Government of Nepal Ministry of Energy Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project Development Committee New Baneshwor, Kathmandu Expression of Interest (EOI) For Bathymetric Survey Of Natsing Gad For Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project (Storage Project 410 MW) Itancy Service -2071172 Government of Nepal Ministry of Energy Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project Developmen t New Baneshwor. Kathmandu sf-- trb --,,i.,-:! ir. The Following Consultancy Services as indicated in the table of clause 1. (DateafF.irsr 1. ttio$"2'bzuoli:.:*8..,.) As per the approved program for fiscal year 2071172, the Government of Nepal (GoN) intends to conduct the following job as indicated in the table below using funds allocated by GoN. Hence, Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project Development Committee (NHPDC) intends to prepare separate lists of competent local consulting firms for the job indicated below. This Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI) is made to invite applications from interested and eligible local consulting firms registered in Nepal under prevailing rules & regulations andlor their joint ventures for the job. Job No. Title 01,NHPDC/Con Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design sultancy Service of Small Hydro -207U72 Study for Construction Power Required for Nalsing Power Project and Environmental Gad HvdroDower Proiect 02,NHPDC/Con sultancy Service Bathymetric Survey Of Nalsing Gad For Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project (Storage Project 410 MW) -2071172 , The consulting firm can apply either single or in joint venture such that the total number of firms including the lead firm should not exceed a maximum of three consulting firms . However the same firm is not allowed to enter into more than one joint venture for the same work. EOI documents could be obtained free of cost from NHPDC upon request during office hours on all government working days within the 15th day of the first date of publication of this notice or\can also be downloaded from the website or http://www; The instruction to the consultant, prescribed formats, evaluation of work, duration of study and other details of the project are mentioned in Ol document. 4. Duly completed EOI documents in hard copy should be submitted for each job separately to the address mentioned below clearly mentioning the name of the jib in sealed envelopes before l2 Noon Q.{ST-Nepal Standard Time) within l6th day of first publication of this notice : The Chairman Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project Development Committee New Baneshwor T el: 4469 580,44695 8 1,Fax No :44 697 40 f,. If the last days of obtaining and submission of EoI document specified herein falls on a govemment holiday, the deadlines shall be extended automatically to the next consecutive working days. 6. Duly completed EOI documents received after the due date & time, will not be considered for evaluation and will be retumed back. ,1 The EOI submitted by consultant or their joint venture received by the due date and within the specified time will be opened at2.00 PM on the l6th day of first publication of this notice in the presence of the applicant or their authorized representatives. Absence of any applicant (or their authorized representative), however, shall not obstruct or prevent the opening of the EOI in any way. 8. The EOI documents submitted by consultant or joint venture Firms will be evaluated on the basis of the evaluation criteria approved by NHPDC. Only six top ranked firms obtaining at least 50 o% marks in the EOI evaluation process will be listed separately for the said consultancy services as qualified firms. 9. The list of firms qualified in EOI process will be notified in due course of time for the submission of Technical and financial proposals i.e. Request for proposal (RFP) Process. During RFP process, the consulting firm will be selected in accordance with Quality and Cost Based Selection procedure (QCBS). 10. NHPDC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOI proposals with or without giving any reason whatsoever. 11. Further infornration on the EOI can be obtained from NHPDC during office hours in all t}ssy Chairman 1.I INTRODUCTION 1.1.1 Scope of QualiJication l. NHPDC intends to prepare a list of local consulting firms, or their joint ventures, by inviting Expressions of Interest for conducting the Bathymetric Survey of Nalsing Gad for Nalsing Ga-d Hydropower Project (Storage Project 410 MW). The EOI process will be conducted in an open and transparent process managed by NHPDC. Applicants intending to file an application in response to this EOI should submit an epplication together with the duly completed EOI document providing all the information required therein at the address mentioned in the EOI document within the time period specified in this invitation for EOI. J. The EOI documents submitted by the applicants shall be evaluated on the basis of the approved evaluation criteria. Only six top ranked applicants obtaining at least 50% marks in the EOI evaluation process shall be listed as qualified Firms. 