Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 The Official Gazette Published by Authority BRADES, MONTSERRAT, WEDNESDAY 26th MARCH, 2014 Vol. XLVIII CONTENTS No. 3 CRUMP, Mr Courtney, Assistant Secretary, Treasury Department to act as Accountant General, Treasury Department from November 01, 2009 to January 31, 2010. Notices..................................................................... 32 Appointments ...……………………………………46 Patents……………………………………………...47 Trademarks ............................................................. .49 Financial Statements…………………………………...58 NOTICES SEMPER, Miss Derona, Sergeant, Royal Montserrat Police Force to act as Inspector, Training and Personnel, Royal Montserrat Police Force from March 01, 2010 to May 31, 2010. SKERRITT, Mrs Claudia, Principal Assistant Secretary, MCW&L to act as Permanent Secretary, MCW&L from April 19-23, 2010 and May 03-June 01, 2010. QUEELEY, Miss Shirlian, News Sub-Editor, Broadcasting Unit to act as News Editor/Programme Director, Broadcasting Unit from April 01, 2010 to May 10, 2010. NOTICE NO. 75 WADE, Mr Astrid, Fire Officer to act as Deputy Chief Fire Officer from March 06, 2010 to May 20, 2010. GOVERNMENT NOTICES January to December 2010 Acting Appointments FERGUS, Miss Clemence, Principal Assistant Secretary, Human Resources Management Unit appointed to act as Director, Human Resources Management Unit from January 01, 2010. WEEKES, Miss Anesta, Senior Clerical Officer, General Post Office to act as Postmaster from November 11, 2009 to December 08, 2009. SCOTLAND, Mr Wilston, Sports Coach to act as Sports Officer from December 1, 2009 to May 31, 2010. KELLY, Mrs Rachael, Executive Officer, Legislature Department to act as Clerk of Councils, Legislature Department form April 19-30, 2010. HERBERT, Mr Darrell, Assistant Secretary/Finance, Treasury Department to act as Accountant General from February 01, 2010 to December 31, 2011. WEEKES, Mr Dion, Civil Engineer, Public Works Department to act as Director of Public Works from June 01, 2010 to July 31, 2010. QUEELEY, Miss Shirlian, News Sub-Editor, Broadcasting Unit to act as News Editor/Programme Director, Broadcasting Unit from June 01, 2010 until the Broadcasting Unit is restructured. DUBERRY, Mr Ivan, Inspector of Police to act as Superintendent of Prison from February 08, 2010 to August 07, 2010. MEADE, Miss Marsha, Deputy Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General to act as Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General from May 31, 2010 to June 11, 2010. KIRWAN, Mr Bennet, Acting Superintendent of Prison to act as Director, Disaster Management Coordination Agency from February, 2010 to August 07, 2010. KANI, Miss Atsumi, Architect, Public Works Department to act as Government Architect from February 02, 2010 to March 31, 2010. HOBSON, Miss Lyandra, Senior Clerical Officer, Legal Department to act as Legal Assistant, Legal Department from February 01, 2010 until the substantive post is filled. SEMPER, Miss Derona, Sergeant, Royal Montserrat Police Force to act as Inspector, Training and Personnel, Royal Montserrat Police Force from June 01, 2010 to August 31, 2010. MEADE, Miss Marsha, Deputy Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General to act as Auditor General with effect from January 0929, 2010 and February 15-19, 2010. GERALD, Mr Christopher, Assistant Registrar, Lands & Survey Department to act as Registrar of Lands from November 25, 2009 to November 24, 2010. GOPAL Dr. Krishnamurthy, Physician Specialist, Secondary Health Care, MHCS to act as Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, MHCS from January 31, 2010 until the post is substantively filled. LEE, Mr Derrick, Customs Officer III, Customs & Excise Department to act as Senior Customs Officer, Customs & Excise Department from August 16, 2010 to September 22, 2010. 33 DALEY, Mr Glanville, Customs Officer III, Customs & Excise Department to act as Senior Customs Officer from July 12, 2010 to August 15, 2010. KIRWAN, Mr Bennet, Director (Ag), Disaster Management Coordination Agency to act as Director, Disaster Management Coordination Agency from August 08, 2010 to September 30, 2010. KIRNON, Mrs Dothlyn, Senior Clerical Officer to act as Housing Officer II from October 02, 2010 to October 01, 2013. HOWE, Miss Carol, Senior Technician (Data Processing) to act as Assistant Accountant (Financial Management Services) from August 26, 2010 to July 03, 2012. BRADE, Mr Tyrone, Senior Foreman-Mechanic, Public Works Department to act as Plant Superintendent form August 02, 2010 to August 31, 2010. MEADE, Miss Marsha, Deputy Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General to act as Auditor General, Office of the Auditor General from August 23, 2010 to September 10, 2010. SWEENEY, Miss Jessica, Sergeant, of the Royal Montserrat Police Force to act as Inspector from September 01, 2010 to November 30, 2010. KELLY, Mrs Rachael, Executive Officer, Legislature Department to act as Clerk of Councils, Legislature Department from July 25-31, 2010. KASSIM, Dr. Braimah, Surgeon Specialist, Secondary Health Care, MoH to act as Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, MoH from October 11, 2010 to October 24, 2010. ALLICOCK, Ms Nneka, Registered Nurse, Secondary Health Care, MoH to act as Home Manager, Secondary Health Care, MoH from September 28, 2010 until the substantive post holder returns from study leave. KELLY, Mrs. Rachael, Executive Officer Legislature Department to act as Clerk of Councils, Legislature Department with effect from September 22-24, 2010. Transfers MENDES, Beverly E, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Health transferred to Office of the Chief Minister with effect from August 01, 2010. SILCOTT, Mr Elijah, Permanent Secretary, Office of the Chief Minister transferred to Ministry of Health with effect from August 01, 2010. DORSETTE, Mrs Helena C, Senior Clerical Officer, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Culture, Tourism and Sports transferred to the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services & Sports with effect from September 01, 2008. POND, Joy M, Youth Development Officer, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Culture, Tourism & Sports transferred to the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services & Sports with effect from January 01, 2009. Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 SKERRITT, Eugene D, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Culture, Tourism & Sports transferred to the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services and Sports with effect from June 11, 2008. CABEY, Mr Raymond B, Principal Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services & Sports transferred to the Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services and Sports with effect from November 09, 2009. WHITE, Michelle R I, Clerical Officer, Treasury Department transferred to Human Resource Management Unit with effect from October, 18, 2010. LYNCH, Meredith I, Senior Clerical Officer, Treasury Department transferred to Ministry of Health with effect from October 06, 2009. PHILLIP, Mrs Denise M, Labour Officer, Labour Department, Ministry of Education & Labour transferred to Labour Department, MCW&L with effect from January 01, 2010. WEEKES, Miss Alverna, Senior Clerical Officer, Labour Department, MoE &L transferred to the Labour Department, MCW&L with effect from January 01, 2010. MULCARE, Mr Phillip, S, Labour Inspector, Labour Department transferred to Labour Department, MCW&L with effect from January 01, 2010. TAYLOR-SCOTLAND, Mrs Laura C, Director, Community Services transferred to Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services and Sports with effect from January 01, 2010. COLLINS, Miss Bernadine C, Community Development Officer transferred to Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services and Sports with effect from January 01, 2010. SYERS, Mrs Areanna F, Social Welfare Officer, transferred to Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services and Sports with effect from January 01, 2010. FERGUS, Mrs Teresena Y, Community Development Officer, transferred to Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services and Sports with effect from January 01, 2010. WADE, Edris P, Community Development Officer, transferred to Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services and Sports with effect from January 01, 2010. WEST-JOSEPH, A BEVERLY, Social Welfare Officer, transferred to Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services and Sports with effect from January 01, 2010. HIXON, Mrs Ethlyn S, Consular Services Assistant, transferred to Human Resources Management Unit with effect from January, 01, 2010. DUBERRY, Miss Carmencita A, Clerical Officer, transferred to Human Resources Management Unit with effect from January 01, 2010. BRAMBLE, Miss Velma A, Executive Officer, transferred to Human Resources Management Unit with effect from January 01, 2010. 34 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 BROWN, Miss Nica, Executive Officer, transferred to Human Resources Management Unit with effect from January 01, 2010. Contract Appointments WADE, Miss Hildred F A, Executive Officer, transferred to Human Resources Management with effect from January 01, 2010. SAMUELS, Mr Raymond M, appointed on Contract as Senior Laboratory Technologist, Secondary Health Care, MHCS from June 01, 2010 to May 31, 2013. DALEY, Miss Michelle D R, Clerical Officer, transferred to Human Resources Management Unit with effect from January, 01, 2010. JAMES, Miss Mary M, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher, Secondary Education, MoE from September 06, 2010 to July 16, 2012. LEE, Mr Terrence E, Prison Officer, transferred to Her Majesty’s Prison, with effect from January 01, 2010. HUGHES, Miss Rita C, appointed on Contract as Registered Nurse, Ministry of Health & Community Services with effect from February 28, 2010 to August 31, 2011. WEST, Oswald J T, Prison Officer, transferred to Her Majesty’s Prison, with effect from January, 01, 2010. DANIEL, Mrs Christobel B, transferred to Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. FARRELL, Miss Elvina N, Senior Clerical Officer, transferred to Public Service Reform Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. WHITE, Shanique N V, Senior Clerical Officer, transferred to Performance Management and Development Unit with effect from January 01, 2010. WEEKES, Mrs Goldita K, Senior Clerical Officer, transferred to Performance Management and Development Unit Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. FERGUS, Mr Colin H T, Public Service Reform Manager, Public Service Reform Unit, transferred to Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. LINDSEY, Brenda J, Senior Clerical Officer, transferred to Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. LEE, Julia E, Senior Clerical Officer transferred to Human Resources Management Unit with effect from January 01, 2010. RYAN, Mrs Delmaude C, Head, Public Service Reform Unit, Office of the Chief Establishment Officer, transferred to Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. FARRELL, Miss Lynette G, Assistant Secretary, Office of the Chief Minister transferred to Human Resource Management Unit, (Supernumerary) with effect from March 01, 2010. WHITE, Miss Michelle R I, Clerical Officer, Airport Division, Ministry of Communication, Works & Labour transferred to Treasury Department with effect from March 01, 2010. GREENAWAY, Miss Candita P, Executive Officer, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services & Sports transferred to Disaster Management Coordination Agency with effect from July 05, 2010. MULCARE, Mrs