Inspection and Validation Activities on Severe Accident Management in Korea after the Fukushima Accident IAEA IEM on Severe Accident Management in the Light of the Accident at the Fukushima Daiichi N.P.P. 17-21 March 2014, Vienna, Austria Han-Chul Kim*, Jung-Jae Lee, Sung-Han Lee Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety (*E-mail: [email protected]) Outline 1. Introduction 2. Special Safety Inspection for Operating Plants in Korea 3. External Cooling Water Injection 4. Confirmatory Analysis of External Cooling Water Injection 5. Conclusions Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 2 Introduction Injection flow paths for emergency cooling water is being installed at the Korean NPPs following the Government order. It was recommended through the Special Safety Inspection The objective is to provide cooling water from external sources to the primary and secondary loops during a prolonged station blackout accident. The effectiveness of this strategy needs to be confirmed through evaluation of the installed system and on-site verification. This presentation shows the background of this installation and the relevant confirmatory analysis results for APR1400. Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 3 Introduction Status of Nuclear Power Plants in Korea Operation 23 Units 20,716MW Construction 5 Units 6,600MW Planning 6 Units 8,400MW Seoul Hanul/Shin-Hanul NPP (PWR) Operation : 6 units Construction : 2 units Planning : 2 units Wolsong/Shin-Wolsong NPPs (PHWR/PWR) Operation : 6 units Operation : 5 units Construction : 1 units Hanbit NPPs (PWR) Kori/Shin-Kori NPPs (PWR) Operation : 6 units Construction : 2 units Planning : 4 units Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 4 Special Safety Inspection for Operating Plants in Korea A Special Safety Inspection (SSI) was conducted by the Government. Seventy-three inspectors from the regulatory organizations, research institutes, universities, etc. undertook the mission. The assumed scenario mirrored the Fukushima accident: earthquake tsunami power loss extreme severe accident They inspected 21 operating NPPs, a research reactor, and fuel cycle facilities for 5 weeks. • • Site inspection: Mar.21 ~ Apr.15, 2011 Review of findings: Apr.16 ~ Apr.30, 2011 Hearings for the residents of the nearby towns of NPPs were held before and after the inspection. Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 5 Special Safety Inspection for Operating Plants in Korea Major Inspection Points of SSI Defense-In-Depth Functions Major Inspection Points Extreme Natural Hazards Adequacy of the plant design and facilities against natural hazards - Design against earthquake and seismic capacity - Design against coastal flooding and inundation protection capability Prevention of Severe Accidents Adequacy of power supply and cooling functions - Power system and emergency power supply - Cooling capability in case of station blackout and inundation Mitigation of Severe Accidents Adequacy of countermeasures against severe accidents - Facilities, guidelines, and strategies against severe accidents Emergency Response Adequacy of emergency response - Emergency response to multi-units accidents - Facilities, systems, and infrastructure for the protection of local residents and workers Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 6 Special Safety Inspection for Operating Plants in Korea Inspection Results Korean NPPs in operation have no imminent risk for the expected maximum potential earthquake and coastal flooding, based on the up-to-date investigation/research. However, there are needs to implement the long and short-term improvements in order to secure safety for beyond-design-basis natural events Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 7 Special Safety Inspection for Operating Plants in Korea Major Safety Improvements for Korean NPPs Improvements Containment 6 Portable 이동형 EDG 발전차 량 2 1 10m 5 Drain Pump 3 SG Contro 7 l PZR rod Battery 4 E D G 원자로용 기 1 Making the coastal barrier higher (Kori site) 2 Preparing a vehicle with a portable emergency diesel generator at each site 3 Securing the safety of emergency battery power from flooding 4 Installing watertight doors at major buildings 5 Water-proofing drain pumps Rx 6 Installing passive H2 removal systems which operate without electricity [PAR] 7 Installing containment filtered vent or an alternative depressurizing system Sea 1 billion USD investment over 5 years Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 8 Special Safety Inspection for Operating Plants in Korea On-going safety improvements concerning a severe accident Category Severe Accident Management Guidelines Improvements Strengthening severe accident education and training Revising severe accident management guidelines (SAMGs) to enhance their effectiveness Developing low-power and shutdown SAMGs