Lectures 11: Probability Density solves Fokker-Plank Equation Topics: 1. Fokker-Plank equation 2. Interpretation of time-varying probabilities 3. Wealth characterisation (portfolio problem) 4. Transition probability. ODE instead of Fokker-Plank equation 5. Computing of probabilities with Comsol Literature: Liptser, Shiryaev. Statistics of random processes. Part II: Applications. 2000. Chap. 9 Lecture notes Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 1 Introduction A nonlinear stochastic process dz a (t , z )dt b(t , z )dW can be characterised with the probability density p ( t , x ) that satisfies the Fokker-Plank Equation, also called as Kolmogorov Forward Equation (KFE) p (t , x) 1 2 2 b ( t , x ) p ( t , x ) a(t , x) p(t , x) 2 t x 2 x p (0, x) p0 ( x) Our aim is to understand and apply this equation in process characterization. It is a relatively simple equation for computing of the unconditional probability density, mean and variance for any nonlinear process z (t ) . Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 2 Characterization Method (better Method than Ito’s Rule This is a more general method than stochastic process characterization by Ito’s rule. In investment problem we wonder: How bad or good our wealth can go? This is even better, if we know the full range of possible wealth values in between some minimal and maximal limits. Our specific interest is to know: How far apart the trajectories of wealth can go at a given time? 1.5 Hence, we are interested in the dispersion of trajectories 1 0.5 We solve this problem in two cases: 1. Wiener process (random walk) in this Fig 0 -0.5 -1 2. General process later -1.5 -2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time, s 0.8 Time Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 3 1 Wiener Process: Dispersion of Trajectories Although the mean of a Wiener process is zero, its variance rises progressively since the Wiener process trajectories disperse rapidly dz dW W (0) 0 The probability density as a measure that tells: how rapidly. This density can be found from the Fokker-Plank equation p (t , x) 1 2 p (t , x) t 2 x 2 , x 0 Initial density p (0, x) ( x) 0, x 0 x represents a range xi xi xi 1 where a possible trajectory can be (between gridlines) at time t: xi The probability density p (t , x ) is a set function f ( xi ) ); it characterizes a large group of individual trajectories Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 4 Fokker-Plank Equation (KFE) The Fokker-Plank equation gives means for computing the probability density p (t , x ) (mass of probabilities) at any time. Probability for point xi is useless Probability for range xi has meaning In this case of Wiener process the Fokker-Plank equation can be solved analytically as the Gaussian density with zero mean and increasing in time variance 1 p (t , x ) e 2 t x2 2t N (0, t )( x ) Animate for your own pleasure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kolmogorov_forward_equation This solution tells that the probability density is not defined for t 0 . Therefore, the initial probability can’t be concentrated in a single point (as ( x ) function does) but in a wide area. Otherwise, we should deal with distribution P (t , dx ) p (t , x )dx instead of density. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 5 Evolution of Probability Density Fokker-Plank equation is solved numerically for a Wiener process Start p0 ( x ) Finish Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology As we expected in the previous formula the mean here don’t change, only the variance expands progressively. 6 Probability Density for the different Initial Density Also the initial density is different now, but this has a relatively small effect on the evolution process compared to the previous slide. Start p0 ( x ) Finish The Fokker-Plank equation works well with ‘any’ initial density. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 7 General Process: Fokker-Plank Equation (KFE) If a stochastic process has both the drift and diffusion coefficients dz a (t , z (t ))dt b(t , z (t ))dW the Fokker-Plank equation reads p 1 2 2 b (t , x) p (t , x) a (t , x) p (t , x) 2 t 2 x x p (0, x) p0 ( x) Although this is a linear PDE, it is not a pleasant one computationally, because the process coefficients (drift, diffusivity) are under the derivation operators and that makes the solution process less stable numerically (we see this soon). In the next Lecture, we consider a Backward Kolmogorov Equation (BKE) that has a better structure. