America Corporation Training Department Course Catalog For a real-time schedule of available classes, class descriptions, and online registration visit our web site at: Fuji offers comprehensive machine and software training courses in our state-of-the art training centers in Vernon Hills, Illinois and San Jose, California. Our staff of instructors consists of seasoned industry professionals. They bring their own machine and application knowledge as well as practical experience to the classroom with the goal of teaching our students how to use Fuji products correctly and efficiently. Our classrooms encourage discussion, the exchange of ideas, and hands-on experience at individual workstations on actual Fuji equipment. Bilingual instructors are available for classes in Spanish. Our class sizes are small to ensure each student receives individual attention, including practical and detailed product instruction and in-depth answers to specific application questions. In addition, we are constantly improving our courses through the use of continuous feedback received from evaluations completed by former students. We offer a variety of standard classes on our current machines at our training centers. We also offer customized courses upon request. In general, we offer two levels of training that build progressively upon each other. Each customer receives one training credit for every machine or Fuji Flexa license purchased; each credit is good for 5 days of training. 2 Points of Contact Scheduling, Training Coordination, Instruction- FAC and San Jose Training Sites Chris Dayney 847-821-2478 Team Leader/Training [email protected] Administration, Manuals - FAC and San Jose Training Sites Tracey Cusenza 847-821-2466 Training/Software Administrative Support Vernon Hills, IL [email protected] Instructors John Versigan 408-954-0967 Systems Engineer/Instructor (San Jose, CA) [email protected] Juan Matos 847-821-2400 Field Service Engineer/Instructor (Vernon Hills, IL) [email protected] Jaime Cassillas 408-954-0967 Field Service Engineer/Instructor (Reynosa, Mexico) [email protected] Training FAX #: 847/ 913-1277 COURSE PAGE# 3 Fuji Training Department‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐3 Course Offerings‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐4 Training Class Policy ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐5 Training Registration Form ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐6 Flexa Programming 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐7 Flexa‐NXT Programming 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐8 Flexa‐AIMEX Programming 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐9 Flexa‐XPF Programming 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐10 Advanced VPD‐NPI 2 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐11 Advanced Part Data creation 2 Day‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐12 Fujitrax Basic Course 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐13 NXT Basic Course 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐14 NXT Maintenance 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐15 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐16 AIMEX series Basic Course AIMEX series Maintenance 3 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐17 XPF Basic Course 2 Day‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐18 XPF Maintenance 2 Day‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐19 Preventive Maintenance Workshop 2 Day ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ 20 ONSITE TRAINING COURSE OFFERINGS Train the Trainer ‐ Basic Operations (Custom) ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐21 Line Supervisor Skills Workshop‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐22 CP‐6 Series Maintenance and Troubleshooting‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐23 CP‐7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐24 IP‐3 Maintenance and Troubleshooting ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐25 QP‐351 Maintenance and Troubleshooting‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐26 XP Series Maintenance and Troubleshooting‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐27 Fuji Store Order Form ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐28 4 Training Class Policies FREE CLASS CERTIFICATES: New Machine Sales: ‐ One Free Class certificate for use in Vernon Hills or San Jose for each new machine sold (in the case of NXT ‐ 1 class per 4 modules) Refurb Machine Sales: ‐ One Free Class certificate for use in Vernon Hills or San Jose for each machine sold that exceeds $100,000. Flexa Software Sales: ‐ Two Free Class certificates for use in Vernon Hills or San Jose with a new first time Flexa software purchase. Notes on FREE Certificates: 1. The Free Class certificates are interchangeable between software and machine classes. (ex. Flexa certificates can be used for machine training classes, software for machine) 2. Certificates expire one year from date of issue. The issue date is the date the software or machine is installed per our service report. 3. Free class certificates can not be used for on‐site training classes. In the case that FAC sells a new machine to a customer and we do not offer training on that machine type, we will allow the customer to use the free certificates for on‐site training. 4. Free class certificates can not be used for Level 3 machine calibration classes. 5. Free class certificates are non‐transferable outside of Fuji America's territory for use at other Fuji training centers. 6. Free class certificates hold no cash value and cannot be traded/bought back before or after their expiration date. 7. Free Flexa class certificates can be used for either the 3‐day or 5‐day class. On‐Site Training Classes: ‐ FAC will offer on‐site training on a case‐by‐case situation. Most FAC training is conducted at Fuji America’s training center in an environment that we have carefully designed with safety in mind. Since we are less able to control the training environment at the customer site, we ask that the customer sign a legal agreement stating that FAC is not responsible for any costs that occur from the result of machine training (broken parts, loss of production) and also limits FAC's responsibility if someone is injured during the class. ‐ Onsite classes will be billed at a per student rate of $2,000. We will also charge the customer the expenses of the instructor: airfare, hotel, car and meals. FAC, 171 Corporate Woods Parkway Vernon Hills, IL 60061 Main Phone: 847-913-0162 Form To register for any course, please complete this registration form. E‐mail to: [email protected] or FAX the completed for to (847) 913‐0186. All classes are on a first come, first scheduled basis. All information must be filled out completely and signed in order for the registration process to be complete. If you do not receive a confirmation with 24 hours please call (847) 821‐2478. 