Careers Update The University of Melbourne news for careers practitioners January 2014 Special Offers Edition Inside this issue Melbourne's courses the most popular choice 1 Offers 2014 2 You asked for it 2 Melbourne National Scholarship winners 3 Alexander and Bridget Jones Memorial Scholarship 4 Key dates 2014 4 Contact us Back cover Melbourne's courses the most popular choice VTAC applications for 2014 indicate that Arts and Science degrees at the University of Melbourne are the most popular undergraduate course choices across the state. Bachelors of Commerce and Biomedicine also fall into the top eight most popular courses. 2124 places were offered for Science, an increase of 11 per cent compared to last year, and 34 places in the Bachelor of Science (Chancellor’s Scholars’ Program). Science offered the most places of any course at the University of Melbourne for this year. Clearly-in ATARs have risen for Arts, Biomedicine, Environments and Science, indicating increased preference for these courses. The introduction of guaranteed entry to Commerce for domestic students with an ATAR of 95.00 or above, along with heightened interest in the course, has resulted in an increase to 951 round one offers in the degree in 2014. Agriculture offers also increased significantly from 90 offers in 2013 to 132 this year. Overall offers and offers to school-leavers have each increased four per cent despite a stable number of Year 12 students completing in 2013. Interstate offers to the University rose by 22 per cent, with 1361 offers made to students from other states, with particularly high application numbers from New South Wales and Queensland. About one third of all University of Melbourne offers made were to students who meet the Access Melbourne categories of a disadvantaged financial background or rural and isolated areas. This is an increase of around eight per cent from 2013. Read the full article at the Melbourne Newsroom: DATES TO REMEMBER Negotiated offer applications will close on Friday 31 January 2014 (5pm) Offers 2014 Round 1 Clearly-in Rank 2014 Degree Number of offers made in 2014 Round 1 (and early round where applicable) Agriculture 70.05 132 Arts 92.35 1734 RC* 2 Biomedicine 98.95 466 Commerce 95.00 951 Environments 85.45 611 Fine Arts RC* 376 General Studies RC* 29 Music RC* 152 90.20 60 92.00 2124 NA (less than ten Year 12 offers made) 63 Arts (Extended) Oral Health Science Urban Horticulture (Associate Degree) *Range of criteria used for selection We also made 135 offers into the University’s Chancellor’s Scholars Program across various courses in 2014. Round 1 Clearly-in Rank 2014 Degree Arts (Chancellor's Scholars Program) Number of offers made in 2014 Round 1 99.90 24 Biomedicine (Chancellor's Scholars Program) 99.90 60 Commerce (Chancellor's Scholars Program) 99.90 16 Environments (Chancellor's Scholars Program) NA 1 Music (Chancellor's Scholars Program) RC* 0 99.90 34 Science (Chancellor's Scholars Program) ? You asked for it! Why didn’t I get an offer and what should I do now? If you didn’t get an offer for 2014 at Melbourne you either didn’t meet the 2014 clearly-in rank for the course or did not meet the entry requirements (prerequisites or other requirements depending on the course). Increased demand for our courses has resulted in higher clearly-in ATARs for 2014 in some cases and means there may be less chance of a negotiated offer being available. Further info about negotiated offers, Round 2 VTAC offers and who to contact if you didn’t get in: Melbourne National Scholarship winners The University proudly congratulates our Melbourne National Scholars. The list below represents some of the top performers who received a National Scholarship offer in December 2013 after VCE results were released*. The Melbourne National Scholarships provides a tuition fee-exempt Commonwealth Supported Place valued up to approximately $30,500 and a $15,000 allowance ($30,000 for interstate students) over the normal duration of an undergraduate degree (excluding honours). To be eligible for the scholarship, students must achieve an ATAR or equivalent of 99.90 or above. name school name school Aaron Ch'Ng Scotch College Jasun Li Melbourne Grammar School Aaron Ng Balwyn High School