NEW MEXICO GAS COMPANY NEW fAEXIC('\ E ~UL1TI"'l !"UIlL\G R" ",~. ~O f.\ f.\ IS S 1()\l FILED FOURTH REVISED SAMPLE FORM NO. 57 1D1~ CANCELLING THIRD REVISED SAMPLE FORM NO. 51 SEP 17 PPI Y 10 15-DAY MORATORIUM DISCONNECT NOTICE Page I of 1 Please see attached sample IS-Day Moratorium Disconnect Notice form for residential customers. EFFECTIVE OCT - 1 2014 REPLACED BY NMPRC BY \=:0. l3'OoZ3l'ur, x Advice Notice No. 44 Nicole Strauser Director, Legal & Regulatory Affairs NMGCO #2792534 ~ New Mexico .krm /Vo.57 GAS COMPANY· l-~~~7if;::~_~1~r;~~}/~i~t~i:j~UI,tl*~gt~r~~¥~'g~~_:; A TEeD ENERGY COMPANY ta-na'::be-nefit' :1he, .enviroHment>Vistt ~:oiir,; -woosite - ;;~;[;~£~~~~jl~~~l~~Dl~~!~~~J~~~ P: 000004 • VYYNNN NEW MEXICO GAS COMPANY 15-DAY DISCONNECT NOTICE MORATORIUM BILL ALBUQUERQUE NM 87109 0201 RB Page 1 of 2 Bill Date ., " ,n, 04·AUG·2014 Billing Summary Previously Billed Charges Current Charges '~on' ,~, NM Gas Service $86.34 $20.06 Total $86.34 $20.06 Total Amount Due $106.40 TO AVOID A DISCONNECT, $86.34 IS DUE IN OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN AUG 19,2014 YOUR CURRENT CHARGES, $20.06 ARE DUE IN OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN AUG 26,2014 Ifl":!it,,1;J!til$;sJ~("ct:-t:t,~:A 1!;'-DayDISC;:ON NECtJ:.IPl'lC;I5~t;:t0;;~~t;i~\,;il!:~·!;·' 1"";;1 To avoid disconnection we must receive your past due balance of $86.34 no later than Aug. 19, 2014, or payment arrangements must be made. Please see Important Message the enclosed Urgent Notice for more information. * * * * * A viso de desconexion de servicios en 15 dias * * * * * Para evitar desconexion, debemos recibir la cantidad atrasada de $86.34 para el Aug. 19, 2014, 0 debe hacer arreglos de pago. Lea por favor la Nota Urgente incluida para mas informacion. How to Contact us Call Center Hours Payment Options Office Address Telephone Monday - Friday Pay by Phone 1625 Rio Bravo SW Ste 27 Albuquerque, NM 87105 505-697-3335 or (1 -888-664-2726) 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM Website: 1-866-508-9320 Pay Online: PLEASE DETACH AND ENCLOSE THIS COUPON WITH CHECK PAY ABLE TO NEW MEXICO GAS COMPANY Account Number 999999999-9999999-9 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE ................ 11.-_$1_0_6._40 •._ Service Address NEW MEXICQ GAS COMPANY 125 MAIN ST ALBUQUERQUE, NM 0201 RB I .. HEAT New Mexico Fund ......... $ - -_ _ __ New Mexico Gas Company PO Box 173341 Denver, CO 80217-3341 New Mexico Gas Company matches your contribution TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ............... II,.;.$_ _ _ _...J TO AVOID A DISCONNECT, $86.3415 DUE IN OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN AUG 19,2014 YOUR CURRENT CHARGES, $20.06 ARE DUE IN OUR OFFICE NO LATER THAN AUG 26,2014 o 5 9999999999999999 1 00000010640 7 5 8711110f,800 NEW MEXICO GAS COMPANY 125 MAIN ST ALBUQUERQUE, NM 04-AUG-2014 Meter # 9999999 Sales, T &0, Residential- GB02 Cost of Gas Cost of Gas Surcharge " 2901lYS-Jul 0201lYS-llug Distribution Transmission TEGO Acquisition Credit Access Fee Gas Energy Efficiency Fee " This This Last Month Month Month Last Yr GRAPH DISPLAYED IN THERMS Average cost per day was $0.63 Average use per day was 0.25 therms 7.336 0.506 7.644 7.644 7.644 7.644 Therms Therms Therms Therms Therms Therms @ @ @ @ @ @ $ 0.5765000 $ 0.5245000 $ 0.0004000$ 0.1661000 $ 0.0634000 $ 0.0052000- Pipeline Safety Fee Late Payment Charge Franchise Fee Gross Receipts Tax Total Current Gas Charges $4.23 $0.27 $0.00 $1.30 $0.50 $0.04$11.50 $0.06 $0.02 $0.53 $0.39 $1.26 $20.06 of The SEP cost gas is estimated to be $.4940Itherm_ For updated prices call 888-NM-GAS-CO (888-664-2726)_ Based on last year's usage your next gas bill is estimated to be between $18.00 and $22.00_ WINTER MORATORIUM: Protection from winter shut-off begins November 15, 2014.To avoid potential disconnection of servIces please contact the Human Services Department at 800~283-4465, or the appropriate tribal or pueblo entity for eligibility Information for Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (UHEAP), Your service will not be disconnected from November 15, 2014 through March 15, 2015, If you meet the qualifications of LlHEAP and have no past due amounts or you remain curren! on any settlement or Installment agreement for amounls due as of November 15, 2014. Members of New Mexico tribes or pueblos who need help with translation or with other matters may contact the New Mexico Public Regulation Commission's Consumer Relations Division at 888-427-5772, who will contact the appropriate tribal cr pueblo official for assistance, MORATORIA DEL TIEMPO DE INVIERNO: Proteccl6n de la desconexl6n en tiempo de Invierno comienza el15 de noviembre 2014_ Para evitar la posibilidad de desconexi6n de servlcios y para infonnaci6n sobre elegibilidad par favor contacle el Departamento de Servicios Humanos aI800-283·4465, 0 la entldad tribal 0 al pueblo que admlnlstra el Programa de Aslstencia de Energla para Hogares de-Balos Ingresos, (LiHEAP). No se desconectara su servicio desde el15 de novlembre 2014 hasta el15 de mafZO 2015, si usted cumple can las calificaciones del programa de LlHEAP y no tiene cantldades vencidas 0 si usted conttnOa al corriente baJo un acuerdo de pagos par cantldades debldas desde el15 de noviembre 2014.Miembros de tribus 0 pueblos de Nuevo Mexico que necesitan ayuda con traducci6n 0 con olros asuntos pueden comunlcarse can la Comision de Regulaclon Publica de Nuevo Mexico: Divisl6n de Relaciones de Consumidores aI888-427-5772, donde Ie ayudaran a ponerse en contaclo con et aproplado oficial del pueblo 0 tribu para asistencia. TO SERVE YOU BETTER: Enclose your check or money order and payment stub. Ensul'e the NeW Mexico Gas address appears in the return envelope window. Write your account number on your check or money order. Do not fold, staple, tape or paperclip. When you provide a check as payment, you authorize us either to use information from your check to make a one-time electronic fund transfer (EFT) from your account or to process the pavment as a check. When we make an EFT, funds may be withdrawn from your account the same day we receive your payment, and your check will not be returned to you from your financial institution.
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