2 1.1.2 DeJinition of Terms Unless otherwise specified, the following terms used in this EOI have the following meanings: ,,Applicant" means a single consulting firm or their joint venture that intends to submit or submit completed EOI document as per notice and this EOI document' ,.Authorized Representative" means an individual authorized by the Applicant as the duly authorized entity to legally bind the Applicant to the EOI process, is the authorized with the signatory to the pro..rr, and is the point of contact for NHPDC in connection process. .,Bidder,' means a successful Applicant those are short listed under this EOI and submits Technical and Financial proposal in response to RFP' "EIA" means "Environmental Impact Assessment"' "EPA" means "Environment Protection Act, 7997" "EPR" means "Environment Protection Regulation, 1997" "GoN" means "Government of Nepal". "lEE" means "Initial Environmental Examination"' "IT" means "Incomg Tax"' "JV" means "Joint Venture"' comprising the "Lead Firm" means an entity or firm that is the authorized leader of a team Lead Firm and its constituents to submit the EOI and perform the assignment. "EOI" means "Expression of Interest". "MOSTE" meanq \4inistry of Science, TechnologY and "MOEn" s.t i Ministry of EnergY. "NHPDC" means the "Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project Development Committee ". "Project" means the Hydropower Project intended for study under this EOI and RFP. 66RF'P" means a Request for Proposal. "T/L" means Transmission Line. "TOR" means "Terms of Reference". "VAT" r.2 means "Value Added Tax". REQUEST FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST 1.2.1 ClariJication on EOI Documents A prospective Applicant requiring any clarification on this EOI document may contact NHPDC during office hours on all working days prior to the deadline for submission of the completed EOI document at the address indicated in Section 1.4.l. Contact person Surya Prasad Rijal Secretary , Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project Development Committee New Baneshwor, Kathmandu T el: 4469580.44695 8 l.Fax No:4 4697 40 1.2.2 Amendment to EOI Documents l. At any time prior to the deadline for the submission of the completed EOI document, NHPDC may amend the EOI, for any reason, whether on its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by an Applicant. 2. All applicants will be notified in writing about the amendments. All applicants will be bound by the amendments. Applicants will be required to acknowledge receipt of any amendment within three business days of such receipt. Otherwise, NHPDC will assume that the information contained in the amendment is taken into account by the Applicant in its Application. I.3 PREPARATION OF THE EOI DOCUMENT f 3.1 Documentsfor EOI FOR SUBMISSION The completed EOI documents to be submitted by Applicants shall comprise of the following documents: Description/Content Forni Type Form A Form A-l g^ , ''o'/ Information Regarding Technical & Financial Capability of the Consulting Firm Letter of Submittal Form A-2 Joint Venture Information 6{ Form A-3 Self Declaration Form o -".a?oi'ri:.i'"- .rj ) Form A-4 commitment to code of Ethics Form A-5 Eligibility Status and Anti-corruotion poricv Form A-6 Identification of the Firm Form A-7 Logistic Support of the Firm Form A-8 Financial Capability Form B Relevant Work Experience of the Form B-l Form B-2 Major works during last five years which qualifications Form C best illustrate Details of Key professional staffs to be Deployed for the Study Applicant shall submit an o document clearly mentioning discrepancy between the origi a set of copy of the completed EOI ame of the iioject. In the event of any inal shall gou.rn. 1.3.2 Submission of EOI in Joint Venture A firm submitting the EoI in a joint venture shall furnish a duly signed Joint venture Agreement stating responsibility of each partner in the Joint Venture and name of authorized signatories through a power of attorney signed by each Joint venture firm. 1.3.3 Cost of Preparation of EOI and Liabititv Applicant shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of the completed EoI document' NHPDC will, in no case, be-responsible or liable for these costs, or have any other liability to any Applicant, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the Eol process' NHPDC shall have no obligation to any Applicant to reimburse any costs incurred in preparing a response to this EOI. 1.3.4 ConJidentiality of the Document If an Applicant believes that any portion of the he/she shalljdentifu such information clearly in such documents in confidence as lar '.ef,fpp*+aSfat ,.