THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. 1965 EVANS JOURNAL, ANGOLA, NEW YORK PAGE THREE srt^^ 21 Mothers c l u D a t toe Academy \[^i6 Hamburg on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Whitney F r o s t Sponsored by Evons Gordon Club motored to Geneseo on Friday to take Barbara back to college. Barb Start a compost pile by using will act as "Big Sister" to several fallen leaves, spent vegetables, new registrants. flower crops and lawn mowings. ... *The Senior Citizens held their oo -— regular meeting in St. Vincent's Church Hall on Monday. where he is majoring in mechanical Angola Mrs. Lula Potter of Buffalo engineering. was a Sunday visitor at the home Doris Guest, Local Editor Earle^Gates left Tuesday, Sept. of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Spittler. Telephone 549-1315 14, to return to Huntington College. Mrs. Dora Miner motored to yes, hisNgrandmother, Mrs. Plantation Peach Shortcake Rochester on Saturday to visit her On Labor Day, Sept. 6, a racing Oh William Gilchrist, who is 87 years daughter, Mrs. Richard Bull, and shell was dedicated in memory By Mrs. Merle Tanner Sr. old and experienced her first ride to celebrate the birthday of her of Leroy M. Dibble, brother of N. Main St., Angola in a plane when she flew from grandson, Dickie. Mrs. Max Ferris, at the West oani,xe Sift Together to DUU<UU Buffalo *«re6w» «Calif., • • . , iu side Rowing Club on the Niaearal SanDiego, 2 cups sifted bread flour . cently, thoroughly enjoyed it and River. Lake Erie Beach 3 tsp. baking powder J^j, 0rt very proud that she was brave Garold (Bud) Hepfinger, son of, was Mildred Gruener, Local Editor 1/2 tsp. salt enought to sit by the window in Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hepfinger of the plane. Cut In Telephone 549-3252 61 Sunset Blvd., left last Monday Douglas Rich will be leaving 1/4 cup, firmly packed brown for his first semester at Mohawk Sept. 26 for Baldwin Wallace Colsugar Mr. Everett Jensen of Point Valley Community College at lege at Berea, Ohio, where he 1/2 cup shortening until mixture Breeze Dr. left for the weekend Utica. Captain and Mrs. Martin A. -»with the Naval Reserves. will be a freshman. resembles coarse meal. Michael Fazzalaro and Jill CarCombine Donald Ghiandoni returns to Fisher of 22 Miller Cr., Angola, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Curtin Jr. beck were united in marriage on Baldwin announce the engagement of their have moved to Eden, where they Wallace at the same time. 1 well-beaten egg. Sept. 5. The Rev. William Seibert He will be a senior majoring in d a u g h t e r , Esther Margaret, to have purchased a home. . 2/3 cup light cream or top of the Lutheran Church in Farnham English and history. Raymond Peter Blow, son of Mr. milk. to flour/shortening mixLabor Day weekend guests of officiated. The bride is the daughand Mrs. Roger Blow of Grand the Don Keohanes of Sterling Rd. ture, Add Cathy Ellis left Monday, Sept. mixing only until all flour ter of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Car- 6, for Jamestown Community Col-j Isle, Vermont is dampened. included Mr. and Mrs. Walter beck of Angola and the bridegroom lege School of Nursing. Esther was graduated from the Lucas of Buffalo and Mr. and Delicious served with fresh is the son of Mrs. Joyce FazLake Snore Central School this past Mrs. Walter Steele and family of peaches. Roll out and cut dough Betty Lou Zellers left Sept. 15 zalaro. They will be at home at June. During the summer she was 1/2 in. thick for biscuits. Gordon Rd., Roat Acres, after for the University of Rochester. employed by Lake Industries in Depew. Betty is interested in chemistry Sorry to hear Mr. Garrison of We invite our readers to send Oct. 1. Burlington, Vt., on the "Valcour,*' Grant St. had a little accident at in their favorite recipes fop puband music. Mrs. Claude W. Brink of Tonalication. Mrs. Robert E. Humes of Burns aircraft ferry which ran from home and broke his hand. wanda, mother of Mrs. Joseph Rd. was canning tomatoes when Burlington to .Port Kent, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Markowitz (Midge) Nicholson of Church Rd., she received a call from the proMr. Blow served in the United and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bateman died on Sept. 9. The funeral was gram, "Dialing for Dollars", last States Navy for four years, both in enjoyed dinner Wednesday, Sept. 8, celebrated^his seventh birthday on Saturday, Sept. 9, with a family held in Buffalo on Monday. week, and she was unable to give the United States and overseas. He at the Lakeview Hotel, after which dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Guest and the count and the amount. She lost is now employed by the Thermal they attended a show. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donnelly daughters Rhonda and Marsha and out on $100 and received two passes Wire Company of America in South of Silver Creek were dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. David Darley and to a downtown theatre as a consola- Hero, Vt. Brant-Farnham of Mr. and Mrs. Russell L. Disdaughter Mary Beth attended the tion prize. No date has been set for the pence last Saturday evening. Doris Lehman, Local Editor Field Trip Day and Chicken Mrs. W. Spooner Smith was wedding. The Ladies Auxiliary of Brant Bar-B-Q at Deer Lick Nature hostess at luncheon on Wednesday Telephone 549-3983 No. 1 Fire Co. held its first Sanctuary near Gowanda on Sunday. in her home to members of a his family from Salvador, Brazil. fall meeting on Monday evening Mrs. Florence Dye of Salamanca tennis and bridge group. FARNHAM Mrs. Ronald Frase was Sonia"s at 8 p.m. at the Brant Fire Hall. is visiting her sister, Mrs. ClarMr. and Mrs. Franklin Koch and The finals in the championship English teacher and the reunion Michael Trask of Angola celeence Shultz. division of the tennis tournament gave Sonia an opportunity to be son James "spent the Labor Day brated his birthday on Sept. 9. ' $£*, Miss Cheryl Tanner, a graduate held in Derby over the Labor Day brought up to date on her family weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mr. and Mrs. O. B. J oils of of Syracuse University? has ac- weekend were won by Mrs. Edward and also view some picture slides Pfleuger. . Buffalo spent the Labor Day weekcepted a position as an English L. Klopfer and Kenneth T. Seeger. from home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Meyers and ^^^^^^^^ teacher for grades 7-8 in the They played Miss Elizabeth L. Gee! Where did the summer go? son of Blasdell visited Mr. and end with Mrs. Daisy Winters. Dunkirk public schools. A bridal shower was held in How could Junior or Sally sprout Mrs. Joseph Totaro on Sunday Esty and Stephen Kellogg. honor of Miss Ann MacPeek on evening, Sept. 5. Diane Kosciewicz, daughter of The consolation division was won up so tall, without me noticing it Mr. and Mrs. Paul Brose of Sunday, Aug. 22, at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Gus Kosciewicz, by Miss Patricia L. Piper and until it was time to get their school is a graduate of Lake Shore Cen- Gerald M. Muscott Jr., who played clothes in order? Mom, can Susan Reeves Rd. were Sunday afternoon Mrs. Clear Grise on Hardpan Rd. tral and is enrolled at State Uni- Miss Diane JL. Franz and Jerry come over to our house today? dinner guests of Mrs. Myrtle Don- It was given by Mrs. Shirley Trask and Dolly Furman of Angola. versity of New York College at A. Ruhl. Hey mom, look what I found (any- nelly of Angola. Mrs. June McNulty held a family Mrs. Ida Totaro spent the Labor Fredonia. A luncheon preceded the final thing from an odd-shaped reunion last week at the Evans Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Garland play in the third annual Howard found in the driveway to a garden Day weekend with her son, FrankTown Park. "There were relatives have returned from their vacation Kellogg Jr. Memorial Cup Tourna- snake found in the grass). Or, if lin Totaro, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Lehman of from Washington, D. C , and in the New England States. ment at the Derby Club Sunday. Max you have teenagers, does it seem Mary Mowrey, daughter of Mr. B. E. Clarkson was chairman, and strange to walk through the house Angola and Mrs. Myrtle Donnelly Florida. Several close friends also and Mrs. William Mowrey, will Mrs. M. Spangler Kieffer, co- without stepping over one of them and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Parker attended. Little Lorretta M. Trask, daughleave Sunday, Sept. 19, to attend chairman, of the tourney for chil- sprawled on the floor, chattering held a picnic at the home of William Smith College at Geneva, dren ages 10-17 of members of on the phone. Oh! This house is so Mr. and Mrs. Richard Donnelly of ter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trask of Angola, celebrated her first N. Y. quiet it frightens me. Are these Silver Creek on Labor Day. the club. birthday on Labor Day, Sept. 6. Robert Goodwin has returned for Marie Small and children of. Players in the tournament were: some of the things running through Mrs. Betty Imhof of Angola has his junior year at Clarkson Col- Spring S c h o e l l k o p f , Blasdell and Mr. and Mrs. David B r i a n your mind as you glance at the lege, Potsdam. His sister, Sandra, O'Keeffe; Miss Cynthia F. Biggar, clock or out of the window to see Forbes and family