Jenny Luu Macrobertson Girls High School Alexander Kilner Trinity Grammar School Jessica Min Macrobertson Girls High School Alice Yu Methodist Ladies' College Jiani Chen Macrobertson Girls High School Amanda Yeo The Kilmore International School Jordan Santucci Melbourne Grammar School April Whitehead Methodist Ladies' College Joyce Tan Macrobertson Girls High School Benjamin Stefano Melbourne Grammar School Justin Lee Scotch College Bernadette Toohey Sacre Coeur Kina Lin-Wilmoth Caulfield Grammar School - Caulfield Campus Betty Xiong Ruyton Girls' School Maxim Cave Melbourne Grammar School Cameron Doig Camberwell Grammar School Mei Ying Ho John Monash Science School Chen Qian Brighton Grammar School Mihika Upadhyaya Macrobertson Girls High School Chiara Dogliotti Haileybury Girls College Milly Bishop Camberwell Anglican Girls Grammar School Cuong Duong Melbourne High School Nicholas Liu Scotch College Denzil Furtado Xavier College Raja Noureddine Haileybury College Dudu Yang University High School Roshan Karri Wesley College, Melbourne Feliks Zemdegs St Kevin's College Toorak Saba Gul Sirius College Grant Silbert Wesley College, Melbourne Saskia Holloway St Catherine's School Ilana Cherny Mount Scopus Memorial College Sheryl Ding Kingswood College Jack Marozzi University High School Stephen Ciavarella De La Salle College James Gunn Xavier College Thomas Crowley Xavier College James Ha Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Thomas Ferretto Xavier College James Mistarz Vermont Secondary College Timothy Crowe St Patrick's College James Maccarrone St Kevin's College Toorak Victor Lin Melbourne Grammar School Jang-Ho Weon John Monash Science School *Information correct at the time of printing. Some names may be excluded as scholarships continue to be finalised. List only includes students who have given permission for their names to be published. Fifty-five interstate students (ACT=1, NSW=19, QLD=12, SA=12, TAS=1, WA=10) have also accepted Melbourne National Scholarships.* Congratulations to all scholarship recipients, their families, school communities and friends whose hard work and support have made their achievements possible! WHERE TO FROM HERE Many of our Melbourne National Scholars also received offers to join our Chancellor's Scholars Program. The program offers a wide range of additional services, to support and encourage our high-achieving students. scholarships/ugrad/future/national Alexander and Bridget Jones Memorial Scholarship The University of Melbourne and the Bendigo and Adelaide Bank established a new scholarship in 2013 in memory of Alexander and Bridget Jones, who tragically lost their lives after the Swanston Street wall collapse last year. Key dates 2014 Events for future undergraduate students: MARCH Sun 16 Melbourne Veterinary Science and Hospital Open Day (Werribee) Meet Melbourne events: Bendigo, Sale, Warragul (dates TBC) APRIL Fri 11 Access All Areas The scholarships assist students from rural and regional areas, forming part of the University’s commitment to improving the participation of students and staff from educationally, financially or socially disadvantaged backgrounds. Meet Melbourne events: Ballarat, Geelong, Mildura (dates TBC) Thurs 15 Focus on Biomedicine Five scholarships were awarded for 2014. Vice-Chancellor Professor Glyn Davis said the scholarship honoured the contribution Alexander and Bridget made to the University and ensured their legacy continued. Wed 21 Focus on Arts Tues 27 Focus on Commerce Wed 28 Focus on Environments The scholarship, funded by the University and Bendigo and Adelaide Bank provides $13 500 to each recipient for the duration of their undergraduate degree. The recipients will also receive up to $2500 for an exchange or study abroad program via a Melbourne Global Scholars Award or Grant. Students were identified and assessed according to the Melbourne Access Scholarship eligibility criteria and taking into consideration academic merit as demonstrated by ATAR with weighting given to students who satisfied the most Access Melbourne categories. Read the full article at the Melbourne Newsroom: Further information about application and selection: alexander_and_bridget_jones_memorial_scholarship MAY Meet