^t\)r\ -. l.,\V | ,.,/ v -/ is to'be treated in confidence, ttal. NHpDC will make every 1.4 SUBMISSION OF EXPRESSION OF INTEREST (EOI) 1.4.1 Sealing l ' and Marking The Applicant shall seal the original and copy of the completed Eol in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as "Original" and "Copy". These .nu.lopa, shall then be sealed in an outer envelope and marked as "Expression of Interest',. The inner as well as outer envelope should clearly mention the name of the project (assignment). 2- The inner and the outer envelopes shail be addressed to: The Chairman Nalsing Gad Hydropower project Development committee New Baneshwor, Kathmandu T el: 4469 580,4469 581,Fax No :44 697 40 3' The envelopes should also indicate the name and address of the Applicant for identification purposes. 4' The Applicant shall also submit an electronic copy of the information provided in sections 2.1'2'2.1'3 and2'1.4. However, the evaluation of the EOI document shall only be based on the hard copy of the I.4.2 Eol application submitted by the applicant. Deadlinefor Submission l. 2. The completed EOI document must be submitted to NHPDC at the address specified in Section 1.4.1 before 12:00 hr Nepal Standard Time (NST) within l6th dav from first nublication of this notice. The completed EOI documents received by NHPDC after the deadline set forth in Sectionl .4.2 shall be considered late and shall be summarily rejected and retumed un- opened. 3' If the last day of obtaining and submission of Eol document specified herein falls on a government holiday, the deadlines shall be extended automatically to the next consecutive working days. 1.4.3 llithdrawal of EOI shall document not be permitted to withdraw the 1.5 PUBLIC OPENING OF SUBMITTED EOI DOCUMENT Eol document received by the due date and within the time specified in Clause be opened at2.00 PM NST on the l6th day of the first date of publication of authorized representatives. Absence of any shall not obstruct or prevent the opening representative must bring a letter from the 1 to represent the applicants for the public opening of the EoI document. Applicants or their authorized representatives who are present at the time of opening shall sign in a register evidencing their fresence. Completed l'4'2 will During the opening, an authorized representative of NHPDC will read out the names of the applicants who have submitted the completed EOI document and then will open the submitted EOI envelopes. 1.6 1.6.1 EVALUATION PROCESS Evaluation of EOI Documents NHPDC will carry out evaluation of the EoI documents based on the criteria approved by NHPDC' Anything not mentioned in this document regarding the EoI process shall be governed by the prevailing rules and regulations of Nepal. The basic criteria for the evaluation of Eol documents are as follows: A. Eligibility Requirement (Form A-5) Valid Registration Certifi cate ll VAT Certificate lll Selt Declaration as shown in Form-A-3 Note: Each member in the JV shall submit the above eligibility documents. IV Additional (for JVs) Joint Venture (JV) Agreement between the JV Partners and Power of Attomev signed & sealed by each member of JV. The minimum share percentage of lead firm must be 40. Also the lead firm should hold the power of attomey. In case of JV, the minimum share percentage of lead firm must be 40. Also the lead firm should hold the power of att The Consulting hrm(or JV firm) should have an average annual turnover of at least 5 million NRs. in the best three fiscal years among last five consecutive ofJV the lead firm should have an average annual turnover ofat least 2.5 million NRs' in the best three fiscal years among last five consecutive fiscal n case years and that amount should be the highest among the JV members,. Applicant(s) failing to submit above basic criteria shall be disqualified. B. Mark allotted for EOI evaluation SN Description Financial Capability of Firm - 20 Marks. ll Experience of the firm 50 Marks lll Personnel proposed to be deployed Experience) - 30 Marks Evaluation of the EOI document mentioned in Annex-2. for this project (Qualification and will be carried out based on detailed evaluation criteria The list of firms qualified in EOI process will be notified in due course of time for the submission of Technical and Financial proposals i.e. RFP Process. During RFp process the consulting frm will be selected in accordance with Quality and Cost Based Selection procedure (QCBS). l.5'2 Clarifrcation during Evaluution by NHPDC l. During the evaluation, NHPDC may request the Applicant for necessary clarifications. The Applicant shall furnish the necessary clarifications expeditiously by posVcourietlfaxle-mail or by any other means of communication to NHPDC at the address given in Clause - 1.4.