AUGUST 2014 BUCKEYE BREEZE Time to start packing for the next assignment, Grand Aerie Convention. How proud and honored I was to carry the Ohio State Flag for the Opening of the convention. It was also nice to have so many of our Family members in attendance. Congratulations to our Re-Elected Grand Aerie Secretary, Chuck Cunningham, and to our PSP Helen Poehner, who became Grand Auxiliary Trustee, and we were honored to have PSP Rick Powell elected as Grand Aerie Inside Guard. We are very proud to have all three representing Ohio. Just a reminder of two family gatherings coming up soon. August 16th, All Zone Day, at the Rec. Park; please come and enjoy the day with us. Organizational (Leadership) Weekend is September 19-20, at the Holiday Inn in Westlake, Ohio. Come and cheer your District Leaders with their challenges and meet your Zone Coordinators. PSP Mary Hornsby has planned a very informative meeting you won't want to miss. Our State Trustees will provide a tea where we can socialize with our friends. Please Drive Safe in your Travels, Harriet Auxiliaries Roses for the First Lady Harriet Luke State President 9788 N. Marks Rd Columbia Station, Ohio 44028 (440) 856-6580 [email protected] Judy Kempton Buckeye Breeze Editor 1838 Mohawk Drive Lancaster, OH 43130 (740) 653-8488 [email protected] “Fun in the Sun” Debbie Sharp State Secretary 404 Kennison Ave New Carlisle, OH 45344 (937) 679-8002 [email protected] SEPTEMBER BIRTHDAYS 8th 12th 12th 16th 22nd 22nd 28th 29th 30th 30th Shirley Pilarczyk, PSP Georgene Chidsey, PSP/PRP Debbie Martin, PSP/PRP Debbie Sharp, St. Secy. Linda Donaldson, PSO Judy Oakley, PSP Leisa Oiler, SO Minda Bess, SO Norma Brookover, PSP Faye Farris, SO 440-232-6133 330-722-6151 937-393-9191 937-679-8002 440-647-5290 740-432-3515 614-272-2803 330-870-5950 740-453-9565 937-339-7080 SEPTEMBER ANNIVERSARIES 6th 19th 24th Joe and Sharon Horn, SO Bob and Carol Giles, SO Lenny & Jerry Zuchegno, SO 513-575-4676 304-233-7896 330-835-4542 PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS Clara Isaacs, mother of Bill (Margie) Isaacs, State Secretary, and Brenda (Ron) Ludwig died early in July. Please remember the family. Brenda: 120 N. Wright St., Dayton, 45403 and Bill: 1246 Norton, Dayton 454320. CONVENTION PROCEEDINGS PRP, PSP Paddy Rawlins has the proceedings from every convention since we started, which is wonderful! The State Auxiliary Office has a copy of all the conventions, so Paddy is offering them to anyone that is interested. She also has duplicate proceedings from 1974 if anyone is interested. FIRST COME FIRST SERVE. Please contact Paddy directly. Her e-mail address is: [email protected]. WILLOUGHBY EAGLES HELPS GET K-9!!!! A generous donation from Willoughby Eagles has allowed the Willoughby Police Department to add an additional K-9 unit. Here’s a glimpse of their newest addition to the department. K-9 Loki is currently training with officers. THANK YOU, WILLOUGHBY EAGLES!!! RETIRING SPONSOR REPORT Well, this is your Sponsor, Roxann, one last time wanting to Thank All My Charity Chairmen for a great job and year. The money we turned in for ONE WAY FARM was fantastic. I want to thank Sara once again for my appointment and a great year; I had a blast! I’ll sign off for the last time as your OWF sponsor. Roxann McCain Well, Hello Sisters: Once again we are ready for another great year under our new leader, Harriet Luke. I am looking forward to helping her family grow and helping as one of her many gardeners to help the garden grow. I will do my best as NW Zone Charity Chairman for God, Flag and Country to do her and all of you proud. Let's have another great year for our First Lady, Harriet. Roxann McCain, NWZ God, Flag, and Country Charity Chairman Hello Sisters! This is your Gardener from the NWZ Diabetes Garden, Stacie Wenzel. I would like to thank First Lady, Harriet, for my appointment. I am planting the seeds, and I hope you will all help me to make them grow! A Diabetes Dash Poker Run around the NW Zone will be held on August 23rd. Ride starts and ends at Maple City (Norwalk) #711. All vehicles welcome! Registration starts at 10:30 am. First vehicle out at 11 am, last vehicle out at 12:30 pm, all vehicles must be in by 7 pm. Cash prizes for Best and Worst Hand will be awarded. Cost is $15 per person. Food will be available after. Donations for raffle prizes are accepted and appreciated. Contact Stacie Wenzel, NWZ Diabetes Chairman, at 419-744-0116 or [email protected]. Donations can be made to the Ohio State Auxiliary, please put NWZ Diabetes in the memo line. Also, please feel free to contact me and let me know about any donations you make over the year! Thank you! Stacie Wenzel Dear Sisters, I want to express my sincere thanks for your support and for recommending me again for another year. It's an honor and privilege to represent you sisters of Central Zone and Ohio. I will do my very best to continue to make you proud. Most & foremost; I wouldn't have made it this far without you all. Thank you so much for caring and I will always cherish the friendships we share. Love you all!! Fraternally yours, Leisa Oiler, Ohio St. Aux. Treasurer It is my honor to be appointed the East Central Regional Chairman of the Art Ehrmann Cancer Fund. My family and many of my friends have been touched by this dreadful disease. The last thing you want to hear is "You have cancer." I pray constantly "please don't let it happen to someone that I love". Please, sisters, will you support this charity this year? I know in the near future a cure will be found. Will you help find that cure by donating