Equipment Installation of injection flow paths for emergency cooling and Facilities water from external sources Installation of passive hydrogen removal equipment (PAR) Installation of filtered venting system (CFVS) or depressurizing facilities in the containment building Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 9 External Cooling Water Injection External cooling water injection stratgegy Requirement: Some alternative, direct lineups to inject emergency water source to the primary and secondary loops should be provided as soon as possible. An additional line to provide emergency cooling water from outside the reactor containment building to the reactor (A), auxiliary feed tank (B), and steam generator (C) (KHNP plan) Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 10 External Cooling Water Injection External cooling water for the primary system is injected into the core through the shutdown cooling line. Secondary system injection adopts two different ways: Make up the exhausted auxiliary feedwater (AFW) storage tank through a fire engine Inject cooling water directly into the AFW discharge pipe through a branch line using a fire engine Injection is possible when RCS or steam generator secondary pressure decreases below 15 kg/cm2 (1.47 MPa). Minimum required injection flow rates were estimated by the utility. Analysis of various accident scenarios including station blackout using MAAP 4.06 showed that they could be achieved. Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 11 Confirmatory Analysis of Ext. Cooling Water Injection Accident sequence considered: a SBO with external water injection Time (sec) Event Remark 0.0 - Reactor Trip - Stop to Supply MFW - Start to Supply TDAFW 900.0 - RCP Seal Leakage 28800.0 - Stop to Supply TDAFW 30600.0 - ADV Manual Open 30 min. after AFWP trip Set point : 1st Pressure < 15 kg/cm2 - Injection into the primary system Pump performance curve used Set point : 2nd Pressure < 15 kg/cm2 - Injection into the secondary Pump performance system curve used Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety Failure time assumed 12 Confirmatory Analysis of Ext. Cooling Water Injection Reactor core, primary and secondary system model KINS has been developing a MELCOR model with the assistance of a contractor. IRWST S/G Compart. 513 Core Active Region 512 671 672 511 Lower Plenum 661 667 668 662 660 666 669 663 659 665 670 664 510 509 508 507 506 505 504 503 502 501 673 674 260 130 180 130 652 654 656 658 651 653 655 657 386 385 384 383 396 395 394 393 150 675 676 361 365 364 363 362 371 375 374 Reactor core Reactor coolant system Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 373 372 Steam generator secondary side 13 Confirmatory Analysis of Ext. Cooling Water Injection Preliminary result: Primary and secondary system pressure change 18 Primary Secondary 16 Pressure (MPa) 14 RCP Seal Leakage 12 10 ADV Manual Open 8 6 4 Primary injection 2 P/p discharge pressure: 15kg/cm2 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Secondary injection Time (hrs) Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 14 Confirmatory Analysis of Ext. Cooling Water Injection Preliminary result: Primary and secondary injection flow rates 2.5 16 External-2nd External-1st 14 Mass Flow Rate (kg/s) Mass Flow Rate (kg/s) 2.0 1.5 1.0 12 10 Level control 8 6 4 0.5 2 0.0 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (hrs) Primary system injection at 19.2 hr Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 0 10 20 30 40 50 Time (hrs) Secondary system injection at 9.1 hr 15 Confirmatory Analysis of Ext. Cooling Water Injection Preliminary result: Core exit temperature Reactor core can be sufficiently cooled with an ADV open. Further consideration will be given to the cooling rate, which is higher than the operation limit, 55.6 ℃/h (100℉/h). SAMG entry condition CET 600 500 400 Core Exit Temperature Cooling Limit 320 300 Temperature ( C) 300 280 o o Temperature ( C) 340 200 260 240 220 200 100 180 160 8.5 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Time (hrs) Time (hrs) Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 16 9.5 Conclusions Injection flow paths for external cooling water are being installed at the Korean NPPs following a special safety inspection. A best-estimate MELCOR analysis to check the effectiveness of this strategy is being carried out. The preliminary analysis results show that this strategy could successfully cool the reactor core for a station blackout accident through its effective implementation. Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 17 Acknowledgments This work is based on the results from the Nuclear Safety Research and Development program of Nuclear Safety and Safeguard Commission. Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety 18
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