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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
The International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme @ Carver Middle School
The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who,
recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet help to create a
better and more peaceful world.
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Table of Contents
MYP: The Next Chapter Introduction Letter……………………………………………….…..3
Global Contexts……………………………………………………………………………………………….4
Whole School IB………………………………………………………………………………………………5
Why IB? (10 reasons)………………………………………………………………………………………6
IB Learner Profile……………………………………………………………………………………..…….7
Learner Profile Student of the Month………………………………………………………….…..8
IB MYP Programme………………………………………………………………………...…………….10
Core Class Progression………………………………………………………………………………….12
Student Contract…………………………………………………………………………………………...14
Community Service……………………………………………………………………………………….16
Service Log…………………………………………………………………………………………………....18
Language Arts Summer Assignment (incoming 6th & 7th grade)..........................19
Language Arts Summer Assignment (incoming 8th grade)…………………………….27
Mathematics Summer Assignment (incoming 6-8)………………………………………..28
Science Summer Assignment (incoming 7-8)………………………………………………...29
Private and/or out of state registration requirements………………………………….38
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Dear Parents,
As you may be aware, the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme has
undergone recent changes. The goals of these changes include making the MYP more
streamlined, homogenous, and easily understood. Additionally, these changes will allow for
a smoother transition between the PYP, MYP, and DP. Some of the changes include:
An updated IB Learner Profile, representing more diversity (while maintaining the
same ten traits);
Revision of all subject guides;
Revision and streamlining of subject objectives and assessment criteria;
The removal of the Areas of Interaction, to be replaced by the global contexts;
Revision of the unit and vertical planning processes:
The New MYP, called MYP: the Next Chapter, is slated for full implementation beginning
September 2014. Over the past several months, the IB has been rolling out incremental
changes such as updated subject guides and updated unit planners. Over the summer, all
teachers will give their unit planners a slight overhaul by replacing the Area of Interaction
with the new global contexts.
The global contexts are intended to provide a framework for contextual learning through
issues and ideas of personal, local, and global significance. Each unit is informed by one
global context, which is applied during the early stages of unit planning, and impacts
teachers’ decision-making in terms of unit questions and key concepts. Additionally,
teachers will inform students about which global context is being used as a focus for the
This letter serves as a general introduction/explanation of the MYP in its ‘new’ form.
Following this letter, you will find an explanation of all six global contexts.
Best Regards,
Tara C. Johnson
MYP Coordinator
[email protected]
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Carver Middle School
MYP Standard Program
MYP Certificate Program
The MYP Standard Program incorporates
all aspects of the philosophy and
pedagogy of the International
Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme.
The MYP standard program is available to
all students and has a strong emphasis on
the international perspective, service
learning activities, and development of
critical and creative thinking through
student-centered learning experiences.
Students in the MYP standard program
study seven subjects – math, science,
humanities (social studies), English,
physical education, arts, and technology.
Participation in World Language classes
(French or Spanish) is currently limited
by class size. Enrollment in the Carver
Middle School MYP Standard Program is
automatic when students attend Carver
Middle School.
The MYP Certificate Program is for
students who plan on continuing IB
Studies at Atlantic High School in the
Middle Years Programme (Grades 9 &10).
These students may also decide to
continue in the IB Diploma Program
(Grades 11 & 12). The MYP Certificate
Program has a strong emphasis on
international perspective, service learning
activities, and development of critical and
creative thinking through studentcentered learning experiences. Students
in the MYP certificate program study
eight subjects – math, science, humanities
(social studies), English, physical
education, arts, technology, and a world
language (French or Spanish). Enrollment
in the MYP Certificate Program is by way
of completing a choice schools application
and being selected to attend.
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Learner Profile Student of the Month
Each month two IB Learner Profile activities will be highlighted throughout the school. Students
who are exhibiting the IB Learner Profile attributes will be nominated for entry into the student of
the month contest. Each student nominated will be required to write a one-page essay or submit
a video on what they have done to deserve this honor. Writing ability should not be a
determining factor when nominating students. Teachers will nominate at least 1 student per
September Communicators
Teacher Nominations due by:
Winners announced by:
September 29
October 6
October 27
November 5
November 24
December 5
December 19
January 9
January 30
February 6
February 27
March 6
March 31
April 4
April 30
May 8
May 22
May 26
All Attributes
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
The IB Middle Years Programme:
a unique approach, relevant for today’s global society
The MYP is designed for students aged 11 to 16. It provides a framework of learning that
encourages students to become creative, critical and reflective thinkers. The MYP emphasizes
intellectual challenge, encouraging students to make connections between their studies in
traditional subjects and the real world. It fosters the development of skills for communication,
intercultural understanding and global engagement - essential qualities for young people who
are becoming global leaders.
