NetApp Plug-in 2.0 for Oracle Recovery Manager Media Management Library (RMAN MML) Quick Start Guide TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 3 2 Documentation ...................................................................................................................................... 3 3 Tested Platforms................................................................................................................................... 3 4 Installation and Configuration ............................................................................................................. 3 5 4.1 Complete Prerequisites ...................................................................................................................................3 4.2 Download ........................................................................................................................................................4 4.3 Install ..............................................................................................................................................................4 4.4 Create Basic Configuration File ......................................................................................................................5 4.5 Test Configuration...........................................................................................................................................6 Log Location ......................................................................................................................................... 7 Version History ........................................................................................................................................... 7 LIST OF TABLES Table 1) Documentation .................................................................................................................................................3 Table 2) Tested Platforms ..............................................................................................................................................3 Table 3) Basic configuration file parameters. .................................................................................................................5 Table 4) Environment variables required for sbttest. ......................................................................................................6 2 Quick Start Guide NetApp Plug-in for Oracle RMAN MML 2.0.0 1 Introduction This document provides quick installation and configuration instructions for the NetApp Plug-in for Oracle Recovery Manager Media Management Library (RMAN MML), version 2.0.0. The NetApp RMAN MML integrates NetApp storage technologies with RMAN. This allows Oracle Database Administrators (DBAs) to utilize NetApp technologies (Snapshot, FlexClone, and SnapRestore), when backing up, restoring and recovering, and duplicating Oracle Database(s) via RMAN. 2 Documentation The following documents are available on the NetApp RMAN MML Community Site for reference when using the NetApp RMAN MML: Table 1) Documentation Document Description Quick Start Guide (this document) Quick installation and configuration instructions. Command Reference Examples of various RMAN commands that will take advantage of the NetApp RMAN MML. Installation and Administration Guide In-depth technical overview of the NetApp RMAN MML. 3 Tested Platforms The NetApp RMAN MML was tested on the following platforms: Table 2) Tested Platforms Oracle Database Platform NetApp Storage Platform(s) Database Host Operating System(s) Oracle Database 10g Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.7 x86-64 Oracle Database 11g Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 Data ONTAP 8.1 (7-mode) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 x86-64 Oracle Solaris 10 x86-64 Oracle Solaris 11 x86-64 Oracle Database 12c Clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 Data ONTAP 8.1 (7-mode) Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 x86-64 Note: The NetApp RMAN MML is only compatible with NetApp storage systems that are running the Data ONTAP operating system. 4 Installation and Configuration 4.1 Prerequisites The following steps must be performed for proper functioning of the NetApp RMAN MML. NetApp Storage Controller Prerequisites 1. Ensure that SnapRestore and FlexClone are licensed on your storage controller. 