(. 2. f Failure to provide information essential to evaluate the Applicant's qualifications, or to provide timely clarifications or substantiation of the information furnished, NHPDC would be at liberty to declare such bidder as non-responsive and reject his/her document. .6.3 Rejection of EOI Document l. of Applicant NHPDC reserves the right to accept or reject any or all EOI proposals with or without giving any reason whatsoever and is not liable for any losses to Bidders due to such rejection. The consulting firm must submit the eligibility documents (eligibility criteria) as indicated in 1.6.1 above viz; valid registration certificate of firm, VAT certificate, tax clearance certificate and Self Declaration as shown in Form-A-3. Failure to submit these documents will result in rejection of the application. a J. Furnishing of false or wrong information, document or evidence by any firm or joint result in rejectionpf the EOI document of the firm or their joint ventures. o-e I.7 NOTICB OF RESULT OF EVALUATION All applicants irrespective of the qualification or disqualification will be notified in writing the result of qualification in due course of time. An applicant listed in the short-listing will be considered as qualified firm and will be invited to participate in the Request for Proposal process. 1.8 APPLICATION IN JOINT VENTURE By submitting an EOI in joint venture, the Applicant represents that, if qualified and if awarded the contract after the RFP process, the Applicant with its constituent members shall be jointly responsible to perform the obligations of such contract. 1.9 SCOPE OF'WORK AND DURATION OF STUDY The scope of study of the project and study duration of the project is given in Annex-l I.IO EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR THE EOI The evaluation criteria of EOI is given in Annex-2 r.11 GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE PROJECT provided in Annex- 3. t0 The EOI document shall be structured in accordance with the outlines given in the EOI form and must contain accurate and complete information as requested in the EOI form. The EOI document shall have no interlineations or overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the Consulting Firm itself. Any such correction must be initialed by the person authorized to sign the application and stamped with the firm's seal. 2.1.1 Generallnformation l. The Applicant shall provide a Letter of Submittal with completed forms as provided in the Format Forms A to C in the EOI document. All necessary information shall be presented to demonstrate the frrm/joint venture's capability, experience and professionals to be deployed for the study. 2. The Applicant shall enclose copies of registration certificate, Iax clearance certificate, experience certificate or completion certificate, audit report of last three years and other relevant information. 3. The Applicant shall provide a statement of its willingness and commitment to abide by all applicable laws, regulations, and other requirements having the effect of law in the execution of this studv. if selected. 2.1.2 Information Regarding Technical & Financial Capability of the Consulting Firm Form A-1: Letter of Submittal The applicant shall submit with the EOI a submittal letter with name and full contact information of the authorized representative. The letter shall be signed by an authorized person of the firm or lead firm in the joint venture and shall be stamped by the company's seal. The format of submittal letter is given in Form A-l of the document EOI. The letter shall also include the name of project being applied for. Form A-2: Joint Venture Information The applicant shall submit the joint venture information in Form A-2. The association between the Consulting Firms should be in the form of a joint venture only. The Joint Venture Agreement should clearly mention share percentage in JV and Power of Attorney ll Form A-3: Self Declaration Statement of Consultant The applicant shall submit a self declaration statement stating that the Consulting Firm (all members in the joint venture) is not ineligible to participate inthis procurement process, that the Consulting Firm does not have any conflict of interest in the assignment, and iroposed that the consulting Firm has not received any punishment while doing-consulting business in last five years. The self declaration letter shall be signed by an authorized person of the Consulting Firm and shall be stamped by the .o-pu.ry', seal. The format of the self declaration letter is given in Form A-3 of this EoI document. Form A-4: commitment of code of Ethics and Anti-comrption policy The applicant shall submit a statement stating that the Consulting Firm shall abide by the code of ethics and anti-comrption policy. This commitment to abide by code of ethics and anti-corruption policy shall be presented in Form A-4 of this EoI document Form A-5: Eligibility Status The applicant shall fill form A-5 and submit supporting documents to support the eligibility requirements(s)' The supporting documents will be in the form of ropi.r of registration certificate, vAT certificate and rax clearance certificate. Form 4-6: Identification of the Firm The background information of the consulting firm shall be presented in the prescribed Form 4-6' Necessary documentary evidences should be provided to substantiate the data contained in the Form ,4.