HAUSPOST German-Canadian Benevolent Society of B.C. 2010 Harrison Drive, Vancouver, B.C., V5P 2P6 Phone: 604-713-6500, Fax: 604-713-6548, e-mail: [email protected] February 2014 News from the Home Dear Members and Friends I would like to thank everyone who supported our Christmas and fundraising events through their participation, attendance or donation. We appreciate your support. On 16 November we welcomed many visitors to our Christmas bazaar. The Activity Hall was a favorite spot where visitors could enjoy our homemade potato salad, sausages, German meatloaf, homemade Sauerkraut, a glass of Glühwein and coffee and cake. The proceeds of the bazaar in the amount of about $25,000 will as always benefit the care home. A very special thank-you to all our volunteers and sponsors; the bazaar would not be possible without your support. The annual Christmas benefit concert took place on Sunday, 1 December 2013. A small but hardworking committee started planning this event in the summer. The concert is always a beginning of the Christmas season and provides a significant contribution to the care home. Thank you to the participating choirs, Concordia Choir, Melodie Chor, MGV Lyra and Chorus Faustinae, as well as Karl Schindler and the Edelweiss Musikanten, the Alpenclub, and the generous donors and friends of the concert. The funds raised at the concert together with the funds raised by the Telethon letter will be used towards the purchase of new beds, mattresses and night stands. Considering our plans for a redevelopment of the care home buildings we will not be planning any large, renovation projects but focus on the maintenance and upkeep of the existing buildings. We will strive to maintain the home as a safe and pleasant environment in support of a good quality of life for our residents. News from the Home 1 We will continue our focus on staff education. Many in-services are taught by our Quality of Life Manager, Michelle Fleming. Continued staff education in the areas of care practices, hygiene and communication is essential for achieving high care standards. Residents look forward to the expansion of our horticultural program and working in our greenhouse. Depending on interest or ability, residents do hands-on gardening or enjoy watching the activities in the greenhouse. Thank you for your interest. With best wishes I remain, Jutta Purchase, CEO Christmas Bazaar 2 Christmas Benefit Concert 2 Telethon 3 Thank you 3 Welcome 3 Wishlist 3 Outreach Committee 4 Society Office 4 Board of Directors 4 Chrismas Bazaar Thank you to all participants, sponsors and volunteers for making the 2013 Bazaar another very successful fundraising event. The total amount raised was over $ 25,000. A big Thank You to our sponsors: Adina Goosen Angela’s & Gabriel’s Flowers Inc. Adaptive Technical Inc. Baker’s Art with Werner Schmidt Bowers Medical Supply Bridge Electric Corp. Bruce Milburn Family Canadian Outback Adventures Canadian Tire, Grandview Capilano Suspension Bridge Charlie’s Chocolate Factory Coast Chilliwack Hotel Community Therapists Costco Curaflow of BC Ltd. David Kustner CHA Da Vinci’s Home Dockside Restaurant Edgewater Casino Fraserway RV Rentals Freybe Factory Outlet Gemini Visuals Creative Photography Granville Island Hotel Guild Yule LLP Barristers & Solicitors Harbour Cruises & Events Kustner & Associates, CGA Lordco Autoparts Ltd. Medical Pharmacy Marsh Canada Ltd. Mercedes Benz Canada Inc. Michelle Fleming MNP LLP Norbert Brand Poulin’s Pest Control Pricesmart Foods Prospera Credit Union Radiant Beauties Rocky Point Kayak Russell Food Equipment Select Wine Merchants Ltd. Shaughnessy Restaurant at Van Dusen Silver Group Purchasing Sodexo Spa Utopia Tec Floor Coverings Terra International Foods Inc. The District Restaurant The Old Spaghetti Factory The Original Cakery The Keg Restaurant Trinity Laser Clinic Urban Fare Olympic Village Vancity Credit Union Vancouver Alpen Club Vancouver Chamber Choir Vancouver Giants Vancouver Recital Society Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Wesclean Equipm. & Cleaning Supplies Steveston Merchants: A Monkeytree Bare Basics Bean & Beyond Café Bell’s Bake Shop Brenda’s Hair (Gentlemen’s Chair) Budget Appliance D-Original Sausage Haus Elves Embroidery Juvelisto Design Kid’s Supply Clothing Company Paesano’s Phoenix Art Rod’s Building Supplies Safeway Splash Toy Store Sinfully the Best Sip Wines @ Ironwood Starbuck’s Steveston Book Store Steveston Coffee Company Steveston Seafood House Steveston Tatoo Company Steveston Wine Makers Tapenade Bistro The Candy Dish Timmi Kitchen Restaurant Village Book Store Yokohama Restaurant Christmas Benefit Concert The Christmas concert was again sold out and raised $ 8,118. The Care Home would like to thank the German language choirs, Karl Schindler & his Edelweiss Musikanten, MC Horst Zimmermann who donated their time and effort and, to the Vancouver Alpen Club for donating their facilitiy for this wonderful event. The following choirs participated: Concordia Choir A.V.C. Melody Choir Männergesangverein Lyra Chorus Faustinae Telethon In response to