EDUCATION CURRICULUM VITAE Paul E. Verslues Associate Research Fellow Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Phone: +886‐2‐2787‐1186 email: [email protected] PhD Plant Biology, 2004 University of California‐Riverside M.S. Agronomy (Plant Physiology), 1997 University of Missouri‐Columbia B.S. Agriculture, 1994 University of Missouri‐Columbia PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 4/2013 to present Associate Research Fellow (tenured) 9/2007 to 4/2013 Assistant Research Fellow Biotechnology Center, National Chung‐Hsing University, Taiwan 6/2013 to present Adjunct Associate Professor 8/2008 to 6/2013 Adjunct Assistant Professor 7/04 to 8/07 Postdoctoral Fellow (recipient of a National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellow Award from 4/05 to 8/07) in the laboratory of Dr. Jian‐Kang Zhu, University of California‐Riverside Awards Frieberg Visiting Professorship in Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, September 2014‐May 2015 2014 Academia Sinica Research Award for Junior Research Investigators 2013 Shang Fa Yang Young Scientist Award (for research accomplishments of plant scientist under age 42 working in Taiwan) 2013 Ta‐You Wu Memorial Award (102 年度吳大猷先生紀念獎), National Science Council, Taiwan (for research accomplishments of faculty under age 42 in Taiwan universities and research institutes) Career Development Award (2009‐2013), Academia Sinica National Institutes of Health Postdoctoral Fellowship (2005‐2007) PUBLICATIONS (* = corresponding author) 32. Kumar MN, Verslues PE* (2014) Stress physiology functions of Arabidopsis Histidine Kinase (AHK) cytokinin receptors. Physiologia Plantarum: In Press 31. Wilson ME, Basu MR, Bhaskara GB, Verslues PE, Haswell ES* (2014) Plastid hypoosmotic stress activates cellular osmotic stress responses. Plant Physiology 165: 119‐128 30. Verslues PE1*, Lasky JR1, Juenger TE, Liu T‐W, Kumar MN (2014) Genome wide association mapping combined with reverse genetics identifies new effectors of low water potential‐induced proline accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 164: 144‐159 1. Co‐first authors 29. Sharma S, Shinde S, Verslues PE* (2013) Functional characterization of an ornithine cyclodeaminase‐ like protein of Arabidopsis thaliana. BMC Plant Biology 13:182 1 Paul Verslues 28. Verslues PE*, Bhaskara GB, Kesari R, Kumar MN (2013) Drought tolerance mechanisms and their molecular basis. In: Plant Abiotic Stress‐Second Edition; Jenks, M.A. and Hasegawa, P.M. eds.; John Wilely and Sons, Inc. (review book chapter) 27. Kumar MN, Jane W‐N, Verslues PE* (2013) Role of the putative osmosensor Arabidopsis Histidine Kinase 1 (AHK1) in dehydration avoidance and low water potential response. Plant Physiology 161: 942‐ 953 (Reccomended by Faculty of 1000) 26. Sharma S., Lin W, Villamor JG, Verslues PE* (2013) Divergent low water potential response in Arabidopsis thaliana accessions Landsberg erecta and Shahdara. Plant Cell & Environment 36: 994‐1008 25. Bhaskara GB, Nguyen TT, Verslues PE* (2012) Unique drought resistance functions of the Highly‐ABA‐ Induced Clade A protein phosphatase 2Cs. Plant Physiology 160: 379‐395 24. Kesari R, Lasky JR, Villamor JG, Des Marais DL, Chen Y‐JC, Liu T‐W, Lin W, Juenger TE, Verslues PE* (2012) Intron‐mediated alternative splicing of Arabidopsis P5CS1 and its association with natural variation in proline and climate adaptation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 109: 9197‐9202 23. Sharma S, Villamor JG, Verslues PE* (2011) Essential role of tissue specific proline synthesis and catabolism in growth and redox balance at low water potential. Plant Physiology 157: 292‐304 22. Fujii H, Verslues PE, Zhu J‐K * (2011) Arabidopsis decuple mutant reveals the importance of SnRK2 kinases in osmotic stress responses in vivo. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 108: 1717‐1722 21. Verslues PE*, Juenger TE (2011) Drought, metabolites and Arabidopsis natural variation: a promising combination for understanding adaptation to water‐limited environments. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 14: 240–245 (review) 20. Verslues PE*, Sharma S (2010) Proline metabolism and its implications for plant‐environment interaction. The Arabidopsis Book 8: 140 (review) 19. Sharma S, Verslues PE* (2010) Mechanisms independent of abscisic acid (ABA) or proline feedback have a predominant role in transcriptional regulation of proline metabolism during low water potential and stress recovery. Plant Cell & Environment 33: 1838‐1851 18. Verslues PE * (2010) Quantification of water stress‐induced osmotic adjustment and proline accumulation for Arabidopsis thaliana molecular genetic studies. In R. Sunkar ed. Plant Stress Tolerance, Methods in Molecular Biology 639. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC. (methods book chapter) 17. Verslues PE*, Zhu J‐K* (2007) New developments in abscisic acid perception and metabolism. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 10: 447‐452 16. Batelli G, Verslues PE, Agius F, Qiu Q, Fujii H, Pan S‐q, Schumaker KS, Grillo S, Zhu J‐K* (2007) SOS2 promotes salt tolerance in part by interacting with the vacuolar H+‐ATPase and upregulating its transport activity. Molecular and Cellular Biology 27: 7781‐7790 15. Verslues PE, Batelli G, Grillo S, Agius F, Kim YS, Zhu J, Agarwal M, Katiyar‐Agarwal S, Zhu J‐K* (2007) Interaction of SOS2 with NDPK2 and catalases reveals a point of connection between salt stress and H2O2 signaling in Arabidopsis. Molecular and Cellular Biology 27: 7771‐7780 14. Verslues PE, Kim YS, Zhu J‐K* (2007) Altered ABA, proline and hydrogen peroxide in an Arabidopsis glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase mutant. Plant Molecular Biology 64: 205‐217 13. Fujii H, Verslues PE, Zhu J‐K* (2007) Identification of two protein kinases required for ABA regulation of seed germination, root growth and gene expression in Arabidopsis. Plant Cell: 19: 485‐494 12. Verslues PE1, Guo Y1, Dong C‐H, Ma W, Zhu J‐K* (2006) Mutation of SAD2, an importin ‐domain protein in Arabidopsis, alters ABA sensitivity. Plant Journal: 47: 776‐787 1. Co‐first authors 2 Paul Verslues 11. Verslues PE, Agarwal M, Katiyar‐Agarwal S, Zhu J, Zhu J‐K* (2006) Methods and concepts in quantifying resistance to drought, salt and freezing, abiotic stresses that affect plant water status. Plant Journal 45: 523‐539 (review article; see also correction in Plant Journal 46: 1092) 10. Verslues PE*, Bray EA (2006) Role of abscisic acid (ABA) and Arabidopsis thaliana ABA‐insensitive loci in low water potential‐induced ABA and proline accumulation. Journal of Experimental Botany 57: 201‐212 9. Borsani O, Zhu J, Verslues PE, Sunkar R, Zhu J‐K* (2005) Endogenous siRNAs derived from a pair of natural cis‐antisense transcripts regulate salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Cell 123: 1279–1291 8. Verslues PE* Zhu J‐K (2005) Before and beyond ABA: upstream sensing and internal signals that determine ABA accumulation and response under abiotic stress. Biochemical Society Transactions 33: 375‐ 379. (review article) 7. Verslues PE* Bray EA (2004) LWR1 and LWR2 are required for osmoregulation and osmotic adjustment in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology 136: 2831‐2842. 6. Verslues PE Sharp RE* (1999) Proline accumulation in maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots at low water potentials. II. Metabolic source of increased proline deposition in the elongation zone. Plant Physiology 119: 1349‐1360 5. Verslues PE, Ober ES and Sharp RE* (1998) Root growth and oxygen relations at low water potentials. Impact of oxygen availability in polyethylene glycol solutions. Plant Physiology 116: 1403‐1412 4. Rhodes D*, Verslues PE, Sharp RE (1998) Role of amino acids in abiotic stress resistance. In B Singh, ed, Plant Amino Acids: Biochemistry and Biotechnology. Marcel Dekker Inc, New York) 3. Verslues PE, Braun DM, Garcia MXU, Stone JM* (1996) Protein phosphorylation: examining the plant CPU. Trends in Plant Science 1: 289‐291 2. Mihail JD*, McGraw RL, Verslues PE, Taylor SJ (1997) Episodic dynamics of tar spot of annual lespedeza within and among years. Plant Disease 81: 535‐540 1. Mihail JD*, Taylor SJ, Verslues PE, Hodge NC (1993) Bacterial blight of Crambe abyssinica in Missouri caused by Xanthomas campestris. Plant Disease 77: 569‐574 Manuscripts in preparation or submission Verslues PE, Haswell ES* Perspectives on: Perception and response to osmotic challenge in plants. Submitted to Journal of General Physiology Kumar MN1, Hsieh YF1, Verslues PE* At14a‐Like1 (AFL1) participates in a plasma membrane‐ endomembrane signaling system promoting plant growth during drought acclimation in Arabidopsis thaliana. In final preparation for submission to PNAS. (1. Equally contributing authors) Bhaskara GB, Nguyen TT, Wen TN, Yang T‐H, Verslues PE* A dynein light chain