TOWN OF WOLSELEY MINUTES April 23, 2014 The regular meeting of the Council of the Town of Wolseley was held in the Council Chambers at the Town Office located at 610 Varennes Street on April 23, 2014 at 7:00 p.m. Present: Councilor Dan McKenna Councilor Gerald Hill Councilor Troy Kyle Administrator Candice Quintyn Councilor Randy Quintyn Councilor Ron Lyke Councilor Larry Hilderman Absent: Mayor Dennis Fjestad CALL TO ORDER A quorum being present, Acting Mayor Troy Kyle called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 116/14 117/14 118/14 119/24 AGENDA QUINTYN/HILL that the agenda be adopted as present. CARRIED MINUTES LYKE/HILL that the minutes of the Regular Meeting on April 2, 2014 be approved. CARRIED HILDERMAN/QUINTYN that the minutes of the Special Meeting on April 9, 2014 be approved. CARRIED DELEGATION HILDERMAN/HILL to hear delegation Erwin Miller and Bill Cockshutt at 7:10 p.m. regarding an update with the Wolseley & District Care Home Project. CARRIED - - - Firstly, Mr. Miller thanks Council for their hard work in helping reopen the hospital. Care Home Project committee feels confident enough in the community to hear advice or even criticism for the project. The committee is keeping in contact with the Saskatchewan division for care homes. They’ve received acceptance from the Federal Government in getting a charitable status for the organization. The committee is keeping in contact with the contractor. The engineers have met regarding water issues. The Public Works department has been very helpful, including the staff in the office. Mr. Cockshutt explained that the Wolseley & District Care Home Project is in a solid equity position - through strictly donations, they’ve raised $700,000.00. The goal is to reach $1,000,000.00 for the project. Mr. Miller stated Optasia (Contractors) should be starting construction again about the same time as the farmers start in fields. They will be moving in trailers to stay on site while working. Delegation E. Miller and B. Cockshutt leave at 7:29 p.m. Town of Wolseley – Regular Minutes – April 23, 2014 120/14 ACCOUNTS QUINTYN/MCKENNA that cheque #’s 12368 to 12375 totaling $8,776.72 be ratified. CARRIED 121/14 QUINTYN/LYKE that cheque #’s 12376 to 12412 totaling $52,536.64 be approved, with the exception of cheque # 12394, payable to Mr. Sandless for a total of $2,500.00. CARRIED 122/14 LYKE/MCKENNA that the Statement of Financial Activities as at March 31, 2014 be approved. CARRIED ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT 1) FYI - TD EasyWeb Printout – Accounts 2) SaskCulture Municipal Cultural Engagement Planning (MCEP) grant awarded for 2014. 3) Goods and Services Tax (GST) Rebate received from 2013. Council suggested submitting GST quarterly rather than annually. The office will look into this and report back next meeting. 4) Canada Summer Jobs grant awarded for 2014. Once we hire a tourist booth attendant, there will be steps to follow. 5) FYI – 2011 TAXervice Arrears Updates 123/14 HILL/LYKE move to proceed with requesting title for Roll # 461 000. CARRIED 6) Landfill hours have changed from winter hours. Currently, the landfill will be open Wednesdays 2:00pm to 8:00pm; and Saturdays 10:00am to 4:00pm. 7) Culverts for home owners re-visited: 124/14 LYKE/KYLE move to amend motion 440/10 with the following: that only one standard 20’ (twenty foot) culvert will be supplied by the Town of Wolseley per residence, and that any additional lengths will be at the expense of the home owner, PLUS the labor to install whether it be the Town’s Public Works department or a Contractor. CARRIED 8) Administrator’s University of Regina courses are complete. COMMITTEE REPORTS HILL – Court house: Met with Access 2000 last week to discuss accessibility options for the Court house. They