Format No. QSP/7.1/01.F01 (B) Issue No.04 Rev. No 4 Dated: June 7, 2014 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM & ENERGY STUDIES College of Engineering Studies Dehradun ______________________________________________________ COURSE PLAN Programme : B.Tech. CSE(OGI+OSS+MFT+TI+CCVT+BAO+RA+ITI++CSF+BFSI) Course : Problem Solving Using C Subject Code : CSEG - 101 No. of credits :3 Semester :I Session :Jul 2014 – Dec 2014 Batch : 2014-18 Prepared by :Arun Singh Email :[email protected] Approved By _______________________ HOD _______________________ Dean UPES Campus Tel : +91-135-2770137 “Energy Acres” Fax : +91 135- 27760904 P.O. Bidholi, Via Prem Nagar Website : COURSE PLAN Subject: Problem Solving Using C Course: B.Tech CSE(OGI+OSS+MFT+TI+CCVT+BAO+RA+ITI++CSF+BFSI) Duration: 36 Hr Subject code:CSEG-101 One Session: 60 Minutes A. OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this course students will be able to: (a) Develop a logical understanding of problem solving approach. (b) Design an effective method (flowchart/ algorithm /pseudo code) towards solution. (c) Learn how to write programs to solve domain Specific area. B. COURSE OUTLINE Sl.No Unit Contents 1. Unit – 1 Introduction to Programming 2 Unit – 2 Selection and Iterative Decision making constructs 3 Unit – 3 Array & String 4 Unit – 4 Structure & Function 5 Unit – 5 Pointer & Dynamic memory Allocation 6 Unit – 6 File Handling C. PEDAGOGY To make applications with examples & theoretical concepts clear understanding. Students will be required to solve programming problem. 2 class test, 2 quizzes and 1 group (3-5 members) project are part of program and students will have to work on programming lab. Interactive sessions, Group/ Individual development followed by presentation. D. COURSE COMPLETION PLAN S.No 1 No. of Lectures Planned 2 No. of Lectures held 3 No. of Tutorial Planned 4 No. of Tutorials held 5 No. of assignments given & Evaluated 6 No. of Tests conducted 7 No. of Quizzes conducted 8 % of syllabus covered 9 Faculty suggestions for improvement in Subject Delivery E. EVALUATION & GRADING Description Weight age Schedule 1. Internal Examination 30% Detailed Below 2. Mid-term Exam 20% Academic Calendar 3. End-term Exam 50% Academic Calendar 1. Internal Assessment: Marks 100 (It is based on the individual/group assignment, online quizzes/test and class room attendance)CLASS TESTS/QUIZZES: Two quizzes and two Class Test based on objective & descriptive type theoretical & numerical questions will be held; First quiz will be held after the completion of course syllabus upto first unit and the second quiz after the first project progress report before the midterm exam. The class test will be held atleast one week before the End Term Examination. Non appearing students shall lose their marks. The marks obtained by the students will be displayed on ICOS a week before the start of End Term Examinations. ASSIGNMENTS: At the start of second unit a group project assignment will be handed out. A welldocumented group project assignment will be submitted by the students 1 week before they take the class test. The biweekly progress report will be submitted by the group leader to help evaluate the timely progress of the project. Assignment project is required to be presented by the group as per schedule published right after the class test, failing which shall entitle a deduction in marks. The project assignment document will be evaluated based on the following criteria – i. Project proposal 15% ii. Design plan 30% iii. Routine progress reports / meetings 25% iv. Implementation 30% The marks obtained by the students will be displayed on ICOS two weeks after the presentations. GENERAL DISCIPLINE: Based on student’s regularity, punctuality, sincerity and behaviour in the class.The marks obtained by the students will be displayed on ICOS at the end of semester. 2. Mid- Sem Examination: 20% Weightage Mid- Sem examination shall be of two hour duration and shall be a combination of short theory questions and numerical problems. 