Utrecht, Kop van Lombok, the Netherlands

Utrecht, Kop van Lombok, the Netherlands
A vibrant neighbourhood near the city centre
country the Netherlands
Kop van Lombok is situated in Utrecht West, at walking distance from
municipality Utrecht
the station, the Jaarbeurs event centre, the Beatrix Theatre and next to
location Utrecht West
the Station area that is currently under development. The city centre is
project name Kop van Lombok
also at walking distance, but the bustling Lombok district is even closer.
project type apartment
Kanaalstraat, with its multitude of shops and activity, runs through the
units 43
length of the district.
usable area per unit 59 m2 - 106 m2
realisation 2014 - 2016
Commercial units and apartments
rental price per month € 800
The first block, named Buenos Aires, consists of 84 owner-occupied
investment volume negotiable
apartments and approximately 2,300 m of commercial retail units. The
special key aspects close to major
underground public parking garage will accommodate 230 cars. The
railway station and highways, retail,
second block is available to investors. Planning permission has been
city centre
granted for the construction of approximately 900 m of commercial
units and 43 two, three and four room apartments ranging from 59 m2
to 106 m2 in floor space. All 43 apartments have their own storage units
on the ground floor. In the back of the residential area an enclosed
courtyard will be built, for the exclusive use of the apartment block’s
see the location
on Google maps
creating living environments
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Contact head office BPD
Westerdorpsstraat 66
3871 AZ Hoevelaken
The Netherlands
T + 31 (0)33 253 97 00
For the complete investment portfolio:
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BPD is a leading developer in several European
countries with a main focus on Germany, France
and the Netherlands. Our wide-ranging expertise
in residential areas and small mixed-use projects
allows us to take on projects of every size in
inner-city, suburban and rural areas. For more than
65 years we have been developing residential
areas together with public authorities, market
players, investors and customers. BPD is part of
Rabo Real Estate Group, the real-estate company
of Rabobank Group.
The Netherlands
Ronnie Holtslag
Franz-Josef Lickteig
James Pelluard
Investor Relations
Investor Relations
Investor Relations
T + 31 (0)33 253 99 76
T + 49 (69) 21 97 98 12
T + 33 (0)1 49 64 45 77
M + 31 (0)6 10 02 81 95
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creating living environments