Tip Sheet for Med Access Users – Using Goals

Tip Sheet for Med Access
Users – Using Goals
January 2014 - Updating Screening Maneuvers:
Replacing TOP 10 Health Screen in ACT10N (HSiA) Screening
Maneuvers with the ASaP Maneuvers
This tip sheet is for clinics currently using the Goals module on Med-Access. It is recommended users
have at least a basic understanding of the Goals functionality and ability to customize population criteria
prior to updating Goals.
Note: If a clinic is NOT using Goals and wants to use Goals for the first time, contact Med Access
Education Services at [email protected] for initial set up and training.
IMPORTANT – Prior to making this change Med-Access support should be notified of the change you
are about to make to the population criteria goals so that significance of this action may be explained.
It is recommended to have a discussion with all clinic providers who have used the TOP 10 Goals
about the switch to ASaP Goals before proceeding. Deleting a population-wide TOP 10 Goal will
remove it from all patient charts. The reasoning behind the ASaP maneuvers menu is available at TOP.
The population criteria goals are located under Reports, then click on the blue Manage Templates icon,
and select Goal Criteria from the Category dropdown.
Your current goal criteria should look similar to or the same as the following image.
TOP would like to acknowledge Mirella Chiodo, Quality and Informatics Supervisor, Department of
Family Medicine, U of A, for contributing the content for this document.
Once you change over to the ASaP screening maneuvers, the new set will appear as follows:
Getting Started:
Creating population criteria goals is a two-step process: first, identify the match criteria with the
previous TOP 10 HSiA, and then create new goals for ASaP.
Goals Change Summary
Health Screen in ACT10N (2007)
ASaP (2013)
Bone Density population criteria
Remove *
BP population criteria
Change name
Breast exam population criteria
Remove *
Glucose Fasting population criteria
Diabetes Screen ASaP population criteria
LDL female population criteria
Plasma Lipid Profile Female population criteria
LDL male population criteria
Plasma Lipid Profile Male population criteria
Mammogram population criteria
Mammogram ASaP population criteria
Occult blood population criteria
Colorectal screening ASaP population criteria
Pap smear population criteria
Change name
Pap smear ASaP population criteria
Smoking population criteria
Change name
Tobacco Use Assessment population criteria
Tetanus population criteria
Remove *
Alcohol Use ASaP population criteria
CV Risk Calculation Female ASaP population criteria
CV Risk Calculation Male ASaP population criteria
Exercise Assessment ASaP population criteria
Height ASaP population criteria
Weight ASaP population criteria
Influenza ASaP population criteria
Remove * as per physician preference in switching from TOP 10 to ASaP.
Part I: Identify the matching criteria with TOP 10 Health Screen in ACT10N and changing the name
of the goals.
To get started, open the current TOP population Criteria goal set and delete the Bone Density, Tetanus
and Breast Exam goals if your clinic physicians agree to switch to the ASaP set. Physicians may make a
clinical decision to maintain some of the TOP10 goals. Removing a goal is done by clicking the RED X
beside the maneuver.
The Smoking review goal, LDL goal, Pap Smear goal, Mammogram goal and Blood Pressure goals are
valid as built for TOP 10, however, you should go into the goal and change the reason to the name of
the goal followed by ASaP population criteria. For instance, “Mammogram population criteria” changes
to “Mammogram ASaP population criteria”. See the next example for correct field for Blood Pressure.
Make the same title change to the criteria Template name field as well. See next diagram with Tobacco
Use for field. In addition for the Smoking review Goal, you should change the title of the goal to
Tobacco Use Assessment instead of Smoking review. See correct field in the image below.
Your male and female LDL goal titles should be changed to Plasma Lipid Profile Male and Plasma Lipid
Profile Female; the criteria and interval can stay the same.
Part II: Create new Goals for ASaP
In order to create new goals you need to create the observations first. To save you time, the
observations you need to build to create your goals are listed in the table below so that you can create
them all at once. To do this, go to the Template tab, then Observations, then Types. From here select
New. Create the following observations. If you get a message that they already exist, simply go on to
the next one. Remember you need to create the observation in the same format / data type as is
used in your tasks and templates with the name of the observation spelled exactly the same way or
else it will not be found by the goal. You may need to edit the list below if you document differently at
your clinic. Example: If you document Alcohol using an observation in your templates that is a Radio
Button with choices and the name Alcohol? – then you create a new observation with the name
Alcohol? Field Type - radio button and save. If the observation type already exists then it will tell you
and you can skip this step.
Fecal Immunochemical Test
Hemoglobin A1C
Framingham 10-yr Risk
Height (metric)
Weight (metric)
Data Type
Radio button
Text string
Consult task
Consult task
Immunization (task)
Creating the new goals:
Go back to where your population criteria goals are: Reports<Manage Templates<Goal Criteria.
Create your new goals using the screenshots that follow as examples.
Remember to:
1) Name your goals using the same naming convention both in the template name and the
reason field under the actual goal, then you will know they are population criteria goals and
can be searched if required (E.g., _______ASaP Population Criteria)
2) Set your criteria first (first screen shot) then click on the goal icon top right and set your
Alcohol Use ASaP Population Criteria
1) Criteria:
2) Goal:
Click blue arrow to add synonyms then in the field enter all the different ways alcohol may be charted in
your records. E.g., Alcohol?,consumption,Consumption
Synonyms need to match how
your providers document
IMPORTANT: enter a comma and no space between each synonym. If synonyms contain 2 words, put
a single quote around the entire phrase. E.g. ‘Bilateral Mammogram’,’mammogram’.
Colorectal Cancer Screening ASaP Population Criteria
1) Criteria:
ASaP will measure offers of
FIT once every 2 years.
Providers may offer annual
FIT testing. Speak to clinic
physicians about the
interval for this goal in
your clinic.
2) Goal:
Suggested synonyms:
'Occult blood #1','Occult #2','Occult blood #3' (use single quotes to include entire phrases – keep
for 2 years)
Diabetes screen ASaP Population Criteria
1) Criteria:
2) Goal:
Suggested synonyms:
Glucose-Fasting,Glucose Fasting,GluF
Hemoglobin A1C,HGB A1C
Discuss with physicians in
your clinic for the values
to set for this goal.
Exercise Assessment ASaP Population Criteria
1) Criteria:
2) Goal:
Suggested synonyms:
Physically Active,Exercise,exercise
Female CV Risk Calculation ASaP Population Criteria
1) Criteria:
2) Goal:
This searches for the CV risk calculator in visits – system template. Search Title *Review: Framingham –
Inline. Your clinic may have retitled it however. You can most likely search “Frame” and it will come up.
Male CV Risk Calculation ASaP Population Criteria
1) Criteria:
2) Goal:
Height ASaP Population Criteria
1) Criteria:
2) Goal:
Weight ASaP Population Criteria
1) Criteria:
2) Goal:
Influenza ASaP Population Criteria:
1) Criteria:
2) Goal:
If you are not actually giving the shot in clinic but are reminding the patient, use the Flu immunization
task and note that a reminder was given. This will still satisfy the Influenza goal.