held a picnic been home on the sick list. will leave Saturday for Alfred Henry L. G. Kieffer; Melissa K. if the CHILDREN are returning at the home of their parents, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Fininzio of Agricultural & Technical Institute, Campbell, KennethT. Seeger; Miss from school to MAKE THE empty and Mrs. Joseph Totaro, on Labor Brant celebrated their second anwhere she will be a freshman Lyh" A. Franz, Theodore Rumsey; HOUSE become A normal, noisy | J*&& niversary on Sept. 9. in nursings Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trask ^Wendy Pierce, Mark W^Muglerr HOME again? ^twelve other churches were of Angola attended a picnic on guests of the Wesleyan Methodist Miss P h o e b e C. Schoellkopf, Derby Sunday, Sept. 5, at Leisureland Church on Herr Rd. Sept 10, when Frederick G. Pierce II; Miss Molly North Evans in Hamburg, sponsored , by the Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, South S. Mugler, Edward K. Hyde HI; Ann Lossing, Local Editor Kingsmen. Viet Nam missionaries, were the Miss Patricia H. Esty, Richard C. The Ladies Auxiliary held its guest speakers. Slides were shown. Telephone 947-5518 Mr. and Mrs. Aurelio Cortez Piper; Kathryn W. Klopfer, Edwin first meeting of the fall season (Lydia Lebron) of Brant are the' Refreshments followed the servOn Sept. 23,whichisnextThurs- P. Kieffer; Kathleen E. Seeger, last Thursday in the fire hall. parents of a daughter, Margarita, ice. day, Miss Jane Wippert will cele- Lee Bowen. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Holt spent born Sept. 8 at Lake Shore InterBRANT brate her 95th birthday. If you take Mrs. James LaPiana and Joseph a few days at Stratford in Canada Community Hospital. Joseph Furlano Jr. of Brant only 95 seconds of your time (a Castiglia, Republican candidate for and attended several performances little over a minute and one-half) 163rd District a s s e m b l y m a n , at the Shakesperean Theater. Upon to address a card to her in care visited Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Kellogg their return they motored to Washof the Sheridan Manor Nursing Clarke and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. ington, D. C , where they will Home, 2799 Sheridan Dr., Tona- Zellers Friday evening. spend a week. wanda, N. Y. 14223, you will help Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Spittler Mr. and Mrs. George Darnell her to always remember the oc- motored to Chautauqua Lake last have returned from a motor trip casion with the pleasant thought weekend to take their granddaugh- to Washington, D. C , Wilmington that, even if you aren't able to ter, Robbin, to visit her parents, and Newcastle, Delaware. visit her, you are thinking about Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burke, who and Mrs. Edward Klopfer her. are vacationing at their cottage on andMr. their children flew to New York ^Jimmy Johnson, son of Mr. and the lake. Robin is staying with her City and spent several days visitMrs. Lloyd Johnson of Putnam Dr., grandparents until her parents re- ing the World's Fair. They also left for Dayton, Ohio, Sept. 1, to at- turn, so she will not miss school. attended several of the current Sonia Castro was the guest of hit shows there. tend a special meeting prior to his position as practice teacher at the Mr. and Mrs. Glen F. Frase of We make ail repairs with the precision born Miss Camille Shepker has reBelmont High School in Dayton. Hamburg on Sunday. The occasion turned to her teaching position in of long experience. Our jobs nvfr have to bo On Sept. 15, Robert Rich re- was the return of their missionary Rochester. turned to Grove City College,, , son, the Rev. Ronald Frase, and "re-done" later. You save money in the end I Most of the college crowd"has returned to school and some new ones have Joined them. Bobby Her die now attends Erie County Tech; Bruce Peterson and Rickie Koelbel are at U.B.jT. J. Lempges is at Niagara Community College In Niagara Falls; Ronnie Bogner is at a theological college in Illinois; Frank Schubauer has returned to Jamestown Community College. On FRESH CANDIES OF MATCHLESS FLAVOR the feminine side, Miss Sally Stroup and Miss Marilyn Lisle have joined the ranks of the business gals. Lake Shore Rd. - Highland -on -the-Lalce Mrs. Raymond Hazard, .Mrs. Walter Mazur and Mrs. Norman Phone XH7-5566 Sigrist were guests at the MemROUTE 5 - ANGOLA, N. Y. S49-3244 MAIL ORDERS ACCEPTED bership Tea given by the Immacuc J engagement Announced GARDEN CORNER CosuteA, . . . REPAIRS PAY OFF TO YOU BEST BUY' USEMARS! DERBY Retail PHARMACY M & T GARAGE Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069
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