2014 OWL Co-Chair Application

2014 OWL Co-Chair Application
Each year the Ohio State Welcome Leader (OWL) program provides opportunities for residence
hall students who value leadership and helping others to participate in the residence hall move in
process. Providing overall leadership for this effort are two outstanding student leaders who serve
as Co-Chairs for the committee that plans and implements this invaluable program.
With this in mind, University Housing is seeking dynamic student leaders interested in serving as
Co-Chairs for the 2014 OWL Program. These positions offer students the opportunity to
demonstrate and further develop outstanding leadership skills.
OWL Co-Chairs begin initial meetings and planning during spring semester. This is done in
preparation for the summer responsibilities and is not fully compensated. Beginning April 1, 2014
and lasting through Move In Day, OWL Co-Chairs receive a stipend. Beginning May 5, 2014, CoChairs will also be provided on campus housing through August 2014 (dates are subject to change)
and a meal plan, active according to the normal summer dining commons schedule (this is typically
only when summer classes are in session). OWL Co-Chairs who plan to live on campus for the
2014-2015 academic year will be moved to their academic year placement by August 6, 2014. OWL
Co-Chairs who do not plan to live on campus must secure off-campus housing by August 1, 2014.
 Plan and implement programming for the 2014 OWL program
 Recruit, train, and supervise OWL Coordinators with a focus on leadership development
 Work 20 hours per week in an office for University Housing, in addition to working on
OWL Program tasks
 Network with university constituents that play an active role in the program
 Create an evaluation process to measures successes and challenges of the overall OWL
Please note: Time outside of these hours may also be needed for completing OWL-related projects,
but it is very reasonable for students to take part-time summer classes while holding an OWL
Co-Chair position.
You do not have to have previous experience with the OWL Program to apply.
2014 OWL Co-Chair Application
Current Year in School: 1
Local Phone:
Local Address:
Will you live on campus 2014-2015? (Circle one)
Cell: (
Cumulative GPA:
List any commitments you have for Spring and Summer 2014 and the number of hours per week:
Reference Name*
Phone Number
*Please list a reference who can attest to your leadership ability and work ethic.
Please answer the following questions and return this form with your responses attached by
Friday, February 28, 2014 at 5:00pm. These responses should be on additional pages, typed,
and no longer than one (1) page per question:
1) In your opinion, what is the purpose of the OWL Program? What has been your previous
involvement/experience as it relates to the program?
2) What interests you about the Co-Chair position?
3) What do you need from an advisor to be successful?
4) Describe a leadership position in which you worked with a large group. What challenges did
you face, and how did you resolve them?
5) What motivates you to be successful?
6) What has been your most rewarding experience at Ohio State, and why?
Completed applications can be emailed to Andy Sokolich at [email protected].