oneM2M architecture principles and benefits Presenter: O. Elloumi, Architecture WG Chair (Alcatel-Lucent Bell Labs) Contributors: Jozef Blanz (Qualcomm), Yongjing Zhang (Huawei), Hogbeom Ahn (LG Electronics), Nicolas Damour (Sierra Wireless), Rajesh Bhalla (ZTE), François Ennesser (Gemalto) Outline 1. Introduction to oneM2M 2. ETSI M2M vs. oneM2M 3. Why oneM2M architecture 4. Zoom on key capabilities and principles Introduction to oneM2M Mission oneM2M is working to unify the Global M2M Community, by enabling the federation and interoperability of M2M systems, across multiple networks and topologies. Global Partners ETSI M2M vs. oneM2M ETSI M2M vs. oneM2M 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. oneM2M architecture IS NOT an extension of ETSI M2M Curent oneM2M architecture USE SIMILAR, to ETSI M2M, architecture style : RESTFul, but oneM2M adopts full HATEOAS principles, no mandated resource structure However, other Service Oriented approches ARE NOT EXCLUDED, in particular for componentization of the service layer. oneM2M leverages underlying network capabilities: triggering, location, charging. While ETSI M2M assumes an IP capable network. Extended capability set include: delivery handling, device triggering, location, Role based access control, M2M service subscription, etc. Protocol binding include MQTT (in addition to HTTP and CoAP) However an ETSI M2M platform could easily be upgraded to become oneM2M compliant. Interworking is also possible. Why oneM2M architecture Why oneM2M architecture • Combat fragmentation => Healthy eco system with economies of scale • Standards help lowering CAPEX for M2M Services: – Standardized protocols / APIs => simplifies application development – Cross-vertical standards => same devices and back-ends in different industries, etc. • Standards help lowering OPEX for M2M Services: – Standard features to use networks more efficiently => get better tariffs – Flexibility for verticals => utilize best transport network meeting business needs, etc. • Faster time to market due to reduced development/test/deployment time • Address use cases and markets where cost was prohibitive so far • Allow M2M users to focus on their core business and not worry about solving M2M communication challenges on their own Zoom on key capabilities and principles oneM2M simplified Architecture M2M Applications AE AE Mca M2M Service layer Mcn Network Service Entity Underlying Transport Mca Mcc CSE Mca Mcc CSE Mcn NSE AE CSE Mcc’ Mcn Mcn NSE 11 Service components AE Mca Service Exposure Component CSE Service Component 1 Service Component N Msc Network Service Utilization Component Mcn Remote Service Exposure Component Mcc’ NSE Remote Service Exposure Delivrey Handling (introduction) Source: KPN Delivery Handling IN (Infrastructure) MN (Gateway) 3G Network ADN (Device) Local Connectivity MN-CSE IN-CSE C M2M customer’s AE ADN-AE CMDH New CMDH IN-CSE measurement in (DMR) MN-CSE IN-CSE notifies unwraps decides #1 #2M2M #24 taken taken the toCustomer’s forward contained buffered AE requests, ec=3 passes requests Originator: Bundles them aboutto new them other data AND-AE; in CSFs in a single C(DMR) Receiver: payload, MN-CSE; sendsTarget: RequestIN-CSE to IN-CSE Update IN-CSE CREATEproduces //IN/C, ty=<delivery>, ecall= the 3, rqet attributes: requested = 4:00 event am UPDATES category=3, to C Policies lifespan={soonest on MN say:ofFor all ec=3 buffered} => only from 2 am to 5 am MN-CSE IN-CSE finds accepts out itand is the buffers finalrequest target in CMDH Accepts request in IN-CSE’s CMDH CMDH 10:05 11:55 10:00 pm 02:00 am Container Resource 14 Full REST with HATEOAS • • • • Resource structure not hardcoded in the URIs Loose coupling of resources through links Allows extensibility in the future One can now have: – /cse01/app01/container02 – /container_63eb90a2 Location Capability (1/3) • <locationPolicy> Resource Type – Configuration information how to obtain location information of a target M2M node – Obtained location information is stored in a corresponding <container> resource <locationPolicy> locationSource • Basic Information - Source (Network/Device/Sharing) - Period to obtain location information • For Network-based Location - ID of the Target M2M Node - ID of Location Server located in U/N • How to link with a <container> resource - URI of the created <container> - Name of the <container> locationUpdatePeriod locationTargetID locationServer locationContainerID locationContainerName © 2014 oneM2M Partners <Document number> 16 Location Capability (2/3) • 3 Ways of Obtaining Location Information – Network-Based / Device-Based / Sharing-Based <cont_loc_10.213.32.101 > Content = (x,y) AE Create <locationPolicy> Location Requestor CSE Location Request (OMA API for Terminal Location) Location Response Location Server IN <locationPolicy> locationSource = ‘Network’ locationTargetID = ’’ locationServer = ‘’ AE CSE Target M2M Node ( Performing Location (e.g., Cell-ID, OTDOA) Location Capability (3/3) • 3 Ways of Obtaining Location Information – Network-Based / Device-Based / Sharing-Based AE Create <locationPolicy> Topology Information AE (Obtained though DM Technology) <locationPolicy> MN CSE Location Requestor – ADN_0 (Location of itself) MN AE ADN_1 Location = (x1,y1) (Stored in the MN-CSE) Location information of AND_1 shall be stored as location information of the requestor AE ADN_2 locationSource = ‘Sharing’ ADN_ 1 ADN_ 0 AE ADN_3 Location = (x3,y3) (Stored in the MN-CSE) ADN_ 2 ADN_ 3 Underlying Network Services • oneM2M architecture focuses on the “services” provided by the Underlying (UL) Network • NSEs represent the “services” provided to the CSEs by UL Network over Mcn reference point • UL Network provides data transport services between CSEs as well. Such data transport services are not included in services over Mcn though • Services provided by NSEs to CSEs over Mcn reference point include: – Location Management – Device Management – Device Triggering • Such services may be provided by the use of: – Messaging Services – Network APIs (e.g., those specified by OMA, GSMA) used by UL Network Operators for UL Network specific services Device Triggering • • • • • Communication between Nodes uses IP transport services of the UL Network IP address for a Node in the Field Domain (e.g., ASN-CSE/MN-CSE) may become unreachable due to factors such as device going to “sleep”, device movement, NAT traversal in the UL Network etc. A Node in the Infrastructure Domain (e.g., IN-CSE) can use Device Triggering service to “wake up” the Node in the Field Domain, and cause it to establish communication towards the Node in Infrastructure Domain, if required, thereby establishing IP connectivity. Device Triggering may use alternate means of communication over the UL Network (other than IP connectivity) to “wake up” the Node in the Field Domain (e.g., SMS). Each UL Network type may provide different means for performing Device Triggering: – – 3GPP/3GPP2 have specified a dedicated interface (Tsp) for device triggering. Network APIs are other examples for performing Device Triggering. Device Triggering Illustration • • • • IN-AE needs to perform a CRUD operation on a resource in ASN/MN-CSE. IP address of target CSE is not known or not reachable IN-CSE selects the UL Network for reaching the ASN/MN-CSE and delivers Device Trigger Request to associated NSE UL Network specific Device Triggering procedure is performed between the UL Network and the target Node that hosts the ASN/MN-CSE Device Trigger Request is delivered to the target Node – • Device Triggering Handler function in target Node is UL Network Specific If required, connectivity is established between the ASN/MN-CSE and the IN-CSE, thereby renewing the ASN/MN-CSE IP address as well Field Domain Infrastructure Domain Mcc ASN/MN -CSE Device Triggering Handler NSE Mcn IN-CSE Mca 1. Request to targeted ASN/ MN-CSE 2. Underlying Network selection . 3. Device Triggering request 4. Underlying Network Specific Device Triggering Procedure 6. ASN/MN-CSE receives trigger 5. Device Triggering response 7. Connection establishment IN-AE Device Triggering and Reference Point Mapping • • • UL Network specific NSE receives Device Trigger Request over Mcn UL Network specific procedures are performed to "wake up" the target Node. If required, IP connectivity established between target CSE and IN-CSE. Mcc communication over IP transport provided by the UL Network. Device Management • TR0006-Study of the management capability APPROVED • • • • Introduction and gap analysis 6 Potential Deployment Scenarios Generalized Management Architecture specified in ARC TS Management Resources Template and procedures • • CSE DMG Out-of-scope CSE DMG Management Adapter Device in M2M Area Network Proxy Management Client Mcc ms la mp Management Proxy Management Client Management Adapter mc Management Server Generalized Management Architecture <mgmtObj> • • IN MN/ASN 12 oneM2M specific mgmt resources derived <mgmtCmd> Stage 3 work for technology-specific mapping started: • TS-0005 (OMA) • • TS-0006 (BBF) • – DM 1.X, DM 2.0, LWM2M BBF TR069 Stage 3 common primitives will be specified in TS0004 (core protocol) © 2013 oneM2M Partners Management Resources and the Work Split <Document number> 23 Security • ETSI TC M2M only addressed the security needs of M2M Service Providers: Protection of the M2M service infrastructure only • Yet the purpose of an M2M Service Platform is to provide services to M2M Applications: Why not “Security as a Service”? – The goal in oneM2M is to leverage on security capabilities present in the M2M infrastructure (Service Layer or Underlying Network) to provide Security Services for M2M applications • Some oneM2M Security Services: – Credentials deployments and management – Secure connection establishment and management – Authorization and Access Control, supporting roles and context attributes • oneM2M Security Solutions: – Support of Symmetric (Pre-Shared Keys) and Asymmetric (PKI) credentials – Support of static trust scenarios, based on pre-provisioned credentials – Support of dynamic configurations, involving a Centralized Key Distribution
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