to this very worthwhile charity? I will be telling the stories of those I know who have been touched by CANCER around the district and at functions that I attend. If you would like your story told or that of a loved one, please send your notes to me at [email protected]. God Bless, Mary Hornsby, ECR Chairman for Art Ehrmann Cancer Fund Hello to all of my Eagle Sisters! This year we are all going to be one big happy family having a really good year! Thank you, Harriet, for allowing me to be your Family Photographer. As the days and weeks go by, I hope to take pictures of many of you for Harriet's family albums. If you went to State Convention and would like to have some of your pictures put into her books, please give them to me the next time you see me. I will be more than happy to add them to her collection! If you want to mail them, my address is: Carol Jakubowski, 4444 Fairview, Toledo, Ohio 43612. Also, during the year, if our State Aerie President, Len Chidsey, stops into your club, I would love to have pictures from his visit. I am also making some albums for his year as State President. So, when we meet again along the Eagle trail, please smile when you see me coming towards you, because it is going to be a Kodak moment for sure!!! Your Family Photographer, Carol Jakubowski THE HOME OF CENTRAL ZONE 2014!!! Hello Sisters: The State Officers’ and I, of the Central Zone, want to inform you and invite you to: CENTRAL ZONE PREP MEETING PLACE: DELAWARE AERIE & AUXILIARY #376 DATE: AUGUST 9, 2014 TIME: AUXILIARY MTG – 1:00 P.M. JOINT: 2:00 P.M. We hope many of our Sisters can join us on this day. We would love to see you all!! Fraternally, Leisa Oiler, St. Aux. Treasurer FOREIGN EXCHANGE STUDENT NEWS!! Home is where the story begins, and the Breeze is where you can find important information. The Breeze is $15/year (after approval from Grand Aerie will increase to $20/year). Send your money, name and address to Debbie Sharp, State Auxiliary Secretary, if you wish to receive it. Any information can be sent to me by the 15th of each month: 1838 Mohawk Drive, Lancaster, OH 43130 or email [email protected]. All Secretaries, please remember to post the Breeze for all of your relatives to read. ATTENTION ALL SISTERS!! IT’S TIME TO SUBMIT YOUR ALTA BROWNING SMITH AWARD NOMINATIONS!! Did you know that Alta Browning Smith was the first appointed Jr. Past Grand Madam President of the Grand Auxiliary in fraternal year 1952-53; was instrumental in organizing the Grand Auxiliary; was one of the first Supervisors of the Grand Auxiliary; AND SHE WAS FROM OHIO??? She was our Ohio State Auxiliary President in 1950-51! This award is to recognize some of our local heroes!! The Alta Browning Smith award is given to recognize a sister who is not necessarily a PMP, PSMP, etc., but someone that has been dedicated to our organization; one who has volunteered her time and talents, etc. In addition—outside activities count as well. For example, her work with local food banks, little league coach, active in church activities, local town council member, works local dances, or maybe active in Girl Scouts. In other words, someone who volunteers their time to help others. And don’t forget about family. Did/does she care for ailing parents, spouse, or significant other? Did/does she have children with special needs? Did/does she volunteer time at local hospitals, nursing homes, or Veteran’s facility? When preparing your nomination, you need to be specific and list all their efforts within the Eagles and in her community. In this submission, details count!! The nomination form is included in this issue of the Buckeye Breeze. All nominations must be received by State Secretary Debbie Sharp no later than October 24, 2014. Extensions cannot be granted as selection is made the weekend of our East Central Regional Conference (ECRC) November 1-2, 2014. Please note the due date had to be moved up this year due to the dates of the ECRC. FALL 2014 SPRING ZONE CONFERENCES We hope everyone is making plans to attend their Fall Zone Conference coming up in October! Here are the locations and the assignments of your State Auxiliary Officers: nd Northeast Zone -‐ Medina #2224 – October 17-‐19, 2014 Prep Meeting: August 2 , Aux 1 p.m., Joint 2 p.m. State Officers Assigned: Chairman – State Chaplain Sharon Horn Secretary – State Treasurer Leisa Oiler Speaker – State Madam President Harriet Luke nd Northwest Zone – Ashland #2178 – October 10-‐12, 2014 Prep Meeting: August 2 , Aux noon, Joint 1 p.m. State Officers Assigned: Chairman – State Trustee-‐NEZ Lenny Zuchegno st Secretary – State 1 Vice President Gwen Salyers Speaker – State Trustee-‐CZ Mary Ann Hagans th Central Zone – Delaware #376 – October 10-‐12, 2014 Prep Meeting: August 9 , Aux 1 p.m., Joint 2 p.m. nd State Officers Assigned: Chairman – State 2 Vice President Sue Vandenbroek Secretary – State Trustee-‐SEZ Carol Giles Speaker – State Outside Guard Pat Kovalak th Southeast Zone – Glouster #468 – October 3-‐5, 2014 Prep Meeting: August 24 , Aux 1 p.m., Joint 2 p.m. rd State Officers Assigned: Chairman – State 3 Vice President Minda Bess Secretary – State Jr. Past Madam President Sara Favorite Speaker – State Trustee-‐NEZ Linda LaGrou rd Southwest Zone – Cheviot #2197 – October 10-‐12, 2014 Prep Meeting: August 23 , Aux 1 p.m., Joint 2 p.m. State Officers Assigned: Chairman – State Trustee-‐SWZ Faye Farris Secretary – State Conductor Pam Kohlrieser Speaker – State Inside Guard Denise Brooks State Special Activities Chairman Connie Arnold will be at the Northwest Zone to conduct her monthly drawing. GOOD