1 IEEE Nagoya Section Annual Report 2013 February 24, 2014 PART A - SECTION SUMMARY A.1 Executive Summary • Section Executive Committee Member List (2013/2014) (a) Officers: Chair: Professor: Professor Dr. Kenji Mase (Nagoya University) e-mail: [email protected] Vice Chair: Professor Dr. Toshikazu Hori (University of Fukui) e-mail: [email protected] Secretary: Professor Dr. Yukio Mizuno (Nagoya Institute of Technology) e-mail: [email protected] Treasurer: Professor Dr. Naohiro Hozumi (Toyohashi University of Technology) e-mail: [email protected] Auditor: Mr. Kenji Tsuge (NGK Insulators, Itd.) e-mail: [email protected] (b) Standing Committee Chairs: Nomination Committee: Professor Dr. Tadashi Matsumoto (Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) e-mail: [email protected] Membership Development Committee: Professor Dr. Kazuyuki Tohyama (Numazu National College of Technology) e-mail: [email protected] Technical Activities Committee: 2 Professor Dr. Toshihiko Noguchi (Shizuoka University) e-mail: [email protected] Student Activities Committee: Professor Dr. Keiji Nakamura (Chubu University) e-mail: [email protected] Award Committee: Professor Dr. Tomoichi Takahashi (Meijo University) e-mail: [email protected] Chapter Development Committee: Professor Dr. Takashi Ohira (Toyohashi University of Technology) e-mail: [email protected] (c) Past Chairs: 2011-2012 Chair: Professor Dr. Akira Iwata (Nagoya Institute of Technology) e-mail: [email protected] 2009-2010 Chair, Milestone: Professor Dr. Masayuki Nagao (Toyohashi University of Technology) e-mail: [email protected] • Section Highlights (1) ITS (Intelligent Transportation System) Chapter was established on April 12. (2) A number of technical activities were organized and co-organized by Nagoya Section in 2013. Total 19 events including 4 sponsored technical lectures were held successfully. (3) Student Travel Scholarship for IEEE international conferences was awarded to 9 students. (4) Membership activity: Nagoya Section had the following members: Fellow: 31, Senior member: 66, Member 927, Student member: 159, Associate member: 35. Total: 1,218 as of Nov. 2013. (5) Section territory: Nagoya Section, one of the eight sections of IEEE Japan Council, is located in the city of Nagoya, central in Japan, and the section territory spreads out to Tokai Area (Aichi, Gifu, Mie, and Shizuoka Prefectures) and Hokuriku Area (Toyama, Ishikawa and Fukui Prefectures) in Japan. • Major Events (International, National) o • Major Chapter Activities o • Several local meeting and workshops were organized successfully including co-organization of the 2013 Joint Congresses of Institutes related to Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering in Tokai and Hokuriku Areas where IEEE Nagoya Section Student Awards were awarded to 9 excellent student presenters. Several technical lectures, seminars and meetings were organized successfully. Major Student and Affinity Group Activities 3 o • Student Travel Scholarship for IEEE international conferences was awarded to 9 students. Awards o o Three members were awarded Fellow Grade (Informed by R10 in Nov. 2013). Three members were awarded Senior Member Grade. A.2 Financial Report • Summary (as per submitted L50) o • Total Receipts during the year 2013 were JY4,747,666 including the assessment and rebate of JY2,865,511 from IEEE HQ. The total disbursements amount to JY2,889,573. Any other financial activities None PART B - ORGANIZATIONAL ACTIVITIES B.1 Membership Development Activities • Total number of active members in the past 3 years. November 2011: 1,160 November 2012: 1,219 November 2013: 1,218 -0.08% to previous year The number of members of the Nagoya Section as of Nov., 2013 is as follows: (The numbers in parentheses are for Nov. 2012. All figures are from SAMIEEE. ) Fellow: 31 (29) Senior Member: 66 (63) Member: 927 (921) Associate Member: 35 (55) Student Member: 159 (151) ---------------------------------------------------Total 1,218 (1,219) • Summary and evidence of work done to improve the value of membership, which leads to retention and growth of members o o o Several student support activities such as the student travel scholarship and the student awards for research work in local universities and Joint Congresses presentation have been penetrated to the society and positively attracted students for joining to IEEE. A letter of encouragement to apply for a Fellow grade or a Senior Member grade was sent to the Nagoya Section’s Senior Members or Members by using a Japan Council mailing list service. Invitation activity to join IEEE was made at the sponsored and co-sponsored events. 