5 CANCELLATION POLICY CANCELLATIONS ARE ACCEPTED UP TO 5 WORKING DAYS PRIOR TO YOUR SCHEDULED CLASS DATE. ANY CANCELLATIONS LESS THAN 5 DAYS PRIOR TO SCHEDULED CLASS DATE WILL BE INVOICED FOR 50% OF THE CLASS COST. IN CASES OF CERTIFICATES THAT CERTIFICATE WILL BE FORFEITED Please Print Clearly: Company: Students Name: Address: Phone: Fax: Training authorized by E-mail: Authorizing signature Method of payment: P.O.# Certificate # Visa MasterCard Credit Card # American Express Expiration date: Name as it appears on Card Please select the desired course. Include a preferred date to attend and a secondary date incase your first choice is unavailable. DESIRED DATE: ALTERNATE DATE: BASIC MAINTENANCE OTHERS/CUSTOM(ONSITE ONLY) AIMEX 3 DAYS($1200.00) AIMEX 3 DAYS($1200.00) CP7/8 4.5 DAYS($2000) NXT 3 DAYS($1200.00) NXT 3 DAYS($1200.00) CP6/643 4.5 DAYS($2000) XPF 2 DAYS($900.00) XPF 2 DAYS($900.00) XP SERIES 4.5 DAYS($2000) AVAILABLE ON REQUEST AT FAC TRAIN THE TRAINER 3 DAY($1200) STUDENTS MUST ATTEND BASIC GPX 4.5 DAYS($1800) LINE SUPERVISOR 3 DAY($1200) COURSE BEFORE ATTENDING QP3 4.5 DAYS($1800) MAINTENANCE COURSE. IP3 4.5 DAYS($1800) SOFTWARE COURSES OTHERS FUJI FLEXA 3 DAY($1200) FUJITRAX BASIC 3 DAY($1200) FLEXA‐NXT 3 DAY($1200) ADVANCED PART DATA‐VPD(NXT/AIMEX) 2 DAYS($900) FLEXA‐AIMEX 3 DAY($1200) ADVANCED PART DATA‐SMD3 2 DAYS($900) FLEXA‐XPF 3 DAY($1200) FUJI FLEXA CUSTOM 3 DAY($1200) PM WORKSHOP(ONSITE) 2 DAY($1200) FLEXA CLASS IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO INSTALL 6 FLEXA-1 Flexible Assembly (Flexa) Basic Programming– 3 Day DESCRIPTION DURATION OBJECTIVE This course explains the machine software used to program all FUJI machines. The class is an extensive hands on course which gives students a better understanding of Fuji’s Flexible Assembly software and its functionality. The students will create working programs using centroid, native and CCIMF CAD data. 3 Days At the completion of the class the student will have the basic skills to do the following: Describe and understand the applications within Flexa and when they should be used Create working programs and test run successfully on Fuji machines Explain all program related items needed to produce jobs on Fuji machines TOPICS Fuji Flexa Functions(job administration function, transmission function, production information acquisition function) Starting Job Builder Program Origin, Coordinate System (TOP side, BOTTOM side) Fuji Flexa Programming Flow (explanation of work flow from importing coordinate data to creating recipe reports) Importing Coordinate Data (Importing Centroid data, MCS/F4G data, BOM data and other types of data) Import/Export Data(Jobs, Parts, Shapes, Packages, Marks Recipes) Spec Keeper Required settings for each machine type Panel Information Setting Panelize (board creation/copying/editing/deleting/step and repeat/moving board outline/skipping the board)Flipping Panel Fiducial Mark Setting Mark (panel/board/parts fiducial mark/board and global skip marks) Parts data (Relational mode: part number, shape data, package data) Explanation of part number, shape data, package data Editing parts information, moving, adding and deleting parts Editing the class, editing the assignment, skip, cancelling skip Line Configuration, Selecting a Line Line balance/assigning parts Optimizer, Multi Machine Optimizer, Options Recipe and report generation Feeder (moving, deletion, next, alternate, feeder skip) Transmitting recipes to the machine Changing recipes, Deleting recipes Send and receive calibration data/sending status data Multi Job Line Balancer Practice creating a recipe with sample data Use a training machine to mount the parts on a panel Documentation for reports creation and modification Creating Macros and their uses Production Data Analysis, Line Monitor, Line Reporter COURSE COST $1200.00 7 Flexible Assembly (Flexa) NXT Programming– 3 Day FLEXA-NXT DESCRIPTION DURATION OBJECTIVE This course explains the machine software used to program Fuji NXT series machines. The class is an extensive hands on course which gives students a better understanding of FLEXA and the NXT related software. The students will create working programs using centroid, native and CCIMF CAD data. This course includes using support tools(MEDIT, VPD, Accessory Software) 3 Days At the completion of the class the student will have the basic skills to do the following: Describe and understand the applications within Flexa, NXT accessory software and when they should be used Create working programs, parts, shapes and test run successfully on Fuji machines TOPICS Fuji Flexa Functions(job administration function, transmission function, production information)) Starting Job Builder Program Origin, Coordinate System (TOP side, BOTTOM side) Fuji Flexa Programming Flow (work flow, importing coordinate data to creating recipe reports) Importing Coordinate Data (Importing Centroid data, BOM data and other types of data) Import/Export Data(Jobs, Parts, Shapes, Packages, Marks Recipes) Spec Keeper Required settings for NXT series(machine configuration, Automatic Backup Pin, Panel Stopping Position Correction Functions etc.) Changing other type of Job to Job for NXT Existing Data (Part Data) Compatibility Panel Information Setting Panelize (board creation/copying/editing/deleting/step and repeat/moving board outline/skipping the board)Flipping Panel Fiducial Mark Setting Mark (panel/board/parts fiducial mark/board and global skip marks) Parts data (Relational mode: part number, shape data, package data) Editing parts information, moving, adding and deleting parts Editing the class, editing the assignment, skip, cancelling skip VPD Plus explanation, Hardware, etc… VPD Data creation