PRELIMINARY PROGRAM 2014 OMLTA - AOPLV FALL CONFERENCE Friday, October 17 – Saturday, October 18, 2014 Galt Collegiate Institute 200 Water Street North Cambridge, Ontario A partnership between the: OMLTA – AOPLV Waterloo Region District School Board General Information ONLINE REGISTRATION Please ensure that all fields are filled in. When filling out the online registration form, please note: A double session counts as two workshops, please make sure that you choose both components of a double workshop session. We recommend that registrants choose Exhibits/Displays as one of their sessions in order to view them at a more leisurely pace. If you find that you have not been given a workshop in a desired timeslot, you may check session availability at the On-Site Registration Desk. DEADLINE FOR ADVANCED REGISTRATION - TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2014. Registrations received after this date WILL NOT be processed and must be completed ON-SITE at our Registration Desk at Galt Collegiate Institute. At that time, there are unavoidable line-ups at the "On-site Registration Desk". Avoid delays by pre-registering. CONFERENCE FEES: $150 + HST = $169.50 $100 + HST = $113.00 Undergraduate Students/Teacher Candidates PAYMENT: For security reasons, we encourage all delegates to submit payment electronically using PayPal. Paypal accepts Visa, Mastercard and American Express. Note that registration is processed on a first-come first-served basis, based on the receipt of payment. REFUNDS / CANCELLATIONS: Delegates will receive a 50% refund of the conference registration fee if notification is received in the office via e-mail, fax or telephone message by October 5, 2014. After this date, no refund can be issued unless there are extenuating circumstances supported by written documentation. ON-SITE REGISTRATIONS: Late registration costs are much higher and on-site registrations will only be accepted as space permits. If registering on-site, please remember to bring payment. We accept Mastercard, Visa, and Cash. Please note that on-site registrants will not be included in the meals as meals do need to be pre-ordered with the caterer. CONFIRMATION OF REGISTRATION: You will receive an automated Confirmation of Registration email upon registering online. All contact information including email address provided with the online registration must be accurate. A list of confirmed workshop selections will be identified on your nametag upon arrival in your conference package. MEALS: Please complete the meal section of your registration form! Large attendance numbers and the high cost of catered meals require us to plan for meals accurately. On-site registrants will not be included in the meals. Please see the online registration form for meal options. Admission to the meals and workshop sessions will be controlled using your name tag/tickets. Please keep these in a safe place! They will not be replaced! ACCOMMODATIONS: Blocks of rooms have been reserved in two hotels: Best Western and Hilton Garden Inn. Both hotels are located at the 401 and Hespeler Road. The conference location is easily accessed by driving directly south on Hespeler Road. Best Western $95.99 for a single or double room Individuals will be responsible for making their own reservations and taking care of their own charges. When making a reservation please call 519-623-4600 ext. 7661 or email [email protected] (all emails will be answered within the next business day) and ask for the OMLTA Fall Conference. Rooms must be booked by September 2, 2014 at this hotel. Hilton Garden Inn $107 for two Queen Beds $98 for one King Bed Individuals will be responsible for making their own reservations and taking care of their own charges. Reservations may be made through the following website: Reservations may also be made by the phone or through the hotel directly. Use the group code and hotel information provided below to secure your group rate. Rooms must be booked by Friday, September 26, 2014 at this hotel. Hotel Property Code: YYZCMGI Group Code: 60B To ensure you have continued access to electronic versions of our newsletter Communication, throughout the year, and are kept up to date on OMLTA/AOPLV initiatives, please keep the OMLTA/AOPLV informed of changes in name, address or email by writing to: Sonia Blanchard, Administrative Assistant, OMLTA/AOPLV 55 Northfield Drive, Suite 246 E., Waterloo, ON N2K 3T6 Email: [email protected] 2014 OMLTA FALL CONFERENCE AOPLV COLLOQUE D’AUTOMNE 2014 October 17 / le 17 octobre & October 18 / le 18 octobre Cambridge City Hall Galt Collegiate Institute ******************************************************************* Friday, October 17 / le vendredi 17 octobre Welcome Reception/Soirée de bienvenue 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Enjoy live music, catch up with old friends, and network with new ones! Cambridge City Hall Atrium (down the street from Galt C.I.) 50 Dickson Street Cambridge, ON N1R 8S1 7:30 