May 2014 ES8910 Energy and the Environment Assignment 2 Carbon Emission Calculations 1. A flow of steam at 180oC from a geothermal field is supplied to a steam turbine connected to an electric generator. The steam flow has a power content of 150kW. The power system uses a cooling tower to reject heat and the ambient temperature is 15oC. (a) What is the theoretical maximum electrical power output from the generator? (b) The electricity is sold at a rate of 6 cents per kW-hour. If the average thermal efficiency of the actual power plant is 0=18%, what is the total revenue generated in one year (assuming that the plant operates continuously). 2. In Saskatchewan all of the electricity is supplied to a house from a coal-fired power plant with an overall thermal efficiency of η=33%. The power plant uses low grade coal (lignite) with a carbon intensity (based on the lower heating value, LHV) of 28gC/MJ. In the summer months the electricity is used to run a vapour compression air conditioning system, with a coefficient of performance of β=3.2. (a) Calculate the CO2 emission intensity of the coal-fired electrical power generation in gCO2/kW-hr, i.e. grams of carbon dioxide (CO2) emitted to the atmosphere per kW-hr of electrical energy produced. Assume complete combustion. (b) Calculate the effective overall carbon intensity of overall system for providing air conditioning, including the power plant. The overall carbon intensity of the system is the number of grams of carbon (C) emitted to the atmosphere per MJ of cooling provided to the house. Express your answer in gC/MJ based on the LHV of the fuel. 3. The attached advertisement from General Electric Corporation appeared in the Toronto Star. This advertisement makes a claim of savings in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through the use of compact fluorescent light bulbs. Read the assumptions below carefully. (a) Estimate the annual CO2 emissions (in kg/yr) from one typical Canadian car using the following assumptions: - A litre of gasoline contains 0.611 kg of carbon, which is converted entirely to CO2 during combustion. (To be generous to General Electric, base the automobile emissions on only these tank-to-wheel emissions, not the full life cycle fuel emissions.) The average Canadian passenger car uses 8.6 litres of gas per 100 km traveled (Canadian Automobile Association, CAA). The average Canadian passenger car is driven 17,000 km per year (CAA). (b) The advertisement claims a total annual savings in electricity worth 73 million dollars for each Canadian household replacing one 60W incandescent bulb with a 13W fluorescent bulb. If the typical total cost of electricity (averaged across Canada) is 8.0 cents per kW-hr, how many hours per day must the replacement and original light bulb be left switched on (on average over the year)? Use the following assumptions: - There are 13.3 million residential households in Canada (Statistics Canada, 2011). (c) Using the above result, estimate the annual CO2 emission savings (in kg/yr) associated with replacing one 60W incandescent bulb with one 13W fluorescent bulb, in one typical Canadian household. Do this calculation from “first principles” using the following assumptions: - The GHG savings are entirely CO2 and result from the reduced combustion of fossil fuels in electric power plants. - Canada’s electrical power generation mix is 23% from fossil fuels (EIA Country Analysis Brief, 2010). Assume electricity from other sources (hydro, nuclear and renewable) have approximately zero carbon emissions. - Canada’s fossil fuel based electrical generating capacity is comprised of 70% coal and 30% natural gas (EIA, 2010). Use these percentages to compute the weighted-average carbon intensity, based on the LHV of the three fuel sources given in the class notes. - Assume the overall efficiency for the fuel energy to electrical power conversion process is 35%. This includes all effects, such as combustion efficiency, plant thermal efficiency, electrical generation losses and transmission line losses. - Most light bulbs are located indoors, in an occupied living space. So, for six months of the year (i.e., in cold weather) the reduced electricity use by the bulb will require an equivalent amount of additional home heating. So, the net carbon emissions savings will be approximately zero for six months of