Programme Catalogue 2013 – 2015

Programme Catalogue 2013 – 2015
Table of Contents
IMI, Possibly the World’s Finest Hotel School
IMI Career Services – Your Partner for Life
Your Career Opportunities
IMI Internship Services – Your Career Starts Here
Undergraduate Programmes
Higher Diploma
Higher Diploma and BA Degree with Honours in European Culinary Management
Bachelor of Arts with Honours
Postgraduate Programmes
MBA in International Hospitality Management
Postgraduate Diploma
MBA in International Hotel, Health and Spa Management
MBA in Swiss Hotel Management
English Preparatory Courses
Intensive English Course (IEC)
Life at IMI
University English Preparatory Course (UEPC)
Meet IMI and Our Faculty
Quality and Accreditation
Contact Details
University Centre
IMI is a University Centre with courses externally validated by Manchester Metropolitan University in the United Kingdom. The validation confirms that the structure, depth and quality
of the courses are equivalent to those taught in Manchester. The validation includes a qua-
lity assurance process instituted by Manchester Metropolitan University; a further assess-
ment is made periodically by the United Kingdom's Quality Assurance Agency. In addition,
for many years IMI has used an external examiner system whereby well qualified subject
specialists review examination papers, course work and dissertations to ensure transpa-
rency and fairness in the assessment process. These procedures are supported by first
class academic staff and support services to create a positive learning environment.
IMI, Possibly the World’s Finest Hotel School
We Guarantee a Rewarding Career
You Study in the Heart of Europe
tes. This makes us unique among hotel schools. In the
international student population. It is in the heart of Ger-
We promise to find job opportunities for all our gradua-
Luzern is a beautiful, medieval, university city with a large
first weeks at IMI, you will meet with our Head of Intern-
man speaking Switzerland, a region famous for its high
ships, Careers and Alumni to start your personal deve-
quality education. Of all the cities in Switzerland, Luzern
lopment programme. Our excellent industry contacts
is considered the most beautiful. Thanks to Switzerland’s
and on-campus recruitment mean that during your time
amazing rail and road network and five international air-
terview with major hotel chains and industry leaders. On
Europe. You can be in class in the morning and lying on
at IMI you will attend inspirational presentations and in-
ports you can use your time at IMI to explore all of
average each student will attend 30 career days during
a beach in Nice in the afternoon or skiing at daybreak
their time at IMI and will have an average of four to five
and perusing the Louvre by nightfall.
job interviews following the BA and MBA programmes.
Internships are paid and are tailored to your individual
You Will be Joining the IMI Family
in the classroom. Our Internship office will find you paid
phasis is on creating happy, confident and successful
needs to allow you to develop and hone the skills learnt
We are a friendly and personal school where the em-
practical training after every semester either in Switzer-
students. We are also an international school and we
land or abroad. We have a 100 per cent record in finding
pride ourselves on diversity. Each semester we wel-
our students internship placements.
come students of around fifty different nationalities and
We Offer Exceptional Value
quivocally as an academic and inclusive school in which
a variety of social backgrounds. IMI positions itself une-
A qualification from IMI is a stamp of excellence on any
strong personalised academic support ensures that no
CV and will ensure that you are top of the pile for those
one is left behind. It is this staff dedication that gives our
first important interviews. Here at IMI we have made it
graduates the confidence and professionalism which
our mission to give the greatest value for money in
make them so attractive to future employers.
to get your BA Degree, when you can achieve it all in
We Do Not Pretend To Be Swiss.
terms of the education you receive. Why take four years
We Are Swiss!
two and a half with a paid internship included in the
course? To do this, we have deliberately restricted num-
IMI is one of the very few hotel management schools
bers to ensure small class sizes and excellent stu-
left in Switzerland, which still embodies all the values and
dent/teacher ratios. In a Certificate or Diploma class
features of the traditional Swiss Hotel School. We em-
there are on average 16 students per semester and in
ploy the very latest education techniques, but our core
class. At IMI you can complete your degree nearly a
mous as the home of hospitality. This is why, despite
our MBA classes there is an average of 19 students per
is built around the qualities that made Switzerland fa-
whole year earlier than in other schools without com-
many collaboration and buy-out offers, we have remai-
promising on quality. This means you will have been ear-
ned deliberately Swiss owned and Swiss managed.
ning for twelve months before you would have
Many of the hotel management schools, who call them-
graduated from almost any other University.
selves Swiss, or are members of school groups, are run
by distant investment companies or US finance corpo-
We Give a High Quality Education
rations whose main priority, naturally, is to maximise the
IMI combines the very best of Swiss practical and British
return for their shareholders. At IMI your education and
academic approaches to develop your full potential. Our
successful career are our main motivation. Only a truly
courses are validated by Manchester Metropolitan Uni-
Swiss School can guarantee the high quality standards
versity in the UK and are under constant review from
of a ‘Swiss Made’ brand.
our Industry Advisory Board and our Academic Advi-
sory Board. Our faculty is among the highest qualified
of any hotel school with many holding PhDs and all edu-
cated to at least Masters level.
Your Career Opportunities
The hospitality industry is one of the most dynamic in-
tion 74% of our students are working in Senior Manage-
ponentially. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be 1.6
reers outside the traditional fields of hospitality. This is
working in the hospitality industry worldwide. The op-
example; strategic international marketing management,
dustries in the world today and is projected to grow ex-
ment and more than 60% have made successful ca-
billion tourists and that one in every eleven people will be
because all our courses have transferable elements, for
portunities are far ranging and not only restricted to hotel
information technology, communication, personal deve-
ment from IMI you are among the most employable of
across the globe and across many sectors. Below is a
and academic training, together with personal develop-
king with their IMI qualifications, usually in management
management. With your degree in Hospitality Manage-
lopment, language and finance. Our contacts reach
all university graduates. It is the combination of practical
list of a few of the areas where our graduates are wor-
ment and intercultural competence that makes you so
roles or in some cases running their own companies.
attractive to future employers. Five years after gradua-
Facilities Management
Training in Professional Vocational Institutes
National and International Hotels, Resorts
Training in Hotel Schools
Event and Venue Management
Professional Educators
Fitness, Health and Spa Management
Theme Park Management
Entertainment and Amusement Parks
Sports Management
Golf Management
Recreation Management
Snow and Ski Resort Management
Professional Sports Marketing
Country Clubs
Sports Manufacturers
Marketing and Communication
Public Relations Firms
Communications Agencies
Business and Finance
Media and Publishing
Management Consulting
Marketing Organisations
Real Estate
Finance and Banking
International Business Relations
Fashion Buyers
Information Technology and IT Services
Sales Departments
Agency Management
Human Resources
Wines and Spirits
Travel Agencies
Theatre and Performing Arts
Tourism Organisations
Concert, Music and Theatre Venues
Exhibition Centres
Film Production Houses
IMI Career Services – Your Partner for Life
Employability is Key
Career Services Department
courses combine academic challenges with practical
sources to assist you in your job search; interview ad-
are heavily recruited by the major hotel chains and in-
campus recruitment, first-class job vacancy alerts,
At IMI, your employability is our primary objective. All our
Our Career Services Department offers excellent re-
training, which is one of the reasons why our students
vice, CV writing techniques, application strategy, on-
dustry employers. With their honed professional skills,
access to our alumni contact base and a wealth of in-
forward to a successful career in hospitality with exten-
now opened these services to all Alumni from IMI Uni-
found employment two months after graduation.
