REVIEW’14 NUMBER : 989 REVIEW ’14 the scindia school ......................................................................................................................................................................... SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 | NUMBER : 989 ......................................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 01 THE SCINDIA SCHOOL, FORT, GWALIOR SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 | WPP : Regn.No.Gwl.Dn.11 EDITORIAL - Harshraj Gond| XI-B ......................................................................................................................................................... I touch the future. I teach. A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning. One helluva busy month has come to an end. We have been busy celebrating Independence Day and hosting two back to back Interschool events -The Science Fest and The Editors’ Conference. We had the privilege to host delegations from several prestigious schools from different parts of the country and provide them an experience that they will never forget. They have all gone back enriched by the experiences and full of glowing words for Scindian hospitality. The students remained at the forefront of both the events but with Teachers’ Day just round the corner it is time to convey our thanks to our mentors ‘the teachers’ who work tirelessly and yet remain away from the limelight. They are the faceless heroes who give direction to all our efforts which ensures that everything be it such mammoth events or our daily routine activities carry on without any glitches. Every moment of our day is spent under the care, supervision and guidance of our beloved teachers. We can never thank them enough for all that they do for us. Here’s wishing them all ‘A very Happy Teachers’ Day’. REVIEW the scindia school ’14 ........................................................................................................................................................................ : 989 | SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 PAGE 02 NUMBER ........................................................................................................................................................................ Academic Support Center work on assignments or enhance basic academic and study skills. Many students (and I am one of them) feel comfortable being taught alone. For a long while I have had this issue that while studying subjects like - Sugandha Shukla| XII-B Mathematics, Physics or Chemistry where there are numericals to be done, I don’t ask questions relating to my doubts from the teacher when “Yar aaj prep mein mujhe Differentiation padha de.” being taught in the class. I am not sure why, but I would rather ask one of my classmates in solitude sometime after class, than stand up in front of the entire “Haan yar House ajana sham ko.” class and ask. The Academic Support Centre solves this problem too by providing a one-on-one teaching along with group teaching. This is an example of the common conversations that happen several times a day amongst classmates and often amongst seniors and juniors also. The reason is This would be bene icial not just for the student but also for the student-teacher simple enough from the above dialogue isn’t it? It is just so much easier asking who is teaching. a batch-mate or a senior to teach you the way you want rather than going to the teacher isn’t it? This is because they know exactly what problem we are facing as Before my Political Science or History exam I hardly need to memorize everything. he or she too is a student and might have faced the same problem while studying. I just teach a few of my And so, most students go batch-mates who come to to a scholee batch-mate me for help and without for extra studies, before my knowing I am prepared approaching the teachers. for the exam next day. In fact sometimes, some The sight of one batchpeople have taught the mate teaching a group in same chapters to so many the House prep or outside people so many times the House is a common that they remember the one. But there are several chapters word by word. problems this way. One Also, the ASC provides the being that mostly such students who volunteer group study happens to be tutors with the just before the exam and attractive incentive of not on a regular basis. certi icates that can help Since, studies happen in college applications. just before exams, they With these incentives happen in manner that is the students will be all designed to make you get Clarifying doubts. the more willing to teach just enough marks to pass classmates and juniors. the exam that is there the next morning, and then all Apart from this, the best feature included in the ASC is the special sessions of 40 is forgotten. Another issue is that often these group studies are not organized in minutes which will be organized