p.m. Welcome and Opening remarks from Conference Chair – Michael Green & Special Guests ******************************************************************* Saturday, October 18/ le vendredi 18 octobre 7:30am – 8:45am 8:30am – 9:15am 9:30am – 10:30am 10:30am – 10:50am 10:50am – 11:50am 11:50am – 1:00pm 1:00pm – 2:00pm 2:00pm – 2:15pm 2:15pm – 3:15pm Registration/Continental Breakfast Welcome Presentation featuring keynote performance by FAUSTWORK MASK THEATRE – Le masque est le message sponsored by Prologue to the Performing Arts* Workshops – Block “A” Break Workshops – Block “B” LUNCH AND EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS Workshops – Block “C” Break Workshops – Block “D” Exhibitors will remain open until 3:30pm Continental Breakfast will be available in the foyer near the registration table. Lunch will be served in the cafeteria, with the exhibitors’ displays. Door prizes, graciously donated by the exhibitors, will be given out at Saturday’s lunch. *Prologue to the Performing Arts is a charitable, not for profit arts education organization dedicated to enriching the lives of young people by connecting them to high quality live performing arts. BLOCK A 9:30am – 10:30am A1/B1 CORE; 7-9 Le Festival de Film Michele Kleinschuk, Waterloo Region DSB **THIS IS A DOUBLE SESSION - PARTICIPANTS MUST ALSO SELECT B1** Everyone loves a good film! Have your students write a script for a film, record and edit it with Imovie on an IPad, then celebrate their fantastic movies at an Oscar style festival. This workshop enables your students to explore their theatrical talents, learn the importance of a plan, and creates a fun oral activity in which your students can explore the cinema and red carpet. Tout le monde adore le cinéma! Vos élevés écrivent un script pour un film, enregistrent et editent avec Imovie sur un Ipad. Ils célèbrent leur film avec un festival de film. Cet atelier donne l'opportunité aux enfants de faire le drame, utiliser le processus créatif, et créer une belle activité orale en explorant le cinéma et le tapis rouge. A2/B2 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; 4-12 Practical Activities for the 21st Century FSL Classroom Olga Rubino, York University Sabrina Santeramo,York Catholic DSB Robert Fenuta, Conniemarie Umbrello, Aaron Singh **THIS IS A DOUBLE SESSION - PARTICIPANTS MUST ALSO SELECT B2** This workshop will give you hands-on experience with technology and interactive activities to promote oral competency and interaction in the language classroom. Specific topics include: - Using PowToon - Creating QR Codes - Exploring drawing apps (laptops/tablets): Making literature come alive - Let’s celebrate soccer! : Learning culture and vocabulary through the sport of soccer - Integrating role play to enhance oral communication: Murder Mystery, Fête des Fous & Courtroom Drama A3 CORE; K-6 “Yay! It’s French Time!” Katherine Rana, Waterloo Region DSB How to seize the moment! No room? No cart? No EA? No budget? No problem! Primary/Junior Core French teachers can learn how to create authentic action-oriented experiences for students so they can willingly improve their oral French. Or learn to seize the moment 'en francais' and leave the class wanting more. Connects nicely to the revised Ontario FSL Curriculum! A4 GENERAL; K-12 Twitter4Teachers! Maddalena Shipton, Kelly Yeo, Toronto Catholic DSB More and more teachers are turning to "Twittersphere" as a platform for professional development and sharing philosophies. It's a way for educators across the province, and even internationally, to connect and chat, creating supportive Professional Learning Networks. This workshop will explore Twitter for Teachers basics and #chats through a lens of a French as a Second Language Teacher. A5 CORE; K-6 Bridging old practices and resources with the revised curriculum Jocelyn Geoghegan, Niagara Catholic DSB Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. This workshop will link previously used popular resources in particular the AIM plays by Matt Maxwell, with the expectations in the new FSL curriculum. It will also tweak some of the existing AIM activities to better address these new expectations especially the ones in the listening strand. A6 CORE; 7-9 Social Interaction and Authentic Oral Communication- "Tu parles !" Linda Hendry, RK Publishing The teaching of Core French continues to evolve - for the better! Looking for a new resource that will facilitate the teaching of French in authentic communication situations? A resource that will provide the modeling and support that students need to communicate and thrive in all four strands of language learning? "Tu parles ! " brings a wealth of material to assist teachers and students. This workshop will provide a quick overview of the resource and allow time for a deeper exploration of the many components and how each will assist in the teaching and learning of Grade 9 Core French, while supporting current influences in the teaching of languages (CEFR, curriculum). A7 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; 7-12 Poems: Perfect texts for FSL students David Smith, Poetry in Voice Poetry In Voice's extensive anthology of French poems -- including both the classics and contemporary Canadian works -- are free for all teachers to use to help your students develop a love of the French language, its peculiarities and profundities, to increase their sense of its cadence and musicality and to work on their core comprehension and pronunciation skills. Poetry In Voice is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to the promotion of poetry literacy and appreciation for all Canadian high school students. We will also discuss our competition with over $75 000 in prizes and travel. To learn more visit us: A8 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-9 CEFR + New Curriculum + AOA = DJ DELF Steven Langlois, Greater Essex DSB Come and learn about the revised Ontario Curriculum, the CEFR and the Action-Oriented Approach in one session! See how students experience menus, maps, order forms, interviews, games and more with DJ DELF. Prizes for all attendees. Advanced preview at A9 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-6 iPad dans la salle de classe Marie-Hélène Brais, Waterloo Region DSB L'atelier est pour les utilisateurs de iPad désirant explorer quelques applications gratuites et faciles à utiliser dans une classe de français. C'est un atelier destiné aux utilisateurs débutants à intermédiaires. Voici quelques applications qui seront explorées: ClassDojo, Educreations et Toontastic. Amenez vos iPad ainsi que vos applications préférées. A10 La Nouvelle-France Elena Bakoucheva, Toronto DSB CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; 7-9 Le concept de la Nouvelle-France sera présenté dans le cadre du curriculum révisé. Les participants exploiteront la façon d’interpréter les grandes questions de l’unité, ainsi que une méthode spéciale - la simulation qui permet d’analyser des différents aspects de la vie en Nouvelle-France : mariage de Filles du roi, vie du coureur de bois, chansons, danse, etc. A11 CORE, IMMERSION; K-3 Les chansons d'enfances Melanie Hartshorn, Durham DSB Cet atelier vous amènera à votre petite enfance. Ce sera ici que vous allez vous rappeler de toutes ces superbes chansons connues par ceux qui viennent d'un environnement langue première. Cet atelier est parfait pour le professeur de maternelle à la 2e année. Cours de musique? Cours de langue? Soyez prêt(e) à chanter! A12 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-12 Free Online Homework Help in French Hosni Zaouali, Voilà Learning Voilà Learning in partnership with many school boards across Ontario has put in place the first Free Online Homework Help in French. French Immersion students from grades 1 to 8 were able to access after school online help (audio, video chat, interactive whiteboard). Dedicated teachers connect every evening to help students have fun as they improve in their second language. For the past two years, Voilà Learning and the partnered school boards have been able to collect interesting data around the usage of this 21st Century educational tool. A13 GENERAL: 4-12 Mask Messenger – Movement Workshop FAUSTWORK MASK THEATRE, Prologue to the Performing Arts This session involves theatre and movement exercises, character development, improvisations with masks, and the creation of short sketches. Participants will experience first-hand the power of transformation through masks, foster awareness of the importance of movement, posture, and gesture on stage and in life, facilitate improved self-image and self-expression, and improve strength, flexibility, and focus. A0 EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS GENERAL K-12 BLOCK B B1/A1 Le Festival de Film Michele Kleinschuk, Waterloo Region DSB **THIS IS THE CONTINUATION OF SESSION A1** 10:50am – 11:50am CORE; 7-9 B2/A2 Practical Activities for the 21st Century FSL Classroom Olga Rubino, York University Sabrina Santeramo,York Catholic DSB **THIS IS THE CONTINUATION OF SESSION A2** CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; 4-12 B3 IMMERSION; K-3 Tips & Tricks for Primary French Immersion Teachers Sarah Haanstra, Upper Grand DSB Tips and tricks and ins and outs for primary FI teachers. Sharing and discussion include parent communication, homework, useful resources, home reading, useful websites and apps, planning your day and year, and more. Time will be given to share with your colleagues as well. B4 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; 7-12 Le CECR au secondaire Renée Trépanier, Durham DSB Cet atelier a pour but de fournir des ressources utiles inspirées du CECR pour les programmes FLS de la 9e et 10e années. Des tableaux de cycles d’apprentissage, sous-tâches, grilles d’évaluations, tâches finales et stratégies pour maximiser la production orale des élèves seront présentés. Les participants quitteront l’atelier avec de nouvelles idées et