Author(s) Tullington, Bernard John Jr Title The excitation of helium by high energy proton bombardment at various pressures. Publisher Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School Issue Date 1968-06 URL This document was downloaded on February 04, 2015 at 16:17:47 UNITED STATES NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL THESIS THE EXCITATION OF HELIUM BY HIGH ENERGY PROTON BOMBARDMENT AT' VARIOUS PRESSURES by Bernard John Tullington, Jr June 1968 T924 special expro in govern onlv with 'tn^S. NavaV Postgraduate S Postgraduate schooe THE EXCITATION OF HELIUM BY HIGH ENERGY PROTON BOMBARDMENT AT VARIOUS PRESSURES by Bernard John Tullington, Jr. Major, United States Army Military Academy, 1957 B.S. , Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS from the NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL June 1968 KkD ABSTRACT The intensities of several helium spectral lines are analyzed for their dependence on pressure. Neutral helium was bombarded by protons, accelerated in a Van de Graaff generator to energies of 1.6 MeV before they passed through an aluminum foil window into the collision chamber. Eight helium emission lines and one nitrogen line (impurity) were detected by photographic analysis of the collision spectrum at various pressures. Relative intensities of five of the helium emission lines were measured with photoelectric apparatus at pressures from 10 - 550 Torr . Lines of 6678A, 728lA, 7065A and 5876A show a similiar, but not exact, functional dependence on pressure. The 3889X line appears to have a quite different pressure dependence that may possibly be due to the nitorgen impurity. Suggested experimental improvements are discussed. • TABLE OF CONTENTS SUBJECT Page Number Abs 2 1 i List of Illustrations 5 Ac know edgm< 6 J i 1 1 B.i 1 ' t i ion 7 kgr ound 9 Experimental Procedu 13 He 13 I i urn Coll is ion Spectrum r ul1 R) Surama Bib] In i 1 i i 2] < a 24 v l 59 » I DD Form Distr ibut on i ] • I ko 4i LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Number Page Number 1. Top View of Collision Chamber 16 2. Schematic of Gaertner Spectrometer Optical System 16 3. \y - States Diagram for Helium l8 4. Schematic for Optical Apparatus 5. Graph, Intensity vs Pressure; 6678A 26 6. Graph, Intensity vs Pressure; 728lA* 27 7. Graph, Intensity vs Pressure; 3889$ 28 8. Graph, Intensity vs Pressure; 5876A 29 '). Graph, Intensity vs Pressure; 7065A 30 20 1<). Graph, Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure; 6678A 31 11. Graph, Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure; 7281X 32 12. Graph, Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure; 7°65A 33 13. i.Mjih, Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure; 5876A 34 14. Graph, Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure; 3889A 35 15. Photograph. Drift tube, collision chamber and control manifold 36 16. Photograph. Optical equipment in position 37 17. Photograph. Control console and measuring devices 38 . ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The writer wishes to express his appreciation for the continuous assistance and encouragement given him by Professor E.A. Milne in this investigation, as well as to Professor R.L. Kelly for his assistance in the photographic and optical aspects of the apparatus; and to Mr. Ray Garcia who provided technical assistance in the maintenance of the electronic equipment and Van de Graaff accelerator This project was supported in part by funds provided by the Naval Ordnance Laboratory. . . I. INTRODUCTION The processes by which excited states of helium are formed by ion-atom impact have been the subject of an increasing number oi studies. These studies have progressively extended the pro- jectile energy range from earlier investigations of less than 200 keV to Lmpo] able -i. h i t While these investigations are of fundamental determining excitation cross sections and are valu- n i verifyii in ba MeV. 1 ed primarily on the simplifying assumption of the single cond i t i on The single hit independent Lty. is I t ion assumes an excitation cross section nd thus demands a very low target oi particle experimental procedure (under this assumption) he norm.