Method, examples(Chip, Leaded, Bump, VT 18/19, ASG) Selecting a Line, Line balance/assigning parts Optimizer, Multi Machine Optimizer, Options Feeder (moving, deletion, next, alternate, feeder skip) Transmitting Jobs to the NXT machine(Director, MEDIT) Edit Jobs with MEDIT MEDIT Job Test(Simulation, Place and Check) Changing recipes, Deleting recipes NXT Multi Job Line Balancer NXT Dual Production Optimizer Practice creating a recipe with sample data Use a training machine to mount the parts on a panel Production Data Analysis, Line Monitor, Line Reporter COURSE COST $1200.00 8 Flexible Assembly (Flexa)AIMEX Programming– 3 Day FLEXA-AIM DESCRIPTION DURATION OBJECTIVE This course explains the machine software used to program Fuji AIMEX series machines. The class is an extensive hands on course which gives students a better understanding of FLEXA and the AIMEX related software. The students will create working programs using centroid, native and CCIMF CAD data. This course includes using support tools (MEDIT, VPD, Accsessory Software) 3 Days At the completion of the class the student will have the basic skills to do the following: Describe and understand the applications within Flexa, AIMEX accessory software and when they should be used Create working programs, parts, shapes and test run successfully on Fuji machines TOPICS Fuji Flexa Functions(job administration function, transmission function, production information)) Starting Job Builder Program Origin, Coordinate System (TOP side, BOTTOM side) Fuji Flexa Programming Flow (work flow, importing coordinate data to creating recipe reports) Importing Coordinate Data (Importing Centroid data, BOM data and other types of data) Import/Export Data(Jobs, Parts, Shapes, Packages, Marks Recipes) Spec Keeper Required settings for AIMEX series(machine configuration, Automatic Backup Pin, Panel Stopping Position Correction Functions etc.) Changing other type of Job to Job for AIMEX Existing Data (Part Data) Compatibility Panel Information Setting Panelize (board creation/copying/editing/deleting/step and repeat/moving board outline/skipping the board)Flipping Panel Fiducial Mark Setting Mark (panel/board/parts fiducial mark/board and global skip marks) Parts data (Relational mode: part number, shape data, package data) Editing parts information, moving, adding and deleting parts Editing the class, editing the assignment, skip, cancelling skip VPD Plus explanation, Hardware, etc… VPD Data creation Method, examples(Chip, Leaded, Bump, VT 18/19, ASG) Selecting a Line, Line balance/assigning parts Optimizer, Multi Machine Optimizer, Options Feeder (moving, deletion, next, alternate, feeder skip) Transmitting Jobs to the AIMEX machine(Director, MEDIT) Edit Jobs with MEDIT MEDIT Job Test(Simulation, Place and Check) NPI Mode – VPD Auto Shape Generation Changing recipes, Deleting recipes AIMEX Multi Job Line Balancer Practice creating a recipe with sample data Use a training machine to mount the parts on a panel Production Data Analysis, Line Monitor, Line Reporter COURSE COST $1200.00 9 Flexible Assembly (Flexa)XPF Programming– 3 Day FLEXA-XPF DESCRIPTION This course explains the machine software used to program Fuji XPF series machines. The class is an extensive hands on course which gives students a better understanding of FLEXA and the XPF series. The students will create working programs using centroid, native and CCIMF CAD data. DURATION 3 Days OBJECTIVE: At the completion of the class the student will have the basic skills to do the following: Describe and understand the applications within Flexa. Create working programs, parts, shapes and test run successfully on Fuji machines TOPICS Fuji Flexa Functions(job administration function, transmission function, production information)) Starting Job Builder Program Origin, Coordinate System (TOP side, BOTTOM side) Fuji Flexa Programming Flow (work flow, importing coordinate data to creating recipe reports) Importing Coordinate Data (Importing Centroid data, BOM data and other types of data) Import/Export Data(Jobs, Parts, Shapes, Packages, Marks Recipes) Spec Keeper Required settings for XPF series(machine configuration, Automatic Backup Pin, Revolver) Changing other type of Job to Job for XPF Existing Data (Part Data) Compatibility Panel Information Setting Panelize (board creation/copying/editing/deleting/step and repeat/moving board outline/skipping the board)Flipping Panel Fiducial Mark Setting Mark (panel/board/parts fiducial mark/board and global skip marks) Parts data (Relational mode: part number, shape data, package data) Editing parts information, moving, adding and deleting parts Editing the class, editing the assignment, skip, cancelling skip Part Data Wizard explanation, (Part Type Data template editor) PDW Data creation Method, examples(Chip, Leaded, Bump, VT 18/19) Selecting a Line, Line balance/assigning parts Optimizer, Multi Machine Optimizer, Options Feeder (moving, deletion, next, alternate, feeder skip) Transmitting Jobs to the XPF machine Flexa Data Sharing modes Calibration data(Proper data) Saving, Editing, Backup Changing recipes, Deleting recipes Multi Job Line Balancer Practice creating a recipe with sample data Use a training machine to mount the parts on a panel Production Data Analysis, Line Monitor, Line Reporter COURSE COST $1200.00 10 VPD-NPI Advanced Visual Part Data (VPD) Editing–NXT/AIMEX(NPI) DESCRIPTION This course enables programmers to better understand the NXT/AIMEX Series machine processing of Part Data entry items. The class is taught using the NXT/AIMEX Series machine VPD Plus and Fuji Flexible Assembly software. This is a hands on course. Students are invited to bring complex parts they need help with to the training. DURATION AUDIENCE PREREQUISITES 2 Days Programmers, Engineers and Maintenance technicians The student should be thoroughly familiar with Fuji’s programming software. Ideally the student should have previously attended one of our Programming training courses. OBJECTIVE TOPICS COURSE COST Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to: Describe the NXT/AIMEX machine vision system Explain the Fuji Flexa NXT/AIMEX Program(Shape data) specific settings. Describe VPD, Lead Radicals, Auto, Semi‐Auto lead generation. Create Part Data’s offline from component manufacturers’ data or actual parts. Create Part Data’s online with VPD Plus from actual parts processed by the NXT. Explain the required part data fields for a specific module and head type. Identify the correct vision types and their uses. Create connector, Ball Grid Array and complex part data’s. Explain NPI mode conditions(ASG capability) Use NPI Mode on AIMEX series machines Explain Vision Data Correction on AIMEX Troubleshoot Part, Shape, Package data items on the machine 1. Part data required fields. 