LUCK TO ALL THE PLAYERS!! Locations of State Secretary Debbie Sharp and State Membership Chairman Agnes Smith TBD. DON’T MISS LEADERSHIP ASSEMBLY! COME ROOT FOR YOUR DISTRICT LEADER AS SHE MAKES HER CHALLENGES FOR THE YEAR! SEPTEMBER 19-‐21, 2014 Hospitality Friday Evening, September 19th ALL MEETINGS ON SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20th 8:30 a.m. – State Auxiliary Board Meeting Noon – State Trustee’s Tea 1:00 p.m. – Leadership Assembly Meeting LOCATION: Holiday Inn Cleveland West, 1100 Crocker Road, Westlake, Ohio Phone: 440-‐871-‐6000 DEADLINE FOR DINNER RESERVATIONS: SEPTEMBER 1st (Order form enclosed) WE HOPE EVERYONE IS MAKING PLANS TO ATTEND ALL ZONE DAY AT THE REC PARK ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 16th! The Rec Park is only about three miles north of Bellefontaine on US Route 68. Lots of fun is planned for the day! Hope to see you there! Chuck & Debbie Sharp MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! OUR EAST CENTRAL REGIONAL CONFERENCE WILL BE HERE BEFORE WE KNOW IT! OCTOBER 31 – NOVEMBER 2, 2014. MORE INFORMATION WILL BE PROVIDED IN THE SEPTEMBER BREEZE! PLAN TO COME AND SUPPORT OUR VERY OWN EAST CENTRAL REGIONAL PRESIDENT BARBARA STULL! ☺ NOTE: Due to the State and International Conventions being so close together, the charity and projects donations, delinquent Auxiliaries, and District Leader Report summary will resume in the September Breeze. State Auxiliary Webmaster Alma Powell is in the process of building our new State Auxiliary website! The address is It is not yet complete, but a few items are available now, such as the Buckeye Breeze!! A HUGE THANK YOU to Alma for taking on this project!! We know she will do a FANTASTIC job! 2015 STATE CONVENTION DATES: JUNE 15-19, 2015, AT THE RAMADA PLAZA & CONFERENCE CENTER, 4900 SINCLAIR ROAD, COLUMBUS, OH, PHONE: 614-846-0300. THANK YOU LETTERS RECEIVED FROM CARLA BERTKE, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE REHABILITATION CENTER FOR NEUROLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT (RCND): Dear Sara and Friends of the Ohio State Auxiliary: The angels don’t all live in heaven; the earth has its share of them too. They are the people whose kindness makes such an incredible difference; they are people like all of you! I can’t even begin to tell you the emotions that I felt on June 17th when the checks were presented to me. I could feel the love, generosity and caring hearts that filled the room. It was such an exciting time and I know Ruth Hahn was right there with me in spirit! Thank you for the special donation of $15,241.16 from the Ohio State Auxiliary. I realize a lot of hard work, time and effort went into the various fund raising activities throughout the year to raise these funds for our center! We are truly blessed by the support of the Eagles. Again thank you for the generous contribution and for everything else you did to see to it that the Center received such an incredible contribution! The general public has no idea of the magnitude of giving that the Eagles do. I feel my words are not enough to truly express my sincere gratitude but please know I am truly grateful and will never forget the display of kindness, support and love shown to myself and our center by the Eagles members! This support will help us make miracles happen! Thank you! FROM BERNARD P. HENRI, Ph.D., EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CLEVELAND HEARING AND SPEECH CENTER: Dear Friends: You are changing lives at Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center (CHSC)! Your recent gift from the Ohio State Auxiliary of $4,642.46 in support of the annual fund/Community Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, helps CHSC fulfill its mission of helping people connect through communication by utilizing our audiology, speech-language and deafness services, education, and advocacy. Working together, the lives that our staff and donors change represents an investment in the wellbeing of each of our clients. Thank you for helping CHSC clients help themselves. Please visit our website at to see our latest news and event information. As Sue Bungard and I tried to say, this support is so deeply appreciated. Thank you very, very much! We are grateful for your interest and your generosity. Best Wishes! FROM BARBARA J. CONDO, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/FOUNDER OF ONE WAY FARM OF FAIRFIELD, INC.: Dear Friends: I thank you on behalf of the children of One Way Farm Children’s Home (for your donation of $11,921.12). One Way Farm Children’s Home is caring for children who, due to abuse, have lived in Children’s Hospital for a year or two. The first child came when it was raining. He pleaded to run in the rain, saying “I haven’t been in the rain for two years. I just want to walk in it.” I took his hand and said, “The rain is from God.” We both walked in the rain! God bless you! In Service of the Children. FROM TIM HOMAN, VICE PRESIDENT OF ORGANIZATIONAL ADVANCEMENT OF THE VILLAGE NETWORK: On behalf of the youth of The Village Network, Boys’ Village campus, we would like to thank you for the donation of $678.67 received at the Eagles’ convention. We are pleased to inform you that this money has been designated for the “Eagles Wish List”; i.e., money that will be used to purchase special items to help meet the needs of the youth on our Wooster campus. Thanks again for this donation. Your support and generosity to help make a difference in the lives of the youth we serve is greatly appreciated. Thank you! We have a great start at bringing in those Grandkids, keep up the good work! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! #1 Woodstock #3974 34 Grandkids #3 Chagrin Falls #2436 26 Grandkids #5 Fremont #712 19 Grandkids Plant the garden, sweep the pool, soak up the summer with Family fun! Let’s fill the First Ladies house with grandkids! Agnes Smith Best Friend Membership Chairman DIST.# 1 AUX. NO. 449 1095 1162 1694 2193 2195 2197 2203 3006 3680 TOTAL DIST.# 2 AUX. NO. 407 528 1395 2202 2292 2306 2309 3031 3458 3925 3986 4014 4289 DIST.# 3 AUX. NO. 600 895 2227 2271 2279 4285 TOTAL AUXILIARY NORWOOD READING ST. BERNARD ELMWOOD PLACE MT. HEALTHY MADISONVILLE CHEVIOT WESTERN HILLS LOVELAND FAIRFIELD AUXILIARY HAMILTON MIDDLETOWN LEBANON EATON GERMANTOWN MIAMISBURG FRANKLIN DAYTON DABEL CRYSTAL MORAINE CITY WEST HAMILTON SPRINGBORO GRATIS AUXILIARY CHILLICOTHE IRONTON WAVERLY NEW BOSTON MCARTHUR PORTSMOUTH Made Quota Doubled Quota Tripled Quota Quadrupled Quota 5 Times Quota (SW) 5.36% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 12 1 1 24 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 24 5 5 12 0 0 24 0 0 24 3 3 168 9 9 DIST.# 4 AUX. NO. 391 463 468 1034 2168 2171 3665 TOTAL (SW) 10% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 24 2 2 36 1 1 36 5 5 12 4 4 12 0 0 24 6 6 24 3 3 12 0 0 24 2 2 12 1 1 36 0 0 12 0 0 24 5 5 288 29 29 DIST.# 5 AUX. NO. 302 386 387 760 761 1979 2070 2120 2187 2801 2952 3723 TOTAL (C) 25.00% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 24 7 7 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 1 1 12 4 4 12 9 9 84 21 21 Club District * ! ** !! *** !!! **** 5X DIST.# 6 AUX. NO. 772 1276 2162 TOTAL DIST.# 7 AUX. NO. 371 2302 2541 4252 TOTAL AUXILIARY NELSONVILLE CORNING GLOUSTER JACKSONVILLE LOGAN POMEROY BEVERLY AUXILIARY ZANESVILLE CAMBRIDGE NEWARK MT. VERNON COSHOCTON CROOKSVILLE NEW LEXINGTON LANCASTER MCCONNELSVILLE BUCKEYE LAKE CALDWELL HEATH AUXILIARY WELLSVILLE TORONTO CADIZ AUXILIARY BELLAIRE WOODSFIELD ST. CLAIRSVILLE BARNESVILLE (SE) QUOTA MONTH 2014 June 12 0 12 0 12 0 12 0 24 0 24 0 12 1 108 1 0.93% 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 (C) 4.05% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 84 6 6 36 0 0 60 3 3 12 0 0 48 1 1 24 1 1 48 1 1 24 2 2 24 0 0 24 0 0 12 3 3 24 0 0 420 17 17 (SE) 13.89% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 12 4 4 12 1 1 12 0 0 36 5 5 (SE) 2.08% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 1 1 48 1 1 DIST.#8 AUX. NO. 213 316 1496 2172 2216 2415 2705 3298 TOTAL DIST.#9 AUX. NO. 431 444 711 1442 2051 2869 2875 4354 TOTAL DIST.#10 AUX. NO. 2122 2217 2259 2282 4003 4204 TOTAL DIST.#11 AUX. NO. 555 2117 2164 2207 2224 2736 3505 4300 TOTAL AUXILIARY YOUNGSTOWN SALEM LEETONIA GIRARD LISBON N WATERFORD GARRETTSVILLE AUSTINTOWN AUXILIARY ELYRIA SANDUSKY NORWALK AMHERST WELLINGTON NEW LONDON HURON WAKEMAN AUXILIARY BEDFORD GARFIELD HEIGHTS WATERLOO BEREA COLUMBIA STATION PARMA AUXILIARY AKRON WADSWORTH RAVENNA CUYAHOGA FALLS MEDINA PORTAGE LAKES BRUNSWICK STREETBORO (NE) 10.61% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 12 3 3 12 0 0 12 0 0 24 4 4 24 0 0 12 2 2 12 2 2 24 3 3 132 14 14 (NW) 4.32% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 36 1 1 36 2 2 72 3 3 48 3 3 60 1 1 12 1 1 36 3 3 24 0 0 324 14 14 (NE) 10.00% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 48 0 0 12 0 0 12 2 2 24 0 0 12 8 8 12 2 2 120 12 12 ( NE ) 8.80% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 24 0 0 24 1 1 12 0 0 12 2 2 48 7 7 24 3 3 60 5 5 12 1 1 216 19 19 DIST.# 12 AUX. NO. 397 423 685 950 1689 2244 2252 3261 3620 TOTAL DIST.# 13 AUX. NO. 402 430 2118 2184 2198 2633 TOTAL DIST.#14 AUX. NO. 490 712 2180 2291 2295 2322 2562 2597 TOTAL DIST.# 15 AUX. NO. 321 614 971 1403 2177 2201 2347 2641 3491 3621 3998 4069 TOTAL AUXILIARY SPRINGFIELD WASHINGTON CH CIRCLEVILLE LONDON XENIA COLS. SOUTHSIDE COLS. LINDEN REYNOLDSBURG GROVE CITY AUXILIARY TIFFIN FOSTORIA FINDLAY UPPER SANDUSKY CAREY N. BALTIMORE AUXILIARY BELLEVUE FREMONT BOWLING GREEN CLYDE PORT CLINTON ROSSFORD MAUMEE DELTA AUXILIARY DAYTON PIQUA TROY SIDNEY GREENVILLE TIPP CITY VERSAILLES FAIRBORN NEW CARLISLE MILTON UNION COVINGTON ENON (C) 6.58% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 72 4 4 12 0 0 12 0 0 24 4 4 24 2 2 12 0 0 36 3 3 24 2 2 12 0 0 228 15 15 (NW ) 4.17% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 60 2 2 24 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 2 2 24 2 2 144 6 6 (NW) 9.94% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 60 1 1 72 19 19 24 0 0 24 1 1 24 1 1 48 3 3 24 3 3 36 3 3 312 31 31 ( SW ) 8.33% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 36 6 6 12 0 0 36 2 2 12 0 0 36 3 3 24 0 0 36 4 4 24 2 2 24 2 2 36 6 6 48 3 3 12 0 0 336 28 28 DIST.# 16 AUX. NO. 372 2233 2246 2405 2556 4428 TOTAL DIST.# 17 AUX. NO. 515 582 2185 2264 2418 3228 TOTAL DIST.# 18 AUX. NO. 336 630 763 859 2178 2275 TOTAL DIST.#19 AUX. NO. 141 190 811 2174 2199 2223 2370 2374 TOTAL DIST.#20 AUX. NO. 1161 1224 1325 2222 2289 2293 TOTAL AUXILIARY DEFIANCE BRYAN MONTPELIER PAULDING HICKSVILLE NAPOLEON AUXILIARY DOVER DENNISON CARROLLTON UHRICHSVILLE MILLERSBURG SANDY VALLEY AUXILIARY MANSFIELD GALION SHELBY CRESTLINE ASHLAND LOUDENVILLE AUXILIARY CANTON MASSILLON WOOSTER ALLIANCE MINERVA NORTH CANTON CANTON MCKINLEY LOUISVILLE AUXILIARY HILLSBORO WILMINGTON GREENFIELD BLANCHESTER BATAVIA GEORGETOWN (NW) 9.13% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 84 10 10 72 6 6 36 0 0 12 0 0 36 5 5 12 2 2 252 23 23 (SE) 8.33% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2012 June 2013 12 3 3 12 4 4 12 0 0 12 0 0 12 0 0 24 0 0 84 7 7 (NW ) 4.17% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 24 2 2 12 1 1 12 0 0 24 2 2 60 0 0 12 1 1 144 6 6 (NE) 7.47% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 12 0 0 48 6 6 12 0 0 12 2 2 24 0 0 60 7 7 108 11 11 72 0 0 348 26 26 (SW) 7.58% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 48 0 0 24 4 4 12 4 4 12 2 2 12 0 0 24 0 0 132 10 10 DIST.