3. End -Sem Examination: 50% Weightage End-Sem examination shall be of three hours duration. The examination paper shall have theory questions, short, long and application oriented problems. F. DETAILED SESSION PLAN Sl. No. of Pedagogy No Sessions Detail of References Topics to be covered Teacher – Student Introduction Idea sharing, T1[2-4] & T1[5-9] Unit 1: Introduction to Windows & Linux OS with C Programming Language Lecture Students will take notes T1[11-13] T1[21, 23-25], T2[9] Mock quiz T2[20] T2[6-12] 6 1. Group Formation & Discussion T1[31-33, 3438, 39, 40] Team work practice White board T1[69-90, 93] Class room Discussion T1[90-92] T1[94-95] Windows OS Server 2003R2/2008 Sun Solaris 10. Types of Compilers in Windows & Linux for C programming Review of Flow chart Programming Languages Introduction, Classification & features Compiler Vs. Interpreter Programming Approaches History of C Basic structure of C Programs , Execution of C Program Basic commands in Linux for compiling C language programs Constants , Variables , Data types Operators and Expressions : arithmetic , relational, Logical , assignment , increment and decrement , conditional operators Precedence and Associatively of Operators Type conversion Quiz 1 Lecture T1[114-123] Unit 2: Selection & Iterative Decision T2[53-55, 59- 2 8 63, 151] Assignment – I Project-Selection & Allotment T1[129], T1[131-135] T1[141-143], T2[103, 142143] making constructs Presentation/ Group Discussion/ Exercise for Questionnaire designing Simple if, if else, & else-if ladder ? Operator Switch construct While, do..while For Looping constructs Jumps in loops & Goto statement Different type of errors and debugging techniques T1[148-150, T2[112-113] T1[158-163], T3[122125,152] Examples Lecture T1[196,199,20 1, 203-204] Class room T2[290, 293, 296] Problem Discussion T1[207-210] T2[310-313] 6 3 Class Test - I Lecture 4 5 T1[204], T2[351-369] T1[219, 226, 227] One dimensional arrays Array declaration and initialization Two dimensional arrays and their implementation Character array and string Declaration and initialization of strings Comparison and concatenation of two strings String handling functions Unit 4: Structure & Function T2[164] T1[232-235] T2[173, 179, Project progress meeting 1 White board Unit 3: Array & String User Defined functions and it’s need Definition and Elements of a user defined function Function calls, call by value and call by reference mechanism. Introduction to Structure Class room 183] Discussion T1[311,314,31 9 Quiz #2 Definition, declaration and implementation of Structure Accessing structure members Nesting of structures Union and difference with structures Array of structures. Preprocessor directive T2 [386, 389,392-393] Unit 5: Pointer & Dynamic memory T1[272-274] T2[184-1867] Allocation Lecture Assignment – II 5 8 T1[279, 282288] T1[292-296] T2[369, 375] T1[279] Presentation/ Group Discussion/ 6 5 Case Study Class room Class Test II Pointers : Introduction , declaration and initialization Pointer arithmetic and concept of scale factor Pointer and arrays Pointer and character strings Pointer as function arguments Function returning Pointers Pointers to function Dynamic Memory allocation - calloc () and Malloc () and free () functions. Introduction to Data Structures Concepts of Linked Lists & Sorting T1[357, 359] T1[360, 361,363,365] T1[364, 375, 209,351-379] T2[441, 443448] Unit 6: File Handling Definition and Types Opening and closing File File Operations , input –Output Error handling during I/O Operation Copying contents of one file into another. Command line argument F. SUGGESTED READINGS: F: 1 TEXT BOOKS: 1. Programming in ANSI C, E Balaguruswamy, TMH 2. Let us C, Yashavant Kanetkar, Nineth Edition, BPB Publications 3. C How to Program, Deitel & Deitel, PHI F : 2 REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Programming with ANSI & TURBO C,Ashok N.Kamthane, Pearson Education 2. Programming in C S.S.Khandare 3. F : 3 VIDEO RESOURCES (URL LINK) AND NPTEL LECTURES GUIDELINES Cell Phones and other Electronic Communication Devices: Cell phones and other electronic communication devices (such as Blackberries/Laptops) are not permitted in classes during Tests or the Mid/Final Examination. Such devices MUST be turned off in the class room. E-Mail and LMS: Each student in the class should have an e-mail id and a pass word to access the LMS system regularly. Regularly, important information – Date of conducting class tests, guest lectures, via LMS. The best way to arrange meetings with us or ask specific questions is by email and prior appointment. All the assignments preferably should be uploaded on LMS. Various research papers/reference material will be mailed/uploaded on LMS time to time. Attendance: Students are required to have minimum attendance of 75% in each subject. Students with less than said percentage shall NOT be allowed to appear in the end semester examination. Passing criterion: Student has to secure minimum 30%/40% marks of the “highest marks in the class scored by a student in that subject (in that class/group class)” individually in both the ‘End-Semester examination’ and ‘Total Marks’ in order to pass in that paper. Passing Criterion for B. Tech: minimum 30% of the highest marks in the class Passing Criterion for M. Tech: minimum 40% of the highest marks in the class
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