*] the coll ision t.ike place in a differentially pumped to have undei hunboi < predictions at high energies, they I pi e Emission cro in es >ns in (or the region of 10 -4 or 10 -5 Torr . apparent cross sections as they are sometimes called) are then measured over a limited pressure range. li the emission cross pressure, a section the single hit pressure dependence is is found not to be dependent on condition is assumed to be satisfied. noted, as is often the case, If the procedure been either to operate in so called regions of non-dependence or to extiapolate the emission cross section to zero pressure and use tha t va] ue The next step in better understanding the excitation process is obvious. 11 the single hit condition is not satisfied, what are the processes leading to the formation of the excited states of n . helium? A starting point in answering this question is an under- standing of the pressure dependence, if any, of the emission cross sections. Five helium spectral lines are observed as a function of pressure representing both para (singlet) and ortho (triplet) trans it ions ; I I BACKGROUND . Neutral Helium may be excited by proton bombardment by direct exci tat on i + H H = + He(n,l) charge transfer; or by + H or + He + He + by simultaneous H = + He (n,l) + ionization and excitation; He * H - H + He (n,l) + e~ Once excited, He(n,l) may fall to ground co] 1 is . i ona tr I radiative decay, or it a metastable state or may be de-excited by ansj The rate of change of the population density of any state may be wr dN i t t i en . —_! = nv Na <lt . 1 + S k> A i N, . k1 k S j - i A..N. +C.(n,N.V) T x x (1) J The first term on the right expresses the rate of collisional population (v), in terms of projectile density (n), projectile velocity target density N and the excitation cross section a.. second term provides for population of the states from all bility term is A. K a . k higher than i, in terms i The state by cascade ' of the transition proba- and the population density of state k, ( N, ) The third . K. 1 measure of the rate at which state iiative decay from state i to all states terms of transition probability A. r . XJ j i is depopulated by lower than i, and state density N.. also in The last 1 term of equation (1) represents secondary processes such as collisional depopulation, collisional transfer and population by absorp- tion of resonance photons. Gabriel and Heddle 3 have developed a technique for determining the value of this function under single For brevity hit conditions by a method of simultaneous solutions. it is shown here simply as a possible function of n, v, and N. state conditions, For steady dN. dT Equation 1 0. s can be solved for a o ^ nvN A. .N. j< i xj - 1 . T, k>i and A, is -N, ki k - C. (n,v,N) (2 9 The normal development which follows is to define an emission cross section in terms of the number of photons emitted/ sec/ cm of beam path, J. as ., xj IJ u NI ij (3) ' where N is the number density of the target, I = nv A, the number of incident projectiles per second, A the beam cross sectional area, and J. = A. .N.A. xj x . ij Equation is 3 now A. .N. (4) Nnv ij the cross sectional area cancelling out. Making the appropriate substitution, equation a = . 1 where C = C( n , a j<i !J T, . . - T, a.+c', k>i ki v,N)/nvN. 10 (2) now becomes (5) some specific state For emission i -> transition may be related to the total photon emission 1 downward transitions by by all J. A. n Relal ing equal Lons . i i into e q u c — A l j-i 'J i a. t, t: pi (lower than i), the intensity of the 1 and (6) and substituting where appro- 3) ( (6) . j I — A S S k> - il km A * cond term on the right i into itten In t hi «i I ed i related to the total bil it ie This . is * Standards in C (7) . the cascade correction and to show all emission functions Any emission out of state m can be . for tunate, as the transition pr obabil it ies for been tabulated by the Bureau of ha^ 1() , , It is now ous thai knowing J., i will + km emission through the ratio of transition proba- helium are well known and < te I is . for only a few transitions 1 Lead to the deter mi nat ion of the excitation cross section ff., i •e The photoele< sol id angle & nog ec ed 1 ti ic = ij L is . apparatus will accept photons through a and will deliver j where t a signal S. . by the relationship iJ A^_ L K(X ( K ) 8) ' the beam length and K(X) is a dimensionless factor which takes into account the systems detection sensitivity and losses due to refraction and reflection at optical surfaces. 