#21 AUX. NO. 408 1463 2243 2261 2300 2436 3605 3881 4035 4086 4521 TOTAL DIST.# 22 AUX. NO. 691 767 1291 1292 1391 3025 3615 TOTAL DIST.# 23 AUX. NO. 376 979 2163 2166 3506 3614 3974 TOTAL DIST.# 24 AUX. NO. 370 471 2234 2772 2793 TOTAL AUXILIARY CONNEAUT ASHTABULA GENEVA CHARDON WILLOUGHBY CHAGRIN FALLS MENTOR JEFFERSON ANDOVER WICKLIFFE CHESTER TWP. AUXILIARY WAPAKONETA ST. MARYS CELINA ROCKFORD MINSTER COLDWATER INDIAN LAKE AUXILIARY DELAWARE URBANA KENTON BELLEFONTAINE MARYSVILLE SUNBURY MECHANICSBURG AUXILIARY LIMA DELPHOS OTTAWA COLUMBUS GROVE LEIPSIC (NE) 21.33% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 24 9 9 12 1 1 36 0 0 24 5 5 48 7 7 84 26 26 12 3 3 12 7 7 24 4 4 12 2 2 12 0 0 300 64 64 (NW) 9.58% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2012 June 2013 48 4 4 24 1 1 36 11 11 12 1 1 36 3 3 24 0 0 60 3 3 240 23 23 ( C) 39.10% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 48 10 10 12 0 0 24 4 4 24 0 0 24 10 10 24 3 3 24 34 34 156 61 61 (NW) 6.02% QUOTA MONTH TOTAL 2014 June 2015 72 8 8 60 3 3 48 1 1 12 0 0 24 1 1 216 13 13 OHIO STATE M R. & M RS. EAGLES BOW LING TOURNAM ENT Stacey Borling, Secy./Mgr. 24285 Smith Rd. Wellington, Ohio 44090 (440) 856-5026 June 2014 Dear Eagle Bowlers, I am happy to announce our 2014 tournament will be hosted by Heath Aerie & Auxiliary #3723 and Park Lanes. We will be opening the tournament November 8th and it will run for two weekends. Doubles and Singles will be bowled on Saturday at 9am and 1pm with Team on Sundays at 9am and 12pm. Cost will be $175.00 per team $43.75 per person including all events. Please NO CASH, and preferably a money order or certified check to avoid returned personal checks and bank fees. Each team is to consist of four eagle members (2 men and 2 women) with dues paid up at time of bowling and you must show your eagle’s card when checking in to bowl. Enclosed you will find the entry, if needed, please feel free to copy it for additional teams. Also you will find the rules of the tournament. We are a certified moral support tournament through USBC. All averages will be verified with USBC prior to bowling unless bowler has no average; they will then go in with the blind of Women 150 and Men 165. Look forward to seeing you all in Heath this year for another successful tournament. Also, all winners’ trophies from 2013 tournament in Akron will be presented at the tournament. If not present will send back with other teammates or will be mailed out if not competing in tournament this year. Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in Heath! Sincerely, Stacey Borling, Secy. /Mgr. TOURNAMENT RULES 1. Entries will be accepted ONLY from members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles in good standing attested by Aerie and Auxiliary Secretary. 2. The tournament will be governed by USBC, Rule 301A Moral Support. Any person who is not a USBC member may purchase a card if they wish to qualify for UNITED STATES BOWLING CONGRESS awards. 3. No bowlers will be allowed to participate who for any reason have been refused membership in the USBC. 4. Both members of a BOWLING COUPLE must be OHIO Aerie & Auxiliary members of the Fraternal Order of Eagles. If not they will be considered an ineligible bowler and all scores rolled by them shall be voided and they will forfeit the right of any prize money. There will be no refund of entry fee in any event in which an ineligible person participates. Two (2) couples constitute a team. 5. Handicaps on 90% of difference between bowlers’ average and 210. Bowlers that have no average will use; WOMEN 150 MEN 165. All other bowlers will use their highest sanctioned 13-14 league average based on 21 or more games in any one league. If no 13-14 average, bowlers may use sanctioned league average based on 21 games, as of the opening day of the tournament. Any bowler falsifying his or her average will be considered an ineligible bowler and rule 4 will apply. In this tournament USBC Rule 319A will apply to all entrants. Failure to use the correct average shall disqualify score if submitted average is lower than correct average thereby resulting in a lower classification or more handicap. Prize winnings shall be based on the submitted average if it is higher than the correct average. However, corrections in average may be permitted up to the completion of the first game of the series. 6. If your average is ten (10) PINS HIGHER (or more) at the time of bowling based on 21 games or more, than last year you must use current average. Rule 319a-2 applies. 7. The tournament manager reserves the right to rerate bowler’s average before entrant bowls. If the rerated bowler’s average is not accepted by the bowler, the entry fee shall be refunded. Rule 319c applies to ALL BOWLERS. 8. No bowler will be entered more than once in team event or doubles & singles; however, in case of emergency a substitute bowler may bowl more than once to complete a four member team. Not more than two bowlers on the same team can place more than once in the prize list or positions standings Rule 315. A man must substitute for a man; a woman must substitute for a woman. When multiple participation is permitted, the bowler’s first appearance in each event shall count toward their “All Events” total. Rule 315. 