August 20, 2014

State of Wisconsin
Department of Financial Institutions
Peter Bildsten, Secretary
Scott Walker, Governor
The State Agencies Purchasing Council, composed of agency and State Procurement personnel, provides a
forum for discussion of policies and procedures, and makes recommendations for the promotion and improved
effectiveness of the statewide purchasing function.
-State Procurement Manual: Pro-A-8
August 20, 2014
GEF 3–125 S. Webster Ave
Room 227
Chair: Meredith Cook, 608.261.7916 [email protected]
Vice Chair: Elizabeth Schweitzer, 608.267.5156 [email protected]
Secretary, Anne Marvin, 608.266.8890, [email protected]
a. Meredith Cook, Chair, called the meeting to order at 8:33 am.
b. Sign in and introductions to capture attendance:
i. DFI (1), DWD(1), DPI(1), DHS(3), SWIB(1), DOA(3), DMA(1), DSPS(1), DCF(1),
ETF(2), WHS(1), BCPL (1), DOC (1), DATCP (1), DOR (2)
Approval of minutes: Minutes from July 16, 2014 meeting were approved.
SBOP Update – Brian Wakeham, Department of Administration
a. Enterprise IT Updates
i. New Hire
1. Ceotrid Gilbert started on August 11th. Ceotrid was a senior IT buyer at
WE Energies and brings experience negotiating contracts with Oracle,
Microsoft and others. He will be taking over the majority of Karen
Aasen’s old duties, including management of the statewide software
ii. Participating Addendum on WSCA Contract for Public Cloud Hosting
1. SBOP is currently negotiating a Participating Addendum with Unisys,
which represents many cloud service providers. Once the contract is
signed, DET will serve as a central point of projects for agencies that
have requests to use the contract. Target completion in the end of
iii. Contract Access for Central Fleet GPS/Telematics
1. SBOP is currently in negotiation with Verizon for Networkfleet on
Division of Administrative Services & Technology
Mail: PO Box 7876 Madison, WI 53707-7876
Courier: 201 W. Washington Ave. Suite 500, Madison, WI 53703
Voice: (608) 261-9555
Fax: (608) 261-7200
WSCA. Target completion in early September.
iv. Rebid of Telecommunications Relay Services (TRS)
1. Current contract expires December 2014. The RFB was posted July
14th and is due August 20th.
v. New Bid for Tablet Devices
1. Six responsive bids were received and a notice of award is pending the
results of vendor reference checks. Target completion by midSeptember.
vi. Procurement for Consumer-Grade Broadband Internet Services
1. Bids were due July 18th and 15 bids were received (7 plus 8 bids from
one company). Notice of award was sent on 8/15 to AT&T, Frontier,
Charter, Time Warner and TDS. Contract negotiations are in process.
vii. Renewal of Contract #15-20477-200 for Computer Printers, Supplies, Parts,
Accessories and Related Services
1. Five (5) of the six (6) contractors have signed renewal amendments.
The last one, XEROX (MNJ reseller) was given a deadline to respond by
viii. Bid for Class 4 Printing of Business Cards/New Contract #15-99940-401
1. This contract was signed and posted to VendorNet.
ix. Renewal of Class 3 Printing of Book Publishing Contract #15-99930-126
1. Renewal (9/1/2014-8/31/2015) is currently pending.
x. Renewal of Contract #15-20453-10X for Intel Compatible Computer Hardware,
Accessories, Services, and Professional Technical Services
1. Second one-year renewal was signed, new term ending August 3, 2015.
xi. Renewal of Contract #15-60042-012 for Copier-Multifunctional Device
1. The second and final one-year renewal (10/1/2014-9/30/15) was
signed. SBOP plans to start development of next solicitation this fall, so
anyone interested in being on the committee should funnel their
requests through their main agency procurement contact and/or email
Brenda Derge.
xii. WSCA Computer Equipment, Peripherals & Related Services (MN) Contract
1. The current WSCA contract (and our participation) has been extended
through December 31, 2014. The pending award to the 2014 MN
WSCA-NASPO Computer Equipment Contracts are expected to be done
by September 1, 2014, dependent on successful
negotiations. Following award, new Participating Addenda will be
done. There are 20 PAs on the current contract.
