2013–2014 ANNUAL REPORT 3201 Hillsboro Pike • Nashville, TN 37215 (615) 354-0270 Ext. 21 • www.lindencorner.org FROM THE FACULTY AND ADMINISTRATIVE CHAIRS We measure our children’s growth not only in inches and pounds, but also in skills and maturing understanding. How do we measure the growth of our school? ▲ OUR MISSION First, we affirmed that our mission still holds, but we added a word for emphasis. Developmental was inserted to reinforce that a Waldorf curriculum offers age-appropriate experiences designed to actively engage students while preparing them to meet the challenges of our world. The Waldorf emphasis on building capacity is about broadening and deepening a person’s range of responses to the unknown that lies ahead and about helping build resilience and courage to try something new. This developed sense of one’s own efficacy is evident in our alumni. 2 OUR VALUES Our core values changed the most through the scrutiny of this process. The members of the Inclusion and Diversity group drafted their own statement of values for that committee, which were subsequently deemed to be core values of the whole school. At the meeting, we also heard ideas about stewardship and sustainability that needed to find a place in our language. As a result, our once-separate Environmental Policy Statement has been incorporated and expanded as a core value. ▲ At last year’s State of the School meeting we explored our collective vision for the school and our values. As a community we considered questions such as, “Why must Linden Waldorf School exist?” and brainstormed to imagine our future. The faculty worked with the ideas revealed and dreams expressed to tweak our mission, vision, and values statements. OUR VISION Next, we recognized that the vision for our community is to be more diverse, a word to be interpreted in all its dimensions, in addition to our stated vision of an “intergenerational” community. A dedicated group of parents, faculty, and members of the greater community have been working for years to ensure that inclusion and diversity are givens at Linden. ▲ Square footage? Number of students? More importantly, perhaps, in the enhanced mission, vision, and values statements we adopted; the accomplishment of recent strategic plan goals; the commitment of our volunteers; and the rich lives led by our alumni as they progress through high school and college. Read next our Board Chair’s measure of this phase of the school’s development, the Treasurer’s measure of the school’s finances, and the immeasurable appreciation owed our donors and our families. —Margaret Bean, Administrative Chair, and Camille McNutt, Faculty Chair OUR MISSION: Linden Waldorf School’s mission is to provide education that honors the developmental stages of childhood, cultivates a love of learning, and addresses the whole child through the head, hands, and heart. OUR VISION: We envision a thriving intergenerational and diverse community of lifelong learners dedicated to fostering the ideals of Waldorf education with the intention of cultivating the intellectual curiosity, moral consciousness, and physical well-being of our students, families, and the greater community. WE VALUE: •Waldorf education and participating in its evolution, building on the foundation of Rudolf Steiner’s insights into child development and actively working to keep the education relevant to our time and place; •Education that is developmentally appropriate, addresses the whole child, is academically challenging, and fosters a lifelong love of learning; •A thriving community built on the ideals of peace, joy, cooperation, collegiality, financial responsibility, diversity, integrity, and respect; •A deep connection with nature that nurtures wonder and reverence for the world around us. We value biodynamic agriculture and other forms of environmental stewardship that create a sustainable path into the future; and •A welcoming learning environment where faculty and staff strive to bring students to an understanding and experience of the common humanity of all the world’s people — transcending stereotypes, prejudices, and divisive barriers. 