by teachers to assist students in the following terms of curriculum, time, place, number of people studying etc. Time is indeed a areas: major issue. • Writing skills [English and Languages] • Time management [Maths, Accounts, History] And so, the Academic Support Centre is an initiative taken by the school to offer • Map skills [Social science] a wide range of services to assist the students with their studies. The ASC claims • Presentation skills [Science, Arts, Social science] to provide an environment in which students will get extra help, study for a test, • Note taking skills Nw{Å>¶m| Ho$ {XZ M¡Vݶ Omdbo, 7 E h‘mao Nw>{Å>¶m| Ho$ {XZ Wo ~‹S>o IÅ>o O¡go Amg‘mZ Ho$ {Jao IOya na AQ>Ho$ & ewédmV ‘| Vmo Am¶m ~hþV ‘Om bo{H$Z {’$a J‘u Zo {b¶m XwJwZm ~Xbm & J‘u go ~MZo h‘ Om nhþ±Mo H$aZo V¡amH$s bo{H$Z h‘mar {H$ñ‘V Zo {’$ago nbQ>r ‘mar & VaUVmb go {ZH$bo, {~ñVa na AQ>Ho$ & AmR> {XZ VH$ ~wIma Zo J‘© Omoer go h‘ go Iobm & ‘¡Zo ^r O¡go-V¡go CgH$mo Pobm & H$‘Omoar Zo h‘H$mo Eogm OH$‹S>m, ~mha OmZo go nH$‹S>m & Bgr ~mV H$m h‘| Wm IQ>H$m, Bgr IQ>Ho$ Zo h‘| - ~mha OmH$a IobZo Ho$ {bE nQ>H$m & bo{H$Z n¡am| Ho$ XX© Zo h‘| ‘mam Eogm ’$Q>H$m, {’$a Ka ‘| OmH$a nQ>H$m & Ka ‘| ~¡R>o-~¡R>o h‘ hþE ~‹S>o ~moa, Zm ‘Mm nmVo Wo emoa & Am¡a ³¶m ~VmE± h‘mao Nw>{Å>¶m| Ho$ {XZ, h¡ Z g~go {^Þ IQ>mg ^ao {XZ & Writing skills, we all realize, is one thing that most Scindians lack. We often know the answer but cannot express it in an organized manner and language that shall fetch us marks. Also, I still run out of time and often leave questions worth 5 to 10 marks in my exams. And I’m sure there are many like me who need to practice time management but don’t know how. And so, these sessions are not just an added advantage, but are a necessity for students, especially those giving their board examinations. Since, these skills cannot be embedded in students all of a sudden in class XII, we need to start practicing and training the students in the above areas right from class VI itself, so that by the time the students reach Class XII, these things come naturally to them. These are study habits or study ethics that students ought to be taught from a very initial stage. Teachers will also be involved in this process which is good for both the students and the tutors. The teachers can teach the tutors to teach effectively and in an organized manner. Also, in those areas where the students are not capable enough to teach other students, teachers can step in and provide extra help in these subjects. All these advantages that the ASC offers are attractive and can change the study patterns of students in Scindia School dramatically. Many students have already illed out forms for learning and teaching both and the Academic Support Centre has begun to function. I would like to encourage more and more students to approach the ASC for providing or gaining help because the very essence of peer-tutoring lies in massive participation. The initiative is one to be applauded certainly. The initial response has been very encouraging and we’re sure that the ASC will accomplish its objective. Let us all make this possible by whole-heartedly contributing to this. REVIEW ’14 the scindia school ......................................................................................................................................................................... SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 | NUMBER : 989 ......................................................................................................................................................................... PAGE 03 Second Interschool Science Fest T he Second Interschool Science Fest was hosted by The Scindia School from Friday, 15th August to Sunday, 17th August. Seven schools participated in the fest. These were: 1. The Daly College, Indore 2. The Doon School, Dehradun 3. Mayo College Girls’ School, Ajmer 4. Translam Academy, Merrut 5. Cambridge International School, Phagwara 6. Step by Step High school, Jaipur 7. The Scindia School, Gwalior Day 1 The Fest was declared open on 15th August by Mr Vikram Misri (Ex Sh, 1981)a 1989 Batch IFS Of icer. The opening ceremony comprised a welcome song, Saraswati Vandana and the Fest photograph. The irst event of this Science Fest was a telescope making workshop by Mr Sanjay Gupta. Each school assembled a telescope. The delegates were then taken out into the open where they aligned the telescope to the objects in the sky. The students participated in this activity with great enthusiasm and were happy to carry the self-assembled telescope back to their school. After lunch an Anveshika (NGO, dedicated for Science promotion) workshop was conducted by Mr Rakesh Awasthi and Mr Arun. They taught the dry and complicated concept of fundamental Physics and Chemistry in an interesting way. This was done by giving interesting demonstrations of Bernoulli’s Principle and center of gravity. The delegates participated in it with