1 I una! ' . filament Lam] observed. ivhe> ll For the collision is coi lamp at the wavelength of the i om a standard consideration, the wavelength under i fi A. interest, d the spe< optical the inverse dispersion of the spectrometer D, exit slil ter - system, may be determi] E, which may be measured by I ds (9) * for KfA J. = j • pyrometer a furnished by the manufa Solving wl. (A/mm), the area viewed by the on the filament if this information temperature is not . and substituting into equation (8) j S. . 4" . -~3- E. dw D, (10) Thus, under single hit conditions, where of N, and C' can be ignored, cr . _ il is not a function the excitation cross section can readily be determined by measuring 0" . , as; 1 i It 1 ' S NI * should be collision patn ther . the so need be measured undea ' i ;he conditions. . EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES III. From section II, may be wr (II) i independent of pressure, equation is i as It ten P = C" R (12) K 4 T . n I ill' "1 . 1 1 I* apparatus i S. V * I beam current which is measured by the the target pressure, P, . by the A plot dwN kT measure of the photon emission intensity -I ) to the photon Lve ^ ./] S R r). idea] gas l.iw, line with a slope of C", itraight related to the PV = N kT sure should result rntensity versu ni is if is . in a independent of pressure. THE HELIUM COLLISION SPECTRUM proton beam was produced by part icle acceleratoi and .(i x 1 ( used cm) ) the coll Lsion chamber. ,n nl \ I L1 the coll apparatus in Fig. is LO a magnet which bends A thin aluminum foil, . pa rate the particle dr if t 1 (about tube fr om The collision chamber was constructed of A is ion .5 cm quartz lens, (f = 16.3 cm) was used spectrum on the optical apparatus. shown schematically in Fig. 1 This and photographically 15. Mid way b< tween the collision chamber and viewing lens is the vacuum manifold (below) and linn MeV Van de Graaff ted wi th an aluminum far a day cup to measure the pro- ton beam current. to focus 2 analyzed by ma: the beam through an angle of 1 a gas control manifold (above). a -vstem, consisting of a 13 2 The inch oil diffusion pump, backed . fore pump, Was capable of evacuating the chamber to up by 4 x . Torr 10 The control . manifold provided collision chamber, (numbered Ln Pig. 1). 5 inlets into the The ports were used for; to 50 Torr pressure gauge; (1) gas inlet; (2) Wallace riernan, (3) ion gauge; (4) fore pump; and (5) a mercury monometer The beam was viewed at 90 to 1 » he collision chamber by the optical apparatus, To determine the purify of the target gas, was photographed t>y shown schematically a the collision beam large Gaertnei L254 Quartz spectrometer, Ln This spectrometer provides photo- Fig, 2. graphic coverage from 1900A to 8000A, on photographic plates 4 x 10 inches Numerous unsuccessful attempts were made to obtain scopically pure helium photograph. a spectro- These attempts included water pumped commercial helium and vapor from liquid helium. These pro- cedures led to spectrographs of primarily nitrogen and some other impurities but no helium lines were evident. The most satisfactory procedure was to pump the system for several hours, saturate prior to a L1 with research grade helium and repump < Research grade helium (rated single impurities of 2 parts per million of neon by the manufacturer) was used and the tank was connected directly through a Even with this procedure single Nitrogen line (39l4A) was still a gas regulator