3 Quick Start Guide NetApp Plug-in for Oracle RMAN MML 2.0.0 2. Ensure that HTTPS (SSL) is enabled on your storage controller. Database Host Prerequesites Note: These steps should be performed as the root user. 1. Add the following line to the ‘/etc/sudoers’ file: If you are using Linux: oracle ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /bin/mount *, /bin/umount * If you are using Solaris: oracle ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /sbin/mount *, /sbin/umount * 2. Comment out the following line (if it exists) in ‘/etc/sudoers’ by adding a ‘#’ to the beginning of the line, as shown: # Defaults requiretty 3. If you are using Solaris, ensure that ‘sudo’ is located in ‘/usr/local/bin/’ by running the following ‘ls’ command: [root@mikeo-sora01]$ ls /usr/local/bin/sudo /usr/local/bin/sudo If you receive a ‘no such file or directory’ message, then create a link to ‘sudo’ in ‘/usr/local/bin’ as follows: [root@mikeo-sora01]$ which sudo <PATH_TO_SUDO> [root@mikeo-sora01]$ ln -s <PATH_TO_SUDO> /usr/local/bin/sudo 4.2 Download The NetApp RMAN MML is available as a ‘*.tar.gz’ file and can be downloaded from the NetApp RMAN MML Community Site. Be sure to download the correct verison for your host operating system. 4.3 Install The following steps describe the process of installing the RMAN MML on the database host. Note: Installation should be performed as the Oracle user. 1. Extract the ‘*.tar.gz’ file to a location of your choice. gunzip ntap-rman-<VERSION_SPECIFIC_NAME>-2.0.0.tar.gz tar –xvf ntap-rman-<VERSION_SPECIFIC_NAME>-2.0.0.tar.gz 2. Navigate to the newly extracted subfolder. cd <EXTRACTION_LOCATION>/ntap-rman-<VERSION_SPECIFIC_NAME>-2.0.0 3. Run the install script. ./ 4. Copy the required libraries to ‘$ORACLE_HOME/lib’. cp <EXTRACTION_LOCATION>/ntap-rman-<VERSION_SPECIFIC_NAME>-2.0.0/lib/lib* $ORACLE_HOME/lib 5. Confirm that all dependencies are present by executing an ‘ld’ and an ‘ldd’ command on ‘$ORACLE_HOME/lib/’. You should not see any “undefined reference(s)” or “not found” messages. ld $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ ldd $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ 4 Quick Start Guide NetApp Plug-in for Oracle RMAN MML 2.0.0 4.4 Create Basic Configuration File Note: Create the basic configuration file as the Oracle user on the database host: 1. Create a folder to act as the RMAN MML configuration directory. For example: /oracle/rman_ntap_configuration 2. Create a configuration file named ‘<NAME_OF_YOUR_CHOICE>.conf’, and save this configuration file to the newly-created configuration directory. For example: /oracle/rman_ntap_configuration/rman_ntap.conf 3. In the configuration file, add the parameters that are necessary for you to perform simple backup and restore operations (no cloning, no SnapVault, no SnapMirror) in your setup. The parameters specified in Table 3 must be included. All others are optional. See the Installation and Administration Guide, available on the NetApp RMAN MML Community Site, for the complete list of parameters. Note: Sample configuration files are included with the bundle, and can be found in the following location: ‘<INSTALLATION_EXTRACTION_LOCATION>/ntap-rman-<VERSION_SPECIFIC_NAME>2.0.0/sample_config/’. Note: You can create more than one configuration file (for example, one for simple backup and restore, one for cloning, one for SnapVault, and so on) but for the purposes of initial configuration, start with just one for simple backup and restore operations. Table 3) Basic configuration file parameters. Item# Parameter FILER Description Lists the storage controllers and their respective usernames and passwords. Syntax: 1 FILER=<storage_ip_or_hostname_1>:<username>/<password>;<storage_ip_or_hostname_2 >:<username>/<password> Example: FILER=mikeo_rmqa:vsadmin/Netapp12345 FILERPASS_EN CRYPTED Specifies whether or not the storage system password is encrypted. Note: If the password is not encrypted, MML will automatically encrypt the password upon its first run. Note: An encrypted password can be created using ‘mml_pass_encrypt_decrypt_x64.o’. 