-2 '#Dear Applicant8 1 =4 ( (> 7Ϳ?@1* A 0# & , -0?@"+&= -'#($ .B -#.B+& Please refer to your online application for Direct Recruitment to the post of Technician/D (Dental Mechanic) in BARC. You are now provisionally selected to appear for the trade test / written examination on the date and venue indicated in theadmit card. -'#($8 C"A 0#' . $ -# D '3$8'($ '3$' + & *1+ , '3+1,*#+0E#" 0 +&(+3"-8 8*#8'3$80 D '3$+ FGH:FHIJ . , ' K % *K-"& 2 You are required to bring the admit card with a print out of online application along with all your original certificates and testimonials and also attested copies of certificates. You are also requested to bring proof of identity such as aadhar card / election card / PAN card / driving license / passport etc. It will not be possible to permit you to attend the trade test / written examination if the original certificates in support of your academic qualifications, date of birth, experience, caste certificate etc. and Institute’s copy of challan drawn on or before 27/05/2016 are not brought. 3; )#" "3= # )AL '3$4 '?@ '*K % . )+M *K-" & *1+ # NO3$. . &= )AL '3$-# NO3$'PQ#)0 RRR;STUVUWVUXYZ;[\];Y^ . +&>_\`WaT[WÆb\STaacYVTZY\^Æd\R^c\Te f\U`gÆ hij ^\^5VUWT`k cTkWUVWUZYlYVTZW m eWVcTUTZY\^l\U VT^eYeTZWg gWWnY^[ UWgWU]TZY\^ Tg hijo Candidates belonging to OBC category may please note that they will not be allowed to appear for trade test /written examination if they fail to bring the OBC non-creamy layer certificate in the Central Government format. Candidates are also requested to download and fill the Declaration Form. The OBC non-creamy layer certificate and the declaration form can be downloaded from the website www.barcrecruit.gov.in (Home page Æ Job application Æ Download Forms Æ OBC non-creamy layer certificate & declaration for candidates seeking reservation as OBC). 4. A 0#$! # #$'#($ $1C#1# ! "-& Those who could not upload photograph in the on-line application may affix passport size photograph on both application and admit card duly attested by any Gazetted Officer. 5;3 + !" '!'p %& You are required to bring two copies of passport size photograph during registration. 6; = )0 !8A 7* 0 0 7A #D'" q+& Please note that the use of mobile phones, calculator or any electronic gadget is strictly prohibited at the place of trade test /written examination. -3/- -3- G; = 4 #r#$.L% # -*r'3$ #(+ & + *r'3$'*K+0)+M*K-"& Please note that Permission / No Objection Certificate from your present employer to appear for trade test / written examination is necessary in case you are serving under Central / State Government / Autonomous Body / Public Sector Undertaking. If the permission / No Objection Certificate is not submitted at the time of trade test / interview you will not be allowed to appear for the same. 9; *1B) K& The date fixed for the trade test / written examination cannot be changed under any circumstances. s; )# --$8K++ K + . '3$+ ;'* . * $5r *"-"&- '$ #)0 RRR;STUVUWVUXYZ;[\];Y^ >_\`W aT[WÆb\S TaacYVTZY\^Æd\R^c\Te f\U`gÆ ZUT]WccY^[Tcc\RT^VWl\U`o. ++ #1#* -'$8'3$7''*" &)# --- '$))A +4$5r*"-0-!