evident at pressures above 50 Torr, i 4 to the inlet manifold: - Photographs 200 Torr, and L.65 M<-V. general, , 1 1 / I pressures at i re 1 wa ii e ul t s f 01 < 1 tor [n< . intensity bu1 1 I I f ( Beam currents uf 1 . '5 to 3 hours. B< 1 rent Lnci ea th< the e - result and higher very In tl ned from ' ' nvelen •< rhe line: d i w th the i h\ th< trans it ions Ol Pho H< togi - and 103F ,\ which N designed is Listed in Table from the pla ii [ . I . Lagr am Table lower Intensity would be on Kodak emulsion plates. In times at ex] - Ml i , . bee, It I from vai Led Lm< orr : indicated particle energy ,in E of with udrying results. i roamp mi< oi w< Lum Spectral ma] ys i s , in and they Fig. 11 I own i Line Tr ansi Waveleng A hV - <V 2^p 1.6 3 - ! 3 3 . I 9 i D S L P It I ions should be feJ .' I • the opticall] range of the op1 1 5 • 1 1 owed 1. tr equipm* Ltf$ MANJfOCO \/AQUUN\ g£Aiv\ SYSTEM D£f\f\JiW6 5LITS J CM Diffusion Figure 1. pump Top view of collision chamber showing the relative positions of the drift tube, vacuum system and control manifold BEtfNN Figure 2. Schematic representation of the Gaertner L254 Quartz Spectrometer Optical System 16 . . INTENSITY VS PRESSURE The helium gas was let in through roughly rorr Mm from 0.2 a The beam wa . colli monochrometer eel Ash I ect 1 t Led hi r 101 I'M tomul ph ! to pass t ipl en1 1 > 1 >m t 1 entrance current t with covered, integi itoi ime lected shows si it r a Figures equ ir ed schema Lb , 1 rhe ill 1 >hot (negative). o a cur recorded. r en t omul t re 1 - ipl um The output integr The ent a ir e t or opt ica 1 black cloth to reduce the amount 1 With the 500 micr ocoul ombs ect ion and the total charge col- integrator were recorded. photographs of I . t Figure k set-up. he appar a tus ted divided by time was taken to be the This value multiplied by the time for subsequent ubtracted from the photomul t ipl ier output. Lnit Lai data wer< taken with the diffusion pump engaged This was considered to be the zero and the entrance slit exposed. I wa t f tat ion of the photoelectrical repi rhe charge thu 1 a went A . allowed to accumulate wa foj L< and dark current. mbly the beam was again turned on and the beam the photomultipl l>v er dry-ice- ed wavelength to a 1250 volts i The monochro- . while the chamber was again evacuated. Light is was necessary to use wider • 1 ted embly was th tray th< iei ipl where the total rhe it , tube was used and operated a1 cur The monochr ometer . which greatly reduced this resolving power si its Light of wavelengths from 1"500a to 9000A + 10A. ight Intensities, low admitted into the chamber. th< n region was focused onto the entrance slit of Lon mi > to a pressure of about ision chamber i needle valve into the a readings. beam w is turned on from the control console, $0 Pj ^2 ^ $ t Pz ,l ^7,1 ^,3,2. 24- 4 T 3965 2.3 Z2 Z) 3883 ZO eV Figure 3. Energy-states diagram for photographically detected He spectrum lines by H + bombardment 18 This automatically activated the timti Fig. 17). rent integrator and phot omu sele< t( Lomb ''-II sure Intervals 1 am ol Torr. '60 remained d ( ai-, i did no1 i t I aboul ,i n was observed that the dark current would It < time span of about t he phot omul this phenomenon. constanl a a 2 hours. rose rapidly and could no longer be I Repacking altei maximum Intervals to reduce the effect of the r . l a Subsequent runs 500 Torr. J00 or proved to be unsui so for Lme i Pres- were initially selected up to 50 Torr, entiallj the dark cou- was found that the intensity behavior 11 frequent that, At each time, photomult ipl ier intervals were selected up to hanging dark current. beam cur- oulomb collection were recorded. i after n1 ( or I mvenienl ol i Aitti current integrator. ipl ier the he] ium pressure, then varii < t , t as -embly with dr y ipl ier Cooling by liquid nitrogen lul in prolonging the effective dark current. Prom the data collected as described above, the transition intensity was computed R where Ph i t Five by this to the si its lines. and 1 H 1 (13) = dark current, Lected by the beam integrator. Lnes