-6. Form A-7: Logistics of the Firm The logistics of the consulting firm shall be presented in the prescribed Form A-7 of this EOI document. Necessary documentary evidences should be provided to substantiate the data contained in the Form A-7. Form A-8: Financial Capability of the Firm The financial capability of the consulting firm shall be presented in the prescribed Form A-8 of this EOI document. The financial status of the Consulting Firm shall be supported with :ecedrng ing tiscal fiscal years. The financial capability of the Con Consulting Firm br evalu&jon if not supported by copies of audit reports. 2.1.3 Relevunt Work Experience of the Firm Form B-1: Experience of the Firm in Study of Hydropower projects Relevant Experience of the firms in Bathymetric survey and Cross and longitudinal survey of hydropower project or other water resource project in the last 5 years shallbe presented in the prescribed Form B-1. The experience of the Consulting Firm shall be supported with evidence/proof in the form of experience certificates/completion certificates showing the dates of completion of the assignments, capacity of the project and value of the consulting assignments. The experience of the Consulting Firm without evidence/proof shall not be considered for evaluation. 2"1.4 Details of Key Professional staff to be deployedfor the Study Form C The details of proposed key professional staff to be deployed for the study and their experience shall be presented in prescribed Form C. t3 FORM A-1 [Letterhead of the Applicant, In case of Joint venture, of the Lead Firm) Date: To: The Chairman Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project Development Committee New Baneshwor T el: 4469580,4469 58l,Fax No :4 4697 40 Sirs, Being duly authorized to represent and act on behalf of (hereinafter "the Applicant"), and having reviewed and fully understood all the information provided in EOI, the undersigned hereby apply for qualification by NHPDC as a consultant for the Bathymetric Survey Of Nalsing Gad For Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project (Storage project 410 Mw) l. ) NHPDC and its authorized representatives are hereby authorized to verifli the sratements, documents, and information submitted in connection with the submitted EOI. This Letter will also serve as authorization to any individual or authorized representative of any institution referred to in the supporting information, to provide such information deemed necessary and requested by you to veriff statements and information provided in this EOI, or with regard to the resources, experience, and competence of the Applicant. NHPDC and its authorized representatives are authorized to contact any of the signatories to this letter for any further information. 3. This application is made in the full understanding that all decisions by NHPDC related to this EOI are final, binding and not subject to review. NHPDC shall be under no oblisation to inform the Applicant of the reasons for its decisions or actions. 4. The Applicant hereby provides willingness and commitment to abide by all applicable laws, the effect of law in the execution of this studv. if t4 5. All further communication concerning this EOI proposal should be addressed to the following person who is authorized to represent and to receive all communication on behalf of the Applicant and its constituents. [Person & Designation] ICompany] [Address] [Phone, Fax, Email] 6. The undersigned declare that the statements made and the information provided in the duly completed EOI propirsal are complete, true and correct in everv detail. Signed Name Designation For and on behalf of (Name of Applicant or Lead Firm in the joint venture) t5 FORM A.2 If the EOI is being submitted in Joint Venture, provide Joint Venture Information SN NAME OF FIRM Postal Address, TEL, FAX and E-mail NAME OF CONTACT PERSON TELPHONE OF CONTACT PERSON I 2. SHARE PERCENTAGE IN JV Lead Firm: Partner Firm: a J. Note: l. Maximum three (3) Firms can make Joint Venture. 2. In case of JV, the minimum share percentage of leadfirm must be 40. Also the leadfirm should hold the power of attorney. 