MBA students job opportunities after graduation, our Ca-
enterprise and strong work ethic, our students can look
dustry contacts. In our pursuit of excellence we have
sive and diverse opportunities. 94% of our students have
versity Centre. Not only do we promise to find BA and
reers Services Department will be there for you every
Career Days on Campus
step of the way from graduate trainee to General Ma-
Every semester, IMI welcomes some of the most pre-
nager; all free of charge. These are some of the reasons
to our campus in Kastanienbaum. These industry lea-
in Senior Management positions.
stigious international hotel groups and other companies
why five years after graduation 74% of our students are
ders visit IMI to lecture, recruit and guide our students
through all aspects of employment in the field of hospi-
tality. We have currently 36 different companies who re-
gularly visit our campus looking to employ IMI graduates.
Due to these excellent industry contacts, students are
given the opportunity to connect on a personal level
with future employers. Hilton, Hyatt, Sandals, Mövenpick,
Frenchman's Creek, The Landmark London, Atlantis
Dubai, Kuoni Travel, Kempinski, Six Senses Resorts and
Spas, Fairmont and Rocco Forte are just some of the
companies who have recruited at IMI recently. Each stu-
dent has an average of 4.5 interview opportunities for
first employment during their time at IMI.
Average number of interviews for first employment after BA and MBA
Graduates having found employment within 2 months of graduation
Number of industry partners directly recruiting on campus
Number of career days at IMI
Percentage of Alumni holding senior management positions 5 years after graduation
Based on 2011 data from incoming students, returning students, graduating students and Alumni
The Best Companies, the Best Experience.
These are just some of the companies currently recruting at IMI.
IMI Internship Services – Your Career Starts Here
Internship Services Department
the progress of your training and to help with any pro-
suitable and challenging positions, both in Switzerland
ships IMI will maintain regular contact with you and your
Our Internship Services Department will help you to find
blems you may have encountered. For overseas intern-
and abroad, through our excellent network of contacts in
employer to ensure that your experience lives up to
the industry. You are entitled to take paid practical trai-
your expectations. Unlike in most other hotel schools, at
ning after every semester although only one is compul-
IMI all these services, even if you want to do an intern-
sory. We have a 100 per cent record in placing our
ship after every academic semester, are provided free
students in paid practical training opportunities in Swit-
of charge. Additionally, you do not have to pay school
zerland and abroad. Each student has an average of 7.2
fees during your internship.
internship offers from outside Switzerland and 5.3 in-
ternship offers from within Switzerland. Support is provi-
Industry Advisory Board
employment contract and work permit. As soon as a po-
highly experienced and well connected individuals from
ded through the whole process of CV review, interview,
Our Industry Advisory Board (IAB) is a collection of
tential employer confirms interest, an interview is orga-
within the field of Hospitality. They are drawn from a wide
nised. Students are given information about the work-
cross-section of companies and from diverse nationali-
tract of employment will be signed between the em-
reflect the needs and demands of future employers. As
place and briefed for the interview. If successful, a con-
ties. The Board’s mission is to ensure that our courses
ployer, the student and the school. By Swiss law, trainees
Hospitality is now the world's fastest growing industry, it
in Switzerland must be paid a minimum monthly salary
is more important than ever for us to keep abreast of
of CHF 2168. Salaries abroad vary according to the local
this rapid pace of change. Our emphasis on practical
market. During your internship in Switzerland an IMI staff
training, personal development, intercultural competence
member will visit you to ensure that you are happy with
and academic excellence has evolved through our
workings with the IAB.
Average number of internship opportunities per student outside Switzerland
Percentage of students placed in paid internships outside Switzerland
100 %
Average number of internship opportunities per student in Switzerland
Percentage of students placed in paid internships in Switzerland
100 %
Based on 2011 data from incoming students and returning students.
Alumni Network
One of our main aims has been to develop our Alumni
to IMI’s impact around the globe. As our ‘Success Sto-
make it even easier to find old friends, look for jobs and
found in Senior Management and General Management
Network. In 2010 we re-launched our Alumni website to
ries’ show, our Alumni have been thriving and can be
to post your CV. This has been a huge hit. Our 6000 gra-
positions in almost every country in the world. We hope
long professional and personal connections. The Alumni
and networking opportunities, will help our current stu-
duates form the basis of a strong network built on life-
that this Alumni resource, which provides job sharing
database has facilitated this process and is a key driver
dents become the next generation of industry leaders.
Undergraduate Programmes
The IMI Undergraduate Programme combines the very
Intensive Courses
mic excellence. Whatever your goals, IMI offers the per-
programmes are intensive: students take more subjects,
best quality Swiss practical training with British acade-
The studying at IMI is intense like the social life. All our
fect approach for you, from Certificate through to BA
earning more credits in a shorter period of time than in
(Hons). As the industry, participants and world markets
any other Swiss hotel school. We achieve this through
change, our dynamic curriculum is designed to adapt to
our small class sizes, highly qualified faculty and com-
meet each new challenge. From Higher Diploma level,
prehensive courses. We do not believe in the one size
from one of our eight different pathways. You can elect
culum around you, our students. We offer more path-
students can customise their experience by choosing
fits all philosophy, so have designed our dynamic curri-
to specialise in Hotel, Events, Restaurant, European Cu-
ways leading to your BA Degree than any other hotel
linary or Tourism Management or combine two courses
school allowing you to tailor your studies to meet your
by selecting Hotel and Events Management, Tourism
own career aspirations.
and Events Management or Hotel and Tourism Ma-
nagement. For those interested in taking a more inno-
vative path we now offer a specialisation in Hospitality
Entrepreneurship. Our aim is to offer an academic and
vocational education of the highest standard leading to
a successful career in management.
Students need to do only one paid practical training in order to be awarded a BA Honours Degree, so you can complete
your degree in just two and a half years.