4 B.2 Chapter Activities • Total number of Chapters in the Section o Four (4), AP-S, MTT-S, MAG-S, ITS-S • Number of Chapters formed in the current year o One (1), ITS-S • Number of Active Chapters (Chapters who have reported required number of meetings during the year) o Four (4) • Summary of Chapter activities chapter wise with attachment table / information AP-S Nagoya Chapter (1) Technical Lecture: October 10, 2013 Commemorative lecture dedicated to the U.S. National Academy of Engineering Award: “Reminiscence of research on mobile propagation” by Dr. Yoshihisa Okumura(Professor emeritus, Kanazawa Institute of Technology) Kanazawa University, Kanazawa, Japan (2) Technical Meeting: April 26, 2013 Midland Student Express 2013 Spring (Students’ Meeting) Nagoya Innovation Hub, Nagoya, Japan Presentations: 19, Participants: 34 December 6, 2013 Midland Student Express 2013 Autumn (Students’ Meeting) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Nonoichi, Ishikawa, Japan Presentations: 18, Participants: 44 MAG-S Nagoya Chapter (1) Technical Lectures: April 10, 2013 “Artificial Ferromagnetic Nanostructures: An Experimental Platform for Magnetics” by Professor Adekunle Olusola Adeyeye (National University of Singapore, IEEE Magnetic Society Distinguished Lecturer ) Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan (2) Technical Meetings: February 2, 2013 IEEE Magnetic Society Young Researcher Meeting Nagoya University Venture Business Laboratory, Nagoya, Japan Presentations: 11 MTT-S Nagoya Chapter (1) Technical Lectures: June 27, 2013 Keynote Address of IEEE MTT-S Nagoya Chapter “Development of the Microwave Mammography” by Professor Yoshihiko Kuwahara (Shizuoka University) “Development Trend of Advanced Automotive Electronics” by Dr. Kazuo Sato (Toyota Central R & D Labs., Inc.) Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan Participants: 40 5 August 3, 2013 “Theoretical Vista to Maximum Power Efficiency and Optimum Load Ratio for Radio Frequency Rectifiers” by Professor Takashi Ohira (Toyohashi University of Technology) “Basis of matching (narrowly and broadly defined) in microwave IC” by Dr. Tsuneo Tokumitsu (Sumitomo Electric Industries, Ltd.) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Nonoichi, Ishikawa, Japan Participants: 30 (2) Technical Meeting: April 26, 2013 Midland Student Express 2013 Spring (Students’ Meeting) Nagoya Innovation Hub, Nagoya, Japan Presentations: 19, Participants: 34 June 27-28, 2013 Research Meeting Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan Presentations: 17, Participants: 77 December 6, 2013 Midland Student Express 2013 Autumn (Students’ Meeting) Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Nonoichi, Ishikawa, Japan Presentations: 88, Participants: 227 (3) In Cooperation November 27-29, 2013 Microwave Workshops & Exhibitions (MWE 2013) Pacifico Yokohama, Yokohama, Japan Presentations: 53, Participants: 4,000 December 2-4, 2013 Thailand-Japan international “KENKYUKAI” (IEICE style forum) on microwave technologies (TJMW 2013) Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand Presentations: 51, Participants: 222 Nine (9) technical meetings on microwave were held in corporation with The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers, Electronics Society. January 17-18, 2013 Promotion of Machine Industry Building, Tokyo, Japan Presentations: 16, Participants: 47 March 6-9, 2013 Hiroshima University, Hiroshima, Japan Presentations: 37, Participants: 146 April 19, 2013 Promotion of Machine Industry Building, Tokyo, Japan Presentations: 14, Participants: 43 May 30-31, 2013 Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan Presentations: 19, Participants: 106 July 18-19, 2013 Wakkanai synthesis Cultural Center, Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan Presentations: 47, Participants: 139 September 12-13, 2013 NHK Science & Technology Research Laboratories, Tokyo, Japan Presentations: 20, Participants: 124 October 24-25, 2013 Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan Presentations: 33, Participants: 145 6 November 21-22, 2013 Kagoshima Prefectural Culture Center, Kagoshima, Japan Presentations: 20, Participants: 56 December 19-20, 2013 Saitama University, Saitama, Japan Presentations: 23, Participants: 84 MAG-S Nagoya Chapter (1) Technical Lectures: April 10, 2013 “Artificial Ferromagnetic Nanostructures: An Experimental Platform for