2. Machine specific data entry items 3. NXT/AIMEX Vision types 4. NXT/AIMEX machine process data 5. Troubleshooting part data techniques and tips. 6. Ball Grid Arrays, connectors, odd form parts 7. Create/Test Shapes created online/offline $900.00 11 PD-SMD3 Advanced Part Data Programming – SMD3 DESCRIPTION This course enables programmers to better understand the machine processing of Part Data entry items. The class is taught using the Fuji Flexible Assembly software interface. This is a hands on course. Students are invited to bring complex parts they need help with to the training. DURATION AUDIENCE PREREQUISITES 2 Days Programmers, Engineers and Maintenance technicians The student should be thoroughly familiar with Fuji’s programming software. Ideally the student should have previously attended one of our Programming training courses. OBJECTIVE TOPICS COURSE COST Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to: Create Part Data’s from component manufacturers’ data or actual parts. Explain the required part data fields for a specific machine type. Identify the correct vision types and their uses. Show how machine vision inspection affects part processing Write Ball Grid Array part data’s. Explain the part data in a CCIMF file format 1. Part data required fields. 2. Machine specific data entry items 3. Vision types 4. Machine types and the various vision systems 5. Troubleshooting part data techniques and tips. 6. Ball Grid Arrays 7. CCIMF part data file format $900.00 12 TRAX DESCRIPTION Fujitrax Basic – 3 Day This course provides the student a better understanding of the Fujitrax components. Fujitrax Verifier, and/or Profiler software is thoroughly discussed. The class is an extensive hands on course which gives students a more detailed understanding of Fujitrax integration into the factory environment. Fujitrax is installed, configured and tested on NXT series machines. DURATION AUDIENCE PREREQUISITES OBJECTIVE 3 Days Programmers, Engineers MS Windows experience. Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Describe the function of each Fujitrax Component. Identify terms and definitions associated with the Fujitrax software, Hardware. Installing/Deleting and setup of Oracle database system and services Install/Setup the Fujitrax database, (Verifier, Profiler and Backup). Describe the Verifier Central Server, Kit Server application and services Use the Kit Line configuration to setup the Trax components for communication. Explain the Kit Handy Personal Data Assistant configuration and usage Describe the FLP and its configuration Show the BL‐600(1D) and Quadras EZ(2D) Barcode scanners for Profiler Setting up the Verifier, Profiler NXT/AIM settings Setting up the Verifier, Profiler Other Machine settings Creating Jobs with 2D barcodes Describe the Fujitrax Web component and explain the usage of each item. Setting up Templates, META Filters Use Kit Manager to Register Parts, Feeders, Create ID’s Pre‐Verify parts Parts Out Warnings Replacing Parts Dynamic Alternates Usual Resupply Describe Splicing parts and Verifier settings for Splice Warnings Show the Operator Trace log Explain the Auto Recipe Changeover functions Describe Parts Scheduler Describe Advanced Feeder Maintenance Profiler system settings Tracing Panels, Parts, Feeders, Exporting Reports Troubleshooting Verifier issues Profiler issues Oracle Database issues COURSE COST $1,200.00 13 NXT‐1 DESCRIPTION DURATION OBJECTIVE NXT Basic Course This course teaches the skills needed to setup, load and operate the NXT series machine. Fuji’s NXT series Basic Operations class is designed to provide the foundation needed for machine ownership (management). The students will be given hands‐on experience in a controlled environment. The students will be expected to correctly operate, monitor, and troubleshoot the NXT series machine to meet the course objectives. 3 Days Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Understand the NXT Machine Structure and Configuration, Operate and Maintain the Fuji NXT series machine. Perform changeover for all machine related items. Analyze troubleshoot vision related errors. TOPICS Safety Related Items Understand the NXT Machine Structure and Configuration Base (M2, M4) Module(M3, M6) Head types (H1, H4, H08, H12, V12, OF, GL) Camera types(Parts/Mark) Tray Units Operation Panel buttons Operation Screen Basic Operations/Changeover Supplying/Cutting Power Transmitting Jobs Changing Jobs (for each module and entire equipment) Removing/Inserting the Module Head Exchange Nozzle Exchange Device Pallet Exchange (Feeder Changeover) Supplying Parts to Feeder Setting the Tray Parts/Specifying the first Pickup Explain and use the NXT Accessory software. Floor Monitor Acquire Data(Trace, Vision errors, IPS images) Remote Command Production Mark Read Error Solutions Removing Panel during Production Checking Error Codes Analyzing Vision Processing Errors Use Medit and VPD plus to modify programs at the machine. Use the I/O Monitor to access machines signals Perform and explain the Auto Calibration feature (Production and Full‐Direct Load) Show how to maintain the intelligent feeders. Preventive Maintenance Cleaning Points for Each Part(up to 3 months) Lubricating point for each part Review Q&A session COURSE COST $1,200.00 14 NXT‐2 DESCRIPTION DURATION OBJECTIVE NXT Maintenance Course This course covers the detailed machine structure for Fuji NXT series placement machine. This includes options and configurations, setup, machine functions, electrical, servo, vision system. Preventive Maintenance for 6 month and above items is covered. In addition, Feeder Maintenance and Calibration procedure is practiced. 