Newsletter S1 March 2014

BAI Newsletter #1
S1- March 2014
BoostAero International
BAI team is pleased to introduce you its first Newsletter, enjoy the reading!
Main Events 2013
User Forum M2M SellSide
NCR & NCR Response
In May BAI organized
a M2M User forum.
The aim was to present
BoostAero deliverables
and new developments.
The participants shared M2M project action
plans and defined recommendations for future
M2M suppliers. Within the AirSupply
application scope, the latest BoostAero
change requests were presented and analyzed
by work groups. At the end of the day all the
change requests were approved and
prioritized, best practices defined and some
main pitfalls identified.
BoostAero Optimization
At the end of 2013, BoostAeroSpace group (Airbus Group, Thales, Safran,
Dassault) validated the AirSupply change requests in order to optimize the size
of BoostAero messages. The changes will be on indentation suppression,
cardinality, trade product location, job scheduler, BCM and forecast.
In order to help you with the new instances, BAI developed a solution allowing
the creation of “TO BE” instances from “AS IS” ones.
If you are interested in having a look at your “TO BE” instances before the
implementation, BAI offers you to make a simulation. You can send us “AS IS”
instances (up to 5 for non-members and 10 for members) and we will send you
the “TO BE” version.*
Development of two new
schemas to be used on
AirSupply. The objective is to
use AirSupply as an interface
to exchange data (SupplierClient) on Non conformances
detected by suppliers and
allow their follow up.
BAI worked on the developpment of the solution in
collaboration with Aircelle
who is the first company
implementing this functionnality.
QUALIFAS - Scorecard
As a standardization body, BAI
actively participates to Qualifas
workgroup, defining a common
Supply Chain Scorecard for the
industry. Two indicators have
already been specified by the
group on the punctuality scope:
OTD calculation and DV
(Delay Average). On the quality
side, two other indicators are
currently studied.
At the same time Airbus
Helicopter is responsible for the
definition of OTD collaboration
on AirSupply. This functionality
will be aligned with Qualifas
Workgroup recommendations.
*If you are interested you can send your instances at the following address: [email protected].
This operation is a support provided by BAI and is totally free of charge.
Le Bourget Paris Air Show 2013
In June, BAI, hosted by the GIFAS, had a booth at
the Bourget exhibition. We presented the
association, the standards and detailed their actual
use in the AirSupply Solution.
M2M Training
June 3rd and 4th 2014
This training will help your
company with the M2M
BoostAero Integration.
Results of M2M Best Practices Survey
The objectives are:
During First part of the year
2013, a « Machine-to-Machine
Best practices » survey has been
conducted by BoostAero. The
objective was to identify what
are the best practices used by
Sell-side BoostAero users, as
part of AirSupply, in terms of
Data Integration and EDI
The survey results highlight that most of the BoostAero users integrates M2M
Messages the same way and handle the transmitted data within their ERP in a
similar way.
These results have been shared during our first M2M User Forum.
Recommendations and best practices have been defined per stream and shared.
The conclusion of this study is available for BAI Industrial Members.
2013 BAI General Assembly
The General Assembly took place in November 2013. An activity and financial
report was issued and approved by all the members. The assembly came back
on past year main events, and set its 2014 agenda.
Following the presentation, the assembly voted for BAI Board.
2013 Board was reconducted for this year. Here is the detail of
the positions:
President: Pierre Faure, Dassault Aviation
Vice-President: Jean Ferlus, Safran group
Secretary: Patrick Boquet, Thales group
Treasurer: Catherine Giudicelli, GIFAS
Facilitate the
implementation of M2M
exchanges between the
suppliers and AirSupply
Present the BoostAero
messages layout
Present integration best
practices in terms of in
and outbound messages
Discuss about
experiences and answer
questions you may have
This training best fits IT
teams, EDI and M2M Supply
Chain Suppliers.
ERP/MRP Meeting
meetings between editors and
suppliers in order to
exchange with
If you are interested in
participating in this event,
please come back to us at the
following address to get more
[email protected]
Pierre Faure BoostAero
BAI’s aim
The non profit BoostAero International Association has been created in May 2006 by
the 5 Founding Members (GIFAS, Dassault Aviation, Safran Group, Exostar, Thales
Group). Its mission is to support Aerospace & Defence Supply Chain by creating and
maintaining Digital Supply Chain standard. This standard includes : business
processes, documents, data dictionaries, and IT framework).
Acting as a Consultative Committee representing the major Aerospace and Defence
actors, the SSG (Strategic Standardisation Group) provides strategic advice and
recommendations to BoostAero International Association.
All companies wanting to establish digital Supply Chain relationships with their
suppliers relying on Aerospace & Defence international standards are invited to join
the BoostAero Association, either as Active Members (with influence upon the
evolution of the standards) or Non Active Members.
ASD Radar Screen
The Strategic and Standardisation Group
(SSG) is the reference group in terms of
standard definition and usage in the
European Industry.
In this context, the SSG defined a radar screen representing the standards of the
AeroSpace and Defence industry (ASD).
As you can see, Boostaero is in the center of this graph.
Relationship between BoostAero XML and
The BoostAerospace hub, uses the BoostAero
XML standard as format to exchange data on
the AirSupply solution.
In this context, there are a lot of interactions
between BoostAero International (BAI) and
BoostAeroSpace regarding the conformance of
the messages coming in and going out of
AirSupply. For instance they are collaborating
when a new AirSupply functionality is launched.
They already
use BoostAero
S1 - March 2014
Benefits of being a member
Active Members exclusively
Decision power for standard influence
Participation in steering committees
Influence in the evolution of the standard
Technical Support (1 full day)
Participation to BoostAero WorkGroups: Implementation, KPI, Quality,
Supply Chain
Non Active Members
• Alignment on the Supply Chain best practices of the Aerospace and
Defense industry
• BoostAero Standard implementations feedbacks sharing
• Access to BoostAero road map related to AirSupply
• Partners offers access : AS/2 Connectors / Integration Package
• Access to CSV / XML / ebXML / EDIFACT Benchmarks
• Feedback on the last e-supply chain practice trends
• Faster deployment of your BoostAero Integration
• Networking opportunities
• Free access to standard in Development
• Access to tools (mapping specification between SPOKE - AirSupply –
BoostAero, supplier user guide, ...)
• Access to special offer for BoostAero training or other BoostAero services
• Based on your compliance and certification: visibility of your company on
the BoostAero Website and events (especially for IT Providers)
Extract of BoostAero International Members
Why are you a
BAI Member?
“BAI Created and
maintain XML
BoostAero Standard”
“BAI defends the
interests of the Aerospace
industry in the
“BAI defined the strategy
of supply chain standard
usage in the aerospace
“BAI Created and
maintain process
standards (BRS 2.1.0)”
“BAI shares experiences
on M2M implementation
on AirSupply”
SellSide Certified
ERP on 2.10b
Certified Translator
on 2.10b
BoostAero International AISBL
10 rue Montoyer
B-1000 Brussels
General Information:
Pierre FAURE: [email protected]
Support: [email protected]
Technical Management:
Samy SCEMAMA: [email protected]