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 8 General Fokker-Plank Equation (KFE) For multivariable (vector) process z Rd dz a(t , z (t ))dt b(t , z (t ))dW the Fokker-Plank equation reads p 1 d 3 2 t 2 i , j 1 xi x j bb (t, x) T ij p ai (t, x ) p i 1 xi d p (0, x) p0 ( x) In practice, we solve this equation in 2D or 3D. Computation in higher dimensions, say 4D, are impractical (too expensive computationally). Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 9 Fokker-Plank Equation in Matrix Notations – skip The Fokker-Plank equation in matrix notations p 1 T : bb T (t , x) p a (t , x) p t 2 is expressed through the Frobenius inner product*) A:B d T T A B tr A B tr AB ij ij i , j 1 This is a component-wise multiplication of the matrix elements (thought as they are vectors). The matrix B is a symmetric matrix: bb (t , x) bb (t , x) ; T T T vector; x T y row z *) In linear algebra, the trace is sum of diagonal elements. Here we have trace of a product that is similar to dot product of vectors. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 10 Boundary Condition Theoretically, the problem should be solved in unbounded domain: x . a x b. However, in practice, it is solved in an essentially bounded domain: Hence, we must insure that a solution p (t , x ) is fully inside the domain using some heuristics. For example: Computing tricks. At 1st we set the flux equal to zero on the boundary p x xa p x 0 (Neumann condition – soft boundary) x b If we see that the solution is firmly inside the domain (and zero on the boundary), then in the next step, we force solution to be zero on the boundary p (t , a ) 0 p (t , b) 0 (Dirichlet condition – severe boundary) Frequently, the Dirichlet boundary gives a more stable result numerically than the less firmly defined Neumann condition (more sensitive). Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 11 Probability Density is normalized – checking mean If the initial distribution p0 ( x ) is a probability density then solution p (t , x ) of KFE is also probability density. Integral over a probability density is one (normalized). This gives a checking mean: compute the area under function Q(t ) p(t , x)dx and if this integral is one always, Q(t ) 1, then the solution is correct. Before computing of moments we should insure that we have a probability density p (t , x) and not just an unnormalized density c(t , x) . In a ‘bad end’ we can ‘fix’ the problem by extra normalization – we replace an unnormalized density with normalized (artificially) density c(t , x) c(t , x) p (t , x) Q (t ) This is in what we sometimes run in moments computing. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 12 Computing of Mean and Variance The Fokker-Plank equation can be solved numerically with Comsol solver and the probability densities found. After having these densities, the interesting us moments can be calculated by numerical integration that is simple to implement under Comsol. The mean Mz (t ) m(t ) and variance (t ) of the process dz a (t , z (t ))dt b(t , z (t ))dW can be found by integration over the probability density m(t ) xp (t , x)dx (t ) x 2 p(t , x )dx m2 (t ) Next we apply these ideas to the geometric Brownian motion and then to the portfolio problems. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 13 Characterization of Linear Process In the case of geometric Brownian motion dz = Az (t )dt Bz (t )dW the mean and variance are statistics of the log-normal distribution. They are not the same good as in the Gaussian distribution statistics. Actually, we should calculate more statistics (moments) that characterize asymmetry of the distribution and so on. For calculation of the more moments we need the probability density that can be found from solution of the KFE that is a simple equation in this case 2 Bx p(t , x ) 1 p(t , x ) t 2 2 x 2 Axp(t, x) x If we expanded the KFE, it reads (spatially variable coefficients) 2 2 p (t , x) p (t , x) 2 B p (t , x ) 2 2 x 2 B A B x A p (t , x) 2 x 2 t x Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 14 Proof for training – skip 2 Bx p 1 2 2 x 2 B 2 x p 2 x x 2 B 2 2 p x xp 2 2 x x p p B2 2 2 p 2 2 2 x x p x 2 x 2 x x Axp p Ax Ap x x Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 15 Probability Density of Geometric Brownian motion Start p0 ( x ) Normalized Finish Process mean vale changes: 46 Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 16 Probability Density for different Initial Density Start p0 ( x ) Finish Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 17 Stochastic Characterization Q: What we did with the Fokker-Plank equation? A: We mapped the initial distribution (e.g. initial wealth) in long-range future distribution (now known as distribution of possible events). 