Semester 1
Term 1
Term 2
IMI Certificate
Paid Internship
Semester 2
5 – 6 month paid
internship in
Switzerland or
(minimum gross
salary in Switzerland
per month:
CHF 2 168)
Term 3
Semester 3
Term 4
IMI Diploma &
MMU Certificate of
Higher Education
(two awards)
Term 5
Semester 4
Term 6
Term 7
Graduate Placement
Term 8
IMI Higher Diploma & IMI BA (Hons)
MMU Diploma of
Degree &
Higher Education
MMU BA (Hons)
(two awards)
(two degrees)
In management training
programmes worldwide
or in full-time jobs
Free service
throughout your
1 year
1.5 years
2 years
2.5 years
At IMI you are entitled to undertake a paid practical training after every semester. Salaries vary from country to coun-
try but in Switzerland you will earn a minimum of 2168 CHF per month.
Note: Each academic semester consists of two consecutive terms
A Qualification After Every Semester
You can choose to study consecutively or take a paid
life is unpredictable and it is not always possible to com-
take the paid training option after each semester you will
We strive to offer flexibility to our students. We know that
practical training after each semester. If you choose to
mit to two and a half years of consecutive study. This is
start to get a taste for how your career will progress.
why we have divided our BA course into four separate
After your first paid practical training, each subsequent
study semesters. After each semester you will graduate
placement will be in a more responsible position.
with an internationally recognised qualification. You start
with Certificate level and then move through Diploma,
Higher Diploma and Bachelor’s Degree with Honours.
Students may choose to do a paid practical training in Switzerland or abroad after every academic semester. Each internship will build on your previous experience. You will already start to see your career progress.
Semester 1
Paid Internship Semester 2
Term 1 Term 2 5 – 6 month
IMI Certificate internship in
or abroad
gross salary
in Switzerland
per month:
CHF 2 168)
Paid Internship Semester 3
Term 3 Term 4 5 – 6 month
internship in
IMI Diploma
Certificate HE or abroad
(two awards) (minimum
gross salary
in Switzerland
per month:
CHF 2 168)
Paid Internship Semester 4
Term 5 Term 6 5 – 6 month
internship in
IMI Higher
Diploma &
or abroad
Diploma HE
(two awards) gross salary
in Switzerland
per month:
CHF 2 168)
Paid Internship
Term 7 Term 8 5 – 6 month
IMI BA (Hons.) internship in
Degree &
or abroad
gross salary
(two degrees) in Switzerland
per month:
CHF 2 168)
In management
or in full-time jobs
Free service
throughout your
1 year
2 years
3 years
4 years
At IMI you are entitled to undertake a paid practical training after every semester. Salaries vary from country to coun-
try but in Switzerland you will earn a minimum of 2168 CHF per month.
Note: Each academic semester consists of two consecutive terms
Your Profile
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
You are a school leaver who wishes to start your aca-
Students successfully passing this course will receive:
demic and industry career in hospitality and tourism with
a good grounding in operational management.
Certificate in International Hotel and
Tourism Management, awarded by IMI and validated
What is the Programme Objective?
by Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU).
This 22 week programme, which is validated by IMI's UK
partner, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), is
Do you want more information about this course?
equivalent to the first year of university. The objective of
the programme is to give students a sound professional
education in the operational management of hospitality
and tourism organisations. We aim to provide a solid
foundation in the skills and disciplines through which
revenue is generated in hospitality and tourism busi-
nesses. This course centres around operational aspects
Scan this QR barcode for further information on IMI
of the industry, foreign languages and introduces
Certificate or visit
students to the disciplines and skills required for a
successful career.
What Courses Will You Take?
Personal Development Planning I
Restaurant Service
Introduction to Beverage Studies
Housekeeping Management
Business Language and Culture I
The Global Hospitality and Tourism Industry
French or German
Your Profile
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
ster at IMI or already have qualifications in and/or expe-
two awards, one from IMI and one from Manchester
You have successfully completed the Certificate seme-
Students successfully completing this course will receive
rience of the fundamental operational aspects of hospi-
Metropolitan University (MMU). These are:
tality and tourism management. You are seeking to de-
velop these skills to supervisory management level.
Diploma in International Hotel and Tourism
Management, awarded by IMI.
What is the Programme Objective?
This 22 week programme, which is validated by IMI's UK
Certificate of Higher Education in Inter-
partner, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), is
national Hotel and Tourism Management,
equivalent to the second year of university. The objective
awarded by MMU.
understanding of how hospitality and tourism organisa-
Do you want more information about this course?
of the programme is to develop students' professional
tions integrate business functions. It focuses on culinary
skill development, extending student’s knowledge of the
tourism industry and skills related specifically to front of
house responsibilities. Students are also given a firm
grounding in cross-functional management skills such
as accounting and financial management as well as the
opportunity to further their personal development and
Scan this QR barcode for further information on IMI
foreign language abilities.
Diploma or visit
What Courses Will You Take?
Personal Development Planning II
Front Office Management
Wine and Beverage Studies
Culinary Production
Financial Management I
Business Language and Culture II
The Tourism Industry
French / German II
Higher Diploma
Your Profile
International Hotel and Events Management
You already have relevant qualifications and/or experi-
Events Operations
the job market at junior management level or to rapidly
Food Costing, Purchasing and Merchandising
ence in the field of hospitality. You are looking to enter
Food and Beverage Facilities Management or
achieve junior management positions.
International Tourism and Events Management
What is the Programme Objective?
Events Operations
Each of these 22 week programmes, all of which are va-
Tourism Impacts or Transport and Tourism
lidated by IMI's UK partner, Manchester Metropolitan
University (MMU), are equivalent to the third year of uni-
European Culinary Management
versity and allow a measure of specialisation in Restau-
See course descriptors on page 16 and 17
Management or a combination of two fields of study. We
Restaurant Management
rant, Hotel, Tourism, Events or European Culinary
also offer a new course in Hospitality Entrepreneurship.
Food and Beverage Facilities Management
ment subjects related to business development. The
Events Operations
All the programmes share a common core of manage-
Food Costing, Purchasing and Merchandising or
elected units allow students to focus on the core management disciplines related to their pathway. The pro-
Hospitality Entrepreneurship
gramme also offers opportunities for studying foreign
Tourism Impacts
languages and personal development planning.
Food and Beverage Facilities Management or
Food Costing, Purchasing and Merchandising
What Courses Will You Take?
Personal Development Planning III
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
Human Resource Management
two awards, one from IMI and one from Manchester
Enterprise Development Project
Students successfully passing these courses will receive
Services Marketing
Metropolitan University (MMU). The title will reflect your
Financial Management II
chosen pathway, for example:
French/German III or Spanish I
Higher Diploma in International Hotel
Your Choice of Pathways
and Tourism Management, awarded by IMI
International Hotel Management
Hotel and Tourism Management,
and Specialist Courses:
Diploma of Higher Education in International
Food and Beverage Facilities Management
awarded by MMU
Food Costing, Purchasing and Merchandising
Do you want more information about this course?