3. Provide duly signed and stamped joint venture agreement and power of altorney of the signatories by each member in the JV. Attachment t6 FORM A-3 Date: To, The Chairman Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project Development Committee New Baneshwor Sir, We, .. (name of all Consulting Firm) declare that we are legally eligible to participate in the procurement process of consulting services for the Bathymetric Survey Of Nalsing Gad For Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project (Storage Project 410 MW). We also declare that we do not have any conflict of interest in the said assignment. We hereby'also declare that we have not received any punishment while doing consulting business in the last five years. Note: (lf any member of the consulting Firm is not eligible to participate in procurement process or has conflict of interest in the said assignment or has received any punishment while doing consulting business in the last five years, the same must be clearly mentioned in this form. Any history of litigation during the last five years shall also be declared here along with the relevant verdict.) Firm I Firm 2 Firm Signature: Name: Signature: Name: Signature: Name: Designation: Designation: For and on behalfof: For and on behalfof: Designation: For and on behal -(@e U 3 'E t7 FORM A.4 FORM A.5 Fulfillment of Eligibility Requirements Description Notarized copy of Valid Registration Certificate (of member of JV. in case of JV.) Notarized copy of VAT Certificate (of each member of JV. in Notarized copy of Tax clearance certificate at least of f,rscal year 2070171 (of each member of JV, in case of JV.) Self Declaration as per Form A-3 Joint Venture (JV) Agreement between the JV partners and Power of Attorney signed & sealed by each member of JV, in case of JV. In case of JV, the minimum share percentage of lead firm must be 40. Also the lead firm should hold the power of The Consulting firm(or JV firm) should have an average annual turnover of at least 5 million NRs. in the best three fiscal years among last five consecutive fiscal years. ln case ofJV the lead firm should have an averase annual turnover of at least 2.5 million NRs. in the best three fiscal years among last five consecutive fiscal years and that amount should be the hishest a Status (Yes/Irtro FORM A-6 Full name of the Firm: Address: (Please attach location map of your office) Telephone number: Fax number: Year of Establishment: Number of Years since establishment: E-mail: Others: Corporate Registration VAT Registration: Date of Registration: VAT Registration No: : Date of Registration: Registration No: Date of last renewal: Valid up to: Name and address of contact person: Name and Designation of Contact person: Address: Telephone number (Office): Telephone number (Residence) : Mobile no: Fax: Email: No.te: In case of the applicant being joint venture, provide similar inlbrm jointventure separately A -A C\ \ri ,/ qrqN\> /6zu:>t '' i oq ) FORM A-7 Total office space (Sq. ft.) No of Rooms Number of vehicles (four wheelers) Number of two wheelers vehicles Computer net work in office Number of comouters Number of orinters Number of theodolites/total stations (with all accessories) Number of level instruments (with all accessories) Number of photocopy machine Do you have your own drilling equipment (Ifyes please attach a specification sheet) Do you have your own material testing laboratory (lfyes please attach a specification sheet) Yes f Nof Signed Name & Designation For and on behalf of (Name of Applicant or Lead Firm ofjoint venture) Note: In case ofjoint venture, provide similar information for each member in ?^q$' FORM A.8 Full name of the Consulting Firm: FINANCIAL STATUS Amount Total assets Total liabilities Current liabilities Current credit resources Description 2066t067 2067t068 2068/069 2069t070 2070t07 | Average Annual Turnover (NRs.) Note: l. 2' Provide similar information for each member in case ofjoint venture. Average annual turnover of best three of last five years will be considered for evaluation. Suppofiing documents (Audited Report) shourd be submitted 3. In case of JV, turnover of the lead firm must be the highest among ail of the ;sli u 6 (J o- EI g6 ^€ + z >F f-l l hla z ^e z4 a :r/ I! F (, z -F a C) F O (fi A U) rrl R rr) (tC) z z E] -l F (Jl I - AA d C) 6 A it/ (h ^ ^ d b0 a (.) ^ 5 U) C) \JF B= <z (- (h -r o) 9.a qr as' .^S c) C) lr. lrA 2.> (+ z- q) ti(.) X q) (.) - T(.) o U) >' 't .E = A bT d- .;r 0)HX ^s >.c dP AC dv -'i A -cJ t<d t; ,P In^ r t- d ox -LE rY= U lo o) d- (J PC) O O q)-? qr 'F= ^A HAA .i 8; mtrs 6) ao E a-d' € L q !a 2 u)F' E .sr.l c F T'I :: rvJ m -Ar - a ? H l9 .5 5.s cJ r- 'a or/) U L A :.4 v 9-(J (.) L .= ts-e E E3 :HU) fr vFd .tt i-1 R.-! =Fc :! v-- vo 9a a L (t) k ! U, (.) I x o - G ao F ij(F c) U) U C) q Y^ zz L (.) (,) .P.n f 0.) I .OH'i NI o a q c) O- L o eU -i I ! !u 9E #c) tL >P :v :i ^(! Fv q)c 6A C) * v Eq ocq () tv q) tr>. C) L o O ;i c) F0) o H! ,- bo! tr: C) o F (.) l^' eO C) | la) z I v! !F (g xec) t. ()", ()X o c) a q o (.) 