The Curriculum
The programme consists of eight subject groups aimed at helping students develop their
personal understanding, their emerging sense of self and responsibility to their community.
Students will study their mother tongue, a second language, humanities, sciences,
mathematics, arts, physical education and design. In the final year of the programme [Year 5 @
Atlantic HS], students also engage in a personal project, which allows them to demonstrate the
understandings and skills they have developed throughout the programme.
MYP teachers organize the curriculum with appropriate attention to:
Teaching and learning in context. Students learn best when their learning
experiences have context and are connected to their lives and the world that they
have experienced. Using global contexts, MYP students explore human identity,
global challenges and what it means to be internationally-minded.
Conceptual understanding. Concepts are big ideas that have relevance within
specific disciplines and across subject areas. MYP students use concepts as a vehicle
to inquire into issues and ideas of personal, local and global significance and examine
knowledge holistically.
Approaches to learning (ATL). A unifying thread throughout all MYP subject groups,
approaches to learning provide the foundation for independent learning and
encourage the application of their knowledge and skills in unfamiliar contexts.
Developing and applying these skills help students learn how to learn.
Service as action (community service) Action (learning by doing and experiencing)
and service have always been shared values of the IB community. Students take
action when they apply what they are learning in the classroom and beyond. IB
learners strive to be caring members of the community who demonstrate a
commitment to service—making a positive difference to the lives of others and to the
environment. Service as action is an integral part of the programme.
Language and identity – MYP students are required to learn at least two languages
(language of instruction and an additional language). Learning to communicate in
a variety of ways is fundamental to their development of intercultural understanding
and crucial to their identity affirmation.
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Quality assurance and professional development
Any school wishing to offer the Middle Years Programme and attain IB World School status
must first go through the authorization process. The requirements for authorization are the same
for all schools, even though the process is administered slightly differently in each IB region.
The process is designed to ensure schools are well prepared to implement the programme
This is a challenging programme that demands the best from both motivated students and
teachers. Schools can access an extensive package of IB professional development for
teachers and administrators and commit to ongoing professional development. Teams from the
organization visit IB World Schools from time to time in order to support an ongoing process of
review and development using standards and practices that apply to all IB World Schools.
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Core Classes
Course Progression
Language Arts IB 1
Language Arts IB 2
Language Arts IB 3
(regular or advanced)
(regular or advanced)
(regular or advanced)
Language B
French & Spanish
(1/2 semester of each)
French or Spanish
(full year)
French or Spanish
(HS Credit - full year)
World Cultures IB
Civics IB
US History IB
Science 1 –IB
Science 2 –IB
Science 3 –IB
Language A
Earth-Space Science
IB (HS Credit)
Math 1 (IB)
Math 2 (IB)
Math 3 (IB)
(regular or advanced)
(regular or advanced)
Algebra 1 (HS Credit)
(regular or advanced)
Algebra (HS Credit)
Geometry (HS Credit)
Student placement into advanced or honors will be
determined by the previous year’s FCAT scores. Grades will
be taken in to account only when FCAT scores are
Placement into algebra is determined by following factors:
1. FCAT Score – Level 4 or 5
2. Orleans-Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test –
a. 80% or above (7th grade algebra)
b. 75% or above (8th grade algebra)
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Student Contract
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Middle Years Programme (MYP) offers an advanced curriculum
framework that provides academic challenge and develops the life skills appropriate for this age group.
The principles of the MYP are deeply rooted in international education and it is designed to guide
students in their search for a sense of place in their natural and social environments.
The administration, faculty and staff at Carver Middle School maintain high expectations for all students
in the areas of citizenship, academic achievement, and individual responsibility. Students must
consistently meet the following requirements throughout their enrollment in the IB MYP. Student
records are reviewed each 9 weeks. If a student has failed to meet any of the following requirements,
he/she will be placed on academic warning or academic probation.