International Tourism Management
Tourism Impacts
Transport and Tourism
International Hotel and Tourism Management
Tourism Impacts or Transport and Tourism
Food and Beverage Facilities Management or
Scan this QR barcode for further information on IMI
Food Costing, Purchasing and Merchandising
Higher Diploma or visit
Bachelor of Arts with Honours
IMI University Centre offers students eight pathways to
What Courses Will You Take?
tropolitan University in the UK. This means that students
chart below.
a BA Honours Degree, all validated by Manchester Me-
For the different course specialisations please see the
receive two degrees: one from IMI and one from MMU.
At IMI a BA with Honours can be achieved in only two
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
tical training.
two internationally recognised degrees, one from IMI
and a half years, including five to six months paid prac-
Students successfully passing these courses will receive
and one from Manchester Metropolitan University
Your Choice of Pathways:
(MMU). The degree will reflect your chosen pathway for
International Hotel Management
example :
International Tourism Management
International Hotel and Tourism Management
Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honours
International Hotel and Events Management
in International Hotel Management,
International Tourism and Events Management
awarded by IMI
European Culinary Management
Restaurant Management
Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honours
Hospitality Entrepreneurship
in International Hotel Management,
awarded by MMU
Your Profile
You are qualified to Higher Diploma level and are aiming
Do you want more information about this course?
for a management position either within the hospitality
industry or a related field. You are looking for an interna-
tionally recognised qualification to allow you to achieve
rapid promotion in your chosen specialisation.
What is the Programme Objective?
The Bachelor’s Degree with its choice of eight contem-
Scan this QR barcode for further information on IMI
porary pathways is intended to equip students with the
Bachelor of Arts or visit
right skills for senior management roles in the tourism,
hospitality and events industries. The curriculum focuses
on the strategic business development of hospitality and
tourism organisations.
Hotel and
and Events
and Events
Personal Development Planning IV
Research Methods
Strategic International Marketing Management
Information and Communication
Food and
Themes and
Food and
Themes and
International Tourism
Food and Beverage
Meetings, Incentives,
Convention and Exhibition (MICE) Themes and Applications
Information and International
Communication Tourism
New Venture
Creativity and Innovation
Higher Diploma with Honours
in European Culinary Management
Your Profile
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
management. You may be a qualified chef who is looking
ceive two awards, one from IMI and one from
Students successfully passing this course will re-
You already have qualifications in culinary arts or culinary
Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU).
to build upon your existing knowledge in a European
These are:
context or you have had culinary experience and are
looking for a qualification to improve your employability.
Higher Diploma in European Culinary
What is the Programme Objective?
Management, awarded by IMI
This Higher Diploma is a 22 week specialist programme
validated by Manchester Metropolitan University and is
Diploma of Higher Education in European
Culinary Management, awarded by MMU
equivalent to the third year at university. It focuses on
Western Gastronomic Cookery but also takes in mar-
keting and administrative elements. You will also have
Do you want more information about this course?
the chance to learn a European language, either German, French or Spanish.
What Courses Will You Take?
Western Gastronomic Cookery
International Patisserie
Food Costing, Purchasing and Merchandising
Scan this QR barcode for further information on IMI
Food and Beverage Facilities Management
Culinary or visit
Services Marketing
Personal Development Planning III
One European Language
Semester 1
Term 1
Semester 2
Term 2
Term 3
Graduate Placement
Term 4
IMI Higher Diploma &
MMU Diploma of Higher Education
IMI BA (Hons) Degree &
MMU BA (Hons) Degree
In management training programmes
worldwide or in full-time jobs worldwide
(two awards)
(two degrees)
Free service throughout your career
1 year
Students may choose to do a paid practical training / internship in Switzerland or abroad, after every academic semester.
Each internship will build on your previous experience. You will already start to see your career progress.
Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honours
in European Culinary Management
Your Profile
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
ned on our Higher Diploma in European Culinary Ma-
two internationally recognised degrees, one from IMI
You are looking to build on the knowledge already gai-
Students successfully passing this course will receive
nagement course or an equivalent programme. As well
and one from Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU).
as further improving your culinary skills, you are looking
These are:
integrating it with other areas within the hotel or restaurant.
Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honours
to learn about administering a culinary department and
in European Culinary Management,
What is the Programme Objective?
awarded by IMI
Higher Diploma programme. The course is validated by
Bachelor of Arts Degree with Honours
This is a 22 week course and is an extension of the IMI
Manchester Metropolitan University so on graduating
in European Culinary Management,
you will receive two degrees, one Swiss and one British.
awarded by MMU
the technical and management skills you need for a suc-
Do you want more information about this course?
The main aim of the programme is to provide you with
cessful career in Culinary Management. The Personal
Development Programme at this level is geared towards
planning your career and you will learn Strategic International Marketing Management, a vital tool in today’s
competitive industry and Research Methods which will
prepare you for your Dissertation on a Culinary Management theme of your choice.
Scan this QR barcode for further information on IMI
Culinary or visit
What Courses Will You Take?
Culinary Systems Management
Food and Beverage Themes and Applications
Personal Development Planning IV
Strategic International Marketing Management
Research Methods
Semester 1
Term 1
Paid Internship
Term 2
IMI Higher Diploma
MMU Diploma
of Higher Education
(two awards)
Semester 2
Term 3
5 – 6 month paid internship
in Switzerland or abroad
(minimum gross salary
in Switzerland
per month: CHF 2 168)
Paid Internship
Graduate Placement
5 – 6 month paid internship
in Switzerland or abroad
In management training
programmes worldwide
or in full-time jobs
Free service throughout
your career
Term 4
IMI BA (Hons) Degree
MMU BA (Hons) Degree
(two degrees)
(minimum gross salary
in Switzerland
per month: CHF 2 168)
1 year
2 years
Students may choose to do a paid practical training / internship in Switzerland or abroad, after every academic semester.
Each internship will build on your previous experience. You will already start to see your career progress.