3 FROM THE BOARD CHAIR First of all, on behalf of the Board, I would like to thank the people who have finished their term on the Board for their commitment to the school, their time, and their willingness to engage in discussion and make complex decisions. These people are Tom O’Neill, Will Wright, Lynn Harroff, Newell Anderson, Anne Nicholson, and Louise Merritt. I would also like to welcome and thank our new Board members: John Bass, Kim Gardner, Kathryn Koehler, Cindy Turner, Liz Tipping, and Rebecca Peterson. Most of the goals delineated on the 2011-2014 Strategic Plan have been accomplished: •Enriching our educational programming with Mandarin, gardening, educational support, the social inclusion approach (student support program), and Eurythmy; •Delineating our requirements and wishes for a permanent home via a process of writing ideal learningenvironment standards; •Hiring the Faculty Chair to enhance collaborative leadership; •Increasing our operating reserve to achieve the recommended level that correlates with stability in independent schools and assuring our excellence in financial management through our first full independent audit; and •Achieving “candidate for full membership” status through the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America. The 2014–2019 Strategic Plan, currently being developed, continues an emphasis on educational programming, governance, and accreditation. It will also focus on our facilities and resources, closely intertwined as they are, with a new degree of purpose and intensity. The school’s administration will work with the Board to develop a longterm strategy for both year-toyear and capital fundraising, then implement it. What all of this indicates about our school is that we are moving into a phase of actualization of the hopes and values that this community has put into words and images over the years. Thank you all for participating in this wonderfully vibrant, committed, and warm community. —Alex von Hoffmann, Board Chair 4 2013–2014 BOARD OF DIRECTORS The members of the Board of Directors are committed to ensuring the financial stability and physical well-being of the school, as well as protecting its legal interests. The Board is made up of faculty, parent (including the Parent Council Chair), and community representatives serving a three-year term. We are grateful to the Board members, all of whom volunteer their time and expertise to the benefit of our school. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Alex von Hoffmann Chair Will Beard Vice Chair Anne Nicholson Secretary Eric Patrick Treasurer MEMBERS Melanie Adams Governance Chair and Parent Representative Newell Anderson Strategic Planning Chair and Parent Representative Anna Bridgers Faculty Representative Lynn Harroff Faculty Representative Susanne Frensley Community Representative Thomas O’Neill Parent Representative Holly Settle Faculty Representative We are moving into a phase of actualization of the hopes and values that this community has put into words and images over the years. Will Wright Community Representative EX-OFFICIO Margaret Bean Administrative Chair Camille McNutt Faculty Chair Louise Merritt Parent Council Co-Chair 5 FROM THE TREASURER The Linden Waldorf School Board is pleased to report that the overall financial health of the School continues to be strong. Through careful planning, we have been able to reserve cash to comfortably cover the occasional financial setback. In 2013–2014, the Board of Directors enacted a new investment policy and invested $150,000 in more socially responsible financial vehicles. We plan to slowly increase the amount of excess cash invested up to $750,000 over the next year. In comparison to the growth we’ve seen over the past seven years, we did experience a slight loss of 3% of revenue for this fiscal year. This is due, in large part, to a philosophical decision to increase faculty compensation. In addition, 6 enrollment and fundraising income was lower than projected. This loss was a book loss though, and not a cash loss, as our depreciation expense is roughly equal to our shortfall. As of early 2014-2015, we anticipate healthy enrollment figures. Fundraising efforts, such as the Elves’ Faire, gala, and annual fund, make up the difference between tuition and yearly operating expenses. To meet budgeted expenses and fund future expansion, Linden must continue to build on fundraising successes of the past. —Eric Patrick, Treasurer FINANCIAL REPORT INCOME 88% n Net Tuition & Fees 0% 1% 2% 2% 3% 