TO O: Date: All Prospecctive Bidders FR ROM: Tom Weste er – Procurem ment Services Su ubject: Addenda Number Two – – RFB #15‐0133 Video Control System, Five County Stadium January 23,, 2015 The follow wing informattion is to provvide to clarifyy issues and/oor make chan nges to the prreviously issueed RFB. 1. Th he Viewsonicc monitors are e for signal ve erification andd will be placced into the raacks. 2. Th he Middle Atlantic racks are 76”h x 31””d x 22”w. Th ere are two ((2) racks availlable for the A AV eq quipment spe ecified in the RFB although h a 3rd “video board” rack w will be ganged d to the 2 AV V raacks. You mayy work in coordination witth the videob oard vendor to co‐mingle gear for the best signal flow. 3. Fo or the Tripplitte SMART220 00RM2U – on ne is required per rack for aa quantity of two (2). 4. Only the AV au O udio to be tied into the exiisting audio s oundboard w which is locateed within thee production roo om, thus, no aadditional speakers, ampss, etc., are req quired for aud dio distributio on. All other iinformation rremains as isssued. End of addendum.
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