Postgraduate Programmes
Our postgraduate programmes are designed to guide
Your Pathway to Senior Management
on the path to Senior Management. You will take bet-
sive and our small class sizes ensure that you receive
you through a personal transformation and to put you
As with all our programmes, these courses are inten-
ween five months and one year to change your life. You
the guidance and expert coaching you need to achieve
tical skills to make a difference and the confidence to
lance of practice and theory. You will learn the technical,
will return to the work place with the analytical and prac-
your maximum potential. Your lectures will include a ba-
make important business decisions in an uncertain and
managerial, cultural and human relations skills required
rapidly changing world. The skills you learn at IMI are
for the successful operation of a modern company
completely transferable and you will find IMI graduates
whether that be in hospitality or an unrelated industry.
tions to safari park management. Our postgraduate pro-
ties to our campus to support our, already impressive,
in diverse fields of industry from large banking corpora-
Our MBAs attract outstanding visiting international facul-
grammes all offer unique advantages. The Postgraduate
staff lecturers. After all of our courses you are given the
Diploma has the function of helping executives convert
opportunity to undertake up to six months practical trai-
their skills from an unrelated field to those required by
ning in Switzerland or overseas.
the hospitality industry. It is also a perfect preparation for
one of our MBAs. The MBA has now become a pre-
requisite for those wanting to work in Senior Manage-
ment and, in response to the industry demand for spe-
cialists, we have introduced two new MBAs to support
our original MBA in International Hospitality Management.
The MBA in Swiss Hotel Management brings the tradi-
tion of Swiss hospitality to the global market and the
MBA in International Hotel, Health and Spa Management
has been introduced to meet industry demand for this,
fairly new, but rapidly growing sector.
Executives in International
Hospitality and Services
PhD or DBA
MBA in International Hospitality Management
In partnership with
Direct Entry
Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel and Events Management
Senior Positions in General
Hotel Management
Senior Positions in Resorts and
Health and Spa Management
MBA in
Swiss Hotel Management
MBA in International Hotel,
Health and Spa Management
Postgraduate Diploma
Your Profile
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
unrelated field of study and are now looking to pursue a
will receive:
You already have qualifications and/or experience in an
Students successfully passing this course
career in the hospitality and events industry. This qualification would also suit you if you have extensive work
Postgraduate Diploma in International Hotel and
experience in the hospitality industry, but lack the aca-
Events Management, awarded by IMI.
your career. The Postgraduate Diploma is designed to
Continue Towards One of our Three
nagement role or to continue to an MBA.
Further enhance the education you have received on
demic background necessary to take the next step in
MBA Degrees
prepare you either to return to the work place for a ma-
IMI’s Postgraduate Diploma Programme and continue
What is the Programme Objective?
your studies with one of our MBA programmes. Choose
This 22 week intensive course is designed to equip stu-
the relevant course to suit your career aspirations.
dents who have limited or no experience of the hospi-
tality industry with the practical and management skills
Do you want more information about this course?
necessary for middle management positions in hotel,
events management and related industries. Alternatively
you have extensive experience in the hospitality indu-
stry but lack the academic background to progress in
your chosen career. The core focus is operational and
integrative management with subjects including food
and beverage operations, front office management and
Scan this QR barcode for further information
and events management.
the business development of hospitality organisations
on IMI Postgraduate Diploma or visit
What Courses Will You Take?
Semester 1
Paid Internship (Optional)
Graduate Placement
In management training
programmes worldwide
or in full-time jobs
Term 1 (11 weeks)
Term 2 (11 weeks)
Personal Development
Planning III
Front Office Management
5 – 6 month paid internship in Switzerland or abroad
Front Office Management
Food & Beverage Service
Practical II
(minimum gross salary in Switzerland
per month: CHF 2 168)
Food & Beverage Service
Practical I
Food & Beverage Service
Theory II
Food & Beverage Service
Theory I
Financial Management I
Event Operations
Business Language and
Free service throughout
your career
Human Resources
Services Marketing
Language and Culture:
French or German
5 – 6 months
1 year
MBA in International Hospitality Management
Your Profile
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
You have qualifications and/or experience in hospitality
Students successfully passing this course will receive:
management but wish to develop your skills and under-
standing of the industry in preparation for upper and se-
MBA in International Hospitality Management,
nior management positions.
awarded by IMI University Centre
What is the Programme Objective?
MBA in International Hospitality Management,
The residential course is a 22 week, intensive period
awarded by Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
of study, followed by a 22 week non-residential pro-
gramme for the field consulting project or dissertation.
This qualification is validated by IMI's UK partner, Man-
chester Metropolitan University (MMU), so you will be
awarded two degrees on graduation, one British and
one Swiss. The programme's objective is to equip stu-
dents with the skills necessary for eventual higher level
management in the hospitality industry by focusing on
those subjects that relate to the internationalisation of
hotel and hospitality companies.
What Courses Will You Take?
Semester 1 (MBA Residential)
Term 1 (11 weeks)
Term 2 (11 weeks)
International Strategic
Services Marketing and
Business Research
Financial Management
for Services
Global Hospitality
Entrepreneurship and
Semester (MBA Non Residential)
Graduate Placement
Dissertation or Field Consulting Project
In management training
programmes worldwide
or in full-time jobs
Free service throughout
your career
1 year
Students may opt for two additional paid internships which IMI will organise. Each paid internship will build on your
previous experience. You are already on your way to a successful career.
Semester 1
Paid Internship (Optional)
Semester 2
Paid Internship (Optional)
Graduate Placement
MBA Residential
5 – 6 month paid internship
in Switzerland or abroad
Non Residential
5 – 6 month paid internship
in Switzerland or abroad
(minimum gross salary
in Switzerland
per month: CHF 2 168)
Dissertation or Field
Consulting Project
(minimum gross salary
in Switzerland per month:
CHF 2 168) Second Swiss
In management training
programmes worldwide
or in full-time jobs
Free service throughout
your career
Six courses
Internship for EU citizens only
2 years
What is the Field Consulting Project?
What Kind of Projects Can You Expect to
Work on?
The Field Consulting Project is a special feature of our
MBA in International Hospitality Management and is one
of the reasons why the skills and knowledge you gain on
this course are so transferable. It is a professional pro-
ject which is coordinated by IMI tutors aligned with ap-
pointed representatives from international companies.
This is a rare instance where you, as a student, can work
together with industry professionals and educators on a
‘live’ project. It is also a unique opportunity for companies
to; utilise a research resource, develop consulting pro-
jects, investigate new markets, benefit from our international network and be part of our global hospitality
community. At the same time you are given a taste of
what it is like to work within a real company, to meet deadlines and to see a project through from inception to
Strategic planning for growth
New product (B2B or B2C) commercialisation
IT and Hospitality (social media)
Data mining for decision making
Analysing current markets and defining marketing
Analysing competitors and developing competitive
strategies and plans
Designing organisational strategy, development and
or change (people, process, systems, cultural, etc.)
Evaluation of the business performance of the firm
and defining functional areas for improvement to
Key Facts
We take on research business projects four times a
year. Using a provided standard form, companies may
Project delivery is 16 weeks
The projects are delivered on an individual
International Marketing and Strategic Management:
If the project involves extra travel activities, or requires
Tourism Development, Planning and
will be reimbursed, on agreement, by the host company.
propose projects across a range of disciplines, such as:
drive profitable growth
How Does it Work?