'r= L I O a !+r v) L c) .F (.) U) z €v n' L\w AZ a,) F C) (.) L O a E = C) -c) o. ,,1 x> E = LZU i?= 5fii F>ri F 14 o (H -z tj (t) C) v) E>= <oL) Fr .. lI] kJ zi v I E :l rr Y\J a h4,A 7i7 t€E o-o =a <l-] sZ D r{ z L (.) a z E o z o L c) (.) C) J L tr9 FI ,o= -a OZ bo rrl L q) a a bo l- '= (l) O a N ca s Annex- I The scope of study of the project and duration of studv Scope of the services for the study shall be but not limited to the followings: o o . . Setting out the marker; Determination of water levels; Planaltimetric and topo bathymetric surveys of 15 km of Nalsing Gad; and Preparation of detailed reports. This technical specification defines the activities to be developed, procedures and technical and operational criteria and deliverables, with their respective terms. The operations to be performed consist in providing all services and supply the materials necessary to perform surveys in order to obtain the plan-altimetric characieristics the areas under study, defined in this specification. Duration of study U of Nalsing Gad Hydropower project shall be Annex-2 Detailed Evaluation Criteria for EOI Document A. Eligibility Criteria Valid Registration Certificate of the Firm VAT Certificates Tax clearance certificate (at least upto fiscal I ll lll vear 20701077\ Joint Venture Agreement in case of Joint Venture In case of JV, the minimum share percentage of lead firm must be 40. Also the lead firm should hold the power of VI Yes Yes Self declaration as oer Form A-3 IV Yes Yes Yes Yes attorneY. vll The Consulting firm(or JV firm) should have an average annual tumover of at least 5 million NRs. in the best three fiscal years among last five consecutive fiscal years. vul In case of JV the lead firm should have an average annual turnover of at least 2.5 million NRs. in the best three fiscal years among last five consecutive fiscal years and that Yes Yes amount should be the highest among the JV member. B. Evaluation Criteria Description S.N Markins Weishtape A I Average Annual Turn Over in best three of last five fiscal years (of fiscal years 20661067 ,20671068, 2068t069, 2069 t070 & 207 0t07 | ) > million NRs. to 10 million NRs. rii 5to7.5 million NRs. ,IV <5 million NRs. I Ii 10 7.5 ce of the I >15 Years Firm 15 100% 85% 70% 0% 10-15 Years B I Experience of the Firm based on relevant works ll ll1 il ll lll IV I II ry Bathymetric survey of storage hydropower project of capacity not less than 300MW Bathymetric survey of any hydropower project 100% 8s% Longitudinal and cross section survey of river not less than l0 km for water resources project viz. hydropower/ inigation or navigation. Experience of the Firm in Engineering Survey based on cost >6 million NRs. 4-6 million NRs. 2.0-4.0 million NRs. < 2 million NRs. 70% 20.00 t00% 8s% 70% 0% Qualification of the Key Personnel in relevant degree/ Ii rii \ t\\ '/ 30.00 subject of studies: Ph. D. Holders Master Degree Holders Bachelor Desree Holders 10.00 100% 85% 70% of the Key Personnel in studies of hvdropower/water resources proiect in relevant field: Experience ll Work experience of more than 15 years Work experience of 10 to l5 years iii Work experience of 5 to less than l0 years 15.00 100% 85% 70% Total Marks 100.00 tnl um Qualifying Marks :50 Note: a) Evidence in form of firm's registration certificates, income tax clearance certificate, experience certificate or work completion certificate, audit report and other relevant information shall be furnished. The experience of the firm without the experience [email protected] certificate will not be considered for evaluation. For the evaluation of the firm's financial capability, audit report of the best three fiscal b) years in the last five years will be examined. The relevant figures/numbers of the each members of joint venture shall be added together to arrive at the joint venture's figures/numbers for the purpose of evaluation. II c) Details of the work completed by the Firm should be filled in Form B-3. In case of firms experience in the hydropower sector if the completion is provided by a private client, the firm should mention the name of the public authority *h.r. the study reports were submitted. II Marks will be given only to the key personnel listed in details of professional staffs to be deployed for the study. The marks will be equally distributed among the list of key personnel. Minimum year of experience required of the key professionals will be 5 years except for project coordinator, team leader and hydropower engineer for whom the minimum years of experience will be 15. Minimum qualification required for the key professionals will be bachelor degree in relevant fields except for project coordinatoi, team leader and hydropower engineer for whom