 Academic Achievement
Students are expected to perform at high-levels. In order to successfully meet these
expectations, students must demonstrate excellent time-management and organizational skills
as well as exceptional study habits. The student agrees to complete all required assignments,
including homework and projects, with the understanding that the assignments must be
submitted on time. In order to remain in good standing, students must maintain a minimum
overall 2.75 Grade Point Average in all classes and score a 3 or above on FCAT 2.0 Reading and
Academic Warning – Students who earn a D or F in any subject and have a GPA above
2.75 will be placed on academic warning. Students placed on academic warning will
meet with their parent(s) and the IB coordinator to create an action plan for
improvement that will include weekly progress monitoring for the identified subject(s).
Failure to demonstrate academic improvement in the identified subject area(s) can
result in the student being placed on academic probation.
Academic Probation: Students whose grade point average falls below 2.75 will be
placed on academic probation. Students placed on academic probation will meet with
their parent(s) and the IB coordinator to create an action plan for improvement that will
include weekly progress monitoring for ALL subjects. In order for students to return to
good standing, he or she must raise their cumulative GPA to a 2.75 by the end of the
probationary period. If students do not raise their overall GPA to at least a 2.75 by the
end of the probationary period, they will be subject to dismissal from the program.
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 Individual Behavior
Students at Carver Middle School must demonstrate self-discipline and motivation and adhere
to the Carver code of conduct as described in the student handbook. Students must earn 3’s and
4’s in conduct on their quarterly report cards.
Behavioral Probation: A student can be placed on behavioral probation when his/her
teachers recommend probation due to a poor attitude, etc. Behavioral probation will be
automatic when a student receives 5 detentions or more than 1 referral within one
The student will be given a maximum of one semester to remove the probation by
improving his/her conduct and/or attitude. If this is not accomplished, the student will
be subject to dismissal from the program.
Student Name:
Parent Name:
Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
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MYP Community and Service
The Middle Years Programme (MYP) of the International Baccalaureate Organization
(IBO) requires each student to apply their knowledge and skills yearly by reaching out to
others in their communities:
Minimum Hours of Community Service per year for CMS students
15 hours
20 hours
25 hours
The aim or goal of the IB programme is to develop internationally minded people who,
recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet help to create a
better and more peaceful world. Thoughtful consideration should be given to the type of service
students give. Students should be able to identify their service as one that promotes humanity,
cares for our community or environment, or creates a more peaceful world.
For additional information beyond what the community service contract provides, please go to
the following link to review the Community Service Information Packet:
2014-2015 collection periods:
1. October 21-24
2. January 20-23
3. April 20-24
4. May 18-22 1
This collection period is specifically for 8 graders submitting penalty hours and any students who have exceeded
the required number of hours and are submitting additional hours solely for the purpose of qualifying for an endof-year service award.
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Service Reflections:
Every service log must be accompanied by a grade specific reflection. There are three ways to
submit reflections:
1. Paper/pencil
a. Complete the reflection for your grade level and submit it with your service log.
2. Video
a. While onsite, use your Smartphone to create a video reflection. In the video
reflection, you must answer at least 5 of the questions from the paper reflection.
b. Video reflections should be mailed to [email protected]
3. Online
a. This is an online form. This form can be completed on any computer:
Service Logs will not be accepted without the supervisor’s signature
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Name: ____________________ Humanities Teacher: _________________ Pd.__
IB MYP Community and Service Log
Years 1-3
Year 1 (6th) – 15 hours
Year 2 (7th) – 20 hours
Description of Service
Service Organization:
My Job Responsibilities:
Year 3 (8th) – 25 hours
Supervisor’s Information and
Telephone #:
Service Organization:
My Job Responsibilities:
Service Organization:
My Job Responsibilities:
Telephone #:
Service Organization:
My Job Responsibilities:
Telephone #:
Service Organization:
My Job Responsibilities:
Telephone #:
Telephone #:
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Name:________________ Grade (circle one): 6 7 LA Teacher:__________________
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6th grade – Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick
7th grade – A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle
Each time you read, log it in your reading log by recording the date and time of the pages you
read. Then choose one of the following questions to answer each time you complete the log.
You may answer each question more than once, but by the time you finish your novel you must
have answered all the questions. Use complete sentences – spelling and grammar count! If you
need more space, attach additional paper. You must also have a parent or guardian’s signature
or your reading log in order to receive credit
This assignment will be due during the first week of school. An exact date will be given during
that time.
1. What motivates a character to behave as he or she does? List the character and give
textual evidence with page numbers to support your answer.
2. Which IB Learner Profile attributes does the main character exhibit? Give textual
evidence with page numbers to support your answer.
