“This is a sample syllabus. The instructor has the right to change it before classes start 8/25/2014.” Syllabus: QEP - MAT 1033 Intermediate Algebra Instructor: Deanna Voehl Office: W218 Main Campus Fort Pierce Office Phone: (772) 462-7827 (not the best way to reach me) E-mail: Please use the Message feature in Blackboard for communication. If the Message feature is not working, then send an email to [email protected]. Software: MyMathLab (MML) for computer homework, quizzes, and tests E-Text(comes with access code): Intermediate Algebra, by Elayn Martin-Gay; 6th Edition (This textbook is not required for this course, however you may purchase this textbook if you so desire.) Course policies for Online MyMathLab (MML) HW, QUIZZES and TESTS: Please print the Schedule of Activities that can be found in Blackboard. This is your guidebook for the semester. 1. You must complete the Diagnostic Test (in MML) on or before the due date (please see Schedule of Activities in Blackboard) AND complete your Study Plan (in MML) on or before the due date (please see Schedule of Activities in Blackboard). Failure to do this will result in being withdrawn from the course. 2. Your Diagnostic Test and Study Plan will count as a 100% Homework (HW) grade in MML (MyMathLab). 3. You must complete the Study Plan to have access to the first HW assignment. 4. All HW are completed within MML. 5. HW is not proctored 6. HW assignments have an unlimited number of attempts and are due on specific dates in order to keep you on track. 7. HW questions completed after the due dates do not have a penalty, other than getting you behind schedule. 8. You must earn a minimum of 60% on a HW assignment in order to have access to the next HW assignment. 9. You must earn a minimum of 60% on the last HW assignment within a module to have access to the QUIZ for that module. 10. All QUIZZES are completed within MML. 11. QUIZZES are not proctored. 12. QUIZZES are timed. You are allotted 45 minutes to complete a QUIZ. 13. QUIZZES have an unlimited number of attempts and have a due at the end of the semester. However….. 14. You must earn a minimum of 60% on a QUIZ to have access to the first HW assignment within the next module. 15. You must earn a minimum of 60% on the last QUIZ of a testing unit to have access to the TEST for that testing unit. 16. TESTS have only one attempt and are due on specific dates. Thus, it is important to stay on schedule with the HW and QUIZZES. 17. All TESTS are taken within MML. 18. All TESTS are proctored (i.e., all tests are taken at an IRSC Assessment Center or an approved off-campus testing center) 19. All TESTS are timed. You are allotted 75 minutes to complete a TEST. 20. During Fall and Spring semesters, IRSC Assessment Centers are open Monday through Friday (but close early on Fridays). 21. During Summer semesters, IRSC Assessment Centers are open Monday through Thursday. 22. Due to the day restrictions on testing, you will have access to the first HW assignment within the next testing unit once you have earned a minimum of 60% on the last QUIZ of a testing unit, thus allowing you to work ahead and not get behind schedule. 23. At the end of the term the two lowest HW scores and the two lowest QUIZ scores will be dropped. 24. The lowest test score will NOT be dropped. 25. There is an alternative path to the above for students with exceptional algebraic abilities (i.e., you missed the cut-off score for the next level of College Math Courses by a point or two and can do most of the problems in this class in your sleep!) a. Each TEST has a PRE-TEST with a due date that is not flexible. The due date is set such that you will take the PRE-TEST PRIOR to working on the homework in that testing unit (i.e., you think that you can test out of this unit). The PRE-TEST is proctored and you are allotted 75 minutes to complete it. If you score 90% or above, then you are exempt from taking the HW, QUIZZES, and TEST for that Unit. The score earned (90% or above) will be manually entered for the HW and QUIZZES for that unit, and the TEST for that unit will be omitted. b. If the PRE-TEST is not an option, then there is a backup plan. Each QUIZ has a PRE-QUIZ with a due date that is not flexible. The due date is set such that you will take the PRE-QUIZ PRIOR to working on the homework in that Module (i.e., you think that you can test out of this Module). The PRE-QUIZ is proctored and you are allotted 45 minutes to complete it. If you score 90% or above, then you are exempt from taking the HW and QUIZ for that Module. The score earned (90% or above) will be manually entered for the HW for that Module, and the QUIZ for that Module will be omitted. You need to