Magnetics” by Professor Adekunle Olusola Adeyeye (National University of Singapore, IEEE Magnetic Society Distinguished Lecturer ) Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan (2) Technical Meetings: February 2, 2013 IEEE Magnetic Society Young Researcher Meeting Nagoya University Venture Business Laboratory, Nagoya, Japan Presentations: 11 ITS-S Nagoya Chapter (1) Technical Lectures: June 7, 2013 “Integration of Automobiles and IT Society: Activities for Automobile Cloud” by Dr. Naoki Tokitsu (Internet ITS Consortium) “Subjects of ITS: Safety, Environment and Mobility ” by Professor Sadayuki Tsugawa (Meijo University) TOYOTA Commemorative Museum of Industry and Technology, Nagoya, Japan Participants: 70 December 19, 2013 “Driver’s Social Networking & Services” by Dr. Masamori Kashiyama (Hitachi, Ltd.) “Mobile Mapping System and Its Application for Map Generation” by Dr. Naoto Sato (AISAN TECHNOLOGY Co., Ltd.) Meijo University Mei-Eki Satellite Office, Nagoya, Japan Participants: 40 (2) In Corporation: November 29, 2013 Research Center for Smart Vehicles 3rd Symposium “VisLab's research on Autonomous Driving” by Professor Alberto Broggi (University of Parma) “Control Technologies for Autonomous Vehicles” by Professor Takanori Fukao (Kobe University) Toyota Technological Institute, Toyota, Japan Participants: 100 B.3 Professional and Continuing Education Activities Summary of continuing Educational activities including conferences, technical activities, training courses, and distinguished lecture programs with attachment table / information o Total 19 events including 4 sponsored technical lectures in the area of antenna, magnetics, robot, vehicle, power engineering, education, etc. were held successfully. 7 o See the list in the following table for the detail of the meeting organized/cooperated meetings by the Nagoya Section. For the list and the detail of Chapter-organized meetings, see the Section B.2. Table 1 List of Technical Meetings organized/cooperated by Nagoya Section sponsorship meeting category dates cooperation workshop Jan. 7-9 International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology 2013 (IWAIT2013) cooperation student research meeting Feb. 1 cooperation seminar March 19 corporation student research meeting Apr. 26 Presentation on Master Thesis by students of three laboratories in Tokai area 5th Power-Techno-Promenade: Personnel training of the electrical engineering field - From the viewpoint as a company Midland Student Express 2013 Spring corporation seminar June 5 cooperation seminar July 10 sponsored lecture July 12 cooperation experiment Aug. 2 corporation seminar Aug. 8 corporation experiment Aug. 9-10 co-sponsored conference Sept.21-22 corporation conference Sept.22-26 sponsored conference Sept.24-25 corporation lecture Oct. 21 sponsored workshop Nov. 8-10 cooperation student research meeting Dec. 6 corporation symposium Dec. 9 corporation symposium Dec. 13-15 sponsored lecture Dec. 21 meeting/lecture title 6th Public Lecture “Avenue” - Let’s see Mega Solar plant 6th Power-Techno-Promenade: Electric Power Apparatus and System in Next Generation Leaded by Superconducting Cable Lecture by Professor Kyung Soon Lee, “Disputant relation-based classification for contrasting opposing views of contentious news issues” Techno-Frontier Seminar: Experiments about electrical, electronic and information engineering for high school students 7th Public Lecture “Avenue” - Let’s meet with Electrical Life Science school for elementary and junior high school students by the Japan Society of Applied Physics 2013 Joint Conference of Hokuriku Chapters of Electrical Societies Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention 2013 (MICCAI 2013) 2013 Tokai-Section Joint Conference on Electrical and Related Engineering Memorial lectures by the Illuminating Engineering Institute of Japan Weekend Workshop on English for Specific Purposes: Professional Presentation Skills for Scientists and Engineers Midland Student Express 2013 Autumn 17th Symposium by Research Center for Future Vehicle City, Toyohashi University of Technology International Symposium on EcoTopia Science ’13 (ISETS ’13) Lecture on MPEG-FTV Dr. Masayuki Tanimoto, Professor emeritus of Nagoya University, IEEE Fellow B.4 Students Activities • Total number of Student branches in the Section o Two (2): Nagoya University and Shizuoka University • Number of Student branches formed in the current year o Zero (0) • Section level student activities (student congress, paper and other