3. What is the conflict in the rising action of the plot? Include page numbers.
4. Create your own open-ended question about what you’ve read. Include the page
number for which your question references.
5. Reflect upon your reading. Make a connection (either text-to-self, text to world, or text
to text) or critique what you’ve read (I don’t agree with________ or I predict______ or I
would have_______, etc.) Include the page number for which your reflections
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Pages Read
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Question # & Answer
International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Print Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Name:________________ Grade (circle one): 6 7 LA Teacher:__________________
Directions: Choose any 2014-2015 Sunshine State Reader (see attached list).
Each time you read, log it in your reading log by recording the date and time of the pages you
read. Then choose one of the following questions to answer each time you complete the log.
You may answer each question more than once, but by the time you finish your novel you must
have answered all the questions. Use complete sentences – spelling and grammar count! If you
need more space, attach additional paper. You must also have a parent or guardian’s signature
or your reading log in order to receive credit
This assignment will be due during the first week of school. An exact date will be given during
that time.
6. What motivates a character to behave as he or she does? List the character and give
textual evidence with page numbers to support your answer.
7. Which IB Learner Profile attributes does the main character exhibit? Give textual
evidence with page numbers to support your answer.
8. What is the conflict in the rising action of the plot? Include page numbers.
9. Create your own open-ended question about what you’ve read. Include the page
number for which your question references.
10. Reflect upon your reading. Make a connection (either text-to-self, text to world, or text
to text) or critique what you’ve read (I don’t agree with________ or I predict______ or I
would have_______, etc.) Include the page number for which your reflections
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Pages Read
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Question # & Answer
International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Print Parent/Guardian Name
Parent/Guardian Signature
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Middle School List 2014-2015
Atkinson, E.J. I, Emma Freke
Black, Holly Doll Bones
Bodeen, S.A. The Raft
Jacobson, Jennifer Small as an Elephant
Klise, Kate Homesick
Korman, Gordan Ungifted
Levine, Kristin The Lions of Little Rock
McNeal, Tom Far Far Away
Meloy, Maile Apothecary
Poblocki, Dan The Ghosts of Graylock
Ponti, James Dead City
Riley, James Half Upon a Time
Schrefer, Eliot Endangered
Van Eekhout, Greg The Boy at the End of the World
Wells, Robison Varian
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The following topics of study would be useful for all grade levels. After each
topic is a short activity for you to show what you've studied. Cite the sites you
use for each topic.
• Rounding with whole, numbers, decimals and fractions
Write how to round, using examples. Name some times rounding would be useful.
• Decimal place value - create a way to remember decimal place values to the millionths.
Provide four examples.
Write each in word form and in standard form (example: 2 and thirteen
hundredths 2.13)
• Master you multiplication facts to 12
Write how you mastered your facts. What did you use?
• Adding, Subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators
Write how to add and subtract fractions and mixed numbers with unlike
denominators and give an example of each (4 problems).
• Estimating - math is sometimes a mental effort.
Describe how you would use estimation when problem solving. Give 2
different examples.
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All students will conduct their own science investigations, which will begin during
the first marking period and conclude before winter break. In order to make sure
that you select the best investigation and conduct an experiemnt that gives you
the opportunity to be an inquirer and display that you are knowledgable about
your topic, you will do a little preliminary research on the two topics of your
Before you begin…what was your science fair investigation (project) during the
2013-2014 school year? Describe it here in 5-7 sentences.
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
Think about 2 “problems’ that can be from your everyday life or something that
affects the world. How can your experiment help solve this problem? What
could be your testable question?
What is a problem from your everyday life or something that affects the world?
Conduct research about this problem. Take NOTES below – do not write in
complete sentences. Write down what you learned about this problem.
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How can you design an experiement to help solve this problem?
What could be your testable question?
Sources used to conduct your research (use the bibliography sheet on page 36
so you can fill this in correctly)
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International Baccalaureate World School @ Carver Middle School
What is a problem from your everyday life or something that affects the world?
Conduct research about this problem. Take NOTES below – do not write in
complete sentences. Write down what you learned about this problem.
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How can you design an experiement to help solve this problem?
What could be your testable question?
Sources used to conduct your research (use the bibliography sheet on page 36
so you can fill this in correctly)
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CURRENT MAILING ADDRESS (ie. utility bill)
___ PROOF OF PHYSICAL (DH3040) ORIGINAL (both sides
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