-C& All outstation SC/ST candidates who are not employed in Govt. Sector, etc. and not getting Railway concession will be paid travelling allowance as per rules for attending the trade test / written examination on production of SC/ST caste certificate and tickets/ticket nos. TA Form can be downloaded from the website www.barcrecruit.gov.in (Home pageÆJob applicationÆDownload FormsÆ travelling allowance form) and duly filled in TA Form along with xerox copy of caste certificate should be submitted at the time of trade test / written examination. SC/ST outstation candidates have to fill up all the columns in TA claim form including bank details so as to enable this Centre to reimburse the Travelling Allowance through NEFT/RTGS mode. ' '#($ +8 " *-"& -"& CANDIDATES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO APPEAR FOR THE TRADE TEST / WRITTEN EXAMINATION IF THEY FAIL TO PRODUCE THEIR ADMIT CARD CUM CALL LETTER. -4- -3Note for the candidates͗ • #p,+ " +#<*#-"- -$+8. " & Candidate will not allowed to be present for trade test / written examination if it is found during the verification of documents that he / she is not eligible for the post applied for as per the advertisement. • #+# - *B(,#<"0t(u#D%& The candidates may ensure that they fulfill the conditions as prescribed in the advertisement before they appear for trade test. • *'#(D3+1$(uOD"& The admission of the candidate for the trade test / written examination is purely PROVISIONAL subject to satisfying the prescribed eligibility conditions; • -" # 2$13C"0#5NO31-"& The eligibility of the candidate to appear for the self-declaration of the candidate. trade test /written examination is adjudged on the basis of • vw#" )"3,%# = .Cvw#" 4 D,#O + K&##3 - RRR;^VSV;^YV;Y^#)0 & " vw#"4D,D,)xK+8. K" & OBC candidates seeking reservation under OBC category may please ensure that the caste name is included in the Central list of OBC by the Government of India. For details candidates may visit website www.ncbc.nic.in. Candidate will not be allowed to appear for trade test / written examination if the caste name is not listed in the Central list of OBC; • 2 + *) 0 ')1# " & Candidates will have to make their own arrangements for stay at Mumbai for two/three days during trade test / written examination; * , -y*) 0( ))8 8A7(#+C$ %8 . )1%& * #1#() 0* (+ )F D + &3*(B7" %;;D >,)Do# ) %&3*(B7" # ) ) #%y FI 8 sF 8 z:F8 z:: 8 zJH8zGI8 zG{ 8 z9H8z9F 8 zss 8 :HI 8 :HF 8 :Hz 8:H{ 8:HJ 8:FI 0&*vw #D3 " C *p , -D 0'+& *) 0vw$(#2>-o5FH*) 0 5FI5II 2>* o59)425I: M35F{ 3*(B7"5 A 7(C>|I |Ik`o+ , *p ,%& }\UWTV~Z~WW^XW\l}UTeWZWgZRUYZZW^WT`Y^TZY\^y6^X`STYVYZkk\XVT^ZUT]WcSki}SXg8\ 6^X`STYVYZkk\XVT^ZUT]WcSki}SXg8\VTcZUTY^8 6^X`STYVYZkk\XVT^ZUT]WcSki}SXg8\VTcZUTY^8 XZ\UYVng~TR\UZTY8R~YV~TUWWTgYckT]TYcTScW;}~Wc\VTcUTYcRTkgZTZY\^^WTUWgZZ\Z~W]W^XWYgT^n~XUe\^ \^ XZ\UYVng~TR\UZTY8R~YV~TUWWTgYckT]TYcTScW;}~Wc\VTcUTYcRTkgZTZY\^^WTUWgZZ\Z~W]W^XWYg _TUS\XUY^W8TS\XZFn`TRTk; _TUS\XUY^W8TS\XZFn`TRTk; ;;ZXeY\>j~W`SXUoT^edW\^TUiXgdWa\ZTUWcT^e`TUng^WTU ^Xg~TnZY^T[TU; }~Wl\cc\RY^[i} i}SXgU\XZWgZ\XV~ ^Xg~TnZY^T[TUy i} FIZe;8sFZe;8z:F8z::Ze;8zJH8zGI8zG{Ze;8z9H8z9FZe;8zssZe;8:HIZe;8:HFZe;8:HzZe;8:H{Ze;8:HJ Ze;8:FIZe;WZV aaU\Y`TZWeYgZT^VWSkU\TelU\`Y`a\UZT^ZacTVWgZ\Z~W]W^XWy aaU\Y`TZWeYgZT^VWSkU\TelU\`Y`a\UZT^ZacTVWgZ\Z~W]W^XWy X`STYj~~TZUTaTZY~Y]TY}WU`Y^Xg>j}o5FHn`8 X`STYjW^ZUTc5FIn` dTeTU5IIn` \n`T^kT}YcTn}WU`Y^Xg>XUcTo59n` iT^eUT}WU`Y^Xg5I:n` }~T^W5F{n` fU\` ^Xg~TnZY^T[TU8 k\XVT^UWTV~Z~W ]W^XW \l}UTeWZWgZ RUYZZW^WT`Y^TZY\^ SkZTnY^[TXZ\UYng~TR \l SkZTnY^[TXZ\UYng~TR \USk RTcn>|Ik`o `o
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