microStar Inlight Reader with PocketAnnealer

OSL portable reader
microStar is a portable reader for in situ assessment of OSL (Optically Stimulated Luminescence) detectors,
for our OSL dots called nanoDots® or our standard InLight® dosemeters.
In situ dose measurements with an
easy-to-use reader
▪▪Compact, lightweight, portable
Our reader can be taken anywhere whenever
immediate results are required.
microStar is used with a laptop. It doesn’t
require any gas, and plugs directly into an
electrical socket.
▪▪Quick reading
The process requires three steps only :
1. select the reading mode,
2. put the detector in the drawer of the
3. display of the dose.
The pocket annealer
The microStar family includes a Pocket
Annealer. It allows you to simply anneal
one InLight dosemeter at a time to make a
new reading.
Fully selectable from
0 to 255 seconds per
10 seconds of exposure
to reach a value less than
0.1 mSv with an initial
dose < to 1 mSv
More information on
microStar®: OSL portable reader
The microStar quickly and efficiently reads InLight nanoDot, whole body or
environmental dosemeters. Its software stores multiple calibrations, allowing the
microStar to establish a variety of radiation environments for accurate analysis; and it
provides flexibility to incorporate correction factors based on the clinical environment.
The transparent, non-linear calculations are designed to account for non-linear response
of Al2O3 at “high” doses (>300cGy) and allow the user to “see” how the dose is computed
from the measurement. There is a variety of measurement units available (mSv, mGy
and cGy). The reports can be downloaded in XLS, PDF, XML or CSV formats and
nanoDot - Single point measurement
The simple design and durable equipment help reduce costs in maintenance, training and
power consumption.
Features and benefits
microStar nanoDot adaptor
▪▪ Portable—ideal for in-field use or in locations requiring immediate analysis, whether for
emergency response activities or for patients in a clinical setting
▪▪ Appropriate for small laboratories (<1,000 participants; little or no automation)
▪▪ High throughput (readout in 13 seconds); approx. 180/hour
▪▪ Works with a laptop computer; can be networked with additional microStar readers
▪▪ Non-destructive readout allows for reanalysis
▪▪ No dosemeter preparation required
▪▪ No heating parameters to maintain
▪▪ No gas required
▪▪ Effective replacement for older radiation measuring technologies (e.g., TLD)
Various uses
▪▪Studies and environnemental dose monitoring
microStar is used for work area studies - radiology rooms, mobile work sites, etc.. - and for
your equipment verification.
InLight dosemeter
▪▪Clinical dose measurement
For studies, diagnosis or therapy, microStar easily performs patient and phantom dose
▪▪Radiological Emergency
OSL reading is not destructive, allowing multiple readings. In case of emergency, you can
read a dosemeter on your microStar before sending it to our laboratory for official analysis.
P.O Box 6522
SE-751 38 Uppsala
[email protected]
All Rights Reserved
Energy Range (X-ray, gamma and beta)
X, gamma: from 16 keV to 7 MeV
Beta: > 250 keV
Dose range
from 0.05 mSv to 10 Sv
Reading time
13s by dosemeter
Load capacity
Manual (1 detector)
12 cm x 33 cm x 24 cm
16 kg
Electrical power source
110 – 240 V, 1.5 amp,
50 – 60 Hz
The global leader
in radiation science and services
FT-MIS-001-Rev C
Technical specifications