Government of West Bengal Office of the Assistant Engineer Kharagpur Sub- Division,P.H.EDte. Inda, Kharagpur, PaschimMedinipur, Pin :- 72ll0l Memo No :-373 / A.E/ K.S.D Dated :- 26.11.2014 N.t.T. NO. :- 13 /AEIKSD'2014-2015 29ll (ii) are hereby invited by the Assistant Engineer, Kharagpur Sub- Division P.H.E Dte. Inda Kharagpur from the Eligible contractor having sufficient credential and experience in executing the similar type ofthe work for the Separate Sealed tenders in W.B.F. fbllowing works. Name of the work sl. Rs. No I Construction of 3.60 Mtr x 3.00 Mtr Switch Room Chlorine Room without W.C. & Bath for Second (2nd) Tubewell site under Gokulpur Water Supply Scheme under Midnapur Division, PHE Dte (Considering G.L. 1950 mm below Road Level) {TYPE - B} 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Estimated value put to tender Construction of 5.40 Mtr x 1.60 Mtr S\\'itch Room Chlorine Room r,r'ith W (. & llath (F.xclLrding Septrc Iank and Soali rr'ell) lirr ['irs1 Iuheu'cll cLrrr hcarl uork site uncler Gokulpur Watcl Supply Sehenre untlcr Nlrdnapur Division. PHE Dte (Cionsidering Cj,t. 1950 rrm below Road Level) {TYPE - B}[Phase-l] Construction of 5.40 Mtr x 3.60 Mtr Switch Room Chlorine Room with W.C. & Bath (Excluding Septic Tank and Soakwell) for FirstTubewellcum head work site under Japhala Water Supply Scheme under Midnapur Division, PHE Dte (Considering G.L. 1950 mm below Road Level) {TYPE - B}[Phase-I] Construction of 3.60 Mtr x 3.00 Mtr Switch Room Chlorine Room without W.C. & Bath for Second (2nd) Tubewell site under Japhala Water Supply Scheme under Midnapur Division, PHE Dte (Considering G.L. 1950 mm below Road Level) {TYPE - B} Construction of 5.40 Mtr x 3.60 Mtr Sr.vitch Room (lhlorine Room with W.C. & fbr First lubewell curn head rvorli site under Bamanda Water Supplr Scherrc under MidnapLrr I)ivision. Plll. L)te (( onsitlcring (i.1 . l0() rnnt below Road t.cvcl) {IYPI; -A} Construction ot'1.60 Mtr r 1.0{l Mtr Srvitch Roonr Chlorine Room without W.C. & Bath tbr Second (2nd) Tubewell site under Bamanda Water Supply Scheme Earnest money Price for tender documents P. Rs. P. Rs. Time of Completion P Rs.2,96,011.00 Rs. 5,920.00 Rs.755.00 30 days Rs. ,1,66,018.00 Rs.9,320.00 Rs. 755.00 30 days. Rs. 4,68,043.00 R;.e,360.00 Rs.755.00 30 days Rs.2,97,349.00 Rs.5,950.00 Rs.755.00 30 days Rs. 4,75,35,1.00 Rs.9,510.00 Rs.755.00 30 days Rs. 2,60,104.00 Rs.5,202.00 Rs. 755.C0 30 days Rs. 4,68,043.00 Rs.9,360.00 Rs.755.00 30 days \ under Midnapur Division, PHE Dte (Considering G.L. 300 mm below Road Level) {TYPE -A} 7, Construction of 5.40 Mtr x Chlorine Room with W.C. & 3.60 Mtr Switch Room Bath (Excluding Septic Tank and Soakwell) for First Tubewell cum head work site under Palasi Water Supply Scheme under Midnapur Division, PHE Dte (Considering G.L. 1950 mm belor.v Road Level) {TYPE -B} Phase-1 8. 9. r0 il Construction of 3.60 Mtr x 3.00 Mtr Switch Room Chlorine Room without W.C. & Bath for Second (2nd) Tubewell site under Palasi Water Supply Scheme under Midnapur Division, PHE Dte (Considering G.L. 1950 mm below Road Level) {TYPE - B} Balance work of Water Testing Laboratory at Dantan Head Works site within Datan Block Under Kharagpur Sub-Division of Midnapur Division P H E Dre. Balance r,i'orli ol Water 'fesling l-aboraton ar Keshiary IIead Worl<s site rr.ithin Keshiarr Block I ncler lr.haragpr:r Sub-Drr"ision ol'Miclnapur [)ivision P ll H [)re. Flstirnate fbr repairing ol Staff Quarter (Ground Floorl ar lnda PHE Complex, under Midnapur Division PHE Dte. Rs.2,97.349.00 Rs. 1,06,532.00 Rs. 1.06.512.00 Rs.21,036.00 Rs.5950.00 Rs. 755.00 30 days Rs.2130.00 Rs. 755.00 l5 days Rs.2130.00 Rs.755.00 l5 days Rs.,120.00 Rs. 255.00 7 days Schedule for Date and Time of Tender :- I Last date and time of Application 11.12.2014 up to 2.00 P.M 2. Date and Time of permission 12.12.2014 at 2.00 P.M .). Last date 4 Last date and time ofdropping ofTender paper 15.12.2014 up to 2.00 P.M ) Date and Time olOpening 15.12.2014 & Time ofsale oftender paper i..'I'he tender will be opencci on the same r-lar ol'dnrpprng the oompetent authorit\ ro stan Lhc u,ork trnmed jatclr. 12.12.2014 up to 5.00 P.M lt t.00 at 3.00 P.M M and necessar)'acceptance rna5, be issued on the same day from 2. Bclbre submission ol"fender paper. tenderers are to visit the sites and satrsty themselves about the local condition and all other matters which may be raised in relation to the work. 3.Valid original cenificates of sale Tax clearance, Income Tax clearance ( along with PAN No and professional Tax clearance from the ) concerned department is necessary to produce before getting permission to purchase Tender papers and Xerox copies of all the afbresaid required documents are to be submitted along with the application. 4. Proofofcredential should satisf, for getting permission and also to be attached with the application. 5. All other information and condition wilt be available in the offrce of the undersigned during office hour. s#l't* Assistant Engineer Kharagpur Sub - Division P.H.E Dte Memo No ;-37J (l-9) / A.E/ K.S.D Copv tbrwarded fbr inlbrnratron rvith the request tbr wicle orrculation through his otllce notice board to: Pasch imMedi n ipurZi I laParishad. The District Magistrate. Paschim Medinipur. The Superintending Engineer Westem Circle Midnapore The Executive Engineer, Midnapore Division , P.H.E Dte. The District Information officer & Public Relation Midnapore. The Assistant Engineer ( Midnaporesadar / Jhargram i Ghatal) Sub- Division p.H.E Dte. The Divisional Accountant / Estimator / cashier, Midnapore Division p.H.E Dte. The Notice Board. The Secretary, P.H.E Contractors Unit Midnapore. Dated : 26.11.2014 l. The Savadhipati. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hff.(q Assistant Eisiheer Kharagpur Sub - Division P.H.E Dte
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