like protein ADLC1 and control of its phosphorylation status by Clade E growth‐regulating phosphatases (EGRs) and MAP kinases regulate microtubule dynamics and plant growth during drought stress. In preparation Intellectual Property Provisional Patent for “Drought tolerant transgenic plant” filed September 2014, Inventor: Paul Verslues 3 Paul Verslues GRANTS AWARDED [Note: For grants denominated in New Taiwan Dollars (NT): 30 NT ~ 1 USD; In 2014 National Science Council (NSC) changed its name to Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST)] Minstry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (MoST 103‐ ) Amount: NT 11,600,000 Period: 8/2014‐7/2018 Role: Project Director Project Title: Phosphatase‐kinase signaling mechanisms required for plant stress tolerance National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC 102‐2628‐B‐001‐003) Amount: NT 5,700,000 (plus stipend for one postdoc position) Period: 8/2013‐7/2016 Role: Project Director Project Title: Molecular mechanisms underlying plant metabolic plasticity and stress tolerance Program of Integrated Actions‐“Orchid” Grant; NSC (Taiwan)/ANR (France) With Arnould Savouré (Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France) Amount: NT 687,500 Period: 2013‐2014 Project Title: Discovery of mitochondrial proline transporters and their importance in drought resistance. National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC 101‐2311‐B‐012) (Note final year of funding declined to accept MoST 103 grant listed above) Amount: NT 3,900,000 Period: 8/2012‐7/2015 Role: Project Director Project Title: Novel drought signaling functions of uncharacterized protein phosphatase 2Cs National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC 100‐2311‐B‐001‐008) Amount: NT 900,000 (plus stipend for one postdoc) Period: 8/2011‐7/2012 Role: Project Director Project Title: Elucidation of the unique drought signaling roles of previously uncharacterized protein phosphatase2Cs Career Development Award, Academia Sinica Amount: NT 22,500,000 Period: 2009‐2013 Role: Project Director Project Title: Comprehensive study of proline metabolism as a system to understand plant stress resistance and metabolic regulation National Science Council, Taiwan (NSC 97‐2311‐B‐001‐005) Amount: NT 4,050,000 (plus 3 yrs stipend for one postdoc) Period: 8/2008‐7/2011 Role: Project Director Project Title: Identification of genes and metabolic mechanisms underlying osmoregulation and proline accumulation. 4 Paul Verslues Grants (continued) National Institutes of Health (USA) Postdoctoral Fellowship (4/05‐3/08) Three year postdoctoral stipend plus institutional allowance (~$133,000) Principal Investigator: Paul E. Verslues Mentor/Sponsor: Jian‐Kang Zhu INVITED SEMINARS AND CONFERENCE ORAL PRESENTATIONS (since joining IPMB in 2007) Upcoming: Plant and Microbial Biology Seminar Series, Washington Univeristy in St. Louis, February 25, 2015 Physiological and Molecular Plant Biology Seminar Series, University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign, February 11, 2015 Past: Gordon Research Conference‐Salt and Water Stress in Plants, August, 2014 Minisymposium on Plant Motor Proteins, ASPB annual meeting, Portland, OR, July, 2014 Unité Adaptation des Plantes aux Contraintes Environnementales, Université Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris May, 2014 Turku Centre for Systems Biology Seminar, University of Turku, Finland, May, 2014 Department of Agronomy, National Taiwan Unversity, February 21, 2014 Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, St. Louis, MO, December 18, 2013 Plant and Animal Genome‐Asia, Singapore, March, 2013 Department of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, March, 2013 Plant Biology Seminar, University of Texas at Austin, November, 2012 Plant Lunch Seminar, Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, November, 2012 Department of Agronomy, University of Nebraska‐Lincoln, November, 2012 International Symposium on Root Systems Biology, Taipei, Taiwan, September, 2012 Interdisciplinary Plant Group Seminar, University of Missouri, October, 2011 Gordon Research Conference: Salt and Water Stress in Plants. June, 2010 Plant Lunch Seminar, Department of Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, October, 2009 Symposium on Sensing, Response and Adaptation to Altered Water Status, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2009 Institute of Plant