the minimum qualification will be master degree in Engineering for team leader and hydropower enginier; and master degree in Engi neerin glManageme nt for proj ect c o ordinator. d) e) Part time personnel ll lll will be evaluated with only 80 % weightage. Public/Semipublic entities' employees need to submit official no objection letter to provide consultancy services. Failure to submit this will cause Zero marks in his,/her evaluation. Any key personnel proposed by one consulting firm repeated with other consulting firm(s) for the same project will not be evaluated. The information fumished by the Firm(s) in EOI document should be realistic. If any discrepancies/faults are found, legal action shall be taken as per prevailing rules and resulations. nly six top ./, r ed firms obtaining at least 50 % marks in the EOI evaluation process List of Key Personnel/Professionals o Team Leader (Senior Surveyor) o Civil Engineer o Senior Surveyor Annex-3 GENERAL INFORMATION OF THE PROJECT Location and access Nalsing Gad Storage Hydroelectric Project is located in Jajarkot District in the mid western development region of Nepal between Longitude 82014'00"E - 82019'72"E and Latitude 28047'28"N-28058'00"N. Nalsing Gad is a tributary of the Bheri River in the Karnali Basin. The dam site of the project is located just downstrteam of the confluence of Adheri Khola which is approximately 9.25 km upstream from the confluence of the Nalsing Gad and the Bheri-River and the powerhouse is located on the left bank of Nalsing Gad River approximately 500 m upstream from the suspension bridge at Dali. Nalsing Gad Storage Hydroelectric project does not have all season motorable access till now. District headquarters Khalanga which is about 16 km from proposed power house site has been connected with the national road network by a I07 km long Chhinchhu-Jajarkot feeder road. Presently this road has been extended upto Rimna village located on the right bank of Bheri River. However, a bridge over Bheri River will be required to reach the Powerhouse site.. Apart from Chhinchhu- Jajarkot feeder road, Dolpa Rajmarg is also being constructed which reaches upto Dunai along the proposed powerhouse of Nalsing Gad Hydropower Project. Geology Geologically; the project area lies in the Lesser Himalaya of mid-westem region of Nepal and falls under the Lakharpata Formation, Ranimatta Formation and Kalikot Formation of Midland Group (DMG, 1987). Dolomite and dolomitic limestone and phyllites are the dominant type of rock present in the project area. At places white pink dolomitic limestones, purple and green shales for the top algal structures and stromatolites are present. The study of past records on seismicity also shows the project area is relatively safe considering the earthquake and hasn't experienced a big earthquake since 1934. The project site is suggested to be safe for the construction of hydropower project. Hydrology Nalsyau Gad River is one of the major tributaries of Thuli Bheri River and the river system of Kamali River Basin. The main source of Nalsyau Gad River is the Chhyakhur Lek. The catchment area of Nalsyau Gad River consists of mountain range having the altitudes from El. 4142to El.4780. These are the major source of snow melt run off on the basin. The total area of Nalsyau Gad River basin up to intake site is 571.5 km2, in which, about 50 km2 is covered by snow. Glacier lakes are not identified in this basin. The river flows almost north to;south. The detail break down of catchment area is shown in 4a^{\ 5\\t*2 =,/ ?+. lr' P= p_ S Table l:Catchment Characteristic: Area(km') Nalsyau Gad Dam Site P/H Total Area 571.s 622 Area Below 5000 m 571.5 622 Area Below 3000 m 521.5 s73 The average precipitation of the catchment area is found to be l718.69 mm with instantaneous wind speed recommended to be 120 km/fu. The long term average annual flow and the long- term average monthly flows from January to December were computed by regional analysis using regression. The long term mean monthly flows of the river is shown in Table 1 above. Table 2: Monthly Flow at Dam Site Months Flow(cumecs) Jan 7.53 Feb 6.25 Mar 5.84 Apr 6.36 May 8.87 Jun 26.77 Jul 75.58 Aug 89.30 Sep 68.62 Oct 31.64 Nov t5.34 Dec 10.03 Mean 29.35 Flood analysis were carried out using frequency analysis based on flood data of Mari Khola at DHM Station 330 as well as regional frequency analysis based on the regression equations for the ungauged sites. As examination of the records and plots of the frequency distributions showed that the Log-Pearson Type-III distribution provided the best estimates for regional flood analysis. ended Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) at the dam site is 44gg m3/s for the of hydraulic structures whereas itis 4842 mrls at the powerhouse site. 4:'
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