b. Enterprise Non-It
i. Medium Duty Truck Buy
1. The RFB is due on 8/26/14
ii. Passenger/Light Duty Vehicles
1. Estimated release date of the RFB is 9/10 with the RFB due on 10/16.
iii. Lamp and Ballast Recycling RFB
1. The RFB was due on 8/8/14. We received 3 responses. The standards
committee is reviewing the bid submission from the low bidder to
ensure bidder has met all requirements. The Procurement Manager
will go to Admin Review this Thursday (8/21) to seek approval to issue
the intent to contract. If agencies have questions or need assistance
during the period before a contract is in place, please contact Dave
(Jake) Teske.
iv. Propane RFB
1. Propane contracts have been signed and are posted to VendorNet.
v. Furniture RFB
1. The new contract has been posted to VendorNet. There are 58 vendors
on contract and their individual contracts are in varying stages of
2. Also, BSI will have a separate contract for furniture. Cathy Neidner is
working with BSI to finalize the terms of that contract and will post it
to VendorNet as soon as it’s signed.
vi. Flooring RFB
1. The RFB was due 8/4/14. We received 15 responses and the
Procurement Manager is abstracting the bids
vii. Other
1. We are seeking volunteers to participate on the standards committee
for two upcoming bids: Cleaning Chemicals/Janitorial Supplies and
Universal Paper Products. If you or anyone in your agency is interested
in participating please contact Amy Sutherland.
c. KIT Section
i. Training Updates
1. 2015 Training schedule can be found by visiting our DOA website
(newly designed so it’s a little more labor intensive to find training)
following the path:>Scroll to bottom of page to Enterprise
Operations> click on State Bureau of Procurement link>Procurement
Training links located in the center of the page.
2. Increased our Introduction course to bi-monthly availability due to
demand (is the pre-req. to all the other courses we do provide)
3. Online courses coming soon-Work In Progress (WIP) for field workers,
24/7 staff, and those who are unable to attend training. They will be
modular format with knowledge assessments throughout the training.
ii. WISBuy
1. Performance
a. In July, there was approximately $65,000 spend with 198
b. For August, so far, there has been $38,000 spend with 147
c. 437 p-card users have been trained, but there exist about 2400
users with spend over $1000. Please encourage users to attend
training so they may start using WISBuy.
2. Regional Training
a. Milwaukee Enrollment Services (MilES) Milwaukee, WI (9/23)
– 3 Sessions
b. Winnebago (9/30) – 3 Sessions
c. Green Bay DWD Job Center 701 Green Bay (10/29) – 3 Sessions
d. Wausau (TBD)
e. Eau Claire (TBD)
3. Supplier Enablement Review
a. Teleconference on 28th to review input from SBOP and agencies
b. Filter Top Suppliers / Contracts
c. Next step is technical question
4. Staples
a. Please note the traditional 1% discount on large orders is being
issued on the notification email, not just on the bank statement.
When is the paper contract going to be on WISBuy?
That contract is a work in progress; the only vendor enabled on WISBuy is Xpedx.
STAR Project Update – Scott Thornton, STAR Project Manager, Department of
a. Ten Decisions – These large scale decisions have made their way through the decision
process having been approved all the way up to STAR Decision Counsel and IT
Steering Committee.
i. FEIN Consolidation – The executive branch of the State of Wisconsin will
consolidate over 40 agencies’ federal employer identification numbers into
just a few.
1. Currently there are 42 unique FEINs. This means each agency files
separate tax reports and requires adequate staff time to do so. In
addition vendors receive multiple 1099 forms and some employees
receive multiple W9s.
2. By consolidating, we eliminate duplicate work, leave complex tax
matters to the expertise of central payroll, and simplify the process for
employees working in multiple agencies.
ii. Bank Account Consolidation – The state will consolidate agency bank accounts
to as few as possible.
1. Currently state accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll are
supported by multiple accounts across state agencies.
2. Benefits to this consolidation are reduced account confusion and
increased efficiency. Example: an agency could make a deposit at a
local bank but it could be routed to the large central account instead of
having multiple accounts across the state.
3. STAR Project team will work with agencies and state controller’s office
to assess which accounts could be consolidated.
iii. Customer Master File – A unified master customer file will be established for
use by all agencies.
1. Currently agencies maintain their own customer files in various
systems. In cases where a customer works with multiple agencies, each
agency sets up and maintains their information separately.