full enthusiasm. On the evening of the same day a JAM session along with comic strip competition was held. The topic for the Comic strip competition was ‘Evolution’ and was given to the contestants 2 hours in advance. This event was followed by the Science Quiz conducted by Ajay Punia (Ex Sh, 2006). After a Preliminary Round four teams were selected for the Final Round. The quiz was won by Translam Academy, Merrut and the Runner up was The Daly College, Indore. DAY 2 On the second day the delegates went for a visit to the Crocodile Breeding Centre in Devoria. Here they were explained about the breeding of the crocodile and the tortoise. It is the only centre in India which saves endangered species of crocodile and tortoise. After lunch an e-painting competition took place on the theme of ‘Space debris’. The topic was disclosed to the contestants an hour before the contest. At the exhibition. the winners were awarded trophies and certi icates. The overall trophy for the year 2014-15 was shared by The Scindia School and Step by Step School, Jaipur. In the evening a skit competition was held in the auditorium. The theme was ‘Combating superstition in Society’ The Chief Guest Prof. Dr. Neeraj Jain, declared the Science Fest close. The eventful day ended with the special dinner and DJ night. JAM Session Day 3 The last event of the Fest was the Science Exhibition. Its theme was ‘Alternative Source of energy other than Solar energy’ The schools came up with various innovative ideas and offered waves, smoke, air, and water as the potential sources of energy. The Scindia School shared how energy can be produced by moving vehicles on roads and by joggers sweating it out in a gym. The Judges for this event were Prof. Dr. Neeraj Jain, Jeevaji University, Physics Department and Prof. Dr. D. D. Agarwal, Jeevaji University, Chemistry Department. All the delegates took the Science Oath which emphasised on the responsible and judicious use of Science. The results of the various events were declared and Manas Pant- The Scindia School, Gwalior II Shweta Vaishnav – Step by Step, Jaipur III Astitva pandey- The Scindia School, Gwalior I I Azan Barar – The Doon School, Dehradun II Shubham Bhargava – Translam Academy, Merrut III Ripudaman – Step by Step, Jaipur Comic Strip I Rupika- Cambridge International School, Phagwara II Shailesh Bhagat – The Scindia School, Gwalior III Parthivee Sharma – Mayo College Girls’ School, Ajmer e- Painting Snehil Tripathi – The Scindia School, Gwalior II Kumkum shree – Step by Step, Jaipur III Parthivee Sharma – Mayo College Girls’ School, Ajmer Shashank Tyagi and Hardik Singh – Translam Academy, Merrut Runner up- Dhairya Agarwal and Mohit Chauhan– The Daly College, Indore Science News letter I The Scindia School, Gwalior II Step by Step, Jaipur III Cambridge International School, Phagwara Skit Competition I The Scindia School, Gwalior II Mayo College Girls’ School, Ajmer III Step by Step, Jaipur Science Exhibition I The Daly College, Indore II Translam Academy, Merrut III Step by Step, Jaipur Overall trophy Shared by The Scindia School, Gwalior and Step by Step, Jaipur Oath We, the students and teachers solemnly pledge that : • • • • • A still from the skit. I Science Quiz Results: I Science Fiction We shall respect the Rules, Safety Regulations and Discipline of the Science Laboratories. We shall verify facts through unbiased and unprejudiced experimentation. We shall not hesitate to experiment and to follow new queries without ever giving in to the fear of failure. We shall respect and follow reason and logical analysis to arrive at conclusions. We shall not reject or accept any idea without testing it scienti ically. The knowledge acquired at this seat of learning will always be shared for the good of humanity and will never be used for destructive or sel ish purposes. REVIEW the scindia school ’14 ........................................................................................................................................................................ : 989 | SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 PAGE 04 NUMBER ........................................................................................................................................................................ T he Fort continues to reel under hot and humid weather. The only silver lining is the green cover and the lowers which are a sight to behold. The surajkund is full of lotus. We are all hoping for some rain which will provide respite from the heat conditions and also ill the parched taals. We wish a speedy recovery to Adarsh Kumar Singh (Class IX, Mj). The School celebrated Independence Day with great patriotic fervor. The Chief Guest Mr Vikram Misri (Ex Sh, 1981) was escorted to the Oval Field, by the School Horse Riding Team, where he hoisted the tricolour. This was followed by an impressive march past by the Houses and the Girls’ Squad. The School Brass Band gave a