Volume 12, No 3 International Journal of Radiation Research, July 2014 Assessment of dose due to natural radio-nuclides in vegetables of high background radiation area in south-eastern part of Bangladesh A. Islam1*, A. Begum2, S. Yeasmin2, M.S. Sultana1 1DepartmentofEnvironmentalSciences,JahangirnagarUniversity,Savar,Dhaka-1342,Bangladesh 2HealthPhysicsDivision,AtomicEnergyCentre,Dhaka-1000,Bangladesh ABSTRACT ► Short report *Correspondingauthor: Dr.AshnaIslam, E‐mail:[email protected] Received: May 2013 Accepted: Aug. 2013 Int. J. Radiat. Res., July 2014; 12(3): 271-275 Background: The aims of the study are to determine the radioac vity concentra ons of 226Ra, 238U, 232Th and 40K in vegetables of a recently found high background radia on area of south‐eastern part of Bangladesh and to detect the radiological risks to human from intake of these vegetables. Materials and Method: 10 plant samples were collected randomly from different loca ons of the study area. The radio‐nuclides in papaya were measured by direct γ‐ray spectrometry using HPGe detector. Results: The average ac vity concentra ons of 226Ra, 238U, 232Th and 40K in papaya samples were 80.95±13.61, 64.77±38.47, 83.53±20.50 and 1691.45±244.98 Bq kg‐1 respec vely. The annual effec ve inges on dose due to intake of papaya was 1.1 mSv Y‐1. Conclusion: The concentra ons of radio‐nuclides in the papaya samples found in present study were higher than the world average values suggested by the UNSCEAR. The annual effec ve inges on dose was found 3.8 mes higher than total exposure per person resul ng from the inges on of terrestrial radioisotopes. Keywords: Natural radioactivity, vegetables, HPGe detector, effective ingestion dose. and 40K in vegetables of the areainorderto indouttheingestiondosetothe public due to intake of the food. This study will Highlevelofnaturalradioactivityhasalready provideabaselinedataofthenaturalradioactivbeen found in soil of Tulatoli village of Teknaf ity concentration in food of the area for further upazila at Cox’s Bazar District of Bangladesh. It research. is an old beach zone where high amount of heavy minerals have been found as placer Papayahaschosenasthevegetableforstudy. Because in the environment of Bangladesh it depositsandnowbecomeawellpopulatedarea growsroundtheyearandmasspeoplegenerally (1). Plants are the primary recipients of the grow it by the yard corner‐ side of their radio‐nuclides from soil. These radio‐nuclides residences. Thus, round the year it is a widely can get transferred into plants along with the takenfoodformasspeople. nutrientsduringmineraluptakeandaccumulate invariouspartsandevenreachedibleportions. Studies on the radioactivity of the consumable INTRODUCTION 226Ra, 238U, 232Th MATERIALSANDMETHODS parts of a vegetable assume importance as it is necessary to estimate the ingestion dose to the (2) Descriptionofthestudyarea public . So, the aim of the present study is to TheTulatolivillageofTeknafupazilaatCox’s determine the radioactivity concentrations of Bazardistrictisthestudyareawhichissituated Islam et al. / Natural Radio-nuclides in Vegetables Radioactivitymeasurement at the south‐eastern part of Bangladesh. The activity concentration of gamma ray Geologicallytheareaisanoldsandybeachzone, emitting radioisotopes in the samples were characteristically enriched with heavy mineral‐ measured by using a gamma ray spectrometer sands including good presence of thorium (232Th) bearing monazite. The whole area iswith a high‐resolution HPGe coaxial detector coupled with a Silena Emcaplus multichannel covered by a thin layer of top soil. Human analyzer (MCA). The effective volume of the habitation in the area is moderate. The activity detector was 83.469 cm3 and energy resolution 226 238 232 concentrationsof Ra, Uand Thinsoilof the study area were found 