will do a proposal for a lift system. - Council has asked for proposals regarding usage for the lower level of the Court house, nothing has come in yet. - Met with the Wolseley Heritage Foundation’s (WHF) Fundraising Committee, overall good meeting – it was decided all funding will go through WHF, all receipting, all correspondence, thank-you letters, etc. LORAAS donated $1,000.00 towards the Court house project. - WHF is planning a July 1 Canada Day celebration, fundraising fun day at the Court house. Pig roast, kids games, etc. More details to come. - Councilor Hill suggests to Council we should budget a little ($10,000) for the Court house in the 2014 budget. - There is no big hurry to get windows, doors, etc., ordered. First get all “ducks-in-a-row”, no rush. - Peanut Line discussion – Should we take out the Culverts? Check with PDAP. Page 2 Town of Wolseley – Regular Minutes – April 23, 2014 Page 3 LYKE – Wolseley Waste Management Strategy Committee (WWMSC) meeting. Discussion regarding refuse pickups, suggestions to reduce tonnage in the LORAAS carts, to have more yard debris pickups throughout summer months. 125/14 LYKE/HILL to add a monthly pickup to the summer months for yard debris to our current schedule. May two pickups; June, July, August, September have one pickup each month; and October two pickups of yard debris. CARRIED - - - Sewer jobs – discussion if we should be charging for sewer jobs during or outside of work hours, what are Council’s thoughts? Check with Grenfell and Indian Head to see what they do. Provincial Paving and Canadian Paving Services quotes are in, Councilor Lyke needing more clarification on a few items and will bring a recommendation back to council next meeting. Foreman applications were reviewed. The office is to contact a couple individuals to arrange an interview. MCKENNA – Curling and Skating rinks had good shut downs. Sportsplex is waiting for a few more invoices to come in to have an annual meeting. HILDERMAN – meeting scheduled tomorrow for Beach Washrooms. Dam Days will be looking for $10,000.00 allocated to Beach Washrooms from the Town of Wolseley soon. QUINTYN – Councilor Quintyn and Fire Chief Scott Pollock attended the annual Fire Chiefs Conference in Saskatoon. They had some good seminars about vehicle rescues, a lot of good info. - Medical clinic, the Town will be vacating May 31 – Reliance Financial Group will be contacting Dr. Bella-Lufu regarding his medical records. The equipment needs to go somewhere end of May. KYLE – Main Street has six months left, therefore Town should pay the $30,000 commitment now rather than at the end when Main Street is trying to wrap things up. 126/14 KYLE/HILDERMAN to make commitment to Main Street. final payment of the $30,000.00 CARRIED NEW BUSINESS 1) 2014 Mill Rate, Minimum Taxes and Budget: 127/14 HILDERMAN/QUINTYN to increase and set the Mill Rate and Minimum Taxes from 12.50 Mills to 13.25 Mills; Minimum Tax on bare land from $400.00 to $450.00; and Minimum Tax on property (land and improvements) from $600.00 to $660.00. CARRIED 128/14 HILL/MCKENNA to accept the 2014 Draft Budget and transfer all reserves immediately. CARRIED - Administrator to put each reserve in GICs, except for the Court house allocation (Fire Truck GIC, and Land GIC). 2) Bylaw No. 2-2014 to provide for incurring debt, first reading. 129/14 HILL/LYKE to read Bylaw No. 2-2014 a first time, to provide for incurring a debt in the amount of $85,000.00 for the purpose of a new wheel loader. CARRIED Town of Wolseley – Regular Minutes – April 23, 2014 3) Bylaw No. 3-2014, a bylaw to regulate and control outdoor or recreational fires. 