Memberform - Nepal Samaj Nederland

Nepal Samaj Nederland
E-mail: [email protected]
KvK: 09108187, Gelderland
Rabobank account: 157850641
Membership form
Please use capital letters when you fill in this form. Do not forget to put your signature after having filled in the form.
Send this form by post to NSN t.a.v. Juna Shrestha, Pieter Aertszstraat 59-2 1073 SK Amsterdam, or send it by email [email protected] You might want to keep a copy of this form for your own administration.
First name
Last name
Street and house number
Postal code and place
Telephone number
Membership contributions
The NSN-membership contribution is € 20 a year per household.
Money transfer
I will transfer the contribution as soon as possible to the following bank account, Rabobank account
15 78 50 641 t.n.v. NSN Leiden o.v.v. ‘lidmaatschap’ and will transfer the amount every year to the account of
NSN till I decide to quit the membership. If I quit being a member of NSN I will do so by writing a letter at
least one month before the end of the calendar year to the address mentioned above.
I would like to make use of the following authorization form and give NSN the permission to withdraw the
membership contribution from my bank account every year till I decide to quit my membership.
The following person gives Nepal Samaj Nederland permission to withdraw the membership cost, € 20, once a year
from his/her mentioned bank/giro account for being a member.
Bank account / Giro account
Last name and first name’s initials
Postal code and place