approches pratiques pour les cours FLS au niveau secondaire. B5 CORE, IMMERSION; K-6 Bridging oral language with the written word Jenny Gray, Watermelon Works At the heart of reading, writing, speaking and listening is sound. in learning proper phonemes, one can communicate effectively in any situation. "If you can hear it, you can say it. If you can say it, you can read it. If you can read it, you can write it." ~Jenny Come and play with the patented method of French Sounds! B6 CORE; 7-9 Step into the Odyssée! Marie Turcotte, CEC Publishing Meet and exceed the big ideas and expectations of the 2013 FSL Curriculum in Grades 7 and 8 with Odyssée, CEC’s new strategy-based, action-oriented program. Odyssée continues the journey begun with the bestselling Grades 4-6 series, C’est parti!, seamlessly integrating the four strands through engaging and relevant themes, a variety of text forms, and authentic and age-appropriate tasks and activities. All modules include cultural introductions to francophone communities throughout the Americas in Grade 7 and Europe in Grade 8. This session will allow you to explore CEC’s dynamic and easy-to-use technology that will get your intermediate students speaking French and having fun. As a participant, you will receive free samples to begin your Odyssée journey! B7 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; 4-12 Six simple strategies to update your teaching without a “new program” Tammy Aiello, Peel DSB Have a favourite teaching resource that you just can’t bear to abandon with the new curriculum? Excited to hear about the new ready-to-use programs that are becoming available but just not ready to commit yet? Attend this session and walk away with six (or more!) ideas to use older materials in new ways to meet the expectations of 21st century FSL teaching. B8 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; 7-12 Les régions du Québec André Beaudin, Western University Présentation d'une unité didactique intitulée '' Les régions du Québec''. La première partie de cet atelier traitera du choix des descripteurs, des savoir-faire généraux et des compétences langagières utilisées en vue de l'élaboration d'une unité didactique. Toutes les composantes de cette unité didactique sont conformes aux principes de l'approche actionnelle. La deuxième partie de l'atelier sera consacrée à la présentation de l'unité didactique '' Les régions du Québec''. B9 CANCELLED GENERAL; 7-12 B10 CORE, IMMERSION; 4-6 Building Bridges Linking Culture and Curriculum Lorry Brandon, Trillium Lakelands DSB Discover engaging and practical activities and resources all linked to the expectations in intercultural understanding and awareness in our revised FSL Curriculum. Participants will explore tasks in each of the interconnected strands (listening, speaking, reading and writing) which are guaranteed to engage students and help them to make connections and relate to diverse French-speaking communities. B11 GENERAL, CORE, IMMERSION; K-9 Inquiry Method and Core French Shaki Ravindran, Toronto DSB Take your simple units such as l'Halloween, les Olympiques ou la Nourriture and give it a twist through an Inquiry-based approach. The Revised FSL curriculum seeks to incorporate both critical and creative thinking skills which can easily be achieved through inquiry based learning (based on the natural curiosity of the learner). This workshop can teach you how to make the shift from a more traditional approach to a more dynamic/communicative approach (inquiry) which has been demonstrated to engage the learner with terrific results. B12 CORE; 7-9 French Cafe - Music from the past, French from the Present Linda Pletzer, Toronto Catholic DSB Grade 8 students need motivation to keep speaking French. Our French Cafe encourages our students to speak French and serve in a Cafe which uses music from the past including Edith Piaf, and accordion music. We will discuss the obstacles to hosting a Cafe and possible combinations that may work in different schools. I was amazed at how many of my Grade 8 students spoke French well in May as they served their "customers". I hope to give you a sample of the music which is available for you to find. B0 EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS BLOCK C GENERAL; K-12 1:00pm – 2:00pm C1/D1 GENERAL, CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-12 La culture et cuisiner ensemble. Suzanne Warner, Suzanne Gold, Le chef à l’école **THIS IS A DOUBLE SESSION - PARTICIPANTS MUST ALSO SELECT D1** "Il est toujours possible de faire plus d'une chose à la fois. Venez voir comment vos élèves peuvent apprendre à cuisiner et à apprécier la culture franç tous sans la nécessité de traduire!" "Un atelier où vous pouvez être immergé dans une expérience culturelle, préparer une recette délicieuse, et tout en pratiquant votre vocabulaire français!" C2/D2 CORE, IMMERSION; K-3 Bridging Music of the Past in the Early Years Classroom into the Present and Future Betty Lee-Daigle, Greater Essex