complete the Diagnostic Test (in MML) on or before the due date (see the Schedule of Activities) AND complete your Study Plan (in MML) on or before the due date, or you will be withdrawn from the class with a WN. ***IT IS REASONABLE TO EXPECT TO SPEND 20 HOURS A WEEK ON HOMEWORK**** Course Description: Topics include solving linear, quadratic, rational, absolute value, and radical equations and inequalities, operations on polynomials including factoring, exponents, rational expressions and radical expressions, and graphs of linear equations in two variables. Content: We will cover topics from Chapters 2 - 8. The final exam will be comprehensive. Test 1 - Modules 1 & 2 Test 2 - Modules 3, 4 & 5 Test 3 - Modules 6 & 7 Test 4 - Modules 8 & 9 Final Exam - comprehensive - Modules 1 - 10 Calculators: You may use a SCIENTIFIC calculator for each test. Even though some have built-in calculators, cell phones and other electronic devices CANNOT be used during tests and need to be turned off before the test begins. No graphing calculators allowed. Grades: The final grade is: Five tests (70%), MML homework (10%), MML quizzes (14%), Attendance/Participation (6%) A B C D F - 90 80 70 60 0 - 100 89 79 69 59 I - Due to the Mastery Level approach of this class, an incomplete can be given. This will be discussed on an individual basis for students who have faithfully completed a minimum of two items (HW, QUIZ, or TEST) in MML within any given 5-day period. W - Withdrawals from the course must be done on or before IRSC’s withdrawal date Attendance/Participation: Everyone is expected to be present, on time, and prepared for each class meeting. For internet students, this means that you must be consistently working in MML and checking in to Blackboard (especially MESSAGES and ASK THE INSTRUCTOR). Your Attendance/Participation grade will be affected if you go 5 days or more without completing a minimum of two items (HW, QUIZ or TEST) in MML. *** WN - attendance for the first days will be demonstrated by taking the Diagnostic Exam AND working on the Study Plan. if you do not complete the diagnostic exam and work on your study plan by the deadline (see Schedule of Activities), your non-attendance will be reported to the Registrar and Financial Aide Offices, and you will be removed from this course.*** Make-up Tests: Please contact the instructor via the MESSAGE feature of Blackboard. Incompletes: Due to the mastery nature of this course, it is sometimes difficult to complete the course within the required time frame. When this is the case, you and I will come to an agreement about the continuation of the course. Regardless of the agreement, a basic requirement is that you must complete a minimum of two items (HW, QUIZ or TEST) in MML within any given 5-day period. This insures that you are actively working on completing the course. If after granted an Incomplete grade, you were to not complete a minimum of two items (HW, QUIZ or TEST) in MML within any given 5-day period, then the Incomplete will be changed to the current grade showing in MML after zeroes have been submitted for any remaining work that has not been completed. Cheating/plagiarism: You will receive a grade of zero and/or will be taken before the Academic Review Board for possible dismissal from school. Extra Help: The ASC Lab (Academic Support Center) is available to you Monday – Saturday. In this lab you may receive FREE tutoring and you may use the textbook, solutions guide and software for this course. Outcome of Course : Students will be able to apply critical thinking through problem solving. Objectives for Course : 1. Review of algebraic techniques, order of operations, and properties. 2. Review and expand solving equations and inequalities (linear, rational, quadratic, and radical). 3. Review and expand the operations of polynomials. 4. Review and expand the techniques in simplifying rational expressions. 5. Review and expand the operations of expressions in radical or exponential form. 6. Review and expand the techniques in graphing linear equations and inequalities. Students with Disabilities: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, students requiring special accommodation(s) due to a disability must register with Educational Services Division / Student Disability Services office in order to receive eligible services. These offices are located in W-143 on the main campus or you may call Rhoda Brant at (772) 462-7782 or Terry Valencia at (772) 462-7808. Students with documented disabilities may also be eligible for additional academic services through Student Support Services (SSS) located in J-101 on the main campus.
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