observed by the photographic analysis were measured technique. Low DC x t)/B; - charge colle< ted via P.M. assembly, DC - Lme, (Ph Lntensil Et impossible to study was involved. than those provided in It ,K of the lines due was even necessary to use wider the monochr ometer to study the five The monochr omet er has standard slits of used were about 3 mm wide. L9 .1 mm, The slits csr C£ p O UJ Q-£ hZ Figure < CD h- 4. Cfc^ Ui ^> H-* ^- 2 Schematic of optical apparatus for irtensity vs. pressure measurements 20 N RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS iV. [ntensil bed above were measured vs pressure for i< the singlel triplel the P - s /S89X (2 S - s a (2 3 Lin A plot hown i n ; - f 1 nglel lun< ol lowed by conl i Lplet loii LOO . n< ioned \ oi ivhii h e then ni 1 It 1 s functional is 1 1 behavioi rapidly increases up to t levelling off effect. This rise in in tens ity to the r singlet lines 2 ises rapidly dur ing the fir st line has a slight sigmoidal tend- i The 587b line indicates a very rapid . reaching it-- near maximum at about 25 Tori and nth pressure similar to the other lines obvious from dep< e to ted to hold at similar uenc ng factors are possibly responsible 1 slight a which S89 . intensity, in a Lso sug iai and D) show no such functional similarity 1 1 pr< pecu] 3 and , ndicated. tran . 3 - S) 3 to have a similar to the I - respectively. 9 gene] tin foi t and •. maximum pre ti (2 P 1 P intensity vs pressure for these lines they undergo a (2 3 5876$ P), 1 7281$ tens it its appear '1 loir LOO 1 3 depend ionaj 1 8 7, , . : of D) and curves that there is, indeed, 1 a the emission cross sections on pressure oi The single hit condition i. hardly ex- is these high pressures. I 7 i l ' — A - • k>i :l km km A - C i » ( l . a. j<i ij y, . (14) , as a function of N. t c i this experiment the [n velocity and projectile density were held relatively constant. In fact, for a given emission i—»1, all of the terms are constant except C'(N), and equation (14) may be written as; * ±1 A = xg-ii— C»(N) - (15) . U j<i Equation (12) may be written as; ° ±1 D = - (f) A and D in equation (15) and C'(N) a C (P). ! ( Equating (15) to R D(|) ( 16 yields, ) A C'(P) x - A ) Since N ^ P are constants. (1.6) l6 il g-2^— (17) • j<i ij Substituting from equation (6) and multiplying both sides by P/R yields: Xl x (|) C'(P) x ^ T ij j<i D = Ax(|) From equation (10), J., experiment is <* held constant. S . ., , and R = (18) . S.,/l, where For any given emission, S i be a constant either oi a function of pressure, P . in this 1 ll J. i . will xJ Equation (l8) can now be written a D = A(|) | where /(P) ' . i Is - /(P) - /(P) x E, x E f + D», some unknown function tan ts absorbing v — A . or (19) oi pressure, and E' and D f t I data shown The P/R vs P. plol pendent equa i I in. i [f o on pr< ons Lg \' 5, 6, 7, and 9, were used to 8, the quantity of interest, . , Figs. in singly de- is vs. P should plot as a straight line from /U ( LO, • i I J L2 , , I and }, 1 k show the r esul ts of this nipulal The two singlel funct iona] dep< it 1 tially aboul curvi hough the sharp till ther< curvi ,1 1 to about up . t vhi ch ( (3914a) r may is n . eai 1 rgy rhi 4 () Tor r after wh ich i ier a si ight ly deer ea s ng in be explained by Section III. is i a very dr op the nitrogen 17.6 eV, which It Is pro] I that as This is 14.5 eV is roughly equal energy of helium (about 19.7 eV • in The nitrogen line required to ionize N to thi h.t s 1 The appar ently sudden Ly fA Fig. 3) . p Ler 1 The 7065 line The ^889 line shows el at ions hip abi commented on Lmpui ity se not ed ear slight bow in the curve. a exhibits it e. funct iona] Intensity i the 5876 line is linear up to ly. i with pecul iai r ight uniformity. Lneai I |.ii, !0 I t Lplel apj .in 8A and 728lA, again show a similar i , out, d rhe I . , the density of helium atoms from m Increases, more are available to transfer the metastabl< tate then energy relatively few nitrogen atoms in the collision chamber. in This hypothesis intensity Intensity to the vs oJ is also indicated by