3 Days Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Understand the NXT Machine Structure and Configuration, Operate and Maintain the Fuji NXT series machine. Perform changeover for all machine related items. Analyze troubleshoot vision related errors. TOPICS COURSE COST Safety Related Items Detailed Machine Structure Base (CPU Box, Remote I/O, Air, Vacuum etc.) Module (CPU Box, Control Box, Servo Box, Remote I/O etc.) Placing Head Replacing Consumable Parts Conveyor Belt Battery (Base CPU, Module CPU, Head Servo‐Axis, Module Servo‐Axis) Fuse’s etc. Replacing Parts Parts Camera Mark Camera Waste Tape Processing Unit etc. Maintenance Procedure related Commands Acquiring Trace Data Adjusting Sensor Amplifiers Unclamping Module Idling Preventive Maintenance(Maintenance up to every 6 Month and above ) Cleaning Points for Each Parts Lubricating Points for Each Parts Grease Gun Kit Using Method I/O Check I/O Check Using Method Practice Feeder Maintenance Feeder Maintenance Points Disassembly and Cleaning Assembly Procedure Accuracy Measurement using Vision Processing Intelligent Feeder Inspection Jig Review Q&A session $1,200.00 15 AIMEX‐1 DESCRIPTION AIMEX Basic Course This course provides the student a Basic understanding of the Fuji AIMEX series placement machine. The course teaches options and configurations, setup, machine functions, electrical, servo and vision system. Students perform Preventive Maintenance (cleaning & lubrication) up to 3 months. In addition, the advanced operations thru the NXT Accessory software are practiced. 3 Days DURATION OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Understand the AIMEX Machine Structure and Configuration, Operate and Maintain the Fuji NXT series machine. Perform changeover for all machine related items. Analyze troubleshoot vision related errors. TOPICS COURSE COST Safety Related Items Understand the AIMEX Machine Structure and Configuration Base/Gantry 2‐axis, 4‐axis Head types (H1, H4, H08, H12, V12, OF, GL) Camera types(Parts/Mark) Tray Units Operation Panel buttons Operation Screen Basic Operations/Changeover Supplying/Cutting Power Transmitting Jobs Changing Jobs (for each module and entire equipment) Removing/Inserting the Module Head Exchange Nozzle Exchange Device Pallet Exchange (Feeder Changeover) Supplying Parts to Feeder Setting the Tray Parts/Specifying the first Pickup Explain and use the NXT Accessory software. Floor Monitor Acquire Data(Trace, Vision errors, IPS images) Remote Command Production Mark Read Error Solutions Removing Panel during Production Checking Error Codes Analyzing Vision Processing Errors Use Medit and VPD plus to modify programs at the machine. Use the I/O Monitor to access machines signals Perform and explain the Auto Calibration feature (Production and Full‐Direct Load) Show how to maintain the intelligent feeders. Preventive Maintenance Cleaning Points for Each Part(up to 3 months) Lubricating point for each part Review Q&A session $1,200.00 16 AIMEX‐2 DESCRIPTION DURATION OBJECTIVE AIMEX Maintenance Course This course covers the detailed machine structure for Fuji AIMEX series placement machine. This includes options and configurations, setup, machine functions, electrical, servo, vision system. Preventive Maintenance for 6 month and above items is covered. In addition, Feeder Maintenance and Calibration procedure is practiced. 3 Days Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Understand the AIMEX Machine Structure and Configuration, Operate and Maintain the AIMEX series machine. Perform changeover for all machine related items. Analyze troubleshoot vision related errors. TOPICS Safety Related Items Detailed Machine Structure Base (CPU Box, Remote I/O, Air, Vacuum etc.) Module (CPU Box, Control Box, Servo Box, Remote I/O etc.) Placing Head Replacing Consumable Parts Conveyor Belt Battery (Base CPU, Module CPU, Head Servo‐Axis, Module Servo‐Axis) Fuse’s etc. Replacing Parts Parts Camera Mark Camera Waste Tape Processing Unit etc. Maintenance Procedure related Commands Acquiring Trace Data Adjusting Sensor Amplifiers Unclamping Module Idling Preventive Maintenance(Maintenance up to every 6 Month and above ) Cleaning Points for Each Parts Lubricating Points for Each Parts Grease Gun Kit Using Method I/O Check I/O Check Using Method Practice Feeder Maintenance Feeder Maintenance Points Disassembly and Cleaning Assembly Procedure Accuracy Measurement using Vision Processing Intelligent Feeder Inspection Jig Review Q&A session COURSE COST $1,200.00 17 XPF‐1 DESCRIPTION XPF Series Basic Course This course provides the front line technician a full understanding of the Fuji XPF Series placement machine. 2 Days Maintenance Technicians, Engineers, Line Managers The student must have completed XPF Basic Training first. DURATION AUDIENCE PREREQUISITES OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Explain the machine hardware required maintaining the XPF machine. Course Overview □ Safety Machine Specifications □ Demo □ XPF Feature □ Standard Performance Machine Parts & Functions □ Signal Tower □ Operation Panel □ Mouse □ USB Port □ Control Box □ Waste Tape Box □ Tape Cutter □ Side 1 Unit (Fixed/MFU) □ Side 2Unit(MTU/BTU) □ Servo Box □ Head □ Main Switch □ Conveyor □ Air Cylinder □ Vacuum Pump □ Motor (Servo/Pulse) □ Parts Dispose Box/Tray/Capsule □ Mark Camera □ Parts Camera □ Mirror □ Parts Jig □ Sensor □ Color Sample □ Auto Tool Stations Operation Panel □ Touch Screen Panel □ Virtual Keyboard □ Numerical Keys □ Operation Panel Switchover/Fixed Switch □ Supplying Power Control □ Preparing for Operation □ Cycle Stop □ Emergency Stop Preparing for Production □ Starts Conditions Check □ Recipe Editor □ Operation Conditions Settings □ Stopping the Buzzer □ Conveyor Width Adjustment □ Backup Pin Settings □ Setting the Parts □ Parts Supply Unit & Clamp/Unclamp Related Commands □ Automatic Production □ Feeder Information □ Tray Information □ Tape Cutter □ Editing Nozzle □ Production Information □ Board Skip Editor □ Head Retract □ Auto Tool Operation □ File Administrator □ Conveyor Operation □ History/ Log File □ Inching □ Head Calibration □ Signal Tower Display Settings □ I/O Check □ System Configuration □ Side 2 related Commands □ Spec Data Management □ Operator Management □ Camera Gain Settings □ File Administrator □ Network Settings □ Date & Time Settings □ Proper Data Editor □ Touch Panel Calibration □ Trace Data Output □ Editing Fiducial Mark □ Revolver Auto Tool Management Maintenance ‐ Cleaning □ Waste Tape Box □ Parts Dispose Box/Tray/Filter □ Glass/Chips Parts Gage & Color Sample □ Filter used for Vacuum Pump □ Strobe Light Half Mirror □ Machine Interior □ MFU □ Air Regulator □ Strobe Light Unit □ MTU □ BTU □ Air Filter used for Control Box Cooling Fan Maintenance ‐ Lubrication □ XY Robot □ Head □ Conveyor □ Tape Cutter □ Cable Bear □ MTU □ BTU Maintenance ‐ Replacing Parts □ Strobe Light □ Nozzle Filter □ Conveyor Belt □ Servo Amplifier Battery MSA □ Creating Part Type Data for Parts Vision On‐Board Programming □ Editing Each Recipe Data, Sequence / Panel / Feeder Setup / Mark /Part Number / Part Type / Packaging / Nozzle Data □ Reflecting Changes in the Fuji Flexa Job □ Library Use Data Creation Practice □ Q&A Session □ Creating Part Type Data □ Mounting Test ‐ Dummy Panel/ Dummy Parts COURSE COST $1,080.00 18 XPF‐2 DESCRIPTION DURATION AUDIENCE PREREQUISITES OBJECTIVE XPF Series Maintenance This course provides the front line technician a full understanding of the Fuji XPF Series placement machine. 