2 Example: FILERPASS_ENCRYPTED=NO (if password is not encrypted) Example: FILERPASS_ENCRYPTED=YES (if password is encrypted) VOLUMES 3 5 Lists the NetApp volumes that you want to backup (Snapshot), restore (SnapRestore), and/or duplicate. Syntax: VOLUMES=<storage_ip_or_hostname_1>:<volumename1>,<volumename2>;<storage_ip_or_ho stname_2>:<volumename> Quick Start Guide NetApp Plug-in for Oracle RMAN MML 2.0.0 Item# Parameter Description Example: VOLUMES=mikeo_rmqa:rmqa_oradata0,rmqa_oradata1,rmqa_oradata2 Should be set to ‘nfs’. This version of the MML only supports NFS. PROTOCOL 4 Syntax: PROTOCOL=nfs DB_MOUNTPOI NT Lists the NetApp volumes that you want to backup (Snapshot), restore (Snaprestore), and/or duplicate, and their corresponding mountpoints on the Oracle Database server. Syntax: 5 DB_MOUNTPOINT=<storage_ip_or_hostname_1>:<volumename1>:<mountpoint1>,<mountpoint 2>;<storage_ip_or_hostname_2>:<volumename2>:<mountpoint3>;<storage_ip_or_hostnam e_3>:<volumename3>:<mountpoint4> Example: DB_MOUNTPOINT=mikeo_rmqa:rmqa_oradata0:/oracle/rmqa/oradata0;mikeo_rmqa:rmqa_ora data1:/oracle/rmqa/oradata1;mikeo_rmqa:rmqa_oradata2:/oracle/rmqa/oradata2 4.5 Test Configuration As the Oracle user on the database host, perform an sbttest to ensure that the NetApp RMAN MML is configured correctly. 1. The following environment variables must be set: Table 4) Environment variables required for sbttest. Environment Variable Value BACKUP_DIR The path of the RMAN MML configuration directory that was created in Section 4.4, “Create Basic Configuration File”. Example: “/oracle/rman_ntap_configuration” CONF The name of the RMAN MML configuration file that was created in Section 4.4, “Create Basic Configuration File”. Note: The configuration file should be located in the directory specified by the BACKUP_DIR variable. Example: “rman_ntap.conf” DELETETYPE “snap” RESTORETYPE “file” 2. Copy a file of your choice to one of your database data volumes. cp <FILE_OF_YOUR_CHOICE> <PATH_TO_DATABASE_DATA_VOLUME> 6 Quick Start Guide NetApp Plug-in for Oracle RMAN MML 2.0.0 For example: cp /etc/redhat-release /oradata0/rmqa/ 3. Execute the sbttest. sbttest <PATH_TO_DATABASE_DATA_VOLUME>/<FILE_COPIED_IN_STEP_2> -dbname <DATABASE_NAME> no_regular_backup_restore -proxy_file <PATH_TO_DATABASE_DATA_VOLUME>/<FILE_COPIED_IN_STEP_2> ntapbackupcheck.bk -libname $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ For example: sbttest /oradata0/rmqa/redhat-release -dbname rmqa -no_regular_backup_restore -proxy_file /oradata0/rmqa/redhat-release ntapbackupcheck.bk -libname $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ You should receive the following line of output (intermediate lines replaced with “…”): [oracle@mikeo-ora01]$ sbttest /oradata0/rmqa/redhat-release -dbname rmqa no_regular_backup_restore -proxy_file /oradata0/rmqa/redhat-release ntapbackupcheck.bk libname $ORACLE_HOME/lib/ … *** The SBT API test was successful *** After the sbttest has completed successfully, initial installation and configuration is complete. Further documentation (see Section 2, “Documentation”) is available on the NetApp RMAN MML Community Site. 5 Log Location If you are using Oracle Database 11g or 12c, the RMAN MML log will be located at the following location: $ORACLE_BASE/diag/rdbms/<DATABASE_NAME>/<DATABASE_INSTANCE>/trace/sbtio.log If you are using Oracle Database 10g, the RMAN MML log will be located at the following location: $ORACLE_BASE/admin/<DATABASE_NAME>/udump/sbtio.log Version History Version Date Document Version History Version 1.0 March 2014 Initial release. Refer to the Interoperability Matrix Tool (IMT) on the NetApp Support site to validate that the exact product and feature versions described in this document are supported for your specific environment. The NetApp IMT defines the product components and versions that can be used to construct configurations that are supported by NetApp. Specific results depend on each customer's installation in accordance with published specifications. NetApp provides no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy, reliability, or serviceability of any information or recommendations provided in this publication, or with respect to any results that may be obtained by the use of the information or observance of any recommendations provided herein. The information in this document is distributed AS IS, and the use of this information or the implementation of any recommendations or techniques herein is a customer’s responsibility and depends on the customer’s ability to evaluate and integrate them into the customer’s operational environment. This document and the information contained herein may be used solely in connection with the NetApp products discussed in this document. 7 © 2013 NetApp, Inc. All rights reserved. No portions of this document may be reproduced without prior written consent of NetApp, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. 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