DSB **THIS IS A DOUBLE SESSION - PARTICIPANTS MUST ALSO SELECT D2** Sing and play authentic games and finger plays using these collected songs of the past and reinforce them using Youtube. Voice care will be discussed as well as the rhythm instruments that can be used. Videotaping will be permitted to remember the games. Get ready to sing, dance and play instruments! C3 CORE, IMMERSION; K-6 Only in French? It's Possible! Paula Capa, Waterloo Region DSB We want our students to speak only in French, but get real... does this really happen? This workshop will present ready to use ideas for how to successfully get your students to speak in French and only in French in your classroom. Trust me, it can be done! C4 CORE; 7-12 Engaging your Core French students Beverly Kukhta-Jackson, Hamilton-Wentworth DSB This workshop will present strategies and tips for increasing participation and motivation of your teenage students in Core French. The focus will be on practical activities that are easy to incorporate into your daily lessons for secondary, but with applications to elementary and Immersion. C5 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-12 Develop Your PLN on Twitter Jennifer Aston, Dawn Telfer, Thames Valley DSB In this session, you will learn how to begin or extend your Twitter journey. Learn how to develop your very own "Professional Learning Network" customized to your interests through the use of hashtags, participating in chats and reaching out to other educators like you. We will highlight great people, chats and associations to follow that will give you access to current resources and ideas in Modern language education. C6 CORE; 4-6 Are you a Core French Teacher? Learn How Echos Pro Will Help you Bring Your Classroom to Life!| Wendy Chan, Lori Peck, Durham DSB In this session, we will show you how Echos Pro can bring your FSL classroom to life. You will be provided with a variety of activities, resources, tasks and ideas to make your class action-oriented, meaningful and authentic. The teaching ideas in this session work perfectly with Echos Pro, but will enliven any FSL classroom no matter which resources you use. Participants will receive free samples. (Participants are encouraged to bring a memory stick.) C7 INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES 10-12 New Edition of the Cambridge Latin Course Tom Sepp, Cambridge The Cambridge Latin Course is the most widely used Latin program in Ontario. This spring, a new edition of the Cambridge Latin Course will be published. The presentation will give a preview of what's new, including extensive multimedia, webbooks, and interactive digital materials. C8 CORE, EXTENDED; 4-9 ADHD in the FSL classroom - a personal and professional journey Jane Lapko, Niagara Catholic DSB ADHD is one of the most common Learning Disabilities, affecting 5-8% of children, with a prevalence in boys. Come and join Jane for an informative session based on her personal and professional journey with ADHD and take home ideas on how to better program your FSL classes for these special needs students. C9 GENERAL, CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-9 Simplify your teaching! Integrating interactive whiteboard technology in the second language classroom Kevin O'Neill, Thames Valley DSB Not skilled with how to make your interactive whiteboard work for you? Not to worry! Participants in this session will learn how to find and how to make resources to supplement their French program using Smart Notebook. Beginners and veterans are welcome; participants will receive a DVD with many sample activities and instructions on making your own! C10 EXTENDED, IMMERSION; 4-9 La réponse réside dans votre corps: L'enseignement des sciences humaines et sociales pour les apprenants kinesthésiques Meghan Marie McClenaghan, Living Arts Centre Cet atelier bilingue permettra aux enseignants des activités pratiques pour explorer les concepts clés des sciences humaines et sociales, également en Français ou en Anglais. Les enseignants auront l'occasion de se mettre dans la peau de leurs élèves en participent à une variété d'activités de la danse et de l’art dramatique tout en établissent des connexions aux sujets et concepts clés qui font partie du curriculum de l’Ontario. Les enseignants seront dotés de ressources à emporter tels que des exemples des plans de leçons, des activités de suivi, et des instructions écrites pour chaque activité de formation. C11 CORE, IMMERSION; 7-9 Tâche sommative/approche actionnelle Josette Bosc, Ottawa Catholic SB Venez découvrir comment faire vivre l’approche actionnelle dans ta salle de classe avec une tâche finale riche et motivante! Invitez vos élèves à participer dans la planification et l’évaluation des activités. Explorer comment intégrer différents technologies dans vos activités afin de motiver les élèves et approfondir les apprentissages. Découvrez comment le nouveau curriculum peut être motivant, inspirant, et amusant pour vos élèves et pour