4% $1,733,514 n Extended Care & Other Programs $81,262 n Annual Fund & Other Contributions $47,309 n Spring Gala & Auction $41,024 n Other Fundraising Activities (Elves’ Faire, Scrip) $40,138 n Seeds Store Income $24,487 n Interest and Misc. Income TOTAL $2,022 $1,969,756 69% EXPENSES n Salaries and Benefits 1% 1% 1% 3% 4% 10% 4% 7% $1,414,172 n Facilities Costs $200,114 n General & Operational $141,123 n Instructional Materials & Activities $86,418 n Depreciation & Other $72,048 n Professional Development $71,451 n Other Fundraising Activities (Elves’ Faire, Scrip) $19,973 n Seeds Store Expense $18,035 n Gala Expense $11,591 TOTAL$2,034,925 7 2013–2014 ANNUAL GIVING As the only Waldorf school in Tennessee, we are committed to providing our students with as rich a Waldorf educational experience as possible. Our school relies on gifts to the Annual Fund to ensure that we meet that goal. Your generous contributions to the Annual Fund are put to use in many ways and no gift is ever too small. In the 2013–2014 fiscal year we broadened our curriculum with Mandarin, Gardening, and Eurythmy. Professional development resources allocated from the Annual Fund helped our faculty and administrators attend conferences where they worked with, learned from, and shared ideas with other Waldorf teachers and leaders from all over the United States. Last summer alone, your gifts to the Annual Fund provided for 18 faculty and administrative members to attend several training events, including renewal courses at the Center for Anthroposophy, week-long grade intensives to help teachers prepare for the coming year, early childhood continuing education workshops 8 on nurturing the young child and farm and forest kindergartens, and an administrative course on collaborative leadership. Additionally, your gifts helped us pay for mentoring from master teachers, including their stays at Linden to work directly with our new teachers or teachers in new positions. Annual Fund dollars also helped to further our social inclusion program and enhance our student support initiatives. Thank you to each of our Annual Fund donors for enriching the Linden Waldorf experience and enabling our students to reach their full potential as lifelong learners. —Tricia Drake, Development Coordinator No gift is ever too small. 2013–2014 ANNUAL GIVING It is with heartfelt gratitude that we recognize the individuals and businesses that have contributed to Linden Waldorf School. Linden Golden Orchard $5,000 and above Bob Doyle and Alex von Hoffmann Linden Orchard $2,500-$4,999 Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee David and Anna Bridgers Linden Grove $1,000 -$2,499 Will and Marci Beard Peter Goodwin and Margaret Bean Lee and Joan Gorden The HCA Foundation Paula McCord David and Alyson Spence John and Anna Tettleton Don and Camille Turner Felix and Linda Woods Linden Tree $500 -$999 Newell and Tasha Anderson Warner and Madge Bass Katrin Bean Sylvia Hurdle and Chand Desai Jim and Jessica Folger John and Midge Folger Julia McAninch and Paige Holliman Jim and Catie Johnson Bill and Char Kennedy Edward and Antje Kolodziej Betty Legum Lifestyle Staffing Solutions Bob and Wendi Mahoney Jennifer McCord Becky Bowman and Mark McMahan Ron and Camille McNutt Nipun and Sonia Merchant Louise Merritt Tim Moses and Tricia Drake James and Pamela Roller Sherri Scott Melanie Adams and Todd Smith Richard Smith Sandy and Elizabeth Tipping Les and Sara Wilkinson Andries and Rachel Zijlstra Linden Sapling $250-$499 Elden and Cathy Bale Amanda Garcia and Travis Brandon Bob and Mary Bryan Jay and Michelle Fowke Chip and Susanne Frensley Chuck and Kim Gardner Larry Gottlieb Russ and Cindy Guier Josh and Carly Kear Tony and Rachel Lucca Dan and Maria Maggipinto Wayne Mayo McCloud and Associates Irene Phelps Sarah Cannon Cancer Center John and Stacey Schorr Betty Settle Greg and Cynthia Wiel Linden Seedling up to $249 Anonymous Dance in Bloom Kelly Hill and David Aronoff Joel and Rhonda Atkins John and Felicia Bass Baby Bear Shop Bill and Mary Bailey Martha Bartles Van and Cindy Bates Fred and Kristen Beahm Brandon and Erin Bell Stacey Bentley Barbara Bittles Claire Brannon Emily Osborn and Walter Campbell Jean Carter Grant and Jennifer Castle Helen Chamberlain Anne Chenoweth Hilary Craiglow Angus and Nancy Crook Nathan and Dana Croy Rob