6.5 6 5.5 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 Time, s 0.8 Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 1 18 Characterization of Wealth (Investment Problem) The Merton`s optimal investment model dz r+ opt ( r ) z (t )dt opt z (t )dW B A applied in the former Fokker-Plank equation, reads 2 p(t , x ) 1 x p(t , x ) r+ opt ( r ) x p(t , x ) 2 opt x 2 x t 2 A B 2 All the raw moments mn (t ) Mz n (t ) and central moments n (t ) M z (t ) m(t ) can be calculated by integration over the probability densities mn (t ) n x p (t , x)dx Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology n (t ) x m(t ) n p (t , x) dx 19 n Probability Density of Wealth – computing may fail reasons Unfinished: 80% complete Invested p0 ( x ) Unfinished computing. The computing process was stopped beforehand at 8 the terminal moment at 10 is not reached. Otherwise we will run into the trouble on the left boundary that is set too narrow for FKE calculation in the entire x-axis. The presence of true (financial) boundary induces numerical instability in the form of vibration of the numerical solution. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology It seemed this wasn’t a good idea to stick to the true (financial) boundary. 20 Probability Density of Wealth for different Initial Density Unfinished: 80% complete Invested p0 ( x ) We don’t observe the same numerical instability here. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 21 Characterization of Wealth (Investment-Consumption-Bequest) The Merton’s optimal investment-consumption model dz r+ opt ( r ) z (t )dt K (t ) z 2 (t )dt opt z (t )dW B A applied in the former Fokker-Plank equation, reads p(t , x ) 1 2 t 2 x p(t , x ) 2 opt x 2 r+ opt ( r ) K ( t ) x xp ( t , x ) x and if expanded, reads (temporarily and spatially variable coefficients) 2 2 p p 2 B p 2 2 x x 2 B A K ( t ) x B A 2 K (t ) x p 2 2 x t x For proof, see the next slide Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 22 Proof for training – skip a (t , x ) = Ax K (t ) x 2 b(t , x) = Bx 2 b 2 (t , x) p x 2 2 2 Bx p 2 2 p 2 2 2 p 2 p 2 4 2 B x B p 2 B xp B x x B 2 x x x x x x a (t , x ) p Ax K ( s ) x x x 2 p Ax K (s) x px p A 2 K (s) x 2 p B 2 x 2 2 p p 2 2 x 2 B A K ( s ) x B A 2 K ( s) x p 2 t 2 x x Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 23 Probability Density of Wealth with Bequest Completed:10 Invested p0 ( x ) In this case the numerical instability may be a problem. Distribution is unnormated in this case (ocillation). Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology Kolmogorov backward equation introduced later is more stable 24 Probability Density of Wealth for different Initial Density Completed Invested p0 ( x ) Also here we see some numerical instability here. It seemed, we must use the backward Kolmogorov equation instead (Lecture 12) Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 25 Calculus of Moments The numerical stability is not issue always. With some other data the probability density can be solved smoothly as shown in figure above. And then, the mean and standard deviation can be computed are shown in figure below. Although a closed system for calculating the statistical moments doesn’t exist, the mean and variance can still be found by integration over the probability densities. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 26 KFE Approximation with ODE: Representation Formula The Chapman-Kolmogorov equation links together the probability density p (t , x) with the transition density p (t , x; s, y ) and ‘initial’ density p ( s, y ) as the sum over all possible events p (t , x ) p ( t , x ; s , y ) p ( s , y ) dy p (t , x) – probability density for being in the state x at moment t p ( s, y ) – ‘initial’ density (generalized for any instance before t ) p (t , x; s, y ) Pr X (t ) x Y ( s ) y – transition probability to overhand a given state y at ‘initial’ moment s to the given state x at later moment t: ( s, y ) ( t , x ) Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 27 Fokker-Plank Equation for Transition Probability The transition probability p (t , x; s, y ) satisfies a modified Fokker-Plank equation p(t , x; s, y ) 1 2 2 b ( s, y ) p ( t , x; s, y ) a ( s, y ) p ( t , x; s , y ) 2 t 2 x x lim p (t , x; s, y ) ( x) t s a ( s, y ) 0 is simpler and again simpler in the case of finite number of states xi : i 1... N , i.e. a Markov chain. This equation without drift Fokker-Plank equation for Markov chain is ODE dP P(t )L dt P( s) P( s) P (0) I P – matrix of transition probabilities, L – matrix of events Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 28 Matrix P of Transition Probabilities In Markov chain a process can jump from one state into other nearest state with probability pij ( t ) Pr X (t ) x j Y (t ) yi pij (t ) in matrix representation this is P (t ) pij (t ) : i, j 1,..., N Example: Population dynamics can be modeled as a Markov chain. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 29 Example: Population Dynamics Four states xi 1, 2, 3, 4 represent the number of species per km2 that changes suddenly at random moments. This process depends on the birth They define the matrix of events and death rates. L Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 30 Matrix L of Events L 0 0 0 0 0 0 Markov chain ( N ) is simpler than corresponding continuous-time process ( N ). And also the ODE for Markov chain is simpler than the corresponding Fokker-Plank equation (PDE) dP P(t )L dt The matrix P( s) P( s) P (0) I L of events is the remnant of the 2nd order derivative of KFE. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 31 Computing of Probabilities: Comsol 1D Settings The Comsol diffusion-convection model (anisotropic and non-conservative) c c c ts ( D ) R u t x x x 1 can be put in the Fokker-Plank equation form p 1 2 2 b (t , x) p a (t , x) p 2 t 2 x x with following settings: p b 2 p p bbx a bx2 bbxx ax p x 2 x t x u R D Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 32 Proof for training – skip 2 b2 p x 2 2 b p 2 p b 2 2 p b 2 b p p b x x x x x x x x x b 2 2 p p b 2 2b 2 2 p b p 2b p 2 b 2b 2 b 2 p b x x x x x x x x x x x 2 p p 2bbx 2 bx2 bbxx p b x x x ap x p a p a p a ax p x x x p b 2 p p bbx a bx2 bbxx ax p x 2 x t x u R D Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 33 Comsol Multivariable Settings The Comsol diffusion-convection 3D model p ts ( Dp ) R up t 1 can be put in the Fokker-Plank equation form ( is a vector) p 1 T : bb T (t , x) p a (t , x) p t 2 with the following settings: 2D bb T R p T : D + pa u ( T D ) T a Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 34 Proof – skip ap pa a p : Dp Dp p : D ( D)p T Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology T T 35 Comsol 2D Settings – skip (as far as you don’t need them) 2 D T i , j 1 Dij xi x D11 y D21 D12 D11 D21 D22 x y 2 D11 x 2 2 2D ij T D : 2 D21 i , j 1 xi x j yx 2 2 b b 2 D bb T 11 12 b21b11 b22b12 2 D12 xy 2 D22 2 y b11b21 b12b22 b212 b222 Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology D12 D22 x y b11 b12 b b b 21 22 36 Comsol Settings for KFE and moment computing Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 37 Orientation In next Lecture we learn Kolmogorov backward equation This will be not a direct aiming gun but a more powerful gun. We face less trouble in numerical solution in this case. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 38 Quiz Problem Write the Fokker-Plank equation for computing of probability density in the case of Wiener process: dz = BdW geometric Brownian motion: dz = Az (t ) dt Bz (t ) dW general process: dz a ( t , z ( t ))dt b( t , z ( t ))dW How to convert the Fokker-Plank equation (above) in applicable Comsol model? 1 e The probability density p (t , x ) is given (may be: p ( t , x ) 2 t x2 2t ). How to compute unconditional average (mean) and variance? Just give the formulas. In examination 1D case will be considered (only). Half page for ‘Chiding Note’ is legal. Prof. Robert Tenno, Control Engineering Laboratory, Helsinki University of Technology 39
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