Biology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, October, 2007 PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES Manuscript reviewer (~15‐20 manuscripts per year since 2007): Plant Cell, Plant Physiology, Plant Journal, Trends in Plant Science, Journal of Biological Chemsitry, FEBS Letters, Plant Cell & Environment, New Phytologist, Journal of Experimental Botany, PLOS One, Plant and Cell Physiology, Functional Plant Biology, Planta, Botanical Studies Grant/Research reviewer: National Science Council, Taiwan (2013) Israel National Science Foundation (2014) Research Foundation ‐ Flanders (Fonds Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek ‐ Vlaanderen, FWO), 2013. Plant KBBE program (interagency European research program, 2013) United States Department of Agriculture‐Office of Scientific Quality Review (External reviewer of reseach plans of USDA‐ARS research teams, 2013) INRA (France) AgreenSkills fellowship application (2012) ANR (France) PROGRAMME BLANC (2012) DFG (Germany) (2011) US‐Israel Binational Agricultural Development Program (2008, 2009) National Science Fondation (U.S.) Arabidopsis 2010 program (2008) External Examiner of PhD Thesis, Australian National University (2011) 5 Paul Verslues Member of American Society of Plant Biologists (1997‐present) IPMB SERVICE IPMB seminar cooridinator/chair of seminar committee (2011‐2013) Organizer and supervising faculty of IPMB student‐postdoc seminar series (Fall 2008‐Spring 2014) IPMB Seminar Committee (2008‐2009) Curiculum Committee, Molecular and Biological Sciences Program, Taiwan International Graduate Program (2012‐present) Admissions Committee, Molecular and Biological Sciences Program, Taiwan International Graduate Program (2008‐2011) Co‐organizer (With Tuan‐hua Ho) of the IPMB‐hosted minisymposium: Sensing, Response and Adaptation to Altered Water Status. March 12‐13, 2009 Additional Teaching and Service: The Verslues laboratory hosts 1‐3 undergraduate or M.S.‐level interns per summer as part of the internship programs of the Taiwan International Graduate Program and the Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology. Interns perform research and prepare oral and poster presentations at the end of the internship period. Interns in the laboratory have been from Taiwan, Malaysia, Phillipines, Italy and Ghana. Member of PhD qualifying exam committees: Taiwan International Graduate Program and National Taiwan University‐IPMB PhD program (2‐4 exams per year since 2009). Lecturer for Advanced Plant Biology course (drought and abiotic stress section/ 3 h teaching time per year), Taiwan International Graduate program (2007‐present) Organizer and Instructor for one credit presymposium course on plant stress offered throught the MBAS TIGP program (March 2009) Guest lecturer, Plant Stress Biology course, National Taiwan University (2008, 2009, 2013 3‐5 h of teaching each time) 6 Paul Verslues TRAINEES Dr. Kalladan, Rajesh (June 2013‐present) Dr. Bhaskara, Govinal Badiger (February 2013‐present) Dr. Kumar, M. Nagaraj (March 2013‐present) Dr. Shinde, Suhas (June, 2012‐present) Dr. Lim, Choon‐Kiat (January 2013‐July 2013) Dr. Sharma, Sandeep (Jan, 2008‐June, 2013; currently postdoc University of Nebraska) Dr. Kesari, Ravi (July, 2009‐May 2012; currently Assistant Professor Bhola Passwan Agriculture College, India) PhD Students Mukuri, Sirilakshimi (TIGP, rotation student, 2014) Bailey, Mitylene (Taiwan International Graduate Program (TIGP), 2014‐present) Wong, Min May (TIGP, 2014‐present) Chong, Geeng‐Loo (TIGP, 2011‐present) Bhaskara, Govinal Badiger (TIGP, 2009‐2013; currently postdoc Verslues lab) Kumar, M. Nagaraj (TIGP, 2008‐2013; currently postdoc Verslues lab) Postdocs Current Research Assistants Hsieh, Yi‐Fang Chang, Trent (Laboratory Manager) Former Research Assistants (one year or more in laboratory) Yang, Tsu‐Hao (currently M.S. student, National Tsing‐Hua Univerisity, Taiwan) Nguyen, Thao Thi (currently PhD student; Department of Biochemistry, University of Wisconsin‐Madison) Lin, Ang‐His (currently Master of Public Health program, University of Florida) Liu, Tzu‐Wen (M.S., University of Missouri; currently PhD student University of Illinois at Urbana‐Champaign) Villamor, Joji Grace (completed PhD, MPIZ, Cologne, Germany) Chen, Ying‐Jiun C. (currently PhD candidate, Taiwan International Graduate Program) Lin, Na (lab manager) Chiang, Shu‐ya 7
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