9. To bowl in singles or doubles, you must bowl both. 10. Entries will close midnight August 31, 2014, NO EXCEPTIONS. 11. Entry fee must accompany all entries, NO CASH. 12. Check in time is 30 minutes prior to time of bowling. Mail Entry and entry fees to: Stacey Borling 24285 Smith Rd Wellington, OH 44090 (440)856-5026 AT LEAST ONE PRIZE FOR EACH 10 ENTRIES OR MAJOR FRACTION THEREOF IN TEAM, DOUBLES AND SINGLES EVENT.ONE PRIZE FOR EACH 20 ENTRIES OR MAJOR FRACTION THEREOF IN ALL EVENTS. Heath Aerie and Auxiliary #3723 1007 Hollander St Newark, ohio 43055 $14.25 per bowler team only $28.50 per bowler D/S only $175.00 per team $43.75 per bowler including A/E ALL EVENTS (OPTIONAL) TOTAL TOURNAMENT FEE BOWLING FEE PER EVENT PRIZE FEE PER EVENT PHONE CITY ADDRESS ENTRY FEE: TEAM NAME: Times Sun. Team 9am or 12pm Sat. Doubles & Singles 9am or 1:00p $1.00 $14.25 $2.75 $8.00 $3.50 2 1 2 Aerie No. Aerie Secy. Aux. Secy.-‐ Highest $1.00 Option Average E vents All 2013-‐2014 YES NO The undersigned certifies that the bowlers’ names on this entry are bona fide members of the F.O.E. to whom competition in this tournament must be restricted. ENTRIES CLOSE-‐ August 31, 2014 ENTRIES OPEN-‐ July 15, 2014 Highest USBC Average Doubles-‐ Listed in Order Card No. 2013-‐2014 1 CAPTAIN: ZIP M or W Please print list in t he o rder y ou w ill b owl. You MUST bowl in this order. Indicate “M” for man, “W” for woman. Two Men – Two Women. Rule #4. MORAL SUPPORT CERTIFIED UNITED STATES BOWLING CONGRESS 2014 33rd ANNUAL OHIO STATE Mr. & Mrs. Eagle bowling tournament No cash accepted Write in choices 1st Date and Time:______________ 2nd Date and Time:______________ MAKE ALL MONEY ORDERS,BANK DRAFTS OR CERTIFIED CHECKS TO: OHIO STATE MR. & MRS. Eagles Bowling. MAIL ALL ENTRIES TO: Stacey borling, 24285 Smith Rd Wellington Ohio,44090 BOWLING TEAM, SINGLES & DOUBLES AT: Park Lanes: 701 Hopewell Dr. Heath, Ohio 43056 (740) 522-2101 PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT PLAINLY PRIZE FEE RETURNED 100% Prize ratio at least 1 out of 10 entries November 8-9, 15-16 Amount Remitted (2) Weekends Circle Choice Entry # Not Write In This Space Do OHIO STATE AUXILIARY OFFICERS, F.O.E. 2014-2015 OFFICE/NAME ADDRESS PHONE AUXILIARY NAME & NO. E-MAIL ADDRESS Jr. Past State Madam President Sara Favorite 814 Virginia Street Piqua, OH 45356 H – 937-773-6212 C – 937-623-9911 Piqua #614 [email protected] State Madam President Harriet Luke 9788 N. Marks Road Columbia Station, OH 44028 C – 440-856-6580 Columbia Station #4003 [email protected] State Madam 1st Vice President Gwen Salyers 6632 Glacier Avenue Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 C – 614-208-9596 Big Walnut #3261 [email protected] State Madam 2nd Vice President Sue Vandenbroek P. O. Box 316 Swanton, OH 43558 C – 419-822-1979 Delta #2597 [email protected] State Madam 3rd Vice President Minda Bess 339 Broadway Wellsville, OH 43968 H – 330-362-0438 C – 234-736-8674 Wellsville #772 [email protected] State Madam Chaplain Sharon Horn 6029 Catherine Drive Milford, OH 45150 H – 513-575-4676 C – 513-503-6576 Loveland #3006 [email protected] State Madam Conductor Pam Kohlrieser 22292 S. Conant Road Spencerville, OH 45887 H - 419-657-6074 C - 419-230-7982 Wapakoneta #691 [email protected] State Madam Secretary Debbie Sharp 404 Kennison Avenue New Carlisle, OH 45344 W – 937-679-8002 Diamond #3491 [email protected] State Madam Treasurer Leisa Oiler 1451 Tall Meadows Drive Columbus, OH 43223 H – 614-272-2803 C – 614-425-7708 Grove City #3620 [email protected] State Madam Inside Guard Denise Brooks P. O. Box 231 Trimble, OH 45782 740-767-2264 Mohawk #1034 [email protected] State Madam Outside Guard Pat Kovalak 11041 Sunshine Drive Chardon, OH 44024 440-796-0395 Geauga #2261 [email protected] State Madam Trustee - NEZ Lenny Zuchegno 616 Canford Ave NW Massillon, OH 44646 H - 330-809-0135 C - 330-268-2138 Canton McKinley #2370 [email protected] State Madam Trustee - NWZ Linda LaGrou 1257 Muskellunge Road Fremont, OH 43420 419-355-9416 Croghan #712 [email protected] State Madam Trustee - CZ Mary Ann Hagans P. O. Box 77 Jacksontown, OH 43030 740-616-5894 Licking #387 [email protected] State Madam Trustee - SEZ Carol Giles 21 Highland Heights Wheeling, WV 23006 H - 304-551-8364 C - 304-639-4686 Bellaire #371 [email protected] State Madam Trustee- SWZ Faye Farris 172 N. Ridge Avenue Troy, OH 45373 H – 937-339-7080 C - 937-216-0322 Miami #971 [email protected] DISTRICT LEADERS - 2014-2015 1 SW Katie Woodburn 2993 Westbrook Drive Cincinnati, OH 45238 Cheviot #2197 513-662-0763 13 NW Susie Crates 104 Juniper Place Carey, OH 43316 Carey #2198 419-396-3427 2 SW M. Sue Watts 5956 Hollyhill Court Dayton, OH 45449 Dayton Dabel #3031 937-272-7111 14 NW Judi Tuckerman 313 N. Madison Street Delta, OH 43515 Delta #2597 419-343-9874 3 Waverly #2227 740-493-3063 15 SW Danita Andrews 312 West Martindale Road Union, OH 45322 Milton-Union #3621 937-836-4513 4 SE Rebecca Fry 40 Sycamore Street Glouster, OH 45732 Glouster #468 740-767-4560 16 NW Mickie Green 224 East Farnham Street Edgerton, OH 43517 Bryan #2233 419-519-2522 5 C Carie Ward 41 North 9th Street Newark, OH 43055 Licking #387 740-364-1709 17 SE Gayle Gindlesberger 370 S. Washington Apt C Millersburg, OH 44654 Millersburg #2418 330-317-3387 6 SE Linda Swan 1100 E. Market Street Cadiz, OH 43907 Cadiz #2162 740-942-8262 18 NW Cathy Brown 9723 County Road 20 Galion, OH 44833 Crestline #859 419-468-7507 7 SE Chelsea Scott P. O. Box 403 Woodsfield, OH 43793 Woodsfield #2302 740-391-0586 19 NE