contests, awards etc) o 2013 Joint Congresses of Institutes related to Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering in Tokai/Hokuriku Areas. IEEE Nagoya Section Student Awards were awarded to 9 excellent student presenters at the Tokai Area Congress. o Student Travel Scholarship for IEEE international conferences was awarded to 9 students. o IEEE Nagoya Section Excellent Student Awards were given at two universities; Meijo University: 8, Chubu University: 2. • Number of Active Student branches (Student branches who have reported required number of meetings during the year) o Two (2): Nagoya University and Shizuoka University • Summary of Student branch activities student branch wise with attachment table / information o Nagoya University SB A tour of Kirin Nagoya factory (March 26, 2013) Annual meeting (May 28, 2013) Participation in IEEE Student Branch Leadership Training Workshop (August 26, 2013) 8 o Participation in IEEE Region 10 Humanitarian Technology Conference (August 26-29, 2013) New member development activity Shizuoka University SB Young Researcher Workshop 2013 (October 25, 2013) New member development activity B.5 Affinity Group Activities • • • GOLD WIE Life Member None B.6 Awards & Recognition Activities • • Award constituted by the section o IEEE Nagoya Section Student Awards of 2013 Joint Congresses of Institutes related to Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering in Tokai/Hokuriku Areas were awarded to 9 excellent student presenters at the Tokai Area Congress. o Student Travel Scholarship for IEEE international conferences was awarded to 10 students. o IEEE Nagoya Section Excellent Student Awards were given at three universities: Meijo University: 8, Chubu University: 2. Award(s) received from R10 o • None. Award(s) received from IEEE HQ o None. B.7 Communication Activities (Newsletter, Home Page, E-mail etc.) • Newsletter (name and number of issues in the year) o None. • Home Page of the section (give the URL and frequency which it is updated) o http://ieee-nagoya.org/ o Updated approx. once a month. • Other means of contacts with section members o Mailing lists are available for section officers and executive committees. o Mailing lists service by Japan Council is available for announcements of section annual meeting, encouragement of application to Senior Member and Fellow grade, call for award applications and technical activity. B.8 Community Activities o None. B.9 Other Organizational Activities o Section officer/executive committee meetings were held three times to exchange information on activities and discuss plans. 9 PART C - OTHERS C.1 Relationship with National Societies o o 2013 Joint Congresses of Institutes related to Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering in Tokai/Hokuriku Areas were organized jointly with other national societies; IEICE, IPSJ, IEE, and ITE. Several technical meetings by other national societies were co-sponsored or cooperated. C.2 Special Events o In the occasion of 2013 section annual meeting, we had a special lecture on development of free viewpoint television and standardization of MPEG by Professor Masayuki Tanimoto, a new IEEE Fellow. C.3 Problems to be Anticipated o Fortunately, IEEE has been holding a good status of membership retention. However, many national societies are facing the membership decreasing these years. C.4 Best Practices of your section (which you would like share with other sections for the benefits of members) o None. PART D - GOALS AND PLANS D.1 Continuation of Project/Activity in Progress and Their Implementation Plans o Enhancing the student activities. o Increasing the membership. o Nominations of members for Senior Member and Fellow of the Institute. o Organizing technical lectures and symposium, workshops on topics of interest, in some cases in collaborations with other institutes. o Making close collaborations with other professional organizations related to Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering. Nagoya Section will actively participate in the 2014 Joint Congresses of Institutes related to Electrical, Electronics and Information Engineering in Tokai/Hokuriku Areas to be held in autumn in 2014. o Establishing a new award, Young Researcher Award o Providing better services to the members. D.2 Goals and Future Plans o Establishing a LMAG. o Establishing joint chapters o Establishing a new chapter o Establishing a new student branch o Application for IEEE Milestone
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