and Alison DeHart Delek Fund for Hope Raj and Helen Desai Laura Duke Don and Janet Duke Steve and Ellen Eagon Mr. and Mrs. Ran Edwards Kathi Padgett and Philip Elbert Steve and Julia Emahiser Peter and Audrey Fleming Fernanda Fontela Michael and Sally Eyles-Goldfarb Stan and Sally Graham Michael and Becky Grando Chris and Sharon Harmon Lynn Harroff Lee Horrocks Jane and Richard Eskind and Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Milnor Jones Ryan and Jessica Kennedy Raymond and Siobhan Kennedy Jim and Kim Kingsbury Ruthanne Tomanica and Robb Kinsey (continued on next page) 9 Linden Seedling (continued) Natalie Campo and Peter Kleuser David and Camille Lashlee Deborah Lederman Jim and Martha Lowe Kenneth Lyon Elaine Mears Christine Morrill Derek and Leslie Mueller Daniel Nemes and Anna Calhoun Anne Nicholson Shanti Odell David and Regine Olney Catherine Virostko and Stephen Ornes Brydget Carrillo and Gwil Owen Deborah Drew and David Paschal Shannon Paty David and Kathryn Potter Mia and Jimmy Rankin Ellen Rodrigues Helen Musial and Gordie Sampson Mari Beth Sartain Alex Schneider Judith Scoville Mindy White and Bill Serafin Bailey and Holly Settle Joel Simpler Brent and Diana Stewart Landis and Janet Turner Kurt Wagner Ching Li Wang W.D. Wright Kathryn Koehler and Jim Yockey Gifts of Professional Services and Gifts-in-Kind Bates Nursery Beahm Design Ricardo Beron Caffe Nonna Fido Jive! Poplar Springs Greenscape Silly Goose Sitemason Upasana Dance Company Vicky Vaughn Band Jim Yockey Special thanks to Josh Kear, Chris Tompkins, and Tony Lucca for performing at our Heads, Hands, and Heart Gala in April. What a gift your talents are to our school! Every effort has been made to ensure that this information is accurate and complete. Call our Development Coordinator, Tricia Drake, at 615-354-0270, ext. 26, if there are any errors or omissions, and please accept our apologies. 10 Many of the images seen in this report are courtesy of Ricardo Beron, Dana Croy, and Jennifer McCord. IN APPRECIATION We dedicate this annual report to Ladislaus von Hoffmann, financier and philanthropist, who died on July 29, 2014. Anonymously, Mr. von Hoffmann and his wife, Beatrix, were early generous supporters of what was then Linden Corner School as it grew from its origins as an Early Childhood program into the full eight elementary grades. Mr. von Hoffmann collected art of the Northern European Renaissance, and was indeed a Renaissance man himself. He had a universal range of interests, extending from the Sunday comics to science, mathematics, history, political science, and poetry. He also traveled throughout the developing world during most of his professional career, consistently absorbing knowledge at the human, technological, economic, and cultural levels. As a young man, Mr. von Hoffmann had developed a deep respect for anthroposophy based on the personal qualities of Waldorfeducated friends and colleagues in post-war Germany. When the opportunity arose for him to contribute to such an education for new generations in a new country, he committed himself wholeheartedly. Mr. von Hoffmann’s gifts were typically accompanied by sage advice. He asked that the school use his donations to make itself as independent as possible of single benefactors such as himself, that is, become self-sufficient early in its development. This encouraged the tradition of sound financial management and careful planning that characterizes the school now. His daughter, Alex, spoke at her father’s memorial service, Ladislaus von Hoffmann encouraged the tradition of sound financial management and careful planning that characterizes the school now. and in these glimpses of Mr. von Hoffmann, we see some reasons why the ideals and ultimate fate of this school resonated with him: “But oh, what a trove of wisdom, morality, curiosity, and humor he bestowed on my sister and me, gifts which we are still internalizing in their richness and complexity. I won’t belabor all of my father’s virtues, of which there were many…but one virtue was his lovely ability to inhabit the mind of a child. He loved toys and circuses and wise cartoons, with their resonance of innocence and curiosity and honesty.” His granddaughter, Oona Doyle, was among those first graduates in the Class of 2007, and her two siblings followed: Hannah, Class of 2009, and Josef, Class of 2012. We are grateful to Mr. von Hoffman for his cornerstone role in creating Linden Waldorf School. 