Board of Education Bob Rzeszutko, President Janine Kiwiet, Vice-President Mare Chiaro, Secretary Melissa Christie, Member Katie Fujiura, Member Debbie Gaspari, Member Iranell Spann, Member Robert M. Carlo, Superintendent Megan Stoltz, Chief School Business Official Board Approves 2013 Tax Year Levy Request (2014 Tax Bill) District #61 Board of Education Board News News from the Tues., Dec. 10, 2013 Regular Board Meeting The Board voted 5-1 (Christie absent) to adopt the tax levy for the year 2013. Members voting for the levy: Chiaro, Fujiura, Kiwiet, Rzeszutko, Spann. Member voting against: Gaspari. The vote was taken after a public hearing. There were no questions or comments from the audience. The tax levy, or amount of money that can be collected through property taxes, is strictly regulated under the requirements of the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law – commonly known as the “Tax Cap.” Per this legislation the levy increase will be limited to 5% or the Consumer Price Index (C.P.I.), whichever is lower. The C.P.I. for the 2013 tax year is 1.7%, therefore the District levies are expected to increase by at least this percentage. The Tax Cap does not apply to any new construction values. New construction is exempt from the tax cap for its first year on the tax rolls. District #61 will receive the actual tax levy in late March or early April, 2014. Tax bills for 2014 will reflect this final levy figure. The County Clerk ensures that the final levy amount reflects compliance with the Tax Cap legislation. Board Receives the FY2013 Annual Financial Report and Audit Mr. Dave Knutte with Knutte & Associates, P.C. presented District #61’s Audit Report and Annual Financial Report for the year ending June 30, 2013. No qualifications (concerns) were found with our internal controls. Overall, Mr. Knutte stated the District is in good financial health. This financial report is designed to provide the District’s citizens, taxpayers, and creditors with a general overview of the District’s finances and to demonstrate the District’s accountability for the money it receives. Financial highlights include: As of June 30, 2013, District # 61 again received an Illinois School Board of Education rating of Financial Recognition. Interest income increased compared to FY12. Over the past year, the District worked with Republic Bank and PMA Financial to obtain the best rates possible. General revenues accounted for $14,803,960 in revenue or 73% of all revenue. Program specific revenues in the form of charges for services and fees and grants accounted for $5,400,286 or 27% of total revenues of $20,204,246. The District had $20,033,865 in expenses related to government activities. During the FY13 school year, District #61 completed a roof tear off and replacement project at Lace School totaling $814, 200 and a gym remodel project at Eisenhower Junior High totaling $218,018. The majority of these expenses were charged to the FY13 Operation and Maintenance Fund and funded through an inter-fund transfer of $815,000 from the Education to the Operations and Maintenance Fund. The Audit Report and Annual Financial Report is available for review in the Superintendent’s Office. Board Recognizes Eisenhower Junior High Science and Math Competitors The Board welcomed members of the Eisenhower Junior High School (EJH) Science and Math teams who participated in recent tournaments. The Science team won 2nd Place at the 37th Annual Fenwick Science Contest - missing out on 1st Place by two points - and was the top public school at the competition. The following seventh and eighth graders competed: Dimitar Ivanov (1st Place overall), Nandini Sadagopon (6th Place), Easa Aristizabal (14th Place), Sarah Salvato (20th Place), Gina Guagliardo, Greg Fernandes, Cherilyn Mendoza, Donna Stevens, Tessa Lawler, Shannon Ferguson, Miriam Arroyo, Jennalyn Mendiola, Elizabeth Lowery, Brett Haffner, Matthew Krauter, John Serry, Ugonna Nwakudu, Alana Waterman, Abby Mikuta, and Hania Diggory. In the 36th Annual St. Lawrence Math competition on Nov. 2, the EJH Team took 2nd Place. Team members were Olga Giza, Samuel Krauter, Brett Haffner, and Jerry Jiang. Other particpants were: Tessa Lawler, Shannon Ferguson, Matthew Krauter, Jerry Chen, Kushal Shah, Alana Waterman, Donna Stevens, and Simona Risteska. In the 37th Annual Montini Math competition on November 9, the Seventh Grade team champed and the sixth grade team took third place overall. Seventh grade team members included: Jerry Chen (tied for 1st place individual), Jerry Jiang (tied for 1st Place Individual), Olga Giza (5th overall), Baneet Chawla and Greg Fernandes. 6th Grade team members included: Samuel Krauter (1st Place overall), Canyon Stage (6th Place), Kushal Shah (6th Place), Zachary Krauter, and Erin Adams. The 8th Grade Division team members included: Brett Haffner (4th Place), Tessa Lawler(9th Place), Bobby Smid, Matthew Krauter, and Shannon Ferguson. Congratulations to all of our dedicated students and their coaches Mrs. Perisin (science) and Ms. Manescalchi (math). Among Other Business… Scheduled Meetings Among other business, the District #61 Board of Education: ♦ heard an update from band liaison Louis Ebert on recent EJH activities including: o December 11 - Winter Band Concert, 7 P.M. o December 17 - EJH Chorus Concert, 7 P.M. o January 9 - Downers Grove South High School Jazz Performance o January 15 - Hinsdale South High School Jazz Fest Café The following meetings have been scheduled. Please check with the District Office at 630/968-7505 or visit the District #61 website at for any possible changes. Regular Board of Education Meeting Tuesday, January 28, 2014 7 pm at Lace Past Board News and Minutes of past Board Meetings are available on the District website. District #61 Board of Education 7414 Cass Avenue Darien, IL 60561 630.968-7505
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