the year. (d) Using the results above, calculate the equivalent number of passenger cars “taken off the road”, if every Canadian household replaced one 60W incandescent bulb with one 13W fluorescent bulb. This is done by dividing the carbon emissions calculated from part (c) by the carbon emissions for one car that you calculated in part (a). How does your estimate compare to the statement by General Electric? Discuss possible reasons for any difference. (e) Comment on last assumption in part (c). In the winter months, will the “home heating effect” always cause the net GHG savings to be zero? In some households, could the replacement of an incandescent bulb result in more net GHG emissions because of this effect? In some cases, could it be less? Discuss briefly. Hint: Think about what would happen to the carbon emissions if the bulb’s electricity supply was carbon-free e.g. In Quebec, most of the power comes from hydro. What would replace the lost home heating effect of the bulb? (f) The simple hand calculation done in part (c) is intended to give some insight into the factors that influence the carbon intensity of electrical power generation. In practice, this approach is not necessary. The actual carbon intensity of electricity generation is reported by Environment Canada in the attached “National Inventory Report”. As shown in the attached table, in 2007 the overall GHG intensity of Canada’s electricity generation was 210 gCO2 (equivalent) per kWhr. Compare this intensity to the rough value that you calculated using a simplified procedure in part (c). (The two values should be reasonably close.) National Inventory Report 1990-2008 Part 3 GREENHOUSE GAS SOURCES AND SINKS IN CANADA The Canadian Government`s Submission to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Table A13-1: Electricity Generation and GHG Emission Details for Canada1 1990 Overall Total4,5 Coal 7 Refined Petroleum Products Natural Gas Nuclear Hydro Biomass 8 Other Renewables 10 Other Overall Total 2000 92 500 77 400 13 630 3 900 68 800 262 900 10 30 80 426 700 2001 126 300 107 700 10 810 25 900 68 700 323 500 1 910 260 170 538 900 2002 127 900 107 800 13 250 27 300 72 400 299 600 2 120 370 420 523 200 2003 2004 Greenhouse Gas Emissions3 kt CO 2 eq 123 300 106 900 10 790 26 400 71 300 314 600 2 180 430 490 533 000 128 600 2005 2006 20082 2007 119 300 118 800 110 200 118 000 111 600 Electricity Generation6 GWh 100 400 94 900 12 560 12 800 26 200 25 300 70 700 85 200 302 400 303 600 2 140 2 000 700 970 4 190 4 560 519 300 529 400 99 700 10 040 27 300 86 800 327 200 1 860 1 580 2 600 557 000 93 200 5 420 26 100 92 400 316 100 2 010 2 470 4 120 542 000 99 900 6 470 31 800 88 200 334 200 2 000 3 100 3 660 569 300 97 300 5 060 26 700 90 600 340 100 N/A 9 4,900 4 350 568 500 Greenhouse Gas Generation Intensity3 g GHG / kWh electricity generated 230 246 224 CO 2 intensity (g/ kWh) 216 233 243 212 202 206 195 CH4 intensity (g / kWh) N2O intensity (g / kWh) 0.004 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.009 0.008 0.008 0.009 0.008 0.004 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.005 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.004 220 230 240 230 250 230 210 200 210 200 Overall Intensity (g CO2 eq / kWh) Notes: 1. Data presented include emissions, generation and intensity for public utilities. 2. Data for 2008 are preliminary. 3. Data taken from Report on Energy Supply and Demand in Canada , Catalogue No. 57-003-XIB, Statistics Canada. 4. Emissions from the flooding of land for hydro dams are not included. 5. Emissions related to the use of biomass for electric power generation are not included. 6. Data taken from Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution (EPGTD), Catalogue No. 57-202-XIB, Statistics Canada with the exception of data for 2007 and 2008, which are taken from CANSIM Table 127-0007. 7. Includes electricity generated by combustion of light fuel oil, heavy fuel oil and diesel fuel oil. 8. Other Renewables - includes electricity generation by wind and tidal. 9. Other Renewables calculated from totalling provincial sources. 10. Others - includes electricity generation by fuels not easily categorized (i.e. waste). 11. Overall Intensity values are rounded to incorporate uncertainty in the estimates. N/A - Not Available. 35
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