Identifying global market opportunities for hotel de-
International Hospitality Management
Human Resource Management
Branding, Expansion Projects, Marketing Plans
or teamwork basis
The full workload is 600 hours per researcher
The company will allocate you a specialist advisor
the purchase of content specific information, then this
Destination Branding
Do you want more information about this course?
At the beginning of each semester, companies inter-
ested in taking part propose challenging projects mostly
requiring primary research and analysis of markets, con-
sumers or trends. To ensure that we select only those
projects which will directly benefit you, we only accept
projects after considering the size and the special back-
ground characteristics of each student body. Once the
Scan this QR barcode for further information on IMI
justifying your choice in a written application. This pro-
projects have been selected, you will bid for 2 selections
MBA in International Hospitality Management or visit
cess is strongly linked with our Research Methods unit.
If you are successful, you will then be allocated your
chosen project. All reporting is conducted in English.
MBA in International Hotel, Health
and Spa Management
Your Profile
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
You are an executive who cannot afford to remain a year
out of the market but wish to further develop your skills
Students successfully passing this course will receive:
ment positions. You have qualifications and/or experi-
MBA in International Hotel, Health and Spa
in preparation for middle and upper hospitality manage-
ence in hospitality management but wish to further
Management, awarded by IMI
industries of Health and Spa Management within the
Do you want more information about this course?
develop your skills and understanding of the emerging
scope of international hospitality.
What is the Programme Objective?
This is a 22 week highly intensive residential course. The
programme aims to equip students with the professio-
nal and sector specific skills necessary to enter higher
management levels, mostly in the hospitality industry, by
Scan this QR barcode for further information on MBA in
and spas are a rapidly growing sector within the tourism
focusing on the health and spa market. Health retreats
International Hotel Health and Spa Management or visit
industry and companies are increasingly interested in diversifying into this area. This type of tourism is sustained
by two different industries; health and entertainment and
this combination makes our programme unique and
very attractive. It provides the option to work in a new
and therefore less saturated market with great prospects of development. This programme comes as an
answer to the increased demand for high quality executives in this area, worldwide.
What Courses Will You Take?
Semester 1
Term 1 (11 weeks)
Term 2 (11 weeks)
Market Analysis &
Project Development
Wellness and Spa
Contemporary Hospitality
Spa Facilities
Essentials of Business
Corporate Strategy
and Human Resource
Paid Internship (Optional)
Graduate Placement
5 – 6 month paid internship in Switzerland or abroad
In management training
programmes worldwide
or in full-time jobs
(minimum gross salary in Switzerland
per month: CHF 2 168)
Free service throughout
your career
5 – 6 months
1 year
MBA in Swiss Hotel Management
What Qualifications Will You Receive?
Your Profile
You are an executive who cannot afford to remain a year
Students successfully passing this course will receive:
out of the market but wish to further develop your skills
in preparation for middle and upper hospitality manage-
MBA in Swiss Hotel Management, awarded by IMI
ence in hospitality management but wish to focus on the
Do you want more information about this course?
ment positions. You have qualifications and/or experi-
Swiss hotel industry. This course looks into what makes
the Swiss hotel industry such a globally respected brand
and the undisputed world leader in hospitality with a view
to taking Swiss hotel management to the rest of the
What is the Programme Objective?
Scan this QR barcode for further information on MBA
programme aims to equip students with the professio-
This is a 22 week highly intensive residential course. The
in Swiss Hotel Management or visit
nal and sector specific skills necessary to enter higher
management levels, mostly in the hospitality industry, by
focusing on those subjects that relate to the high Swiss
standards, so much in demand internationally by hotel
and hospitality companies. The programme capitalises
on the long standing Swiss tradition in Hotel Manage-
ment education and is dedicated to delivering a Swiss
perspective allowing you to distinguish yourself in the in-
ternational market.
What Courses Will You Take?
Semester 1
Term 1 (11 weeks)
Term 2 (11 weeks)
Market Analysis &
Project Development
Swiss Hotel Marketing
Contemporary Hospitality
Swiss Health and Spa
Resort Management
Essentials of Business
Corporate Strategy and
Human Resource
Paid Internship (Optional)
Graduate Placement
5 – 6 month paid internship in Switzerland or abroad
In management training
programmes worldwide
or in full-time jobs
(minimum gross salary in Switzerland
per month: CHF 2 168)
Free service throughout
your career
5 – 6 months
1 year
English Preparatory Courses
English the Lingua Franca of Hospitality
What Qualification Will You Receive?
franca of the hospitality industry and one which will
UEPC English Certificate, awarded by IMI
All our courses are taught in English which is the lingua
Students successfully passing this course will receive:
prove invaluable to you throughout your career. Languages are the key to success in hospitality and to this end
Intensive English Course (IEC)
man and Spanish.
You are looking to improve your hospitality business
Your Profile
you will also have the opportunity to learn French, Ger-
English skills in preparation for a course at IMI. This
English Preparatory Courses
course provides excellent preparation for any of the
If you need to improve your English, prior to taking a
major European examinations in English for Tourism, in-
course at IMI, we can offer you two options:
cluding the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry English for the Tourism Industry exams.
University English Preparatory Course (UEPC)
What is the Programme Objective?
Your Profile
The programme is designed to take you from upper in-
You are looking to improve your English skills in prepa-
termediate level to a standard sufficient to take a course
ration for an internationally recognised English language
at IMI. The IEC consists of 20 hours a week and will pre-
examination which will allow you entry onto one of our
pare you for an internationally recognised qualification in
hospitality management programmes at IMI.
English. The primary focus of this course is on the development of accuracy and proficiency in the following
What is the Programme Objective?
areas: business conversation, listening skills, presentati-
The programme's objective is to prepare you for an in-
ons and essay writing. It aims to equip you with the li-
ternationally recognised qualification in English. This 10
stening, speaking and writing skills necessary for
week intensive course would suit you if you are currently
effective understanding and performance in academic
contact hours per week and will bring you to an upper
nally, you will study relevant hospitality related subjects,
at a lower intermediate level. The course consists of 20
and business life as well as everyday situations. Additio-
intermediate standard in preparation for an internationally
as well as learning strategies and study techniques. In
recognised qualification in English. The main focus of this
addition to your language studies, professional excursi-
course is to provide the strong language base vital for
ons are included in the course, which will increase your
integration while developing confidence in conversation,
knowledge of Swiss hospitality and tourism.
presentation, essay writing and listening skills. In addition,
you will study relevant introductory hospitality related sub-
What Qualification Will You Receive?
ques. As a support to your language studies, professio-
IEC English Certificate, awarded by IMI
jects, as well as learning strategies and study techni-
Students successfully passing this course will receive:
nal excursions are included in the course, which will in-
crease your knowledge of Swiss hospitality and tourism.
