/ task Phonics screen (re-test) BF Maths RWI BF Maths Parent survey (KS1 & 2) RWI Maths Term Test/ task Phonics screening BF Maths Parent survey (EYFS) Reading in KS2 Reading in KS2 Learning walks , observations, pupil interviews, parent forums, KS consistency check, SLT consistency check Learning walks , observations, pupil interviews, parent forums, KS consistency check, SLT consistency check Maths AT1 moderation Maths AT1 moderation Writing – agreement trialling Purple book task: Story, letter or non-fiction (choose one each term, ensuring that all three are covered by the end of the year). Writing – agreement trialling ASSESSMENTS IN AM7 BY 3rd JULY 2015 Second Half SATs Practice (inc SPaG) – Dec purple books BF Maths ASSESSMENTS IN AM7 BY 26th MARCH 2015 Autumn Term First Half Reading + Spelling Test – Sept SATs Practice (inc SPaG) – Sept BF Maths ASSESSMENST IN AM7 by 4th DEC 2014 Year Group
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