the apparent rise the nitrogen line on the photographic plates. pressure m< aents were made of the nitrogen 23 No line. . V. S! There appears to be no >: of emission cross section on pr< exist 's may exist p h several in However, similarities do . that a general relation- the Lini of functional dependence I . i only i ine very i 1889A 1 ised by an excita la thesis- impur 1 I hich is hypo- I to the nitrogen er ty Improvement : i i ; technique may present a more the expei imentaJ in - 'dependence. Lon o It was pointed out earlier three of the lines visible by photographic methods were of that too intensity to be studied as low a function of pressure. This study needs to be done. A ; th being wr itten, steps are being taken to modify pa] i the optical apparatus which may render this analysis feasible. mecii J 'hopper nJ .. , Lf. , ier is . to be employed in conjunction with a lock- in I he signal, be alternating current. darl , mitting analys <'!! Ls intensity chromete: ilits whi dude •» < it is t ipl ier hoped, will result very weak intensity. should also permil ul1 tube will in per- This increased the use of the regular moi higher wave |th resolution. nave not been attempted in this paper, I ; , from the photomul This will greatly decrease the effect and, , of lines of vi i A • the pressure dependence. required to obta i e general picture This experiment was carried out a1 ted proton energ i ll„ t hi enci gy il d pr ioi of the region of 1.6 MeV + the beam prior col] Lsiona] to n <y . 10 MeV. rhis to penetration of the aluminum foil of the protons will have to be deter Lute measurements. 25 - 9 Intensity in t riry uni ts ^rbi X X X X X X X X to Q Q # Pressure in Torr Q a POO ' l Figure C 5. 3 or- Intensity vs Pressure. H on Helium. 26 6678^ (2 P 5 - 00 3 D) a < j Tnt^ns rD ry ' "'" *• " in nit" X X x x x x x x X IT Prei.; are Figure 6. in Torr Intensity vs Pressure. 7281A (2"p H + , • on Helium. 27 - 3 S p. Intensity im arbitrary units 10 3 § Q X X X X X X X X X X X s, ;J^ X Pressure in Torr Figure 7. 300 200 100 400 3 Intensity vs Pressure. 38898 (2 S H on Helium. 28 500 • 3 P) X t a Int-ngi tv in t vary uni rbi f* x y x Pr<» ;s Q Q Q r» in ^orr 100 Figure 8. 5 Intensity vs Pressure. 5876& (2^P H on Helium. 29 - no 3D). . Intensity in arbi trprv uni te 9 # * X Pressure in Torr 2QQ .inn Figure 9. 3£>u kQA Intensity vs Pressure. 7065^ (2 3 P H on Hel ium 30 son - 3 S). X Press ore /In tensi tr fTorr/Arbi tr-T.r mita) X X Press xtc in Torr ion Figure 10. 2QQ 3QQ ^2Q_ Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure. 6678X 1 (2 P 1 - 3 D). 31 H on Helium 5Q£_ 3 Pressure /intensity (Terr/prbi tr?ry units) X Pressure in Torr 200 100 Figure 11. ^00 400 Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure. 7281A X (2 P - 1 3 s). 32 H on Helium, 500 " r* 1 1 /t rbi tra r v Ft- (Torr nten jnits) X Press Figure 12. in Torr 100 ?0Q 1Q0 ire M_ ^H Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure. 7065A 3 (2 P - 3 3 S) . 33 H + on Helium. X Pressure /intensity (Torr/Arbitrary units) X Pressure in T»rr Figure 13. 300 ?nn JLiAL UOQ Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure. 5876$ 3 (2 P 3D) . 34 H + on Helium. 5 00 Pre?*? i)r»/lntenai ty ( Tnrr/,".rl-ii t n rv init?) X X X x x x x x X X I x X X X X Prestare in Torr 8< 100 Figure l4. ZQD ~iQo iiOD Pressure/Intensity vs Pressure. 3889A 3 (2 S - 3 P). 35 H + on Helium. s on Figure 15. Drift tube, collision chamber and control manifold, 36 Figure 16. Optical equipment in position 37 Figure 17- Control console and measuring devices 38 . BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Allen, C.W. Astr ophysi ca 1 Quant it ies Press, 1955. 2. F.J. "Experimental Studies of Excitation in De Heer Collisions between Atomic and Ion Systems", Advances in Atom c and Molecular Phys ics D.R. Bater and I. Estermann, editor. Vol. 2 New York: Academic Press, 1966, pp. 328-384. . London: The Athlone , i . i< I, A. 11., and D.W.O. Heddle. "Excitation processes in helium", Proceedings of the Royal Society 258: 124-145, I960. Gabi , 4. Hasted, J.B. Phys and Co. 19^4. ir s of A t om i c Coll is ions . London: Butterworth , 5. '>. lei /berg, G. Mol ecular Spectra and Molecul ar Str uctur e. 2nd edil ion. New York: D. Van Nor strand Company, Inc., 1950. I The I dent if ica t ion of Pearse, R.W.B. and A.G. Gaydon. Mol ocular Spectra Jrd edition. New York: John Wiley and Son Im . . 