2 Days Maintenance Technicians, Engineers, Line Managers The student must have completed XPF Basic Training first. Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Explain the machine hardware required to maintain the XPF machine. TOPICS COURSE COST Course Overview Safety Machine Maintenance Preventive Maintenance(Cleaning & Lubrication) Machine Parts Replacement Replacing Damaged Hook Machine Parts Maintenance Revolver Auto Tool Cleaning / Lubrication Placement Accuracy Measurement Feeder Preventive Maintenance Intelligent Feeder Cleaning / Lubrication Replacing Consumable Parts Sensor related Settings & Adjustment XY‐Axis Interlock Sensor Amplifier Settings Auto Tool Pickup Check Sensor Parts Vacuum Break Check Sensor Settings Auto Tool Stations/Set Check Pin Sensor Air Pressure related Adjustment Parts Vacuum Break Pressure Adjustment Auto Tool Pickup Pressure Measurement Servo related Adjustment Parameter Check Encoder Reset Origin Position Adjustment Mark Camera Brightness Adjustment Parts Camera Brightness Adjustment Board Origin Measurement Panel Existence Check Origin Measurement Panel Height Measurement Parts Pickup Position & Height Measurement Reset Height of the Revolver Auto Tool Measurement Hook Height Measurement Parts Dispose Position Measurement Mark Position Measurement Single Nozzle Placement Offsets Measurement $1,080.00 19 PM DESCRIPTION DURATION AUDIENCE TOPICS Preventive Maintenance Workshop This course is conducted ONSITE ONLY using customers tools/materials/machines to help technicians learn correct procedure for cleaning and lubrication of; NXT/AIMEX series machines. ALL PM checks are performed on base/modules/heads being used. Techs are evaluated (quiz) and given preventive planning feedback for improvements. 2 Days Maintenance Technicians, Engineers, Line Managers COURSE COST Preventive Maintenance Procedures Schedule Tools/Materials Precautions PM Checklist Daily Cleaning Reject boxes Waste Bins Weekly Cleaning Pallets Modules 2 Week Cleaning V12 Head ‐ Prism/Glass cover H08M Syringe Monthly Head’s/Head Filters Nozzles Circumference of Syringe/Q‐gear Quarterly Flat Cables LM fan filters 6 month X/Y axis Various Head lube(Arm, Q‐R gear) Yearly Camera Lens Nozzle Changer 12, 000 hour Head Q‐R‐Z gears Waste Tape unit Conveyor Tray Unit Vacuum pump filter Irregular Machine exterior Nozzles Belt Tension PCU $900.00 20 802 Train the Trainer - Basic Operations DESCRIPTION This custom training course is designed to prepare those individuals that will be responsible for providing Basic Machine Operator training. This is a hands on course with coaching from a Fuji instructor. The class is tailored to meet the needs of the facility being trained. It gives students a thorough understanding of both machine operations and the best method of classroom delivery. DURATION Course duration varies with the experience of each individual. The key element of the class is the co-training portion. A Fuji instructor will co-train with the new instructor and coach them as they train the class. This mentorship training technique has proven to be the most effective way of ensuring that your instructor presents the material in a manner that will promote the greatest retention and best results. AUDIENCE This class is intended for those individuals with more than 1-year operator experience. Students should have some level of technical knowledge (basic electricity/electronics and mechanical aptitude). PREREQUISITES 1 year of machine operator experience. Prior Basic Machine operations training. OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to: Identify and explain the function of all the major components of the machine. Explain and perform the correct sequence of events for machine start up. Properly shut down the equipment in: normal, abnormal, and emergency conditions. Analyze and troubleshoot (when needed) the messages on the Operation panel. Define the function of each of the Operation panel push buttons and keys. Identify all types of feeders and their construction. Perform Feeder set up and maintenance. Explain and perform proper Feeder preventive maintenance. Demonstrate different modes of operation on the Fuji SMT machine. Recognize abnormal machine operation. Demonstrate corrective actions for incorrect or inefficient machine operation. Effectively train a Basic Operator class. TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. COURSE COST Major machine components Correct sequences of machine operation Proper power on and off procedures Operation panel messages Types of feeders Correct feeder loading procedures Basic feeder maintenance Operator level troubleshooting Operator level preventative maintenance Machine "management" Effective training methods used for the Basic Operator Class $1800.00 21 803 Line Supervisor Skills Workshop The line supervisor course is intended to provide the essential skills to monitor and supervise the assembly line as efficiently as possible. The class will cover five main topics: Fuji SMT machine fundamentals, Machine Operation as it relates to production, Feeders, Programming Fundamentals for line supervisors, and Supervisory Skills. This is a site specific course tailored to the needs of the customer. DESCRIPTION DURATION 2 – 5 Days AUDIENCE Current and future line supervisors, maintenance technicians, engineers, inhouse trainers and senior operators. PREREQUISITES The student should have a solid understanding of machine