University English Preparatory Course (UEPC)
Business English
Hospitality English
Structured Essay Writing
Comprehensive Grammar Programme
Listening and Reading Comprehension
Study Techniques
Presentation Skills
Intensive English Course (IEC)
Business English
Hospitality English
Comprehensive Grammar Programme
Listening and Reading Comprehension
Presentation Skills
4 weeks
10 weeks
Life at IMI
Student Accommodation and Facilities at IMI
Our Accommodation:
Our campus in Kastanienbaum has stunning views of
On-Campus at Kastanienbaum
lend their name to the town provide beautiful shaded
pus or our single student rooms with magnificent views,
has spacious and well equipped classrooms, demon-
visions and most have en-suite bathrooms. Living on
Lake Luzern and Mount Pilatus. The chestnut trees that
Whether you choose one of our shared rooms on cam-
walkways and line the drive leading to IMI. The campus
all our rooms have study facilities, refrigerators and tele-
stration and production kitchens, a front desk training
campus enables you to become involved in university
room, restaurants, a fitness room, self-service laundry
activities, make friends and integrate with your peers. It
and recreation areas. Our library provides a quiet study
also means that you are close to the restaurants and
area and is well stocked with a constantly updated
other facilities. Meals are served three times a day in
supply of books, professional magazines and DVD refe-
term time but if you prefer you can use the teaching or
rence material as well as on-line access to publication
student kitchens to make your own meals. For some,
our on-campus recreational facilities; table tennis, a pool
time away from home, others will be returning to student
databases. In between lectures you can enjoy some of
this will be the first time in Switzerland or even the first
table, volleyball or you can just chill out in one of our stu-
life after a long gap. We know how important it is for you
dent coffee lounges. You will feel like you are living in a
to feel at home and we do everything we can to ensure
small global village with an average of fifty different na-
you are comfortable.
tionalities on campus at any one time. The experience
you share with your fellow students from many different
Off-Campus at Hotel Central or the Villa
career in International Hospitality Management.
There is the Villa next to the campus or Hotel Central in
If you choose to live off-campus we have two options.
cultural backgrounds will prepare you perfectly for your
the middle of vibrant Luzern. Many students enjoy the
extra independence that this affords, especially our re-
turning students. There are shared kitchens in Hotel Cen-
tral and the Villa for when you wish to cook for yourself.
Meet IMI and Our Faculty
IMI has one of the most highly qualified faculties of any
Visiting Lecturers
Master’s level with many holding PhDs. Our staff are not
array of visiting professors ranging from leaders of in-
hotel school with all our teaching staff certified to at least
Our world renowned faculty is supported by an eminent
only here to teach and instruct but are always on hand
dustry to academic luminaries. They work as an inte-
to offer help and advice in times of need. This large fa-
grated team with our senior faculty members to provide
racteristics of life at IMI. We are not an educational
hout your time at IMI.
mily approach to education is one of the defining cha-
a powerful educational body to challenge you throug-
factory where you will be known only as a number. We
know all our students by name and are as proud as any
parent of all their successes on graduation day.
Heinz Bürki
Board of Directors,
Ferry Firmansyah
Board of Directors
Breitenmoser Bürki
Vice President,
Board of Directors and
Executive Board
Gavin R. R. Caldwell
Executive Board
Director of Operations
and Human Resources
Laurent Joliat
Executive Board
Director of Marketing
Prof. John Fenby
Executive Board
Dean and Director of
Partner Schools
Theodore Benetatos
Programme Leader
Gareth Currie
Programme Leader
Shaun Leonard
Executive Chef, Head
of Food and Beverage,
Senior Lecturer
Culinary Arts
Arnaud J.M.
Senior Lecturer,
Anthimos Giorgiou
Senior Lecturer,
Research and HRM ,
Head of Quality
Ariane Haglage
Food and Beverage
Greta Musu
Head of Internships,
Careers and Alumni
Catrin Young
Internships Manager,
Language Lecturer
Mireille Parker
English Lecturer
Quality and Accreditation
red private schools to the public, to authorities and to
Quality is taken very seriously at IMI, it being an intrinsic
aspect of all our operations. It ultimately leads to excel-
students. In addition, the Register aims to protect Swit-
External Validation
private educational institutions. It helps students and pa-
zerland's reputation as a centre for high quality educa-
lence in delivering all our educational programmes.
tional activity as well as to safeguard the reputation of its
rents to determine whether a particular educational in-
IMI is working in partnership with Manchester
stitution is reputable and worthy of their confidence.
Metropolitan University (MMU), which dates
back over 150 years and offers over a 1,000
courses, being one of the biggest and most reputable
EduQua accredits over 990 schools,
grammes for 17 years, and this now extends to all cour-
Switzerland. It is the leading quality label in Switzerland
Administration (MBA), making IMI the only Swiss hotel
tonal Educating Directors recommends that the cantons
institutes and academies throughout
universities in the UK. MMU has been validating IMI pro-
for higher education. The Swiss Conference of the Can-
ses from the Certificate to Masters in Business
check "the quality of the providers in the education sec-
school offering the full range of validated courses. The
tor in all of Switzerland based on the same criteria and
quality of what IMI delivers through this partnership is
make national subsidies dependent on a proof of qua-
also regulated by the UK Quality Assurance Agency for
lity (eduQua)". IMI is certified by EduQua for all its pro-
Higher Education (QAA). What this
grammes, thereby underpinning the delivery of academic
means is that students studying these
programmes in line with Swiss quality standards.
courses at IMI will receive two certificates: one from IMI
(Switzerland) and another one from MMU (UK) with full
SFPS - Swiss Federation of Private Schools.
international recognition. Students, thus, have the oppor-
The 260 schools and colleges belonging to
tunity to study courses that comply with the fair and
transparent quality mechanisms of the UK Higher Edu-
SFPS provide a personalised service with regard to stu-
Hotel School with its strong emphasis on professional
tion, including IMI, support and encourage innovation,
dents’ educational goals. The members of the federa-
cation system, while enjoying the advantage of a Swiss
plus they are recognised nationally and internationally as
and industrially relevant training and standards. Moreo-
the leading private schools in Switzerland.
ver, students at IMI benefit from a low staff to student
ratio with full access to faculty and visiting professors.
QQQ - Swiss Tourism's quality label is sup-
Academic and Industry Recognitions
ported by all major Swiss tourism associati-
IMI possesses an impressive range of academic and in-
ons to enhance and safeguard the quality of
dustry accreditation, as well as prestigious Swiss and In-
service in Switzerland. The top level of QQQ means that
what they mean for students at IMI – a guarantee of
internationally recognised Quality Management System
and other student services, all of which are approved by
all together only IMI and two other hotel management
ternational memberships. It is important to understand
IMI has successfully implemented a comprehensive and
quality in all aspects: academic studies, career support
into its strategy, structure and daily operations. There are
Swiss and International authorities and professional as-
schools which have been accredited with this label of
sociations. They also increase students’ career potential.
superior quality.