Nyota N C, Executive Officer, Disaster Management Coordination Agency transferred to Human Resources Management Unit (Supernumerary) with effect from July 01, 2010. JOYCE, Miss Louanna J, appointed on Contract as Registered Nurse, Secondary Care Manager, Ministry of Health with effect from May 01, 2010 to August 31, 2011. DUNCAN, Miss Annya V, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from August 16, 2010 to July 15, 2012. ALEXIS, Mr Jeremy L F, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from August 16, 2010 to July 15, 2012. SULLIVAN, Mrs Beverly A, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from August 23, 2010 to July 7, 2011. ROBINSON, Mr Roxroy O, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from August 25, 2010 to July 15, 2012. PATTERSON, Mrs Jais-Ann, appointed on Contract as Graduate Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from July 18, 2010 to July 15, 2012. DUBERRY, Mr Kelvin H, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher IV, Secondary Education, MoE with effect from August 2010 to July 15, 2012. KANI, Miss Atsumi, appointed on Contract as Architect, Public Works Department with effect from September 19, 2010 to September 18, 2011. CASSELL, Mrs. Cleo appointed on Contract as Graduate Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from August 15, 2010 to July 15, 2012. FORESHAW, Miss Karlene Z, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher IV, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from August 19, 2010 to August 18, 2012. PANTON, Mrs Janice, appointed on Contract as Head, Montserrat Government UK, Office of the Chief Minister with effect from October 08, 2009. KASSIE, Mr Rolando E, appointed on Contract as Head of Laboratory, Public Works Department with effect from August 26, 2010 to August 25, 2011. MATTHEWS, Merlyn D, appointed on Contract as Laboratory Technologist, Secondary Health Care, MHCS with effect from November 06, 2010 to November 05, 2011. 35 GOPAL, Dr. Krishnamurthy, appointed on Contract as Physician Specialist, Secondary Health Care, MHCS with effect from November 01, 2010 to 31 October 31, 2012. SILCOTT, Mr. Dennis A, appointed on Contract as Driver, Governor’s Office with effect from October 20, 2010 to October 19, 2011. GOPAL, Dr Asha P, appointed on Contract as Medical Officer, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from December 1, 2009 to November 30, 2011. JN.PIERRE, Miss Sacha, appointed on Contract as Guidance Counsellor, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from September 2010 to September, 2011. ALLICOCK, Mrs Nneka S, appointed on Contract as Registered Nurse, Secondary Care with effect from March 01, 2010 to February 28, 2011. PERSUAD, Mr Felix A, appointed on contract as Assistant Civil Engineer, Public Works Department, MCW&L with effect from September 06, 2010 to September 05, 2012. Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 SCHROER, Mrs Coretta, Radiographer, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health appointed on Contract as Substitute Radiographer, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from January 01, 2010 to February 28, 2011. PHILLIP, Mrs Denise M, Labour Commissioner, Labour Department, Ministry of Education & Labour appointed on Contract as Labour Commissioner, Labour Department, MCW&L with effect from January 01, 2010. BROWNE, Mr Cecil H L, appointed on Contract as Projects Officer, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade with effect from January 01, 2009 to December 31, 2009. DURAND, Mr Nathaniel, Production Assistant I, Broadcasting Unit, Office of the Chief Minister appointed on Contract with effect from March 01, 2010 to February 28, 2011. MORRIS, Mr Arthur, appointed on Contract as Prison Officer ,Prison Department with effect from February 12, 2010 to February 11, 2011. WOOD, Mr James M, appointed on Contract as Attorney General, Legal Department with effect from June 25, 2010 to June 24, 2011. JOHNSON, Mrs Violet, appointed on Contract as Assistant Secretary, Treasury Department with effect from February 17, 2010 to February 16, 2012. PHILLIP, Mrs Denise M, appointed on contract as Labour Officer, Labour Department, MCW&L with effect from July 01, 2010 to June 30, 2012. ROACH, Mr John K, appointed on Contract as Superintendent of Works, Public Works Department with effect from January 01, 2010 to December 31, 2010. BREEDY, Mr Anthony, appointed on Contract as Agricultural Officer Department of Agriculture with effect from March 26, 2010 to March 25, 2011. THORNHILL, Mr Leroy, appointed on Contract as Plant Distribution Officer, Public Works Department with effect from January 01, 2010 to December 31, 2010. YORKE, Mr Frankseco J, appointed on Contract as Statiticain efffect from October 27, 2010 to October 26, 2012. GRIFFITH, Mrs Maple, Staff Nurse/Midwife, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from February 18, 2010 to October 31, 2010. HOGAN, Miss Joycelyn D, appointed on Contract as Senior Assistant Secretary, Human Resources Management Unit with effect from October 01, 2010. VARGAS, Mrs Barbara K, appointed on Contract as Parliamentary Counsel, Legal Department with effect from September 01, 2009. DURRANT, Mrs Narine V, appointed on Contract as Graduate Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from November 02, 2010 to July 17, 2013. WILLIAMS, Mrs Aldean M, appointed on Contract as Social Policy and Planning Officer, Ministry of Economic Development & Trade with effect from January 01, 2010 to December 31, 2010. OWEN, Dr. Micheal R, appointed on Contract as Interim Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from October 25, 2010 to April 30, 2011. HOLDER-GITTENS, Mrs Shawn, appointed on Contract as Staff Nurse/Midwife, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from March 01, 2010 to February, 28, 2011. BROWNE, Mr Fredville S, appointed on Contract as Vice Principal, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education and Labour with effect from September 06, 2010 to August 31, 2011. BRAMBLE, Mrs Kathleen G, appointed on Contract as Nursery Nurse Teacher, Early Childhood Education, Ministry of Education with effect from January 27, 2010 to July 16, 2010. GRIFFITH, Mrs Maple, appointed on Contract as Staff Nurse, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from November 01, 2009 to February 18, 2010. JAMES, Miss Mary M, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher, Secondary Education, MoE with effect from March 02, 2010 to July 16, 2010. SILCOTT, Mr. Dennis A, appointed on Contract as Driver, Governor’s Office with effect from January 01, 2010. CASSELL, Mr Justin, appointed on Contract as Public Relations Officer, Office of the Chief Minister with effect from October, 01, 2009. ALLEN, Miss Mary V, appointed on Contract as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January, 01,2010. WHITE, Miss Frances M R, appointed on Contract as Prison Officer with effect from January 01, 2010. SMITH, Mr Hopeton, appointed on Contract as a Temporary Government Architect, Public Works Department, MCW&L with effect from April 01, 2010 to June 30, 2010. 36 CAMPBELL, Mr Richard, appointed on Contract as Architect, Public Works Department, MCW & L with effect from April 01, 2010. HUNTE, Miss Yonette L, appointed on Contract as Environmental Health Officer, Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from April 13, 2010 to April 12, 2011. GERRALD, Mr Christopher J, appointed on Contract as Registrar of Lands, Land & Survey Department with effect from November 25, 2009 to November 24, 2010. BUFFONGE, Dr. Ingrid, appointed on Contract as Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from January 16, 2009 to January 15, 2010. SMALL, Miss Penny I, appointed on Contract as Pharmacist, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from April 29, 2010 to April 28, 2012. RYAN, Mr Winston S, appointed on Contract as Bailiff, Supreme Court with effect from May 12, 2010 to May 11, 2011. Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 SANYAL, Dr Santanu, appointed on Contract as Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from July 05, 2010 to July 04, 2011. THOMAS, Miss Simone, appointed on Contract as Technical Teacher (Biology/Integrated Science Teacher), Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from July 18, 2010 to July 17, 2011. PERKINS, Dr Franklyn N, appointed on Contract as District Medical Officer/Anaesthetist, Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from July 12, 2010 to July 11, 2011. GERRALD, Mr Christopher, appointed as Assistant Registrar of Lands, Land and Survey Department, MALHE with effect from November 25, 2009 to November 24, 2010. WRIGHT, Mr Kwabena K, appointed on Contract as Business Education Teacher, Secondary Education, MoE with effect from July 18, 2010 to July 17, 2011. Appointments FRANCIS, Mr Glen, appointed on Contract as Director of Education (Designate), Ministry of Education with effect from June 01, 2010 to September 01, 2010. TAYLOR, Miss Maunelva D, Nutrition Officer, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from September 09, 1998. RYAN, Mr Alfred, appointed as Regulator/Internal Auditor, Ministry of Finance appointed on Contract with effect from December 01, 2009 to November 30, 2010. KIRWAN, Mr Bennet T, Superintendent of Prison (Ag), Her Majesty’s Prison appointed as Director (Ag), Disaster Management Coordination Agency, DMCA with effect from August 08, 2010 to September 30, 2010. BROWNE, Mr Claude, appointed on Contract as Agriculture Development Officer, Department of Agriculture with effect from June 11, 2010 to June 10, 2012. DUBERRY, Mr Ivan L, Superintendent of Prison (Ag.) Her Majesty’s Prison, appointed as Superintendent of Prison, Her Majesty’s Prison, with effect from August 01, 2010. HALLEY, Miss Joan M, appointed on Contract as Enrolled Nursing Assistant, Secondary Health Care, MHCS with effect from February 01, 2010 to January 31, 2011. WILLIAMS, Davon A, Group Foreman (Designate), Public Works Department, MCW&L appointed as Group Foreman, Public Works Department, MCW&L with effect from February 01, 2008. CABEY, Mr Glanford A, appointed on Contract as Mental Health Warden, Ministry of Health with effect from April 12, 2010. DALEY, Mr Glenville C, Customs Officer III, Customs and Excise Department appointed as Senior Customs Officer, Customs and Excise Department with effect from September, 01, 2010. SIMPSON, Mr Andrew, appointed on Contract as Systems Development Officer, Ministry of Finance with effect from June 09, 2010 to June 08, 2012. JOHNSON, Miss Audrey, appointed on Contract as Enrolled Nursing Assistant, Secondary Care Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from May 16, 2010 to March 31, 2011. ROSS, Miss Denise, appointed on Contract as Enrolled Nursing Assistant, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from June 01, 2010 to March 31, 2011. DUBERRY, Kelvin H, appointed as Technical Teacher IV, Secondary Education, MoE with effect from August 01, 2009 to July 31, 2010. OKEREKE, Miss Josephine, appointed on Contract as Staff/District Nurse, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from July 12, 2010 to July 11, 2011. WALCOTT, Mrs Angela A, appointed on Contract as Enrolled Nursing Assistant, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from June 01, 2010 to March 31, 2011. RODNEY, Mr Courtney A, Sergeant, Royal Montserrat Police Force, appointed as Inspector of Police, Royal Montserrat Police Force, with effect from August 01, 2010. SWEENEY, Miss Nadine A, Clerical Officer (Supernumerary), Department of Administration appointed as Registered Nurse, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from May 01, 2010. MOLYNEAUX, Miss Clandine, Clerical Officer, Airport Division, MCW&L appointed as Senior Clerical Officer, Airport Division, with effect from August 15, 2010. AYMER, Mr. Tavez Clerical Officer, Police Headquarters appointed as Clerical Officer with effect from September, 01, 2010. ADAMS, Mrs Geraldine O, Assistant Secretary (Acting), Ministry of Health appointed as Assistant Secretary, Finance, and Systems, Ministry of Health with effect from September 01, 2010. 