operations. OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to: Identify and explain the differences between the types of machines (i.e. high mix low volume, low mix/high volume). Understand different machine options and theory of operation. Describe the general overview of line specific machine components. Identify the different feeders, perform correct loading and setup of feeders perform basic cleaning, inspection and repair of feeders, and troubleshoot errors caused by feeders. Identify when the equipment is operating correctly and at optimum efficiency. Be able to intelligently explain to programmers, technicians, and engineers the status of the equipment. Identify machine problems related to program problems. Be able to use the line monitor to improve line output. Describe what it takes to supervise. Explain the dilemmas of being a supervisor Learn to apply supervisory skills to their work situations. TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. COURSE COST Machine fundamentals and overview Production line configuration Machine components including; conveyors, placement area, control boxes, moving axes, cameras, danger areas. Solder and Glue process Safety Operation panels and push button functions. Machine Setup/Changeover Feeder types Feeder loading and setup Feeder cleaning, inspection and repair. Feeder troubleshooting Overview of Jobs and recipes Line balancing and Part assignments Part data introduction Machine process options Line Monitor and Reports Supervisory skills assessment questionnaire Supervisory skills model $1800.00 22 CP-643-2 CP-6 Series Maintenance and Troubleshooting-ONSITE ONLY This course provides the front line technician a full understanding of the Fuji CP-6 series chip shooters overview, placement, electrical, servo, loader & vision system. The goal is to have the student gain valuable hands on troubleshooting skills that will help minimize machine downtime in the future. The course is taught in a controlled environment, with an experienced instructor inserting problems that the students troubleshoot and repair. DURATION 4.5 Days AUDIENCE Maintenance Technicians, Engineers, Anyone who works on the machine on a day to day basis PREREQUISITES The student should be able to perform Basic Operator functions and have an understanding of machine operation. OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Identify general machine safety. Identify the location and function of all assemblies, subassemblies, electrical components, circuit boards, and sequences of machine operation. Operate the main control panel and function keys to obtain any required screen. Analyze normal and abnormal machine operation to include the vision system, placing system, transport system, I/O system, servo system, electrical and control system. Diagnose and repair mechanical and/or electrical problems. Perform troubleshooting of operational problems including feeders. Demonstrate preventative maintenance procedures. Differentiate between machine and program errors TOPICS 1. Machine safety 2. Machine overview 3. Operation overview 4. Special function keystrokes 5. I/O and control system 6. Machine electrical system 7. Troubleshooting 8. Servo system 9. Vision system 10. Stations of the turret assembly 11. Loader operation and menus 12. Loader I/O COURSE COST $1,800.00 23 CP 7-2 DESCRIPTION CP-7 Maintenance and Troubleshooting-ONSITE ONLY This course provides the front line technician a full understanding of the Fuji CP-7 series chip shooters overview, placement, electrical, servo, loader & vision system. The goal is to have the student gain valuable hands on troubleshooting skills that will help minimize machine downtime in the future. The course is taught in a controlled environment with an experienced instructor inserting problems that the students troubleshoot and repair. DURATION 4.5 Days AUDIENCE Maintenance Technicians, Engineers, Anyone who works on the machine on a day to day basis PREREQUISITES The student should be able to perform Basic Operator functions and have an understanding of machine operation. OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Identify general machine safety. Identify the location and function of all assemblies, subassemblies, electrical components, circuit boards, and sequences of machine operation. Operate the main control panel and function keys to obtain any required screen. Analyze normal and abnormal machine operation to include the vision system, placing system, transport system, I/O system, servo system, electrical and control system. Diagnose and repair mechanical and/or electrical problems. Perform troubleshooting of operational problems including feeders. Demonstrate preventative maintenance procedures. Differentiate between machine and program errors TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Machine safety Machine overview Operation overview Special function keystrokes I/O and control system Machine electrical system Troubleshooting Servo system Vision system Stations of the turret assembly Loader operation and menus Loader I/O Preventive Maintenance COURSE COST $1,800.00 24 IP-3 Maintenance and Troubleshooting IP3-2 DESCRIPTION DURATION This course provides the front line technician a full understanding of the Fuji IP-3 series placement machine. Topics include; overview, placement, nozzles, electrical, servo, MFU, MTU & vision systems. The goal is to have the student gain valuable hands on troubleshooting skills that will help minimize machine downtime in the future. The course is taught in a controlled environment with an experienced instructor inserting problems that the students troubleshoot and repair. 