POB Overview PMM Mtg 7-10 Final.pptx

Program Opera+ons Branch Update Brock Lamont, MPA Chief, Program Opera0ons Branch Denise Rogers, MPH Deputy Chief, Program Opera0ons Branch Na0onal Center for Immuniza0on & Respiratory Diseases Agenda  
POB Restructuring Planned Field Staff Changes 2015 Immuniza+on and VFC Coopera+ve Agreement Overview VFC AFIX Immuniza+on Program Evalua+on Special Ac+vi+es SharePoint and TwiOer POB Restructuring  
Part of an overall reorganiza+on of ISD Joined elements of the former HSREB and POB Allows the applica+on of research and evalua+on to support the programma+c and technical assistance work tradi+onally conducted by POB  
Crea+on of two teams:  
1.  Applied Research and Evaluation Team
2.  Technical Assistance Team
POB Restructuring (Cont.) Applied Research and Evalua2on Team •  Ac+ng Team Lead – Tara Vogt, PhD •  13 members with diverse backgrounds and experiences o 2 Medical Epidemiologists o 5 Epidemiologists o 2 Associa0on of Schools of Public SPPH Fellows o 2 Sta0s0cians o 2 Public Health Administrators POB Restructuring (Cont.) Technical Assistance Team •  Ac+ng Team Lead – Harry McKnight •  15 Team members with mul+ple years of immuniza+on program experience at the local, state and federal levels o  11 Project Officers
o  4 Subject Matter Experts (SME)
POB Restructuring (Cont.) What does this mean for awardees? •  More comprehensive approach to programma+c issues and challenges •  Improved alignment of program work •  Applica+on of different and more diverse knowledge, experience and skill sets to POB work Field Staff Enhancements •  Part of POB Reorganiza+on Purpose o Create a field staff structure that will allow for the development of immuniza+on field staff to meet awardee needs Benefits o Create a promo+onal career path for immuniza+on field staff from the GS 9 through the GS 14 levels o Provide an opportunity for embedded field staff to be the federal supervisor of record for other embedded field staff o Take full advantage of opportuni+es created by CDC career development programs 2015 Immuniza+on and VFC Coopera+ve Agreement IPOM •  Focus of revisions was to provide clarifica+on and to provide more informa+on •  Basics Chapter – Addi+onal reference materials •  Unit A – Language changed to reflect Advance Purchase requirements •  Unit A – New requirement -­‐ Unannounced VFC site visits, number determined by awardee 2015 Immuniza+on and VFC Coopera+ve Agreement IPOM (cont.) •  Unit B -­‐ New requirement -­‐ Conduct AFIX visits, number determined by awardee •  Unit C -­‐New requirement–Required use of CDC VFC enrollment form •  Unit D –Removed reference to NVAC Func+onal Standards and replaced with IIS Func+onal Standards •  Unit E – Changes to suggested ac+vi+es 2015 Immuniza+on and VFC Coopera+ve Agreement (cont.) 2015 Applica2on Timeline •  Delayed opening of applica+on to account for Program Managers Mee+ng •  IPOM release an+cipated the week of July 14 •  Funding Opportunity will post on Grants.gov and eGra+s will open the week of July 21 following final eGra+s tes+ng. •  Applica+ons will be due 60 days aeer date of opening •  Delay will have no impact on 2015 Round 1 award 2015 Immuniza+on and VFC Coopera+ve Agreement Key Points to Keep in Mind: 1.  IPOM – limited changes as compared to 2014 2.  Later opening of applica+on – no impact on +meframe for awardee comple+on and 2015 Round 1 award 3.  Billable and HPV ac+vi+es are allowable 4.  Addi+onal informa+on will be provided on $10M announced yesterday 2014 VFC Opera+ons Guide  
The VFC Opera+ons Guide and suppor+ng documents will be maintained on the ISD Awardees SharePoint Portal beginning July 31, 2014. The VFC Documents folder in SAMS will be inac+vated on this date. 2014 VFC Opera+ons Guide Changes Recommenda+ons Moving to Requirements in 2015:  
Provider vaccine storage and handling plans must include the signature and +tle of the preparer of the documents.  
Providers serving both VFC and non-­‐VFC eligible children must store VFC stock separately from other public and private vaccine stock types or use a CDC-­‐approved method for accoun+ng for VFC vaccines.  
In addi+on to twice a day temperature assessments, each temperature reading must be accompanied by (1) date (2) +me of the reading and (3) the name (or ini+als) of the person who assessed and recorded the reading. The individual responsible for each temperature reading can be noted in the paper log, on the electronic monitoring file itself, or in another document or log. 2014 VFC Opera+ons Guide Changes Recommenda+ons Moving to Requirements in 2015:  
VFC providers must have at least one back up thermometer with a current cer+ficate of calibra+on on hand. When implemen+ng this requirement, the following should be considered: •  CDC recommends that the backup thermometer be stored outside of the storage unit un0l needed to avoid vaccine space issues and differing temperature readings leading to poten0al confusion. •  The backup thermometer should have a different calibra0on retes0ng date. If both thermometers have the same calibra0on date, they will need to be sent out for re-­‐calibra0on at the same 0me. By having different calibra0on dates there will always be one thermometer available for use.  
Thermometers (probes) must be placed in a central area of the storage unit with the vaccines. VFC Policies and Procedures Template  
Status Update: •  Annual submission recently submiPed by awardees (May 30th) •  Currently under review by Project Officers and SMEs Process provides the following benefits: •  Offers an individual avenue for communica0on and technical support between CDC and each awardee •  Offers an opportunity for CDC to understand policies and procedures implemented in the field •  Offers an opportunity for awardees unique differences to inform na0onal policy AFIX  
What was new this year? AFIX Policies and Procedures Guide – released January 2014 Increased focus on adolescent AFIX visits AFIX Online Tool – released January 2014 AFIX Site Visit Ques0onnaire – released January 2014 What is new for next year? Con0nued planning work on the use of IIS as the primary source of data for assessments Immuniza+on Program Evalua+on (IPE)  
Immuniza+on Program Evalua+on (IPE) Data collec+on Instrument #2: Evalua+on Plan •  Thank you to all awardee staff for quick turn-around with updates
•  Data analysis started; Initial results expected by August 30, 2014
Data collec+on Instrument #3: Awardee-­‐KABB Survey – Due date will be August 30, 2014 •  Pilot testing still underway
•  Introductory email going out to all participants early next week
o  Includes optional pre-survey tool to help participants gather
list of trainings
•  Email with survey link expected to be disseminated few days
after intro email
•  OMB review and clearance underway
Special Ac+vi+es Immuniza+on Staffing Project VFC and Pharmacy Project Barriers to Spending Awarded Funds Project New Program Manager Orienta+on – collabora+on with AIM o  Annual Report Streamlining Project o  Site Visit Business Process Review and Redesign o  317 Funding Alloca+on Process Assessment o 
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Twitter Handle: @CDCIZLearn
@CDCIZLearn on Twitter is a leading
source for health care providers on
immunization training, recommendations,
and information across the lifespan.
For more informa+on please contact Centers for Disease Control and Preven+on 1600 Clibon Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333 Telephone: 1-­‐800-­‐CDC-­‐INFO (232-­‐4636)/TTY: 1-­‐888-­‐232-­‐6348 Visit: www.cdc.gov | Contact CDC at: 1-­‐800-­‐CDC-­‐INFO or www.cdc.gov/info The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official posi0on of the Centers for Disease Control and Preven0on. Na0onal Center for Immuniza0on & Respiratory Diseases Immuniza0on Services Division/ Program Opera0ons Branch