Lorrie Goodnight 844 Sawmill Trail NE Massillon, OH 44646 Massillon #190 330-837-4155 8 NE Dianne Frye 3365 Main Street Mineral Ridge, OH 44440 Girard #2172 330-544-2748 20 SW Nancy Ledford 152 Broadway Street N Midland, OH 45148 Blanchester #2222 937-783-3624 9 NW Debbie Davis 26904 West Road Wellington, OH 44090 Wellington #2051 440-647-6248 21 NE Debbie Buber 12648 Harold Drive Chesterland, OH 44026 Geauga #2261 440-537-9448 10 NE Joyce Zarycki 5473 Elmwood Avenue Maple Heights, OH 44137 Metropolitan #2122 216-581-5381 22 NW Donna Bowerman 45 West 6th Street Minster, OH 45865 Minster #1391 419-628-2110 11 NE Deb Coryell 790 Wild Cherry Drive Akron, OH 44319 Akron #555 330-645-4511 23 Marysville #3506 937-246-2145 12 Champion #397 937-964-8830 24 NW Polly Mangold P. O. Box 305 Leipsic, OH 45856 C Sandi Rhoads P. O. Box 192 Latham, OH 45646 C Pat Wiederkehr 3172 Folk Ream Road Springfield, OH 45502 C Robin Bryant 24570 Ford Reed Road Richwood, OH 43344 Leipsic #2793 419-943-3340 OHIO STATE AUXILIARY APPOINTMENTS - 2014-15 State Membership Chairman Agnes Smith 40050 Jones Road Wellington, OH 44090 Wellington #2051 440-647-5408 State Delinquent Chairman Joyce Guy 606 E. Fernwood Drive Toronto, OH 43964 Toronto #1276 740-537-4450 State Special Activities Chairman Connie Arnold P. O. Box 198 Waterford, OH 45786-0198 Beverly #3665 740-984-4151 (Home) 740-438-3388 (Cell) State Buckeye Breeze Editor Judy Kempton 1838 Mohawk Drive Lancaster, OH 43130 Forest Rose #2120 740-653-8488 State Historian Carol Jakubowski 4444 Fairview Toledo, OH 43612 Maumee #2562 419-476-5831 (Home) 419-270-1789 (Cell) State No Goose Egg Chairman LaVerne Sadowski 20462 Sterling Way Strongville, OH 44149 Columbia Station #4003 440-572-2190 State New Auxiliary Chairman Maureen Pasket 14686 Oakland Drive Strongsville, OH 44136 Columbia Station #4003 440-238-7120 State Re-enrollment Chairman Judy Combs 109 Rachel Court New Carlisle, OH 45344 Diamond #3491 937-765-9029 State Ritual Chairman Marlene Boehme 2052 Elm Avenue Norwood, OH 45212 Highland #449 513-631-6607 (Home) 513-404-8950 (Cell) State Ritual Co-Chairman Joyce Skirvin 2320 Monroe Avenue 1st Fl. Norwood, OH 45212 Highland #449 513-351-1962 State Mr. & Mrs. Eagle Bowling Chairman Stacey Borling 24285 Smith Road Wellington, OH 44090 Columbia Station #4003 440-856-5026 State Mrs. Eagle Bowling Chairman Carolyn Gustin 1901 Covington Avenue, Apt 11 Piqua, OH 45356 Piqua #614 937-418-2556 (Cell) State Auxiliary Webmaster Alma Powell 1420 Country Wood Drive Dayton, OH 45440 Wright #2641 937-310-1027 OHIO STATE AUXILIARY CHARITIES AND PROJECTS APPTS - 2014-2015 State Chairman STATE MADAM PRESIDENT HARRIET LUKE'S CHARITY CAMP QUALITY OHIO Lyn Thomas Akron #555 137 Hillcrest Street 330-298-9168 Ravenna, OH 44266 Northeast Zone Chairman Pat Bowe 10854 Fairmount Road Newbury, OH 44065 Geauga #2261 440-564-5914 Northwest Zone Chairman Diana Nickens 4218 Roundtree Road Toledo, OH 43615 Maumee #2562 419-410-3691 Central Zone Chairman Mary Craig 47 Swainford Drive Heath, OH 43056 Licking #387 740-522-1544 Southeast Zone Chairman Dorthy Bywater 39358 Johnston Rd NE Dover, OH 44622 Canal Dover #515 330-364-6110 Southwest Zone Chairman Pat Hawley 7620 Dayton-Brandt Road Tipp City, OH 45371 Diamond #3491 937-397-9567 DIABETES State Chairman Lisa Friend 34188 Euclid Ave. Apt 23 Willoughby, OH 44094 Willoughby #2300 440-539-4995 Northeast Zone Chairman Sue Loeschen 527 Columbus Street Bedford, OH 44146 Metropolitan #2122 440-232-3751 Northwest Zone Chairman Stacie Wenzel 92 Townsend Avenue Norwalk, OH 44857 Maple City #711 419-744-0116 Central Zone Chairman Joyce Richards 1524 Burlington Avenue Franklin, OH 45005 Big Walnut #3261 614-483-2876 Southeast Zone Chairman Candi Holly P. O. Box 541 Chauncey, OH 45719 Glouster #468 702-758-6657 Southwest Zone Chairman Patty Shriver 5585 Raceview Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45248 Cheviot #2197 513-574-2913 State Chairman MENTALLY CHALLENGED Mary Zuchowski 141 Bergin Street Rossford, OH 43460 Rossford #2322 567-277-8276 Northeast Zone Chairman Judy Joy 14559 Steubenville Pike Lisbon, OH 44432 Lisbon #2216 330-424-9473 Northwest Zone Chairman Julie Tishhouse 1000 Buffalo Rd Apt 1 Bryan, OH 43506 Bryan #2233 440-647-6248 Central Zone Chairman Suzi Phillips 1327 Genessee Avenue Columbus, OH 43211 Columbus Linden #2252 614-930-8948 Southeast Zone Chairman Mary Belle Dewey 75 East Main Street Logan, OH 43138 Logan #2168 Southwest Zone Chairman Pat Stonerock 2112 Ottello Avenue Dayton, OH 45414 Diamond #3491 937-275-9460 State Chairman ONE WAY FARM Janet Pierce 807 McKinley Avenue Piqua, OH 45356 Miami #971 937-773-1563 Northeast Zone Chairman Linda Vanek 37 Fillier Street Berea, OH 44017 Berea #2282 440-891-0002 Northwest Zone Chairman Kathy Siefker 7440 Redd Road Elida, OH 45807 Delphos #471 419-695-4120 Central Zone Chairman Sue Courson 430 Garfield Avenue Newark, OH 43055 Licking #387 740-345-3293 Southeast Zone Chairman Sarah Bywater 39358 Johnstown Rd. NE Dover, OH 44622 Canal Dover #515 330-364-6110 Southwest Zone Chairman Betty Sharp 405 West Jackson Street New Carlisle, OH 45344 Wright #2641 937-207-2979 State Chairman HEARING AND SPEECH Sandra Graham 2211 Redbud Lane Delta, OH 43515 Delta #2597 440-822-3099 Northeast Zone Chairman Melva Day 2514 Cooper Street Youngstown, OH 44090 Youngstown #213 330-788-5830 Northwest Zone Chairman Doris Keller 202 Holland Ave. Lot 59 Delphos, OH 45833 Delphos #471 419-692-2423 Central Zone Chairman Barbara Glaze 1435 N. Columbus St. Apt 12 Lancaster, OH 45005 Forest Rose #2120 740-215-8036 Southeast Zone Chairman