4.5 Days AUDIENCE Maintenance Technicians, Engineers, Anyone who works on the machine on a day to day basis PREREQUISITES The student should be able to perform Basic Operator functions and have an understanding of machine operation. OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Identify terms and definitions associated with the IP3 machine. Demonstrate proper safety precautions when working on the IP3machine. Perform basic operation in support of production, preventive and corrective maintenance. Identify subsystems and associated hardware. Explain the layout of the electrical system schematics. Give details on the theory of operation for the servo system. Clarify the components used and theory of operation of the vision system. Explain the layout of the MTU4 to include the electrical & servo system. Troubleshoot any functional area of the machine, including; Power On/Boot up, PCB Load/Unload, Fiducial Mark Read, Part Pickup, Part Placement, Part Inspection, and Nozzle Change. Identify the relationship between the Proper Data, and the Program. TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. COURSE COST Machine safety Machine component overview and layout Communications to the Host system. Electrical system and schematics Nozzle nest configuration and nozzle changer system Layout of major sensors and solenoids Servo System theory of operation Vision system theory of operation Troubleshooting problems MFU changeover Preventive maintenance $1,800.00 25 QP-351 Maintenance and Troubleshooting QP351-2 DESCRIPTION DURATION This course provides the front line technician a full understanding of the Fuji QP-351 series placement machine. Topics include; overview, placement, nozzles, electrical, servo, MFU, MTU & vision systems. The goal is to have the student gain valuable hands on troubleshooting skills that will help minimize machine downtime in the future. The course is taught in a controlled environment with an experienced instructor inserting problems that the students troubleshoot and repair. 4.5 Days AUDIENCE Maintenance Technicians, Engineers, Anyone who works on the machine on a day to day basis PREREQUISITES The student should be able to perform Basic Operator functions and have an understanding of machine operation. OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Identify terms and definitions associated with the QP351 machine. Demonstrate proper safety precautions when working on the QP351machine. Perform basic operation in support of production, preventive and corrective maintenance. Identify subsystems and associated hardware. Explain the layout of the electrical system schematics. Give details on the theory of operation for the servo system. Clarify the components used and theory of operation of the vision system. Explain the layout of the MTU9 to include the electrical & servo system. Troubleshoot any functional area of the machine, including; Power On/Boot up, PCB Load/Unload, Fiducial Mark Read, Part Pickup, Part Placement, Part Inspection, and Nozzle Change. Identify the relationship between the Proper Data, and the Program. Perform the MFU to MTU changeover procedure. TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. COURSE COST Machine safety Machine component overview and layout Communications to the Host system. Electrical system and schematics Nozzle nest configuration and nozzle changer system Layout of major sensors and solenoids Servo System theory of operation Vision system theory of operation Troubleshooting problems MFU changeover Preventive maintenance $1,800.00 26 XP-2 XP Series Maintenance and Troubleshooting-ONSITE ONLY DESCRIPTION This course provides the front line technician a full understanding of the Fuji XP Series placement machine. Topics include; overview, placement, nozzles, electrical, servo, & vision systems. The goal is to have the student gain valuable hands on troubleshooting skills that will help minimize machine downtime in the future. The course is taught in a controlled environment with an experienced instructor inserting problems that the students troubleshoot and repair. DURATION 3 Days AUDIENCE Maintenance Technicians, Engineers, Anyone who works on the machine on a day to day basis PREREQUISITES The student should be able to perform Basic Operator functions and have an understanding of machine operation. OBJECTIVE Upon successful completion of this course the student will be able to; Identify terms and definitions associated with the XP machine. Demonstrate proper safety precautions when working on the XP machine Perform basic operation in support of production, preventive and corrective maintenance. Identify subsystems and associated hardware. Explain the layout of the electrical system schematics. Give details on the theory of operation for the dual vacuum holder system Show how the head is used to pick and place components Clarify the components used and theory of operation of the on the fly vision system. Explain the layout of the PFU. Troubleshoot any functional area of the machine, including; Power On/Boot up, PCB Load/Unload, Fiducial Mark Read, Part Pickup, Part Placement, Part Inspection, and Nozzle Change. Identify the relationship between the Proper Data, and the Program. TOPICS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. COURSE COST Machine safety Machine component overview and layout Communications to the Host system. Electrical system and schematics Nozzle nest configuration and nozzle changer system Layout of major sensors and solenoids Servo System theory of operation On the Fly Vision system theory of operation Troubleshooting problems PFU or MFU changeover Preventive maintenance $1,080.00 27 Fuji Store Order Form FUJI Golf Windshirts (khaki, green, navy) FUJI Polo Shirts (S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL) (blue, navy, sage) Fuji A4 Portfolio, with pen/paper/ruler Fuji Coffee Mug Fuji Travel Mug Flashlight Calculator FUJI Rulers Fuji USB Thumb Drives 4G FUJI Sweat Shirts (XL, XXL) (Maroon, Forest, Black, Grey, Navy, Purple) FUJI Badge Holder FUJI Pin FUJI White Shirt Long Sleeve (XXL, XXXL) FUJI Feeder Cards FUJI Silver/Blue Pen Fuji Pen/Highlighter $30.00 $25.00 Limited stock $15.00 $5.00 $7.00 $3.00 $3.00 $5.00 $10.00 $15.00 *SALE $2.00 $2.00 $23.00 $1.00 $5.00 $1.50 Name: _______________________ Class _______________ Please specify color and sizes Qty Item Price Ext. Price ____ _______________________ _______ _________ ____ _______________________ _______ _________ ____ _______________________ _______ ____ _______________________ _______ _________ ____ _______________________ _______ _________ _________ Total: _________ IF YOU PLAN TO USE A CREDIT CARD TO PURCHASE THESE ITEMS, WE NEED TO HAVE YOUR ORDER BY THURSDAY AT NOON. Method of Payment: Cash Credit Card #________________________________________________ Name as it appears on the card:_________________________ Exp. Date:_________ AMEX VISA Mastercard Authorized Signature:_____________________________________ 28 Date: ____________
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