9, 5.5 and 8 times ofthe1.33MeVenergypeakfor 60Cowasfound respectively higher than the world average as1.69keVatfullwidthhalfmaximum(FWHM) with a relative ef iciency of 19.6%. All samples values(1). werecountedfor5000s.Theactivityconcentra‐ tionof226Rawascalculatedthrough609.3keVof Samplecollectionandpreparation 214Bi. 238Uwascalculatedthrough351.92keVof The geographic location of the study area is 214Pband1120.3keV,1764.5keVof 214Bi. 232Th shown in igure 1. Papaya (Carica papaya) was activity was calculated through and 238.63 keV selected as the vegetable for study. 10 samples of 212Pb, 583.14 keV 208Tl, 911.07 keV, 969.11 were collected randomly from different keV of 228Ac respectively. The 40K activity was locations of the Tulatoli village. Each plant calculated through 1460.75 keV. The sample was approximately 2 kg of weight (wet radioactivityconcentrationof eachradionuclide weight).Allthesampleswereprocessedfollow‐ wascalculatedusingtheequation(i)(3). ingthestandardproceduresasperInternational AtomicEnergyAgency(IAEA)guidelines (3).The (i) plant samples were dried at 105°‐110° C Ai(Bqkg‐1)=N/(W×ԑ×Pγ) temperature.Thenthesesamplesweresmashed Where Ai is the activity concentration of each with mortar and pestle, homogenized, screened radionuclideinthesample,Nisthenetcountof with laboratory test sieve of aperture 425 eachradionuclidewhichisfoundbysubtracting micrometer and weighted. The weight of the the sample radionuclide activity counting from plant samples were in between 35 to 90 gm. background activity counting, ε is the detector Then all samples were packed individually into ef iciencyofthespeci icγray,Pγisthetransition cylindricalplasticcontainers(7.3cmdiameter× probability of the speci ic γ ray and W is the 8.9 cm height), sealed tightly and were kept at weightofthesample(kg). room temperature for about 30 days to ensure that 238U and its daughter products were in Calculation of annual effective dose of secularequilibrium(3). radio‐nuclidesfromingestedvegetables Radiationdosestopopulationfromintakeof radio nuclides in foods can be calculated from theformula(ii)reportedinUNSCEAR2000(4). D=CAR (ii) WhereDistheeffectivedosebyingestionofthe radionuclide(SvY‐1),Aistheactivityconcentra‐ tionoftheradio‐nuclidesinthesample(Bqkg‐1), C is the internal dose conversion coef icient by ingestionoftheradio‐nuclides(SvBq‐1)andRis the annual intake of papaya (kg Y‐1) which dependsonagivenage(5). Figure 1. Geographic loca on of the study area. Int. J. Radiat. Res., Vol. 12 No. 3, July 2014 272 Islam et al. / Natural Radio-nuclides in Vegetables concentrationof40Kwasfoundveryhigh. RESULTS Annual effective dose of radio‐nuclides from Activity concentrations (Bq kg‐1) of ingestedvegetables radio‐nuclides Annual effective ingestion dose due to Activity concentrations of radio‐nuclides in vegetables consumption strongly depends on papaya samples have shown in table 1. The the vegetables consumption. The consumption concentrations of 226Ra in papaya samples ratewasde inedusingFAOde inition (6).Inthis ‐1 ranged from 41.82 to 120.08 Bq kg with an study the annual consumption rate of papaya average of 80.95±13.61 Bq kg‐1. The consumedbytheadultswas20kgY‐1. concentrations of 238U ranged from 18.57 to The annual effective ingestion dose due to 110.98 Bq kg‐1 with an average of 64.77±38.47 intake of radio‐nuclides is shown in table 2. Bqkg‐1.Theconcentrationsof232Thrangedfrom Results show that the total average effective 39.58 to 127.48 Bq kg‐1 with an average of ingestiondoseduetoannualintakeof226Ra,238U, ‐1 40 232Th and 40K from papaya was 1.1 mSv Y‐1 of 83.53±20.50 Bq kg and the concentrations K rangedfrom1030.88to2352.02Bqkg‐1 withan which0.21mSvwasfrom 40Kand0.89mSvwas average of 1691.45±244.98 Bq kg‐1. The from226Ra,238Uand232Th. Table 1. Ac vity concentra ons (Bq