11 PARENTS AND COMMUNITY We are so fortunate to have such active and engaged parents at Linden Waldorf School, and this past year they continued to shine. Our school parents served as energetic volunteers for a whole host of external and internal events and activities throughout the school year, including our alwaysanticipated Elves’ Faire in the fall and our Head, Hands, and Heart Gala in the spring. In addition, parents provided thousands of hours of invaluable service to our school in such ways as serving on our Board and various committees, operating the Seeds Store, baking for committee meetings, leading parent crafting sessions to create projects and décor for various festivals, driving and chaperoning students traveling to the Pentathlon and other overnight field trips, providing musical talent for festivals and gatherings, building and painting sets for class plays, organizing the boot/clothing swap, attending and donating items for our campus beautification days, and preparing 12 delicious meals for those in need of extra community support. In light of the enormous gift of their time that our parent volunteers generously provide every year, it is all the more inspiring that we also have within our community a Parent Council (PC) committed to presenting programs that serve parents seeking to enrich their understanding of Waldorf education. The 2013–2014 PC continued to expand its role in providing parent education by broadening its offerings to include external speakers on an interesting array of topics and weekly book study groups. The PC is made possible only by the volunteer efforts of its member delegates, and we thank all of them, past and present, for donating their time and energy to our community. 2013–2014 PARENT COUNCIL Louise Merritt* and Kim Gardner Co-Chairs Mari Beth Sartain Administrative Representative Maria Case Faculty Representative Stacey Bentley Faculty Representative Camille McNutt* Faculty Chair Class Representatives: Daisy Rebecca Edwards Rose Kelly Whitfield and Natalie Campo Sunflower Jen Castle 1st grade Jessica Kennedy 2nd grade Leslie Mueller 3rd grade Kim Gardner 4th grade Cynthia Grimson and Helen Musial 5th grade Sara Wilkinson 6th grade Henry Higginbotham 7th grade Jim Folger 8th grade Harriet Forbes * Denotes Board member 13 THE MEASURE OF OUR SUCCESS LWS graduates have attended: Academe of the Oaks – Waldorf High School, Atlanta, GA Battle Ground Academy Big Picture High School* Brentwood High School Chatham Hall – Chatham, VA Emerson Waldorf School – Chapel Hill, NC Ensworth High School* Franklin High School Franklin Road Academy Harpeth Hall School* Harpeth High School* Hillsboro High School* Hillwood High School Hume-Fogg Academic Magnet Montgomery Bell Academy* Nashville School of the Arts* Ravenwood High School* St. Andrew’s-Sewanee School – Sewanee, TN St. Cecilia Academy* Station Camp High School University School of Nashville* *Denotes the Class of 2014 acceptances and choices. “During my time at Linden Waldorf School, I’ve always felt like I was learning – not being taught.” — Class of 2014 graduate 14 ALUMNI HOMECOMING Linden Waldorf School hosted our annual Alumni Homecoming this summer, honoring the Class of 2010 as they graduated from high school. Everyone enjoyed this festive outdoor event, which featured LWS alumni Addie and Gus Carroll, aka “Gus and the Fuss,” as the entertainment. “Linden taught me that instead of just looking for the answer, find a way to get to the answer.” — Emma Kingsbury, Class of 2010 graduate Valedictorian, Hillsboro High School, Class of 2014 Addie and Gus Carroll perform (above) while alumni Zeke Starr and Rachel Fowke (top left) enjoy the music. David Bridgers with daughter Emily, Class of 2012 (center left). Class of 2010 graduates Emily Stewart, Emma Kingsbury, and Johanna Burr (bottom left). 15 Save the Dates! Benefit Concert SATURDAY, MARCH 28 • 3RD & LINDSLEY Featuring Jewel, Alison Krauss & Dan Tyminski, Josh Kear, Tony Lane, and Tony Lucca SATURDAY, APRIL 11 • THE BALLROOM IN GREEN HILLS Spring Auction Fundraiser The Linden Getdown, featuring Viktor Krauss More details on these exciting events to follow! 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