37 DALEY, Mr Wilston E J, Trainee Laboratory Assistant, Ministry of Communication, Works & Labour appointed as Assistant Storekeeper, Ministry of Communication, Works & Labour with effect from September 01, 2010. ESTWICK, Miss Angela M, Statistician, Ministry of Economic Development & Trade appointed as Director, Development Planning & Policy, Ministry of Economic Development & Trade with effect from September 23, 2010. DUBERRY, Miss Carmencita A, Clerical Officer, Human Resources Management Unit appointed as Senior Accounting Technician (Revenue), Treasury Department with effect from October 18, 2010. CUMMINGS, Miss Annette L, Clerical Officer, Community Services Department, MHCS appointed as Senior Clerical Officer, Broadcasting Unit, Office of the Chief Minister with effect from October 06, 2010. DUKE, Mr Ruel A, Untrained Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education appointed as Technical Teacher II, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from April 01, 2010. MEADE, Miss Sherice T A, appointed as Registered Nurse, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from May 01, 2010. HENRY, Miss Danelda L, appointed as Registered Nurse, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from May 01, 2010. GALLOWAY, Mr Peter C, appointed as Customs Officer III, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS with effect October 18, 2010. GREENAWAY, Miss Josette, appointed as Nursery Teacher, Early Childhood Education, Ministry of Education with effect from September 01, 2010. RYAN, Nadia L V, Temporary Clerical Officer, Legal Department appointed as Clerical Officer, Legal Department with effect from December 01, 2010 to November 30, 2011. NURSE, Mrs Kareen E, appointed as Graduate Teacher (Secondary Education), Ministry of Education with effect from October 01, 2010. PONTEEN, Mrs Arlene E P, Senior Pharmacist, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health appointed as Secondary Care Manager, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from November 01, 2009. LEE, Mr Jabez E, Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. CABEY, Mrs Cordella T, Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. HARRIS, Mr Rupert C, appointed as Assistant Superintendent of Prison, Her Majesty’s Prison, with effect from January 01, 2010. HICKSON, Miss Margaret H, appointed as Senior Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. WOODLEY, Mr Theodore T S, appointed as Deputy Superintendent of Prison, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 SMITH, Mr Carlton C, appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. DYETT, Mr Randolph, appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. HARRIS, Mr Dwight J C, appointed as Clerical Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. FERGUS, Miss Clemence E, Principal Assistant Secretary, Department of Administration appointed as Director (Acting), Human Resources Management Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. WEEKES, Miss Irose, appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison, with effect from January, 01 2010. BRADE, Mr. Jerome V, appointed as Senior Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison, with effect from January 01, 2010. MCLEAN, Miss Sitira M, appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison, with effect from January 01, 2010. WILLIAMS, Miss Cheverlyn U, Learning Facilitator, Department of Administration, appointed as Assistant Secretary, Performance Management and Development Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. WEST, Miss Gretlyn M, Senior Clerical Officer, Ministry of Health appointed as Senior Health Information Officer, Ministry of Health with effect from December 01, 2009. HUNTE, Mr Maurice J R, appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. ALLEN, Mr Eustace T R, appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. RILEY, Mr Simon I, appointed as Building and Security Officer/ Facilities Manager, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. CABEY, Mrs Veronica R, Senior Clerical Officer appointed as Senior Technician, Treasury Department with effect from January 01, 2010. FARRELL, Miss Sasha T T , Senior Clerical Officer appointed as Senior Accounting Technician, Treasury Department with effect from January 01, 2010. SILCOTT, Miss Maria A, Senior Clerical Officer appointed as Senior Accounting Technician, Treasury Department with effect from January 01, 2010. HOWE, Miss Carol J, Senior Clerical Officer, appointed as Senior Accounting Technician, Treasury Department with effect from January 01, 2010. WEEKES, Mrs Dilys G, Executive Officer, appointed as Assistant Secretary, Treasury Department with effect from January 01, 2010. BROWNE, Miss Natasha K, Executive Officer, appointed as Assistant Accountant, Treasury Department with effect from January 01, 2010. 38 AARON, Mr Alton D, appointed as School Bus Driver, Ministry of Education for the period January 01, 2010 to December 31, 2010. CABEY, Mr Raymond B, Assistant Secretary, Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services & Sports appointed as Principal Assistant Secretary ,Ministry of Youth Affairs, Community Services Department with effect from November 09, 2009. GORDON, Miss Denise D, Auditor, Officer of the Auditor General appointed as Senior Auditor, Office of the Auditor General with effect from January 01 , 2010. IRISH, Mr Joseph L, Project Officer, Ministry of Economic Development & Trade appointed as Director, Aid & Project Cycle Management, Ministry of Economic Development & Trade with effect from January 01, 2010. PONTEEN, Mr Alwyn R, Senior Air Traffic Controller, Airport Division, MCW&L appointed as Fisheries Officer, Department of Agriculture, MALHE with effect from January 01, 2010. FARRELL, Miss Sasha T T, Senior Accounting Technician, Treasury Department, appointed as Inspector of Taxes I (Assessment & Compliance), Inland Revenue Department with effect from March 01, 2010. DYER, Miss Sherylene A, Assistant Secretary, Change & Communication, Public Service Reform Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January, 2010. SILCOTT, Miss Maria A, Senior Clerical Officer, Treasury Department, appointed as Inspector of Taxes I (Audit), Inland Revenue Department with effect from March 01, 2010. HARRIS, Mr Malcolm, appointed as Security Officer, John A Osborne Airport, MCW&L with effect from February 01, 2010. FERGUS, Mr Colin H T, Public Service Reform Manager, Public Service Reform Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor appointed as Assistant Secretary, Office of the Chief Minister with effect from March 01, 2010. WILLIAMS, Cheverlyn U, Assistant Secretary, Performance Management & Development Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor appointed as Senior Assistant Secretary, Performance Management and Development Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from March 01, 2010. JEFFERS, Miss Dulcy E, Assistant Secretary (Acting), Office of the Chief Establishment Officer appointed as Assistant Secretary, HRMU, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. CAMPBELL, Mrs Patricia M, appointed as Change Manager, Ministry of Education with effect March 21, 2010 to September 30, 2010. KIRWAN, Mr Bennet T, Superintendent of Prison (Ag), Her Majesty’s Prison appointed as Director (Ag) , Disaster Management Coordination Agency, DMCA with effect from February 8, 2010 to August 07, 2010. DUBERRY, Mr Ivan L, Inspector of Police, Royal Montserrat Police Force appointed as Superintendent of Prison (Ag), Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from February 08, 2010 to October 02, 2011. Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 HOGAN, Mr Claude E S, Labour Commissioner, Labour Department, MCW&L appointed as Director, Regional, Diaspora Affairs and Trade, Office of the Chief Minister with effect from October 01, 2009 to July 31, 2011. DUTCHIN-PEARCE, Mrs Ayesha T, Untrained Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education appointed as Technical Teacher 1, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from September 01, 2010. SILCOTT, Miss D L, Senior Clerical Officer (Supernumeracy), HRMU appointed as French Teacher, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from September 06, 2010. MALONEY, Dr. Selvyn A, appointed as Veterinary Officer, Department of Agriculture, (MALHE) with effect from July 01, 2010. LEE, Mrs Karen A, appointed as Budget Analyst, Ministry of Finance with effect from October 01, 2009. BRADFORD, Mr Jason D, appointed as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. MENZIES, Miss Deborah L, Clerical Officer, Ministry of Health appointed as Senior Accounting Technician, Treasury Department with effect from July 12, 2010. CRUMP, Mr Courtney, Accountant General (Ag.) appointed as Deputy Accountant General with effect from January 01, 2010. Appointments on Probation DALEY, Tamika L, appointed on Probation as Laboratory Assistant, Secondary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from September 06, 2010 BAKER, Miss Yerrone, appointed on Probation as Maid, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from March, 01, 2008. BROWNE, Miss Veronica C, appointed on Probation as Senior Prison Officer with effect from January, 01, 2010. TROTMAN-ABRAMS, Mrs Melanie N, appointed on Probation as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. CRANDON, Mr Rudolph A, appointed on Probation as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. RYAN, Vaughn T, appointed on Probation as Senior Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. HUTCHINS, Mr Joseph D, appointed on Probation as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from January 01, 2010. HOGAN, Miss Joycelyn D, Public Service Reform Manager, Public Service Reform Unit appointed on Probation as Senior Assistant Secretary, Human Resources Management Unit with effect from January 01, 2010. BUFFONGE, Miss Marie Arietta, appointed on Probation as Nursery Nurse, Early Childhood Education, Ministry of Education with effect from July 01, 2007. 39 SEMPLE, Miss Deonne A N, appointed on Probation as Assistant Secretary, Organisational Performance, Performance Management and Development Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January, 01, 2010. DYETT, Mrs Cynthia, appointed on Probation as Assistant Secretary, Business Planning & Corporate Performance, Performance Management and Development Unit, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from January 01, 2010. GREENAWAY-BOBB, Mrs Rona S, appointed on Probation as Senior Pharmacist (Designate), Secondary Health Care Ministry of Health with effect from February 01, 2010. BRADE, Mr Duren U D, appointed on Probation as Senior Foreman (Maintenance), Ministry of Communications, Works and Labour with effect from March 01, 2010 to 31 December, 2010. FRANCIS, Miss Ghislaine A L, appointed on Probation as Prison Officer, Her Majesty’s Prison with effect from March 01, 2010 to December 31, 2010. KELLY, Mr Orlando A, Trainee Survey Technician, Land & Survey Department, Ministry of Agriculture, Land Housing and the Environment with effect from September 01, 2009. CUMBERBATCH, Miss Jennessa T, Temporary Untrained Teacher (Primary Education), Ministry of Education appointed on Probation as Untrained Teacher with effect from April 01, 2010. GREENAWAY, Mrs Kemmey O, temporary Untrained Teacher (Primary Education), Ministry of Education appointed on Probation as Untrained Teacher with effect from April 01, 2010. DUBERRY, Mr Neilson A, temporary Untrained Teacher (Primary Education), Ministry of Education appointed on Probation as Untrained Teacher (Primary Education), Ministry of Education with effect from April 01, 2010. JOHN, Miss Kristolyn C N, temporary Untrained Teacher (Primary Education), Ministry of Education appointed on Probation as Untrained Teacher (Primary Education), Ministry of Education with effect from April 01, 2010. WHITE, Miss Jemelia A, Temporary Untrained Teacher (Primary Education), Ministry of Education appointed on Probation as Untrained Teacher (Primary Education) with effect from April 01, 2010. Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 JEMMOTTE-RODNEY, Mrs Sheree appointed to act as Principal Crown Counsel from August 01 to October 30, 2011. TAYLOR-SCOTLAND, Mrs Laura appointed to act as Permanent Secretary, MYACCS from June 07, 2011. SCOTLAND, Mr. Winston appointed to act as Sports Officer from May 01, 2011 to October 31, 2011. SKERRITT, Mrs. Claudia appointed to act as Permanent Secretary, MCW&L from July 04, 2011 to August 7, 2011. HARRIS, Mr. Rupert appointed to as Deputy Superintendent of Prison from May 01, 2011 to September 30, 2011. FARRELL, Miss Lynette, appointed to act as Clerk of Councils from June 20, 2011 to August 12, 2011. MEADE, Miss Marsha appointed to act as Auditor General from April 26-28, 2011 and June 3,5, 2011. MEADE, Miss Marsha appointed to act as Auditor General from April 08, 2011 to April 20, 2011. HENDERSON, Mr. Peter appointed to act as Comptroller of Customs, MCRS from January 01, 2011 until the post is substantively filled. CRUMP, Mr. Courtney appointed to act as Accountant General from February 01, 2011 until post is substantively filled. WEEKES, Miss Anesta appointed to act as Postmaster from December 13, 2010 to January 13, 2011. FAGAN, Miss Lystra appointed to act as Ward Sister from April 29, 2011to June 30, 2011. GOPAL, Dr. Krishnamurty appointed to act as Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care from April, 09 to April 30, 2011. PERKINS, Dr. Franklyn appointed to act as Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, MHCS from April 05, 2011 to April 08, 2011. GOPAL, DR. Krishnamurty appointed to act as Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, MHCS from May 08, 2011 to May, 11, 2011. PERKINS, Dr. Franklyn appointed to act as Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, MHCS from May 12, 2011 to May 14, 2011. January to December 2011 FARRELL, Miss Patricia appointed to act as Assistant Secretary, MALHE from October 20, 2010 until post is filled. Acting Appointments GERALD, Mr. Christopher appointed to act as Registrar of Lands from November 25, 2010 to November 24, 2011. CASSELL, Miss Michelle appointed to act as Senior Clerical Officer April 01, 2011. JAMES, Mrs. Danielle appointed to act as Chief Security Officer from April 13, 2011 to June 10, 2011. PERKINS, Dr. Franklyn appointed to act as Chief Medical Officer from August 15-22, 2011 and August 25, 2011 to September 02, 2011. SCOTLAND, Mr. Wilston appointed to act as Sports Officer form June 1, 2010 to August 31, 2010. FAGAN, Miss Lystra appointed to act as Ward Sister from July 01, 2011 to August 31, 2011. GOPAL, Dr. Krishnamurty appointed to act as Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, MHCS from June 06, 2011 to June 07, 2011. GOVERNMENT NOTICES 40 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 QUEELEY, Miss Shirlian appointed to act as News Editor/ Programme Director, Broadcasting Unit from January 01, 2011 until the Broadcasting Unit is restricted. BLAKE, Mrs Meredith A, Senior Clerical Officer Ministry of Health and Community Services appointed as Community Development Officer, MYACSS with effect from January 15, 2010. WEST, Mr. Andre appointed to act as Chief Fire Officer from November 24, 2011 to January 05, 2012. KELLY, Mr. Stanford W, Constable, Royal Montserrat Police Force appointed as Probation Officer, Community Services Department, MYACSS with effect from April 18, 2011. Contract Appointments OLE-AKUMA, Mrs Blessing, appointed on contract as Staff Nurse/ Midwife, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from July 03, 2011 to July 02, 2012. OKEREKE, Miss Josephine, appointed on contract as Staff /District Nurse, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from July 12, 2011 to July 11, 2012. BARNES, Dr. V Clarice, appointed on contract as School Psychologist, Ministry of Education with effect from April 16, 2011 to July 15, 2013. FRANCIS, Mr. Glenn, appointed on contract as Director of Education with effect from June 01, 2011 to May 31, 2014. NWOKO-MADU, Mrs Ifeyinwa, appointed on contract as Staff/ District Nurse, Primary Care, Ministry of Health with effect from June 09, 2011 to June 08, 2012. OWEN, Dr. Michael Robert, appointed on contract as Interim Chief Medical Officer, Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from May 01, 2011 to May 24, 2013. ROCH, Mr. John Kenneth, appointed on contract as Superintendent of Works, Public Works Department, MCW&L with effect from April 01, 2011 to March 31, 2012. THORNHILL, Mr. Leroy, appointed on contract as Plant Distribution Officer, Public Works Department, MCW&L with effect from April 01, 2011 to March 31, 2012. MORRIS, Mr. Arthur B, appointed on contract as Prison Officer, Prison Department with effect from April 14, 2011 to March 13, 2012. ALLICOCK, Mrs. Nneka S, appointed on contract as Registered Nurse, Secondary Health Care with effect from March 01, 2011 to February 29, 2012. HOLDER-GITTENS, Mrs Shawn M, appointed on contract as Staff Nurse/ Midwife, Secondary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from March 01, 2011 to February 29, 2012. GRAY, Mr Gerard L A, appointed on contract as Director of Environment, Ministry of Agriculture, Lands, Housing, Environment and Trade with effect from January 01, 2011 to December 31, 2011. DUBERRY, Miss Carmencita A, Senior Accounting Technician (Revenue) Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance appointed as Senior Clerical Officer, Human Resources Management Unit, ODG with effect from February 01, 2011. HOWE, Miss Loni K , Administrative Cadet, Human Resources Management Unit, ODG appointed as Administrative Cadet, Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance with effect from February, 01, 2011. HINTZEN, Hafeeza A, Clerical Officer, Ministry of Education appointed as Senior Clerical Officer, Learning and Development, HRMU, ODG with effect from April 01, 2011. LEE, Mrs Adina, Temporary Executive Officer, Human Resources Management Unit appointed as Temporary Executive Officer, Human Resources Information Systems, Human Resources Management Unit with effect from January 01, 2011 to December 31, 2013. FARRELL, Miss Elvina N, Senior Clerical Officer, Public Services Reform Unit, ODG appointed as Senior Clerical Officer, Human Resources Management Unit, ODG with effect from April 01, 2011. RYAN, Mrs Delmaude C, Head, Public Services Reform Unit, ODG appointed as Director, Organizational Development, Human Resources Management Unit, ODG with effect from April 01, 2011. DYER, Sherylene A, Assistant Secretary, Change & Communication, Public Service Reform Unit, ODG appointed as Assistant Secretary, Organizational Development, Human Resources Management Unit, ODG with effect from April 01, 2011. FARRELL, Lynette G, Assistant Secretary, Human Resources Management Unit (Supernumerary), ODG appointed as Assistant Secretary, Office of the Deputy Governor with effect from April 01, 2011. WEEKES, Mrs Goldita K, Senior Clerical Officer, Performance Management Development Unit, ODG appointed as Senior Clerical Officer, Human Resources Office Management Unit with effect from April 01, 2011. KIRWAN, Mr. Bennet T, Director (Ag.) Disaster Management Coordination Agency, DMCA appointed as Inspector, Royal Montserrat Police Force with effect from January 01, 2011. Appointments BROWNE, Cecil H I Project Officer, Ministry of Economic, Development and Trade with effect from January 01, 2011 to December 30, 2011. JEFFERS, Miss Lovena, Temporary Dental Assistant, Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health appointed as Dental Assistant, Dental Clinic, Primary Health Care, Ministry of Health with effect from March 01, 2011. OWEN, Mrs, Priscilla J, appointed as Community Development Advisor, Community Services Department, MYACSS with effect from February 01, 2011 to January 31, 2013. TUITT, Mr. Dmitri, Temporary Assistant Secretary appointed as Accountant, Treasury Department with effect from October 01, 2010. 41 LEE, Mr. Kenya A M, Temporary Economist appointed as Economist, Department of Economic Development and Trade with effect from April 01, 2011. WILLIAMS, Miss Cheverlyn, Assistant Secretary, Learning and Development, Human Resources Management Unit, ODG appointed as Director, Learning and Development, Human Resources Management Unit, ODG with effect from May 01, 2011. SEMPER, Mr. Albrun, Temporary Computer Technician appointed as Computer Technician, Information and E-Government Services (DITES) with effect from July 01, 2010. KIRNON, Mr Anderson A, Air Traffic Controller, Airport Division, MCW&L appointed as Air Traffic Control Supervisor, Airport Division, MCW&L with effect from April 14, 2011. DUBERRY, Shawn A, Air Traffic Controller, Airport Division, MCW&L appointed as Air Traffic Supervisor, Airport Division, MCW&L with effect from April 14, 2011. Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 MEADE, Miss Jodine S, Clerical Officer, Department of Information Technology & E-Government Services appointed as Senior Clerical Officer, Department of Information and Technology& E- Government Services with effect from July 01, 2010. HOBSON, Mr Sheldon D, Temporary Trainee Customs Officer, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS appointed as Customs Officer II, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS with effect from September 01, 2010. KIRWAN, Miss Nadia S, Customs Officer I, Customs & Excise Department, MCRS appointed as Customs Officer I, Customs & Excise Department, MCRS. With effect from December 01, 2010 to November 30, 2011. DALEY, Miss Amelia H, appointed as Registrar, Supreme Court with effect from November 12, 2010. RYAN, Mr Steve W P, Air Traffic Shift Supervisor, Airport Division, MCW&L appointed as Operations Manager, Airport Division, MCW&L with effect from March 01, 2011. DUBERRY, Edith Delores, appointed as Head Teacher, Primary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from September 01, 2011. Appointments on Probation JULIUS, Mr Gregory K, appointed as Head Teacher, Primary Education, Ministry of Education with effect from September 01, 2011. SKERRITT, Miss Alison Camille, appointed on Probation as Crown Counsel (Civil and Commercial), Legal Department with effect from November 01, 2010. LANE, Mr David S, School Safety Officer (Designate), Montserrat Secondary School, MoEL appointed as School Safety Officer, Montserrat Secondary School, MoEL with effect from December 03, 2008. DALEY, Mr Dennison R, Systems Analyst (Designate), Government Information Services appointed as Systems Analyst, Department of Information Technology & E-Government Services with effect from July 01, 2010. CRUMP, Mr Courtney, Accountant General (Ag.) Treasury Department appointed as Deputy Accountant General, Treasury Department with effect from January 01, 2010. GREENAWAY, Mr Don Jermaine, appointed as School Bus Chauffeur, Ministry of Education with effect from March 01, 2011. FRENCH, Miss Mildred, Senior Nursery Nurse appointed as Senior Nursery Nurse, Ministry of Education with effect from January 01, 2009. WHITE, Miss Michelle R. I, Clerical Officer, Human Resources Management Unit, ODG appointed as Clerical Officer, Treasury Department, Ministry of Finance with effect from February 01, 2011. LEE, Mr Derrick, Customs Officer III, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS appointed as Senior Customs Officer, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS with effect from November 01, 2010. FENTON, Mr Randy S, Trainee Customs Officer, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS appointed as Customs Officer II, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS with effect from September 01, 2010. FARRELL, Mr Joseph G, Trainee Customs Officer, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS appointed as Customs Officer II, Customs and Excise Department, MCRS with effect from September 01, 2010. 