scintillating display. Mr Misri said that it was an honour for him to be invited to school. He interacted with students and Faculty. Mr Misri remembered the beautiful days he had spent in school as a student and spoke of all his teachers with great respect. In his inspirational address to the students he asked them to be committed to Mr Vikram Misri whatever they are doing if they wish to attain excellence. He asked them to lead by example and be role models for others. Quoting Swami Vivekanand he asked boys to think for themselves and believe in themselves. He urged them to always do the right thing as it will gratify some and astonish the others. After the event everyone proceeded to the Astachal. I Daulat VI Jayaji II Mahadji VII Ranoji III Jayappa, Shivaji, Madhav VIII Jeevaji The school hosted the 2nd Interschool Science Fest from Friday, 15th August to Sunday 17th August. Detailed report on page 3. The School hosted the third Editors’ Conference from Friday 22nd August to Sunday, 24th August. Ten schools participated in the conference. They were Assam Valley School- Assam, Genesis Global School- Noida, The Doon School- Dehradun, Daly College- Indore, Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya- Gwalior, Mayo College Girls’ SchoolAjmer, Maharani Gayatri Devi School- Jaipur, All Saints College- Nainital, Vidya Devi Jindal School- Hissar and the host school The Scindia School- Gwalior. For three days the delegates forgot their school identities and worked in close collaboration with each other sharing and honing skills. The keynote speakers were Mr Sandeep Adhwaryu, Editorial Cartoonist with Sunday Guardian, Mr Umesh Mehta, freelance photo journalist with 40 decades of experience, Mr Pranay Sharma, Senior Editor of the Outlook, India’s Premier English weekly and Mr Asif Syed editor and publisher of Current News which is a website and weekly newspaper. The delegates were taken around for news collection and they prepared a four Published by : Staff Editors : Editor in Chief : Senior Editor : Chief Art Editor : Art Editors : Chief Creative Editor : Co Editors : Creative Editor : Associate Editor : Photography : The experts at the feedback session. page A4 size newsletter in a matter of four hours. The keynote speakers shared their expertise with the delegates and gave valuable feedback on the newsletters created by them. The delegates were given speci ic tips to improvise on the quality of reportage, appropriate use of photographs and illustrations and ways to enhance the visual appeal of the newsletter. They have gone back enriched and with a better understanding of journalism. Detailed report in next issue. On Monday, 25th of August representatives from the highly reputed King's College, London visited school and addressed students from Classes X to XII. They spoke about the strengths of King's College, its research focus and speci ied the departments with a reputation for international excellence. They also talked about life in London, the application process, especially the Statement of Purpose, and deadlines to be kept in mind while applying. Result of Division Cricket Match played yesterday is as follows: The Scindia School played a Cricket match against Harbraj Academy. The School won by 4 Wickets. Nine students represented the school at the IPSC Literary Festival co-hosted by The Welham Boys’ and The Welham Girls’ Schools. Divyaditya Singh, Vivek Singh, Sukanya Shukla, Bharat Kakwani and Shivam Agarwal stood irst in the Radio Play. Appointments for the Deutsche Musik Gesellschaft, The German Music Society for the year 2014-15 are as follows: Secretary – Sachin Prajapati Jt. Secretary – Mohit Umraiya, Mani Maloo Appointments for the German Magazine ‘Zeitgeist’ for the year 2014-15 are as follows: Chief Editors – Aadya Mishra Editors – Harshit Bhargava, Nirmit Vikamsey Art Editors – Suvrat Mahindroo, Astitva Jindal Appointments for French Magazine ‘L’Aube’ are as follows: Senior Editors – Suryansh Goyal Editors – Vedant Malhotra Co-editors – Kabir Saund Art Editor – Kushagra Kaushik Obituary The Scindia fraternity mourns the sad demise of Mr Sharad Dongre (Ex Jayaji, 1952), who suffered from a massive cardiac arrest. May God grant peace to the departed soul and strength to the family to bear the irrepairable loss. The Principal, Scindia School, Gwalior Web Support : Mr Raj Kumar Kapoor Ms Puja Pant, Dr B.S. Bhakuni Photography : Mr Dinesh Siriah Akash Jaini Technical Support : Mr Jitendra Jawale Shantanu Kulshreshtha Printed by : Galaxy Printers, Gwalior Harshraj Gond URL : Vivek Singh OLD BOYS’ SITE : Mriganka Ghosh September 1, 2014 | WPP : Regn.No.Gwl.Dn.11 Abhijeet Nagpal, Astitva Pandey, Prabhav Pachauri and Priyanshu Jain Satyam Chaturvedi Feedback : [email protected] Kabir Saund, Yohen Thounaojam Price : `1 Harsh Devprakash Gupta If undelivered, please return to : The Scindia School, Fort, Gwalior - 474 008 (M.P.)
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