COMPETITION BRIEF OPEN FOR ENTRIES APRIL 30 - JULY 31 2014 IMAGINED BY STAY CONNECTED @nxtcityprize A COMPETITION FOR YOUNG PEOPLE UNDER THE AGE OF 30 TO REIMAGINE PUBLIC SPACE IN TORONTO. Open for Entries April 30 - July 31 2014 TORONTO NEEDS GREAT IDEAS FOR ITS PUBLIC SPACES. IDEAS THAT ARE BIG, BOLD AND UNCONVENTIONAL. IDEAS FROM CHAMPIONS, OUTSIDERS, GENIUSES AND MISFITS. IDEAS THAT RECOGNIZE THE GREATNESS OF TORONTO TODAY, AND IMAGINE ITS POTENTIAL FOR THE FUTURE. THE VISION The NXT CITY PRIZE is all about vision - the vision to reimagine Toronto’s public spaces and inject a sense of energy, dynamism and reflexivity. How do our public spaces respond to the speed of today’s world, and the generation of tomorrow? How can we move beyond a can’t-do attitude towards a more progressive vision for the future of our public spaces? What potential does our urban realm have to respond to the unique cultural aspects of our society? New ideas from new and young voices no matter of education, disciplines, experience or connections. The NXT CITY PRIZE recognizes that the ethos of young people means they are experimental, adventurous and connected to the spirit of change. Whether the vision comes from assertive individuals, unexpected pairings or collaborative teams, this is an open invitation for all young people connected to the City to improve open space for all. NXT CITY PRIZE 2 THE COMPETITION IT’S OUR TIME TO REIMAGINE TORONTO THROUGH INTERVENTIONS TO PUBLIC SPACE. TORONTO’S NXT PUBLIC SPACES MUST RESPOND TO THE UNIQUE NEEDS OF THE UP-AND-COMING GENERATION, AND NOW IS OUR TIME TO BE HEARD. THIS IS WHAT THE NXT CIT Y PRIZE IS ASKING YOU TO DO: OPEN YOUR EYES CROSS-DISCIPLINES DEFINE Open to all young people (under Individuals, partnerships or Define an issue or area of the age of 30 from the date of collaborative collectives (up to 4 improvement where a single or the competition opening) from team members) from a mixture many City-owned public spaces across The Province of Ontario. No of disciplines are all strongly could better serve the needs of the matter of education, disciplines, encouraged to participate up-and-coming / future experience or connections. generations. IDEATE PRESENT *PUBLIC SPACES Develop a vision to improve, Prepare two presentation panels to City-owned public spaces include enhance or in any way positively re- express your big ideas. Your panels but are not limited to: imagine City-owned public space will be judged by some of Toronto’s streets, sidewalks, parks, public and bring it into the 21st century. It top city and creative leaders. This is spaces, transit corridors, utility may be a structure, a new function, where having some design talent on areas, waterfront areas, and programmed activities or something your team may come in handy. City-owned parking lots. completely unexpected. NXT CITY PRIZE 3 SUBMISSION DETAILS SUBMISSIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AT NXTCIT YPRIZE.COM COMPETITION OPENS April 30 2014 COMPETITION CLOSES May June July 31 2014 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES A single PDF file no larger than 20MB that includes the following: VISION PANELS OPTIONAL A clearly represented vision for Up to two (2) panels sized 36” by An optional accessory video up future of one or more City-owned 48” including all necessary visual to three (3) minutes in length may public space including visuals and a information to clearly express the be submitted in addition to the brief (250 word) written rationale or vision. panel(s). Videos can be uploaded to explanation. YouTube or Vimeo with a web address link provided. *All submission materials must be free of names or identifiers of the individual or team. SUBMIT YOUR IDEA TO NXTCITYPRIZE.COM STARTING APRIL 30 2014. NXT CITY PRIZE 4 THE WINNER SELECTION THE WINNER OF THE 2014 NXT CIT Y PRIZE WILL BE SELECTED BY A PROFESSIONAL JURY LED BY: JENNIFER KEESMAAT CHIEF PLANNER OF THE CITY OF TORONTO. Photo: University of Toronto / Valerie Iancovich SELECTION CRITERIA THE WINNER OF THE NXT CITY PRIZE WILL BE SELECTED BASED UPON: The overall quality, clarity and strength of the public space vision The overall forward-thinking/innovative nature of the submission The quality, clarity, and strength of the submission panel(s) and (optional) video How well the vision benefits the public, the residents, the surrounding businesses and the overall neighbourhood The ability for the public space vision to have long-lasting impact on the City of Toronto’s public realm in general The multidisciplinary nature of the submission NXT CITY PRIZE 5 THE PRIZE The winning individual or team will be receive: THE “2014 NXT CITY PRIZE RECIPIENT” TITLE $5,000 CASH + $10,000 TOWARDS IMPLEMENTATION* The winner of the 2014 NXT City will also receive $10,000 towards implementing the vision and making the change to public space. A professional working group led by the winner will be established to support turning the vision into reality. Realizing big, bold and unconventional visions for tomorrow requires hard work, dedication, and a passion for what’s possible. The NXT CITY PRIZE is about discovering these visions and providing the initial tools and resources to implement change in Toronto’s public spaces. TWO (2) RUNNER-UP PRIZES OF $2,500 WILL BE AWARDED FOR The most imaginative submission The best submission by an individual or team under the age of 18 *Cost of implementation will be provided up to a maximum amount of $10,000. Must be accepted as awarded. No cash substitutions. Subject to terms and conditions. NXT CITY PRIZE 6 IMAGINED BY THANKS TO ALL OF THE PARTNERS WHO HAVE MADE THE NXT CIT Y PRIZE POSSIBLE. NXTCIT YPRIZE.COM INFO@NXTCIT YPRIZE.COM @NXTCIT YPRIZE #NXTCIT Y TO
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