42 NOTICE NO. 76 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 43 NOTICE NO. 77 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 44 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO.78 EASTERN CARIBBEAN SUPREME COURT COURT OF APPEAL [2014-2015] Law Year September 2014 - July 2015 17th September 2014- Ceremonial Opening of the Law YearAnguilla [l] 16 th to 19th September ANGUILLA [2] TERRITORY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 29 th September to 3rd October [3] ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES 13 th to 17th October [4] ST. KITTS AND NEVIS 27 th to 31st October [5] DOMINICA 10 th to 14th November [6] ANTIGUA & BARBUDA/MONTSERRAT 24 th to 28th November [7] GRENADA 8 th to 12th December CHRISTMAS VACATION: 23rd December 2014 to 10th January 2015 [8] TERRITORY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 12 th to 16th January [9] SAINT LUCIA 26 th to 30th January [10] ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES 9 th to 13th February [11] ST. KITTS AND NEVIS 23 rd to 27th February [12] ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA 9 th to 13th March [13] ANGUILLA 23 rd to 27th March EASTER VACATION: 2nd to 10th April 2015 Good Friday - 3rd April, Easter Sunday 5th April [14] SAINT LUCIA 13 th to 17th April [15] GRENADA 27 th to 30th April [16] TERRITORY OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS 18 th to 22nd May [17] ST. KITTS AND NEVIS 1 st to 5th June *4th June-Corpus Christi 18] DOMINICA 15 th to 19th June [19] ST. VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES 29 th June to 3rd July [20] ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA/MONTSERRAT 13 th to 17th July [21] SAINT LUCIA 27 st to 31st July LONG VACATION:1st August to 15th September 2015 Thursday 17th September 2015- Ceremonial Opening of the Law YearGrenada * *The ceremonial opening of the Law Year and Chief Justice's address will take place on Thursday, 17th September 2015. The High Court will officially open for the hearing of cases on Wednesday, 16th September 2015. The Court of Appeal will sit in Grenada during the week 14th to 18th September 2015. Chief Registrar 17th February 2014 45 NOTICE NO. 79 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 46 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 80 NOTICE NO. 83 NOTICE NOTICE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 (5) & Section 62 (2) of the Trade Marks Act Cap 15.23 notice is hereby given that the registration of the following trade marks have expired and have been removed from the Trade Marks Register with effect from 25 February 2014. Pursuant to the provisions of Section 22 (5) & Section 62 (2) of the Trade Marks Act Cap 15.23 notice is hereby given that the registration of following trade marks have expired and have been removed from the Trade Marks Register with effect from 18 March 2014. United Kingdom No. Local No. 2254668 1630 Name/Image of Trade Mark Name of Proprietor Expiration Date PADDLE POP Unilever Plc. 1 December 2010 587 SHERWINWILLIAMS The SherwinWilliams Company United Kingdom No. Local No. Name/Image of Trade Mark 2353896 1705 RAMADA ENCORE Name of Proprietor Renaissance Hotel Holdings, Inc 19 January 2013 Expiration Date 20 January 2014 Sgd. Donilia C. Cuffy (Ms) Registrar of Trade Marks (Ag.) Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) Registrar of Trade Marks Dated 18th day of March 2014 th Dated this 25 day of February 2014 NOTICE NO. 81 MONTSERRAT A.D. 2014 APPOINTMENTS NOTICE NO. 84 NOTICE MONTSERRAT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN for the information of the Public that the following person is commissioned as an Officer of the Royal Montserrat Defence Force under the Defence Force Act (Cap. 10.07) and has been awarded the Efficiency Decoration and Medal under the Efficiency Decoration and Efficiency Medal Regulations (S.R.O. (L.I.) 24/1937: 10/1952 & 6/1954. A.D. 2014 Lance Corporal James Cabey, 4150112 – 17 December 2013 BY HIS EXCELLENCY ADRIAN DAVIS GOVERNOR OF MONTSERRAT TO: MISS DONILIA C. CUFFY Dated this 25th day of February 2014. BY VIRTUE of the powers and authority vested in me under section 10 (6) of the Financial Services Commission Act 2008 I, ADRIAN DAVIS, Governor appoint you Sgd. Horatio Tuitt Commanding Officer Royal Montserrat Defence Force DONILIA C. CUFFY NOTICE NO. 82 MONTSERRAT A.D. 2014 NOTICE NOTICE is given for the information of the public that under section 4 (2) of the Road Traffic Act (Cap O7.06), Samuel R. Meade has been appointed as an Examining Officer from the 14th day of February, 2014. Dated this 14th day of March, 2014. Sgd. Angela Greenaway CABINET SECRETARY as Acting Commissioner of the Financial Services Commission from 15 March 2014 to 30 March 2014 or until the substantive Commissioner returns to office. GIVEN under my hand and the public seal of Montserrat at Governor’s Office, Farara Plaza, Brades, this, 26th day of February, 2014. Sgd. Adrian Davis GOVERNOR 47 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 85 PATENTS MONTSERRAT NOTICE NO. 87 A.D. 2014 BY HIS EXCELLENCY ADRIAN DAVIS GOVERNOR OF MONTSERRAT TERRITORY OF MONTSERRAT A.D. 2014 TO: Mrs. Sheree Jemmotte-Rodney BY VIRTUE of the powers and authority vested in me under section 85 (2) of the Montserrat Constitution Order 2010 (2010 No. 2474) I, Adrian Davis, Governor appoint you REGISTRATION OF UNITED KINGDOM PATENTS ACT IN THE MATTER OF UK (EU) PATENT NO. 2370442 SHEREE JEMMOTTE-RODNEY as Acting Attorney General of Montserrat, with all the powers, duties and privileges pertinent to that office from the 04 th day of March, 2014, and until the substantive Attorney General returns to office. GIVEN under my hand and the public seal of Montserrat at Governor’s Office, Farara Plaza, Brades, this 4th day of March, 2014. Sgd. Adrian Davis GOVERNOR NOTICE NO. 86 MONTSERRAT A.D. 2014 BY THE TRAFFIC COMMISSIONER STEVE FOSTER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Pfizer Inc. of 235 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, United states of America has applied for the registration in Montserrat of UK/EU Patent No. 2370442 dated the 20th day of November 2009 and issued on the 24th day of April 2013 and have filed in the Registrar’s Office at Brades, Montserrat, a complete copy of the specification and a certificate of the Comptroller General of the United Kingdom Patent Office giving full particulars of this patent, which will be open to public inspection at the said office at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. on working days. Any person may within two months from the date of this advertisement give notice to the Registrar of opposition to the issue of a certificate of registration upon any of the grounds prescribed by Section 10 of the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act for opposition of the grant of Letters of Patent. Dated this 28th day of February, 2014 Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs.) REGISTRAR TO: MR. SAMUEL R. MEADE BY VIRTUE of the powers and authority vested in me under section 4 (2) of the Road Traffic Act (Cap 07.06), I, STEVE FOSTER, Traffic Commissioner, with the approval of the Governor acting on the advice of Cabinet, appoint you The Registrar’s Office Brades Montserrat NOTICE NO. 88 SAMUEL R. MEADE TERRITORY OF MONTSERRAT as Examining Officer from February 14th , 2014. A.D. 2014 GIVEN under my hand this 13th day of March, 2014. REGISTRATION OF UNITED KINGDOM PATENTS ACT IN THE MATTER OF UK (EU) PATENT NO. 1784396 Sgd. Steve Foster TRAFFIC COMMISSIONER NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Pfizer Inc. of 235 East 42nd Street, New York, NY 10017, United states of America has applied for the registration in Montserrat of UK/EU Patent No. 1784396 dated the 15th day of August 2005 and issued on the 22nd day of December 2010 and have filed in the Registrar’s Office at Brades, Montserrat, a complete copy of the specification and a certificate of the Comptroller General of the United Kingdom Patent Office giving full particulars of 48 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 this patent, which will be open to public inspection at the said office at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. on working days. Any person may within two months from the date of this advertisement give notice to the Registrar of opposition to the issue of a certificate of registration upon any of the grounds prescribed by Section 10 of the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act for opposition of the grant of Letters of Patent. Dated this 28th day of February, 2014 (Sgd.) Dulcie James (Mrs.) REGISTRAR NOTICE NO. 90 TERRITORY OF MONTSERRAT A.D. 2014 REGISTRATION OF UNITED KINGDOM PATENTS ACT IN THE MATTER OF UK (EU) PATENT NO. 2114888 The Registrar’s Office Brades Montserrat NOTICE NOTICE NO. 89 TERRITORY OF MONTSERRAT A.D. 2014 REGISTRATION OF UNITED KINGDOM PATENTS ACT IN THE MATTER OF UK (EU) PATENT NO. 1984350 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Novartis AG of Lichtrasse 35, 4056 Basel, Switzerland has applied for the registration in Montserrat of UK/EU Patent No. 1984350 dated the 22nd day of January 2007 and issued on the 18th day of August 2010 and have filed in the Registrar’s Office at Brades, Montserrat, a complete copy of the specification and a certificate of the Comptroller General of the United Kingdom Patent Office giving full particulars of this patent, which will be open to public inspection at the said office at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. on working days. Any person may within two months from the date of this advertisement give notice to the Registrar of opposition to the issue of a certificate of registration upon any of the grounds prescribed by Section 10 of the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act for opposition of the grant of Letters of Patent. Dated this 28th day of February, 2014 NOTICE is hereby given that Pfizer Products Inc. of Eastern Point Road, Groton, CT 06340, United States of America has applied for the registration in Montserrat of UK/EU Patent No. 2114888 dated the 28th day of January 2008 and issued on the 10th day of November 2010 and have filed in the Registrar’s Office at Brades, Montserrat, a complete copy of the specification and a certificate of the Comptroller General of the United Kingdom Patent Office giving full particulars of this patent, which will be open to public inspection at the said office at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. on working days. Any person may within two months from the date of this advertisement give notice to the Registrar of opposition to the issue of a certificate of registration upon any of the grounds prescribed by Section 10 of