vous! (4-8 cadre/immersion) C12 CORE; K-12 Experience OMLTA's Projet à Québec Laura Dursley, Trillium Lakelands DBS/OMLTA Director In this session, participants will discover more about the "Projet à Québec" offered annually in the summer by the OMLTA and Ontario Ministry of Education. Both organizers and previous participants will share their stories and take any questions you may have. C0 EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS BLOCK D D1/C1 La culture et cuisiner ensemble. Suzanne Warner, Suzanne Gold, Le chef à l’école **THIS IS THE CONTINUATION OF SESSION C1** GENERAL; K-12 2:15pm – 3:15pm GENERAL, CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-12 D2/C2 CORE, IMMERSION; K-3 Bridging Music of the Past in the Early Years Classroom into the Present and Future Betty Lee-Daigle, Greater Essex DSB **THIS IS THE CONTINUATION OF SESSION C2** D3 CORE; K-6 Developing Action-Oriented Tasks for Primary and Junior Core French Heather Gauthier, Waterloo Region DSB Using the Ontario Curriculum Services FSL Guide to Reflective Practice (Module 1: Oral Proficiency and Module 3: The Action-Oriented Approach) and the Revised Ontario FSL curriculum, teachers will work in small groups to take a Core French curricular expectation and turn it into an action-oriented task with specifics details to differentiate its use in a primary vs. junior classroom. D4 CANCELLED D5 CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION;10-12 Je peux Googler Jennifer Parrish, Halton DSB This workshop will focus on creating Google Forms to create worksheets or tests, as well as a brief summary of other helpful Google Apps for teaching French. D6 INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES; 10-12 New high school Spanish program: Mundo Real Tom Sepp, Cambridge Mundo Real is a new communicative Spanish program for Ontario high schools. Instructions lines are available in French and Spanish, as well as English. You'll get an overview of this new program, which includes lively and compelling content, images and video. D7 CORE; 7-9 Engaging Gr. 9 FSL learners through the dance arts Steven Silva, Toronto Catholic DSB Are you looking to engage your 21st century FSL learners? In this workshop, we will explore how the dance arts can motivate your students to achieve success with the revised FSL Curriculum. Drawing upon a wealth of digital and print materials, students will have many opportunities to develop their oral communication skills as they talk about dances from around the world. Join us for an interactive session that promotes lifelong language learning for all. D8 CANCELLED GENERAL, CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-6 D9 GENERAL, CORE, EXTENDED, IMMERSION; K-9 L'humour, un atout toujours et partout Antoine Khoury, University of Windsor Dans cet atelier, on traitera du rôle de l’humour dans le choix du matériel offert aux étudiants dans l’enseignement d’une langue seconde. On y soulignera l'importance accordée au vocabulaire afin de rendre les étudiants capables de s'exprimer en français oral, couramment et avec fierté. D10 GENERAL; K-6 Carnaval and Whole-school tribes activities Marybeth Kigar, Halton DSB Carnival is a fantastic way to introduce students to French Canadian culture. Find out some ideas and activities that you can use to help start or carry-on this fun and exciting tradition at your school. D11 CORE; 7-9 Interpreting the Transition from Grade 8 to Grade 9 Core French and Beyond with the Revised Ontario FSL Curriculum Rochelle Gour, OISE Masters of Arts Student Lucie Brun Del Re This workshop shall present my current focus group findings and my personal analysis of the corpus document of the revised FSL Elementary Program in Ontario. Topics shall include accessibility of the program, curriculum change, curriculum perspectives, and the essential requirements for success of this new curriculum and its implementation. My study shall specifically focus on Grade 8 Core French. D12 CORE; 7-12 Action-Oriented Writing: A Scaffolded Gr. 10 Project Jennifer Rochon, Toronto DSB As part of a Ministry of Education initiative on the action-oriented approach, my Grade 10 Academic class worked through a unit based on the learning goal of telling stories in the past. The final result was a professionally printed anthology of childhood stories that students received as a souvenir. In this workshop, I will explain the development of the unit and the scaffolding provided, as well as sharing some insights I gained into my own practice. D13 EXHIBITORS’ DISPLAYS GENERAL; K-12 Special thanks to: For sponsoring Saturday’s keynote performance! Prologue to the Performing Arts is a charitable, not for profit arts education organization dedicated to enriching the lives of young people by connecting them to high quality live performing arts. Join us in Niagara Falls in Spring of 2015, as we join forces with FIPLV and CASLT to celebrate… Visit to register now!
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