130/14 QUINTYN/LYKE to read Bylaw No. 3-2014 a first time, to regulate and control outdoor/recreational fires. CARRIED 131/14 HILL/MCKENNA to read Bylaw No. 3-2014 a second time, to regulate and control outdoor/recreational fires. CARRIED 132/14 QUINTYN/KYLE motion to read Bylaw No. 3-2014 a third time. CARRIED 133/14 KYLE/LYKE to read Bylaw No. 3-2014 a third time, to regulate and control outdoor/recreational fires and come into force. CARRIED 4) Bylaw No. 4-2014 Tax Exemption Agreement, Economic Development for Prairie Lake Homes, 114 Spruce Street. Councilor Hill and Councilor Hilderman declare a pecuniary interest and leave the Council Chamber at 11:25pm. 134/14 LYKE/MCKENNA to read Bylaw No. 4-2014 a first time, to provide for entering into a tax exemption agreement for the purpose of economic development. CARRIED 135/14 QUINTYN/KYLE to read Bylaw No. 4-2014 a second time, to provide for entering into a tax exemption agreement for the purpose of economic development. CARRIED 136/14 MCKENNA/LYKE motion to read Bylaw No. 4-2014 a third time. CARRIED 137/14 KYLE/QUINTYN to read Bylaw No. 4-2014 a third time, to provide for entering into a tax exemption agreement for the purpose of economic development and to come into force. CARRIED Councilor Hill and Councilor Hilderman return to the Council Chamber at 11:30pm. 5) Bylaw No. 5-2014 Tax Exemption Agreement, Economic Development for Judy and Bruce Smith, 204 Spruce Street. 138/14 HILL/QUINTYN to read Bylaw No. 5-2014 a first time, to provide for entering into a tax exemption agreement for the purpose of economic development. CARRIED 139/14 HILDERMAN/LYKE to read Bylaw No. 5-2014 a second time, to provide for entering into a tax exemption agreement for the purpose of economic development. CARRIED 140/14 MCKENNA/LYKE motion to read Bylaw No. 5-2014 a third time. CARRIED Page 4 Town of Wolseley – Regular Minutes – April 23, 2014 141/14 Page 5 HILDERMAN/HILL to read Bylaw No. 5-2014 a third time, to provide for entering into a tax exemption agreement for the purpose of economic development and to come into force. CARRIED 6) Mr. Sandless quote for the Town Hall/Opera House. 142/14 HILDERMAN/QUINTYN to go with Mr. Sandless to redo the Town Hall/Opera House floor, area 2,490 square feet at $1.99/square foot for June 7th and 8th and to approve cheque # 12394 for deposit in the amount of $2,500.00. CARRIED OLD BUSINESS 1) Kahkewistahaw MSA – Ed Attridge is willing to meet with the lawyer, administration and council regarding the Kahkewistahaw MSA. 143/14 HILL/KYLE move for Attridge Consulting Services to meet with Council representation, administration and Lawyer respecting Municipal Services Agreement. CARRIED - Administration to contact Lawyer about reviewing MSA documents 2) Official Community Plan 144/14 HILL/HILDERMAN to retain Attridge Consulting Services to review updated draft Official Community Plan. CARRIED 3) Court house donor recognition – Councilors Hill and Kyle gave the recommendation to the WHF Fundraising Committee, and they will look it over and report back in a few weeks. CORRESPONDENCE 1) Wolseley & District Care Home Project Inc. letter of thanks for the determination of re-opening the Wolseley Hospital. 2) Reliance Financial Group Inc. update on the Medical Clinic 3) Faye & Elie Coueslan – Council is not in a position to fill private lots. 4) Wolseley Waste Management Strategy Committee (WWMSC) recommendations for recycling. 5) Murray Laverdiere – Back Alley: Public works will be informed to gravel the back alley when dry. 6) Wolseley Public Library 145/14 HILL/MCKENNA that the Wolseley Public Library can use the Sportsplex for the Bike Safety Rodeo rent-free. CARRIED DISCUSSION ANNOUNCEMENTS - Regular Council Meeting scheduled for May 7, 2014 146/14 QUINTYN that the meeting be adjourned at 12:15 a.m. CARRIED Dennis Fjestad_____ ______ Mayor Candice Quintyn___________ Administrator
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