Swiss Accreditations and Memberships
The Swiss Private School Register
The purpose of this Register is to cer-
tify high standards of educational services and thereby
demonstrate the integrity and credibility of the registe-
Swiss Tourism - IMI is an official
AEHT - Association Européenne des Ecol-
Tourism is the national marketing and sales organisation
Association of Hotel and Tourism Schools).
member of Swiss Tourism. Swiss
les d' Hôtellerie et de Tourisme (European
for Switzerland, ensuring the quality of hospitality ser-
The AEHT is a membership organisation devoted to
vices provided.
promoting a European perspective among hotel and
tourism schools. The AEHT fosters closer links between
Luzern Tourism - IMI is an active
schools and businesses, and also encourages ex-
member of the Luzern Tourism Board
changes of students and staff between colleges. The
and is working to promote Luzern as a student city. This
AEHT supports the pooling of teaching methods, mate-
part of the local information system, which in turn yields
together its membership. It provides a useful cordon of
membership helps IMI to engage with Luzern and to be
rials, knowledge and skills, and organises events to bring
opportunities for our students.
networks and knowledge that benefit students studying
in schools such as IMI.
International Accreditations
and Memberships
The Institute of Hospitality
spans more than 100 countries
BAC - British Accreditation Council
and is an international professional body for managers
agents and governments throughout the world as a very
the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry. It promotes
vate sector. For example, institutions accredited by BAC
countries. IMI is a subscriber to the Institute of Hospita-
accreditation is regarded by students,
and aspiring managers who are working and studying in
highly reliable guide to educational quality within the pri-
quality standards in education, spanning more than 100
are permitted to enrol visa students by UK Govern-
lity's Education Membership Scheme (EMS), which al-
BAC inspectors, with their extensive knowledge of the
opportunity to register for student membership with the
ment's Home Office. With over 25 years of experience,
lows our hospitality, events and tourism students the
educational sector, provide invaluable advice to accredi-
Institute at a low charge for the duration of their courses.
ted institutions like IMI.
From students to fellows, the Institute continues to sup-
port members' professional development throughout
ISO - International Organisation for
their careers, wherever they are in the world. The Insti-
Standardisation. ISO is the world's lar-
tute provides access to e-books and journals, as well as
gest developer and publisher of international standards.
its catalogue. Students are encouraged to join to help
Standards make a major and positive contribution to our
shape the future of the Institute and to keep up to date
lives and support the development of desirable qualities
with the hospitality sector.
such as efficiency, reliability and environmental aware-
ness. IMI was one of the first Swiss colleges to meet
PATA – Pacific Asia Travel Association
ISO's exacting standards of 9001:2000, showing its com-
is a membership organisation that acts
mitment to continual improvement in quality. ISO assures
as a catalyst for the development of
IMI industry partners that its programmes are delivered
sustainable growth, value and quality in travel and tour-
standards. This increases the employability of IMI stu-
leading travel association demonstrates its full engage-
in line with hospitality sector requirements and industry
ism. IMI is located in Europe, but its membership in this
dents. "IMI is organised and managed efficiently to meet
ment with this important region. Membership of PATA
the needs of its first set of customers, the students, as
enables IMI to keep up with innovations in quality emer-
dents" says Adrian Burkhardt, Lead Auditor, ISO – SQS.
to students and employers from this region. IMI recog-
well as its second set, the future employers of the stu-
ging Asian markets, and shows its ongoing commitment
nizes that many of its students from Asia Pacific, as well
as increasing numbers of its students from Europe and
elsewhere, will be working in this region.
IMI University Centre – General Information
Enrolled students per semester
Total Student Population
Students on IMI Campus
Students on internships in Switzerland
Students on internships outside Switzerland
Breakdown of students per programme
Undergraduate Students
Postgraduate Students
Nationality Mix
in %
Europe and Russia
North America
Middle East, Africa and Sub Continent
Latin America
Number of core faculty, visiting professors
and staff members
Incoming Students (average per semester)
Admission statistics
Undergraduate Programme
Candidates Accepted (PLOA)
Acceptance Rate
Enrolment Rate
Postgraduate Programmes
Students Enrolled
Main reasons for choosing IMI according to student survey
conducted among incoming students (in %)
IMI's reputation for high academic quality
IMI is a true Swiss Hotel School
Manchester Metropolitan University
Reputation of Hotel Management Studies in Switzerland
Student Life at IMI
Getting two degrees from IMI and
Small school, family atmosphere, personal approach
IMI's reputation for providing attractive employment
opportunities for its graduates
IMI's overall reputation
Small classes
IMI's reputation for getting good internships for its students
Combination of theoretical and practical courses offered
Location in Luzern
Cultural diversity
Percentage of students placed
in paid internships outside Switzerland
Average number of internship opportunities
per student in Switzerland
Percentage of students placed
in paid internships in Switzerland
Average number of interviews for
first employment after BA and MBA
Graduates having found employment within
2 months of graduation
Number of industry partners directly recruiting on campus
Number of career days at IMI
Percentage of Alumni holding Senior Management positions
5 years after graduation
Academic Quality at IMI
Student satisfaction on overall learning experience
Student completion rate
Would recommend IMI to a friend
Number of BA pathways
Number of MBA pathways
Student Male / Female Ratio
Number of nationalities present
Average number of students in BA classes (in pathways)
Percentage of Lecturers holding at least Masters Degree
Environment Outside IMI
Distance to Lake Luzern from IMI
Distance to City of Luzern from IMI by
Number of Restaurants in Luzern
Number of Museums in Luzern
Based on 2011 data, from incoming students,
returning students, graduating students and Alumni
27 700
250 m
Public transport in minutes
Number of Clubs/Discos in Luzern
Number of official student events / parties
Facebook "I likes”
Number of industry fieldtrips
Number of scholarships granted on academic merit
Average number of students in MBA classes
Percentage of international students
Percentage of Swiss students
Average number of students in Certificate and Diploma classes 16
Number of Cinemas in Luzern
Student Experience at IMI
Career Opportunities at IMI
per student outside Switzerland
Detailed Statistics
Average number of internship opportunities
Contact Details
IMI University Centre
International Hotel Management Institute Switzerland
Seeacherweg 1
6047 Kastanienbaum
Phone +41 41 349 64 00
Fax +41 41 349 64 44
Skype imi_university_centre
Scan this QR barcode to see interactive map or visit
©IMILUZERN 2/Programme Catalogue/2/2012