2. With this change, only one version of each customer’s information will
exist in the system. The state-wide file will be available for use by every
state agency and procedures will be in place to allow a designated
person at each agency to enter data.
3. Benefits include: reducing work effort to set up and maintain data,
simplifying set up and tracking of customers who are also suppliers,
and a cleaner customer file.
iv. Central Check Mailing – Printed checks will be mailed from the DOA printer as
the default for normal payments
1. Currently agencies use check codes in WiSMART to handle the
distribution of checks. Often they are returned to the authorizing
agency for mailing to the vendor.
2. With this change, agencies will provide all information required for
vendor payment through the payment authorization process in the
new ERP system. Checks will be printed and mailed centrally from
DOA. Authorized users at each agency will be able to override the
default if necessary.
3. Central check mailing is an industry best practice. It will also reduce
workload, mailing errors and mailing costs.
v. Centralized Accounts Payable – Accounts payable will be centralized within all
1. Many agencies currently process invoices across multiple billing
2. This change will make sure invoices are being processed and paid from
a single location. Tools such as 3-way matching of Purchase order
receipts and vouchers can be used as control prior to payment.
3. Best practice encourages AP billing to be centralized within each
agency to make sure invoices are being sent to a single location for
processing and payment. This will streamline business processes and
reduce duplicate work within an agency.
vi. Consolidated Vendor Payment – Same day payment to vendors will be
consolidated across documents and agencies.
1. Currently agencies issue payments to a vendor for each invoice the
vendor submits to any agency. A vendor could receive multiple
payments from many state agencies and in some cases separate checks
from a single agency.
2. With this change payments made to a vendor will be consolidated into
one disbursement for all invoices a vendor submitted to all agencies.
Details will be provided to the vendor on the check remittance advice
as to what invoices are covered by the payment. Authorized users at
each agency will be able to override the default and request a separate
check when necessary.
3. Consolidated payments are considered best practice within the
industry. This will improve service to vendors and reduce cost to state
and will also support future implementation of the vendor self-service.
Travel Advances - Continuous travel advances will be discontinued.
1. Currently some agencies use continuous travel advances up to $2000
for their employees who travel for business. Employees replenish the
advances when they are reimbursed for their expenses. Employees are
not required to return any of the advances when filing for travel
2. The new system will record travel advances and travel expenses to
automatically close out those amounts.
3. The benefit is we can more effectively and efficiently manage travel
expenses and reimbursements. This also integrates with the use of pcard and travel card services. This reduces the time and effort to
reconcile outstanding continuous travel advances.
Bar Code Scanner Standard – The state will identify a preferred bar code
scanning system and standard compatible with the PeopleSoft Asset
Management and Maintenance module.
1. Currently, a bar code scanner is outside the scope of the ERP system.
The state will implement the Asset Management & Maintenance
modules which allow integrating with bar code scanner systems.
2. The change is that a bar code system standard will be established that
is compatible with the module. The STAR Project team will define
system features.
3. Setting a standard allows for easier and consistent asset identification
numbering and data entry. The establishment of a standard now
reduces the risk of agencies investing in software that is incompatible
with the PeopleSoft module.
Standard Municipal Codes – A single standard municipal code list will be used
by all agencies for the new ERP system. The current DOR list will be
established as the standard.
1. Currently, many agencies use different codes to identify municipalities
as vendors and customers.
2. The DOR municipal code list has been established as the standard for
all agencies in the new ERP system.
3. This change will eliminate confusion among agencies when cross
referencing their shared municipal vendors and customers. The DOR
also updates its code list in almost real time providing the state with
the most up-to-date information.
Contract ID Numbering - This is 1 of 2 approved customizations to PeopleSoft
and will allow a user to define a procurement contract number.
1. Currently the state uses a smart numbering to define contract id
numbers. Using a standard contract numbering scheme that makes it
easy to identify each contracts type.
2. Contract identification numbering will not be automatic and sequential
across the whole system. Agencies will have specific numbering
schema so as to identify who the contract owner is and other smart
numbering such as whether a mandatory, enterprise, etc.
***Per SAPC Member:
Numbering will include agency-division-fiscal year awarded-11
digits (alpha & numeric)-2 optional digits (denotes vendor on multi
award contract, county, etc.)
Old Business/New Business
a. None
Adjourn 9:40am