the Telethon letter the Society raised $ 4,587. It is encouraging that our letter still continues to meet with such positive response. The support is much appreciated. This year the funds will go towards the purchase of beds, mattresses and nightstands for our residents’ rooms. These things are not funded by the Province. Thank you for your donations Bequests Oak Leafs Oak leafs are placed on our donor wall in recognition of We thank the families and friends who thought of the donations of $ 500 and more. We thank the following Society in their will: donors for their generosity: The Estate of Iris Elfriede Scherrer The Estate of Bronislawa Irene Koernig Taleed Alkhalafawi Familie Holtz Harro & Gisela Wegner Elizabeth & Henry Grimm The 1988 Foundation Prospera Credit Union Christel &Josef Weber Dorothee & Alfred Schenk Kurt & Claude Blanchette-Ebert Concordia Choir Vancouver Marlies & Artur Lübkemann Werner & Helga Hoing Found. M.G.V. Lyra AVG Melody Choir Paul Wai Ming Chan Jeanny Miu Kwan Lui Edmund & Alma Leck Frederick Kranz Ulla Jacob Peter & Nola Plett Berta Maria Sen Renate U. Hamman Wishlist In response to our Wish List in the last “Hauspost” we received donations towards the purchase enance of a satellite dish. Thank you to the following donors: We thank the families who have made a donation and received a leaf in memory of their loved ones: - Henry & Ruth Ilg im Gedenken an Heinrich Ilg - Siegfried Selent im Gedenken an Marlene Selent - Sudesh Duggal im Gedenken an Ram Parkash Duggal Hildegard & Roman Frydrychowicz Renate & William Steen Marlis & Kurt Hornig Waltraud Wendland Barbara & Fritz Hagedorn Edith Gerhards Christa & Josef Loeffler Christina M. Fodor Gisela & Alfred Stellmacher Maria J. & George Tietjen Annie & Anton Mayer Annonymous Welcome to the Care Home Alan Milner Otto Schloegl Max Neufeld Helen Preiss Frank Preiss Inge Kontor Hugh MacDougall Mohammed Yussuf Avtar Bains Norma Webb Heather Clarkson Vera Lee Sewing Machine for our Rehab Department We would like to know if there is anyone that would be willing to donate a sewing machine. We use the machine to work with resident’s to do minor clothing repairs, to fix hip protectors, cushion covers, and bootie straps, and to make the occasional catheter bag. We would also supervise a resident to use it given someone who is still capable of this. Wishlist Our recreation department would like to purchase an Accordion for our Music Program. Donations towards this cause would be greatly appreciated. Tax deductible receipts are issued for all donations of $10 and more Outreach Program We are pleased to present our program to you and your friends for the next months. We hope that you will enjoy the events and find something of interest to you. February 8th February 22 “German dialects in Transition”, Presentation by Prof. Dr. Karl Zaenker nd Movie: " Father Brown - The 7th Temple”, Comedy /Crime This time, Father Brown, his housekeeper and his altar boy end up on an island in the North Sea. Father Braun has hardly settled in, when something unexpected happens on this usually peaceful island. March 15th “Being Grandparents - the last great love”, Presentation by Pastor Hardo Ermisch March 29th Lecture: “Can’t take it with you” Wills, legacies and legal succession, according to German and Canadian law” Presentation by Dr. Hans Schütze, German lawyer and Angela Dunn, Canadian lawyer. April 12th Spring celebration with songs, poems and stories. Led by Hubertus Schendel. Changes to the program may occur. For more information please contact our outreach coordinator Waltraud Custer at 604 713-6562 e-mail: [email protected] or go to our website: As a new part of the Outreach Program the Society is planning to establish a permanent book exchange for Society members and visitors in the Care Home’s Stuhlmueller library. The demand for a place to collect and exchange German books is evident and a great opportunity for German speaking seniors, as well as any age group interested in German literature, to access and exchange books. With the help of volunteers we will run the “book exchange” More detailed information will soon be available. Die deutsche Stunde Since last spring the weekly Friday event geared to our German speaking residents and their guests continues to be very successful. Under the caring guidance and organisation of Waltraud Custer, coffee and cake are served in the Stuhlmueller Library, followed by German songs and poetry. Singing and reciting brings back cherished memories to our seniors. Thank you to our Society for supporting this worthwhile cause! Board of Directors Society Office W indisch every staffed by Ruth is e fic of . Ruth ty cie The So 9 a.m. to 5 p.m ednesday from r at W d he e an y on da ph es ay Tu glish. You m En d an an m er speaks G e-mail: society@ 604-713-6562 or Oliver Grüter-Andrew Mark Sulzberger Fritz Dressel Carola von Hahn Irmela Topf-von Schlichting Irene Schmid Heike Roth Jutta Purchase President Vice President Treasurer Director Director Director Director Chief Executive Officer
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