7. ' , I and P. Thomas. "Excitation Processes in Sternberg, Z. Induced by Impact of Deuterons and Protons", The Physical Review 124: 8l()-8l3, 1961 , He] ium . , 8. Thomas, E.W. "Cross Sections for the Formation of Excited States in a Helium Target by the Impact of 0.15- to 1.0Comparison with Theory", II. MeV Protons and Deuterons. 164: 151-155, 1967. The Physical Review , 9. "Formation of Excited States Thomas, E.W., and G.D. Bent. of 0.15- to 1.0- MeV by the Impact Target in a Helium Experimental", The Phys ical Review Deuterons, I. Protons and 164: 143-150, 1967. , „ Atomic Transition Wiese, W.L., M.W. Smith, and B.M. Glennon. Probabilities Hydr ogen Thr ough Neon. National Bureau of Standards, Department of Commerce, Washington: Government Printing Office, 1966 11. Tables of Zaidel, A.N., V.K. Prokof'ev, and S.M. Raiskii. New York: The Macmillan Company, I961. Specti urn L ines . 39 INITIAL DISTRIBUTION LIST No. Copies 1. Defense Documentation Center Cameron Station Alexandria, Virginia 22314 2. Library Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 2 3. Deputy Chief of Staff for Personnel Office of Personnel Operations Department of the Army Washington, D.C. 20310 1 4. Prof. E.A. Milne Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 2 5. Prof. R.L. Kelly Department of Physics Naval Postgraduate School Monterey, California 93940 1 6. Maj. B.J. Tullington, Jx 107 E. Virginia Avenue Hampton, Virginia 23363 7. Defense Atomic Support Agency Department of Defense Washington, D.C. 2O3OI . 40 20 L- n 2 1 UNCI.ASSIFIED : at ion | DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA tltlo, ./ mte btt ' I .' tr/it f -R&D ntered when the overall report and index .iiiilmr) Zb. cey, i, i i i i , i- i r i i Ca l i forn c his si lied) UNCLASSIFIED Naval Postgraduate School ti is REPOR1 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION La i i The Excitation of Helium by High Energy Proton Bombardment at Various Pi ssur es i DESC Rll 4 '/ ' i ;/' ol " port and, ini hi Thesis, MS, June 1968 ad g First 1 name, middle initial, laitl Tullington, Bernard J., Jr., MAJ, USA - 1 1 June 196X ORIGINATOR'S REPOI 9a. N/A h. 1 IBER(S) N/A NO I 11 JlL ONTRACT OB GRANT NO 'her I •-, 1 I 1 I I . ' I . I .1 T I I 5UPPLI M I N T A R Y nnlvflHI ABSTRAl bet that way 6e assigned erf thf- N< Naval Postgraduate School N/A 13 • O N STAT' to tons aav-~trp~ rmrte I i T The intensities of several helium spectral lines are analyzed for their dependence on pressure. Neutral helium was bombarded by protons, accelerated in a Van de Graaff generator to energies of 1.6 MeV before they passed through an aluminum foil window into the collision chamber. Eight helium emission lines and one nitrogen line (impurity) were detected by photographic analysis of the collision spectrum at various pressures. Relative intensities of five of the helium emission lines were measured with photoelectric apparatus at pressures from 10 "^ 550 Torr - . Lines of 6678$, 728l^, 7065R and 5876^ show a similiar, but not exact, functional dependence on pressure. have a quite different pressure dependence thay may possibly be due to the nitrogen impurity. DD The 3889X line appears to 73 ,?„?., 14 S/N 0101 -807-681 1 Suggested experimental improvements are discussed. (PAGE UNCLASSIFIED 4i Security Classification A-31408 UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification KEY AORDS POLE W T Emission cross section Emission function Emission intensity Excitation cross section Single hit condition DD, r F N 69 1473 S/N 0101-807-682! (back UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification thesT924 DUDLEY KNOX LIBRARY 3 2768 00415870 9 DUU& KNOX LIBRARY^ etu B ^ ^4 f£
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