kg‐1) of radio‐nuclides in papaya samples. Sample ID P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 Range Mean 226 Ra 41.82 111.5 63.57 92.80 120 86.03 47.79 49.10 76.81 66.64 41.82‐120 80.95±13.61 238 U 18.57 68.86 25.37 38.72 111 35.73 28.59 41.40 76.50 61.07 18.57‐111 64.77±38.47 232 Th 57.43 127.5 123.76 108 107.9 89.15 58.18 39.58 84.57 80.51 39.58‐127.5 83.53±20.50 40 K 1259 1088 1632 1892 1907 1951 1642 1030 1470 2352 1030‐2352 1691±245 Table 2. Annual effec ve inges on dose due to intake of radio‐nuclides from papaya. Radio‐nuclides Ra Maximum Minimum Average 238 U Maximum Minimum Average 232 Th Maximum Minimum Average Maximum 40 Minimum K Average 226 Total inges on dose from papaya 273 Annual effec ve inges on dose (mSv Y‐1) 0.67 0.23 0.45 0.10 0.02 0.06 0.59 0.18 0.38 0.13 0.29 0.21 Dose conversion coefficient (Sv/Bq) (Adults) 2.8×10‐7 4.5×10‐8 2.3×10‐7 6.2×10‐9 1.1 mSv Y‐1 Int. J. Radiat. Res., Vol. 12 No. 3, July 2014 Islam et al. / Natural Radio-nuclides in Vegetables DISCUSSION CONCLUSION The average activity concentration of 226Ra, 238U, 232Th and 40K in papaya samples were 80.95±13.61, 64.77±38.47, 83.53±20.50 and 1691.45±244.98 Bq kg‐1 respectively. A comparisonoftheobtainedvaluehasdonewith the activity concentration (Bq kg‐1) of the natural radio‐nuclides in plants of different districtsofBangladeshwhichisgivenintable3. It shows that papaya of the study area has higher radioactivity concentration than the otherpartsofBangladeshaswellasthanworld average value for root vegetables and fruits suggested by UNSCEAR. Potassium is a macronutrient,sotheconcentrationcanbehigh invegetables (8).Besidethis,beachsoilcontains high amount of salts due to regression of sea water,whichmayalsocausehighconcentration of40Kinpapayaofthisarea. AccordingtoareportbyUNSCER (4),thetotal exposureperpersonresultingfromingestionof terrestrial radioisotopes should be 0.29 mSv, of which0.17mSvisfrom40Kand0.12mSvisfrom thorium and uranium series. The annual effectiveingestiondose duetointakeofpapaya was 1.1 mSv Y‐1 which was found 3.8 times higher than world safe value of total exposure per person resulting from the ingestion of terrestrialradioisotopes(table4). Aradiologicalstudywasperformedtoobtain the annual effective dose of natural radio‐ nuclides(226Ra,238Uand 232Th)intohumanbody due to intake of vegetables from a high backgroundradiationareainsouth‐easternpart of Bangladesh. The radioactivity concentrations in papaya samples were higher than the world average value. The annual effective ingestion dosetohumanbodyduetointakeofpapayawas also found 3.8 times higher than the world safe value of total exposure per person resulting from the ingestion of terrestrial radioisotopes. The data derived from this study represent a baselinedatabaseofdoselevelsthatcanserveas areferencepointforfuturestudies. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author would like to thank the Health Physics Division of Bangladesh Atomic Energy Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh for allowing the experimenttobeconductedintheirlaboratories. REFERENCES 1. Ashna Islam, Mahfuza Sharifa Sultana, Aleya Begum, Selina Table 3. Comparison of ac vity concentra on (Bq kg‐1) of natural radio‐nuclides in root vegetables/fruits with different districts of Bangladesh. Region 226 Vegetables Ra 238 232 U Th 40 K Reference Jamalpur Ladies finger ‐ 5.5‐74 8‐248 1274‐4860 (7) Kus a Red amaranth ‐ 4.22‐20 5.5‐23 870‐2531 ” Tangail Red amaranth ‐ 9.4‐18.3 9‐23.6 1109‐1383 ” Jessor Red amaranth ‐ 9‐36 4‐19 204‐366 ” Tulatoli village,Teknaf Papaya 80.95 64.77 83.53 1691 Present study World average value Root vegetables/ fruits 0.03 0.003 0.0005 ‐ UNSCEAR (4) Table 4.Comparison of annual effec ve inges on dose with world safe value. 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