Melbourne events: Albury, Caroline Springs, Hamilton, Shepparton, Warrnambool (dates TBC) JUNE Tues 3 Focus on Science Wed 4 Focus on Agriculture Tues 10 Focus on Law Wed 11 Career Practitioners Seminar Wed 11 Focus on Engineering Wed 11 Focus on IT Wed 18 Focus on MCM Wed 25 Focus on the VCA JULY Thurs 10 UniExperience Fri 11 Access All Areas AUGUST Sun 17 Open Day (Parkville & Dookie) Meet Melbourne event: Frankston (date TBC) DECEMBER Wed 17 Course Information Day Contact Us Key contact Contact details Wendy Holden Associate Director, National Markets John Paul Collins Manager, Student Recruitment Tel: (03) 8344 4635 Email: [email protected] Tel: (03) 8344 5619 Email: [email protected] Lois Carlton Manager, Student Recruitment Tel: (03) 8344 8809 Email: [email protected] events and MANAGEMENT areas Responsible for managing the National Markets team Manages international onshore and graduate recruitment Careers practitioners liaison Manages on campus events and equity programs Melissa Chatfield Student Recruitment Coordinator Tel: (03) 8344 6119 Email: [email protected] Claire Scott Student Recruitment Coordinator Tel: (03) 8344 9656 Email: [email protected] Kate Mack Student Recruitment Coordinator Tel: (03) 9035 7428 Email: NA Events liaison for Access All Areas and Open Day Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program Equity events and programs UniExperience Jon Worthen Student Recruitment Coordinator Tel: (03) 9035 8949 Email: [email protected] TBC Student Recruitment Coordinator Tel: NA Email: NA Tel: (03) 9035 5393 Email: melissa.melder@unimelb. Tel: (03) 8344 8414 Email: [email protected] TBC Student Recruitment Officer Tel: NA Email: NA Stephanie Wilson Events and Projects Officer Tel: (03) 9035 7401 Email: stephanie.wilson@unimelb. Course Information Day and mid-year entry Events liaison for Meet Melbourne Kellie Henderson–Giles Admissions Coordinator Nicky Haslinghouse Admissions Assistant Tel: (03) 8344 5538 Email: [email protected] Matthew White Team Leader, Enquiries Management Karina Farmers Editor, Careers Update Tel: (03) 8344 6543 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Disclaimer The information in this publication was correct at the time of printing. The University reserves the right to make changes as appropriate. As details may change, you are encouraged to visit the University’s web site or contact the University of Melbourne Information Centre to obtain the latest information. Schools in regional Victorian area of Barwon, South Australia and the Northern Territory Events and programs for international students studying in Australian schools and foundation programs Graduate events Support for Associate Director Support for career practitioner liaison Support for KLD activities School visits, campus tours and career night bookings University of Melbourne Extension Program Manager Tel: (03) 9035 4612 Email: lisa.fairweather@unimelb. Tel: (03) 8344 4393 Email: [email protected] Schools in Northern Metropolitan Melbourne, rural Gippsland and Tasmania Events liaison for Focus on Melbourne Lisa Fairweather Recruitment Systems Coordinator Schools in Peninsula, rural Mallee and Queensland Graduate events, non-school leavers, and manages Kwong Lee Dow Young Scholars Program Schools in Bayside region, Melbourne South East and rural Loddon Tertiary Information Service Coordination Alice Grinton Student Recruitment Officer Schools in Western Metropolitan Melbourne and Western District Events and programs for international students studying in Australian schools and Foundation programs Melissa Melder Student Recruitment Officer Schools in Melbourne Yarra, rural Central Highlands, New South Wales, the Australian Capital Territory, and New Zealand Schools in Melbourne North East, regional Victorian areas of Goulburn and the Ovens Valley, and Western Australia Non-school leaver entry pathway enquiries University of Melbourne Extension Program enquiries General enquiries and publication orders Editor of Careers Update Publisher Authorised by: Associate Director, National Markets Published by: Office of Admissions CRICOS Provider Code: 00116K ©Copyright the University of Melbourne, January 2014
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