Tracy Possage 707 St. Clair Ave. Apt 5 East Liverpool, OH 43920 Wellsville #772 330-932-0225 Southwest Zone Chairman Kathy Jennings 426 McIntire Drive Fairborn, OH 45324 Wright #2641 937-878-2886 State Chairman COLUMBUS SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND Debbie Loeschen Metropolitan #2122 527 Columbus Street 440-232-3751 Bedford, OH 44146 Northeast Zone Chairman Linda Tucker 27300 Markbarry Avenue Euclid, OH 44132 Waterloo #2259 216-481-7363 Northwest Zone Chairman Yvonne Calvin 936 E. Wilson Street Bryan, OH 43506 Bryan #2233 419-551-5427 Central Zone Chairman Mickey McCormick P. O. Box 1133 Buckeye Lake, OH 43008 Buckeye Lake #2801 740-403-2314 Southeast Zone Chairman Audrey Conner 800 S. Washington St Lot 112 Millersburg, OH 44654 Millersburg #2418 330-674-3444 Southwest Zone Chairman Casey Horn 6029 Catherine Drive Milford, OH 45150 Loveland #3006 513-575-4676 State Chairman GOD, FLAG AND COUNTRY Debbie Sutton 1867 S. Stockton Drive Loveland, OH 45140 Loveland #3006 513-677-3153 Northeast Zone Chairman Lisa Barbetta 4449 Cox Drive Stow, OH 44244 Cuyahoga Falls #2207 330-715-4139 Northwest Zone Chairman Roxann McCain P. O. Box 43 Nankin, OH 44848 Mohican #2178 419-651-1186 Central Zone Chairman Nora Gallis 5865 East Pike Zanesville, OH 43701 Zanesville #302 740-872-4134 Southeast Zone Chairman Janet Holmes 631 North 4th Street Toronto, OH 43954 Toronto #1276 740-763-3511 Southwest Zone Chairman Brenda Ludwig 120 N. Wright Avenue Dayton, OH 45403 Dayton #321 H - 937-781-9169 C - 937-212-3232 State Chairman State Co-Chairman State Chairman State Co-Chairman OHIO DISASTER RELIEF FUND Margie Isaacs Dayton #321 1240 Norton Avenue 937-252-6177 Dayton, OH 45420 Barbara Hare 185 Chestnut Street Geneva, OH 44041 Lake Shore #2243 440-466-5443 OHIO STATE EAGLES REC PARK Eileen Moser Marysville #3506 145 Hemlock Drive 937-642-9804 Marysville, OH 45013 Pattie Sanders 317 South Elm Street Hillsboro, OH 45133 Hillsboro #1161 440-352-1299 GRAND AERIE CHARITY APPOINTMENTS - 2014-15 State Chairman State Chairman State Chairman JIMMY DURANTE CHILDREN'S AND CHILD ABUSE FUND Janice Shaw Lima #370 2275 N. Cable Road Apt 124 567-242-3636 Elida, OH 45807 MAX BAER HEART FUND Carla Cochran 130 Harrison Avenue Cadiz, OH 43907 Cadiz #2162 614-517-7482 GOLDEN EAGLE/ALZHEIMERS FUND Margie Richert Delaware #376 285 E. Central Avene 740-369-5544 Delaware, OH 43015 D. D. DUNLAP KIDNEY FUND State Chairman State Chairman State Chairman Northeast Zone Nancy Neth 425 South Counts Street Troy, OH 45373 Miami #971 937-332-8523 MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY FUND Shirley Dretzel Geauga #2261 1733 Gar Hwy 440-968-3973 Montville, OH 44064 ART EHRMANN CANCER FUND Carolyn Seel Milton-Union #3621 244 Stubbs Drive Dayton, OH 45469 ZONE COORDINATORS - 2014-15 Jackie Sopko Columbia Station #4003 P. O. Box 313 440-343-2598 Columbia Station, OH 44028 Northwest Zone Vicky Mangold P. O. Box 305 Leipsic, OH 45856 Leipsic #2793 419-943-3340 Central Zone Dianne Cavriani 6669 Lockbourne Road Lockbourne, OH 43137 Grove City #3620 614-409-1920 Southeast Zone Audra Workman 200 Norwood Ave Apt C23 Logan, OH 43138 Logan #2168 740-974-0568 Southwest Zone Barbara Horrall 6291 Shaker Road Franklin, OH 45005 Springboro #4014 937-743-9504 Northeast Zone Chairman STATE HALL OF FAME COMMITTEE Gladys Petrie Berea #2282 19149 Charter Lane 440-238-4179 Strongsville, OH 44149 Northwest Zone Chairman Faye Baum Committee Chairman 427 Virginia Avenue Ashland, OH 44805 Mohican #2178 419-281-3234 Central Zone Chairman Norma Brookover 1677 Linden Avenue Zanesville, OH 43701 Zanesville #302 740-453-9565 Southeast Zone Chairman Connie Arnold P. O. Box 198 Waterford, OH 45786 Beverly #3665 740-438-3388 Southwest Zone Chairman Sue Fisher 385 Richard Glen Drive Tipp City, OH 45371 Milton-Union #3621 937-339-5300 State Secretary Debbie Sharp Non-Voting Member 404 Kennison Avenue New Carlisle, OH 45344 Diamond #3491 937-679-8002 STATE AUXILIARY EXECUTIVE BOARD ADVISORY BOARD Northeast Zone Chairman Gladys Petrie Berea #2282 Committee Chairman 440-238-4179 19149 Charter Lane Strongsville, OH 44149 Northwest Zone Chairman Mary Hornsby 106 North Pleasant Street Norwalk, OH 44857 Maple City #711 419-668-0213 Central Zone Chairman Chloris Vance 11260 Norwich Drive New Concord, OH 43762 Guernsey #386 740-826-7149 Southeast Zone Chairman Brenda Nobile 1100 E. Market Street Cadiz, OH 43907 Cadiz #2162 740-942-8262 Southwest Zone Chairman Helen Poehner 4207 Harding Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45211 Hamilton West #3986 513-661-1932 OHIO STATE AUXILIARY, F.O.E. ALTA BROWNING SMITH AWARD NOMINATION FORM Nominee: Name: _________________________________________________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: ____________ Zip: __________ Auxiliary name and number: ________________________________________________ Nominee joined her Auxiliary: ________________________ Month/Year Eagle Career Information: Local & State Offices Held (if any): Eagle Auxiliary “Important Facts”: Community “Important Facts”: Miscellaneous Facts About Nominee: Return this form and/or letter no later than OCTOBER 24, 2014 to: Debbie Sharp, Ohio State Secretary 404 Kennison Avenue New Carlisle, OH 45344-1311 You may use this form as your submission, or you may submit the information in story form. If additional space is needed, please attach extra pages. If your nominee is not chosen, letters for consideration will NOT be held over for the following year. You must resubmit your nominee next year.
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