the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act for opposition of the grant of Letters of Patent. Dated this 28th day of February, 2014 (Sgd.) Mrs. Dulcie James REGISTRAR The Registrar’s Office Brades Montserrat NOTICE NO. 91 TERRITORY OF MONTSERRAT A.D. 2014 REGISTRATION OF UNITED KINGDOM PATENTS ACT (Sgd.) Dulcie James (Mrs.) REGISTRAR The Registrar’s Office Brades Montserrat IN THE MATTER OF UK (EU) PATENT NO. 1039882 NOTICE NOTICE is hereby given that Pfizer Health AB of 112 87 Stockholm, Sweden has applied for the registration in Montserrat of UK/EU Patent No. 1039882 dated the 26th day of August 1999 and issued on the 10th day of November 2010 and have filed in the Registrar’s Office at Brades, Montserrat, a complete copy of the specification and a 49 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 certificate of the Comptroller General of the United Kingdom Patent Office giving full particulars of this patent, which will be open to public inspection at the said office at any time between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. on working days. Any person may within two months from the date of this advertisement give notice to the Registrar of opposition to the issue of a certificate of registration upon any of the grounds prescribed by Section 10 of the Registration of United Kingdom Patents Act for opposition of the grant of Letters of Patent. Dated this 28th day of February, 2014 (Sgd.) Dulcie James (Mrs.) REGISTRAR The Registrar’s Office Brades Montserrat TRADEMARKS NOTICE NO. 92 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat Trade Marks Act Cap.15.23 NOVARTIS AG of 4002 Basel, Switzerland the registered proprietor in the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat gave notice that the registration of United Kingdom Trade Mark No. 2340198 Local No. 1898 registered in Classes 05, 10, 42 & 44 in respect of: Class 05: “Pharmaceutical preparations for human and veterinary use” Class 10: “Surgical, medical, dental and veterinary apparatus and instruments, suture materials” Class 42: “Scientific and technological services and research and design relating thereto; industrial analysis and research services” Class 44: “Medical services for humans and animals”has been renewed for a period of ten years to the 08th day of August, 2023. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Dated this 04th day of February, 2014 NOTICE NO. 93 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat Trade Marks Act Cap.15.23 VODAFONE WORLD VODAFONE GROUP PLC of Vodafone House, The Connection, Newbury, Berkshire RG14 2FN, United Kingdom the registered proprietor in the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat gave notice that the registration of United Kingdom Trade Mark No. 2348980 Local No. 1768 registered in Class 38 in respect of: Telecommunication, mobile and fixed telecommunication and telephone, satellite telecommunication, cellular telecommunication, radio and cellular telephone, radio facsimile, radio paging and radio communication services; transmission and receiving by radio; hire, leasing and rental of telecommunications, radio, radio telephone and radio facsimile apparatus; communication of data by radio, telecommunications and by satellite; automatic telephone answering services; personal numbering services; loan of replacement telecommunications apparatus in the case of breakdown, loss or theft; provision of Internet services, in particular Internet access services; telecommunication of information (including web pages), computer programmes and any other data; electronic mail services; provision of customised display screens on telecommunications apparatus; provision of directory services; provision of location based services for telecommunications apparatus; provision of wireless application protocol services including those utilising a secure communications channel; provision of information relating to or identifying telephone and telecommunications apparatus and instruments; provision of telephone directory services; data interchange services; transfer of data by telecommunications; broadcast or transmission of radio or television programmes; video text, teletext and viewdata services; messaging services, namely, sending, receiving and forwarding messages in the form of text, audio, graphic images or video or a combination of these formats; unified messaging services; voicemail services; providing data network services; video conferencing services; video telephone services; providing telecommunications connections to the Internet or databases; providing access to digital music websites on the Internet; providing access to MP3 websites on the Internet; delivery of digital music by telecommunications; operation of search engines; computer aided transmission of messages, data and images; computer communication services; provision of information relating to the aforementioned services; provision and leasing of access time to computer bulletin boards, computer networks, interactive computer communication networks, electronic publications in various fields, merchandising and service catalogues and information and computerised research and reference materials. has been renewed for a period of ten years to the 14th day of November, 2023. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Dated this 11th day of February, 2014 50 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 94 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 26 February 2014 Intel Corporation of 2200 Mission College Boulevard, Santa Clara California 95052-8119, United States of America have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- INTEL REALSENSE that is to say: Computers; handheld computers; minicomputers; computer hardware; computer software; voice recognition hardware and software; speech to text conversion software; voice-enabled software applications; character recognition software; computer software in the field of natural language, speech, speaker, language, voice recognition, and voice-print recognition; hardware and software for 3d camera systems used in eye tracking and gesture recognition; electronic security apparatus and surveillance apparatus; security software and hardware utilizing eye and gesture tracking technology; cellular phones; mobile telephones; smart phones; portable and handheld electronic personal organizers; appliances and consumer electronic devices; televisions, digital music players, dvd players, recorders, creators and burners, personal digital devices, digital cameras and digital recorders, home theater products, video games, audio drivers, video drivers, video cameras; graphics cards, graphic processing units (gpu), graphic chipsets, visual processors, visual co-processors, supporting devices, software, and hardware; computer software for personal information management; database management software; database synchronization software; integrated circuits; integrated circuit memories; integrated circuit chips; computer chip sets; semiconductor processors; semiconductor processor chips; semiconductor chips; microprocessors; printed circuit boards; printed circuits, integrated circuit boards, printed circuit boards and electrical circuit boards; electronic circuit boards; computer motherboards; computer memories; operating systems; microcontrollers; data processors; central processing units (cpu); semiconductor memory devices, semiconductor memories and semiconductor memory units; software programmable processors; digital and optical microprocessors; computer peripherals; video circuit boards; audio circuit boards; audio-video circuit boards; video graphic accelerators; multimedia accelerators; video processors; videoprocessor boards; data memories; computer hardware, computer chips and microprocessors optimized for electronic security surveillance; algorithm software programs for the operation and control of computers; computer operating system software; computer operating systems; computer system extensions, tools and utilities in the field of application software for connecting personal computers, networks, telecommunications apparatus and global computer network applications; computerized telecommunications and networking equipment consisting of operating system software; computer hardware and software for enhancing and providing real-time transfer, transmission, reception, processing and digitizing of audio and video graphics information; computer firmware; computer operating system software, computer utility software and other computer software used to maintain and operate computer systems; computer installations; memory boards; storage devices, jump drives, flash drives and thumb In Class 09 drives; security systems for computer hardware and software, firewalls, network access server hardware for creating and maintaining firewalls, virtual private network (vpn) computer hardware and computer server operating software for creating and maintaining firewalls; software for ensuring the security of computer networks; software for access control and security; computer hardware and software for use in protecting computer networks from data theft or damage by unauthorized users; components for computers; computer voice accelerator boards; computer voice, data, image and video accelerator boards; flash memory boards and flash memory cards; telecommunications equipment and computer networks, namely processing and operating systems; telecommunications apparatus and instruments, computer routers, hubs, servers and switches; computer hardware and software for the development, maintenance, and use of local and wide area computer networks; set‐top boxes; electronic control devices for the interface and control of computers and global computer and telecommunications networks with television and cable broadcasts and equipment; apparatus for testing and programming integrated circuits; computer peripheral memory apparatus and devices; fixed function computer servers; computer networking hardware; computer hardware and software for creating, facilitating, and managing remote access to and communication with local area networks (lans), virtual private networks (vpn), wide area networks (wans) and global computer networks; router, switch, hub and server operating software; computer software and hardware for use in providing multiple user access to a global computer information network for searching, retrieving, transferring, manipulating and disseminating a wide range of information; computer software tools for the facilitation of third party software applications; computer hardware and software for wireless network communications; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of newsletters, books, magazines, journals, brochures and white papers in the area of electronics, semiconductors, integrated electronic apparatus and devices, computers, telecommunications, entertainment, telephony, and wired and wireless telecommunications; structural parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; instructional manuals sold as a unit with the aforementioned goods and electronic instructional manuals downloadable from a global computer network, scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life‐saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, dvds and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coin‐ operated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fireextinguishing apparatus. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS 51 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 95 NOTICE NO. 97 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 26 February 2014 03 March 2014 Hyundai Motor Company of 12, Heolleung-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following In Class 12 that is to say: “Automobiles, passenger cars, vans, light trucks, pickuptrucks, motor buses, racing cars, refrigerated vehicles, sports cars,tractors for agricultural purposes, parts and accessories for automobiles, shock absorbers for automobiles, brakes for vehicles, speed change gears for land vehicles, motors for land vehicles, automobile tires, wheelchairs, parachutes, vessels [boats and ships], aero planes, locomotives, motor cycles, bicycles, baby carriages” Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS NOTICE NO. 96 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat The Gillette Company of One Gillette Park, Boston Massachusetts 02127, United States of America have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- In Class 03 that is to say: “Cosmetics, Perfumery, Toilet Preparations, personal deodorants and anti-perspirants, soaps, shampoo and hair preparations” Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS NOTICE NO. 98 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 03 March 2014 DU MONT TRADE VENEZUELA C.A. of Maracibo, Estado Zulia, Republica Bolivariana de Venezuela have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- 26 February 2014 Philip Morris Brands Sàrl of Quai Jeanrenaud, 3,2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- RØG In Class 34 that is to say: “Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); Smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches The applicant claims that they have not used the Trade Mark in Montserrat in respect of the said goods before the date of their application. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS BELFORT In Class 34 that is to say: “Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes); smokers´ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters¸ matches, in Class 34” The applicant claims that they have used the Trade Mark three years before the 10th of February 2014 in respect of the said goods. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS 52 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 99 Trade Marks Act Cap.15.23 Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate at the Companies Registry and Intellectual Property Offices, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Nissan Jidosha Kabushiki Kaisha of No. 2 Takaracho, Kanagawaku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa-ken, Japan the registered proprietor in the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat gave notice that the registration of United Kingdom Trade Mark No. 2357319, Local No. 1720, registered in Classes 12 & 37 in respect of: Class 12: “Ships, boats and their parts and fittings; automobiles and utility vehicles, namely, wagons, trucks, vans, forklifts, towing tractors, tractors, and structural parts therefor; motorcycles, bicycles and their parts and fittings; carts; car-dumpers; car-pushers; carpullers; tractors (traction engines); motors and engines for land vehicles; power transmissions; shock absorbers; braking apparatus; alternating current motors and direct current motors, for land vehicles; all included in Class 12” Class 37: “Repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, brokerage for repair and maintenance of motor vehicles, repair and maintenance of motorcycles, repair and maintenance of divers' apparatus, repair and maintenance of electrical communication apparatus and instruments (other than telephone sets, radio receivers, television receivers), repair and maintenance of vehicle washing installations, rental and leasing of vehicle washing installations” has been renewed for a period of ten years to the 02nd day of March, 2024. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Dated this 03rd day of March,2014 NOTICE NO. 101 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 06 March 2014 TAKE NOTICE that the registration of the Trade Mark No. 3104 registered under of Class 31: “Infants’ and invalids’ feeding preparations and nutritional formulas” PROMIL registered proprietor SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A of 1800 Vevey, Switzerland is renewed for the period of ten years from the 11th day of February 2014 until the 10th day of February 2024. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Dated this 06th day of March,2014 NOTICE NO. 102 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat NOTICE NO. 100 06 March 2014 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 04 March 2014 HYATT CORPORATION of 71 S. Wacker Drive, 14th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606, United States of America have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- TAKE NOTICE that the registration of the Trade Mark No. 3105 registered under of Class 31: “Infants’ and invalids’ feeding preparations and nutritional formula. PROMIL GOLD registered proprietor SOCIETE DES PRODUITS NESTLE S.A of 1800 Vevey, Switzerland is renewed for the period of ten years from the 11th day of February 2014 until the 10th day of February 2024. In Class 43 that is to say: “Hotels; resort hotels services; motels; providing temporary housing accommodations for travelers and vacationers; providing temporary lodging services in the nature of apartments and condominiums hotel; travel agency services, namely, making reservations and booking for temporary lodging; hotel services for preferred customers, namely, frequent hotel guests; restaurant, bar services; cocktail lounge services; snack-bars; food and drink catering; providing banquet and social function facilities for special occasions; providing conference, exhibition and meeting facilities; rental of chairs, tablets, table linen, glassware; rental of meeting rooms” Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Dated this 06th day of March, 2014 53 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 103 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 06 March 2014 TAKE NOTICE that the registration of the Trade Mark No. 582 registered under of Class 31: “All goods included in Class 31, that is to say, substances used as food or as ingredients in food”. Class 32: “All goods included in Class 31, that is to say, Mineral and aerated waters, natural and artificial, including ginger beer AQUARIUS registered proprietor THE COCA-COLA COMPANY of 310 North Avenue, N.W., City of Atlanta, State of Georgia 30313, U.S.A. is renewed for the period of ten years from the 05 th day of December 2012 until the 04th day of December 2022. agencies; promoting the sale of electric appliances for others by a variety of means (from awarding purchase points to distributing printed material to distributing gifts to holding sales specials, such as buy one get four, or all possibilities) and conducting direct sales for others; computer data base information systematization; preparation and/or co-ordination of bids on behalf of others in tender processes; commercial professional advisory services; business management consulting (consultants); marketing analysis for others; human resources management consulting; accounting; commercial or industrial management assistance; auditing. Class 37 Air conditioning apparatus installation and repair; upholstering; heating appliances installation and repair; machinery installation, maintenance and repair; electric appliances installation and repair; freezing equipment installation and repair; computer hardware installation, maintenance and repair; office machines and equipment installation, maintenance and repair; hazard clearance services for electronic equipment; clothing cleaning. was registered in the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat under the provisions of the above Act on the 02nd February 2009. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Dated this 10th day of March, 2014 Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Dated this 06th day of March, 2014 NOTICE NO. 105 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat NOTICE NO. 104 13 March 2014 Trade Marks Act Cap.15.23 WM WRIGLEY JR. COMPANY of 1132 West Blackhawk, Street Chicago,Illinois 60642 United States of America have applied for Registration of series of marks (two) Trade Mark consisting of the following:TAKE NOTICE that the United Kingdom Trade Mark No. 2453013, Local Reg. No. 1830 shown above and filed on the 19th day of April, 2007 and registered in Part A (or B) of the United Kingdom Register in the name of Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai of Jinji West Road, Qianshan Zhuhai, Guangdong, China in Classes: 11, 35 & 37 in respect of :Class 11 Air-conditioners; ventilators; air reheaters; electric heat radiators; heat accumulators; electric laundry dryers; electric fans; air dehumidifiers for household use; air purifiers; electric rice cookers; extractor hoods for kitchen use; gas water heaters; electric water heaters; electromagnetic ovens; electric cookers; electric drinking water dispensers; electric kettles; air humidifiers; electric pressure cookers; air conditioners for vehicles; fans being parts of air conditioning installations; filters for air conditioners; heaters for vehicles; air dryers; air sterilizers; electric hair dryers; evaporators; humidifiers for central heating radiators; sterilizers; sterilizing cabinets for dishes; heat exchangers (not parts of machines); exhaust fans; solar energy water heaters; electric iron pans. Class 35 Advertising services for others, namely, preparing and placing advertisements for others in a variety of media (from newspaper to radio to Internet or all possibilities); import-export In Class 30 that is to say: “Confectionery, chewing gum, bubble gum, candy, mints, drops and lozenges” The applicant claims that they have used the series of marks in Montserrat in respect of the said goods “chewing gum” for 1.5 years before 23rd January 2014. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS 54 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 106 NOTICE NO. 108 13 March 2014 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat decastro Limited of Bourbon House, Bourbon Street, Castries, St. Lucia have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- 13 March 2014 CODAA SWITZERLAND AG of Unit B, 3rd Floor, Mühlentalstrasse, 2.8200 Schaffhausen Switzerland have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- In Class 30 that is to say: “Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies” Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS NOTICE NO. 107 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 13 March 2014 decastro Limited of Bourbon House, Bourbon Street, Castries, St. Lucia have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following :- In Classes 29 & 30 that is to say: “Peanut butter, fruit spread; roasted and prepared nuts; mixtures of nuts and dried fruits; fruit chips, potato chips, milk and milk products; yoghurt” Class 30: “Muesli; coffee, tea, cocoa; flour and preparations bars; baking mixes, breakfast cereal, cereal based food bars, crisps made of cereals; biscuits; cakes, cake mixes, candies; chewing gum; chocolate, chocolate confectionery; chocolate spreads, chocolate flavoured spreads; cocoa-based beverages; cookies; frozen confections; frozen yogurt; ice cream; oat based food, pancake mixes; pastry; bakery products, wafers, frozen bakery goods, dessert mixes” Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS NOTICE NO. 109 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 13 March 2014 In Class 30 that is to say: “Biscuits, Crackers and Cookies” Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS WM WRIGLEY JR. COMPANY of 1132 West Blackhawk Street, Chicago, Illinois 60642, United States of America have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- In Class 30 that is to say: “Confectionery, chewing gum, bubble gum, candy, mints, drops and lozenges” The applicant claims that they have used the series of marks in Montserrat in respect of the said goods “chewing gum” for 1.5 years before 23rd January 2014. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARK 55 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 110 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 13 March 2014 KIMBERLY-CLARK WORLDWIDE, INC. of Neenah, Wisconsin 54956, United States of America. have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- HUGGIES In Classes 10 that is to say: “Infant nursers, disposal baby bottles, nipples for baby bottles, pacifiers for babies and holders thereof, teething rings, cap rings for baby bottles, nipple covers for baby bottles, sealing discs for baby bottles and parts and pieces thereof, manual breast pumps” Class 21: “Baby training cups, caps and units consisting of a training cup cap and bottle” Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS NOTICE NO. 111 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 13 March 2014 Intel Corporation of 2200 Mission College Boulevard ,Santa Clara, California 95052-8119, United States of America have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- QUARK In Class 09 that is to say: Computers; handheld computers; minicomputers; computer hardware; computer software; integrated circuits; integrated circuit memories; integrated circuit chips; computer chip sets; semiconductor processors; semiconductor processor chips; semiconductor chips; microprocessors; printed circuit boards; printed circuits, integrated circuit boards, printed circuit boards and electrical circuit boards; electronic circuit boards; computer motherboards; computer memories; operating systems; microcontrollers; data processors; central processing units; semiconductor memory devices, semiconductor memories and semiconductor memory units; software programmable processors; digital and optical microprocessors; computer peripherals; video circuit boards; audio circuit boards; audiovideo circuit boards; video graphic accelerators; multimedia accelerators; video processors; video processor boards; data memories; electronic security apparatus and surveillance apparatus; computer hardware, computer chips and microprocessors optimized for electronic security surveillance; algorithm software programs for the operation and control of computers; computer operating system software; computer operating systems; computer system extensions, tools and utilities in the field of application software for connecting personal computers, networks, telecommunications apparatus and global computer network applications; computerized telecommunications and networking equipment consisting of operating system software; computer hardware and software for enhancing and providing real-time transfer, transmission, reception, processing and digitizing of audio and video graphics information; computer firmware; computer operating system software, computer utility software and other computer software used to maintain and operate computer systems; computer installations; memory boards; personal digital assistants; portable and handheld electronic personal organizers; storage devices, jump drives, flash drives and thumb drives; security systems for computer hardware and software, firewalls, network access server hardware for creating and maintaining firewalls, virtual private network (VPN) computer hardware and computer server operating software for creating and maintaining firewalls; software for ensuring the security of computer networks; software for access control and security; computer hardware and software for use in protecting computer networks from data theft or damage by unauthorized users; components for computers; computer voice accelerator boards; computer voice, data, image and video accelerator boards; flash memory boards and flash memory cards; telecommunications equipment and computer networks, namely processing and operating systems; telecommunications apparatus and instruments, computer routers, hubs, servers and switches; computer hardware and software for the development, maintenance, and use of local and wide area computer networks; set-top boxes; electronic control devices for the interface and control of computers and global computer and telecommunications networks with television and cable broadcasts and equipment; apparatus for testing and programming integrated circuits; computer peripheral memory apparatus and devices; fixed function computer servers; computer networking hardware; computer hardware and software for creating, facilitating, and managing remote access to and communication with local area networks (LANs), virtual private networks (VPN), wide area networks (WANs) and global computer networks; router, switch, hub and server operating software; computer software and hardware for use in providing multiple user access to a global computer information network for searching, retrieving, transferring, manipulating and disseminating a wide range of information; computer software tools for the facilitation of third party software applications; computer hardware and software for wireless network communications; downloadable electronic publications in the nature of newsletters, books, magazines, journals, brochures and white papers in the area of electronics, semiconductors, integrated electronic apparatus and devices, computers, telecommunications, entertainment, telephony, and wired and wireless telecommunications; structural parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; instructional manuals sold as a unit with the aforementioned goods and electronic instructional manuals downloadable from a global computer network; scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic, cinematographic, optical, weighing, measuring, signalling, checking (supervision), life-saving and teaching apparatus and instruments; apparatus and instruments for conducting, switching, transforming, accumulating, regulating or controlling electricity; apparatus for recording, transmission or reproduction of sound or images; magnetic data carriers, recording discs; compact discs, DVDs and other digital recording media; mechanisms for coinoperated apparatus; cash registers, calculating machines, data processing equipment, computers; computer software; fireextinguishing apparatus. 56 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. NOTICE NO. 114 Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS 13 March 2014 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat MONTOBACCO LTD of 100 Banks Estate, Montserrat have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- NOTICE NO. 112 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat FINEST In Class 34 that is to say: “Manufactured Cigarettes” 13 March 2014 MONTOBACCO LTD of 100 Banks Estate, Montserrat have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- 999.9 In Class 34 that is to say: “Manufactured Cigarettes” The applicant claims that they have not used the Trade Mark in Montserrat in respect of the said goods before the date of their application. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. The applicant claims that they have not used the Trade Mark in Montserrat in respect of the said goods before the date of their application. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS NOTICE NO. 115 Trade Marks Act Cap.15.23 Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS RAMADA ENCORE NOTICE NO. 113 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 13 March 2014 MONTOBACCO LTD. of 100 Banks Estate, Montserrat have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- PUREST In Class 34 that is to say: “Manufactured Cigarettes” The applicant claims that they have not used the Trade Mark in Montserrat in respect of the said goods before the date of their application. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS TAKE NOTICE that the United Kingdom Trade Mark No. 2353896, Local Reg. No. 1964 shown above and filed on the 20th day of January, 2004 and registered in Part A (or B) of the United Kingdom Register in the name of Ramada International, Inc. of 22 Sylvan Way, Parsippany, New Jersey 07054, United States of America in Class 43 in respect of :- “Hotel, restaurant, catering, bar and lounge services; provision of general purpose facilities for meetings, conferences and exhibitions; and reservation services for hotel accommodations for others” was registered in the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat under the provisions of the above Act on the 19th February 2014. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Dated this 13th day of March, 2014 57 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 NOTICE NO. 116 NOTICE NO. 118 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 13 March 2014 18 March 2014 MONTOBACCO LTD. 100 Banks Estate, Montserrat have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- Philip Morris Brands Sàrl of Quai Jeanrenaud 3, 2000 Neuchâtel, Switzerland have applied for Registration of one Trade Mark consisting of the following:- FLIP-TOP POUCH In Class 34 that is to say: “Manufactured Cigarettes” The applicant claims that they have not used the Trade Mark in Montserrat in respect of the said goods before the date of their application. In Class 34 that is to say: “Tobacco, raw or manufactured; tobacco products, including cigars, cigarettes, cigarillos, tobacco for roll your own cigarettes, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, snuff tobacco, kretek; snus; tobacco substitutes (not for medical purposes; smokers’ articles, including cigarette paper and tubes, cigarette filters, tobacco tins, cigarette cases and ashtrays, pipes, pocket apparatus for rolling cigarettes, lighters; matches” Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Any person may within three months from the date of the first appearance of this advertisement in the “Montserrat Gazette” give notice in duplicate to the Trade Marks Office, Companies and Intellectual Property Offices, Brades, Montserrat, of opposition to the said Trade Mark. Sgd. Dulcie James (Mrs) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS Sgd. Donilia Cuffy (Ms) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS (Ag.) NOTICE NO. 117 NOTICE NO. 119 Trade Marks Act Cap.15.23 TRADE MARKS OFFICE Montserrat 20 March 2014 TAKE NOTICE that the United Kingdom Trade Mark No. 3019811, Local Reg. No. 1965 shown above and filed on the 28th day of August, 2013 and registered in Part A (or B) of the United Kingdom Register in the name of British American Tobacco (Brands) Inc. of 2711 Centerville Road, Suite 300, Wilmington, Delaware 19808, United States of America in Class 34 in respect of :- “Cigarettes; tobacco; tobacco products; lighters; matches; smokers’ articles” was registered in the British Overseas Territory of Montserrat under the provisions of the above Act on the 11th March 2014. Sgd. Donilia Cuffy(Ms) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS (Ag.) Dated this 18th. day of March 2014 TAKE NOTICE that the registration of the Trade Mark No. 676 registered under Class 16: “printed matter, forms, publications and periodicals for use in connection with credit and charge card extending activities and for use in arranging for the exchange for charge credit privileges among bank” ROYAL registered proprietor ROYAL BANK OF CANADA of 1 Place Ville Marie, Montreal 113, Quebec HC3 3A9, Canada is renewed for the period of ten years from the 24th day of March 2014 until the 23rd day of March 2024. Sgd. Donilia Cuffy (Ms) REGISTRAR OF TRADE MARKS (Ag.) Dated this 20th day of March 2014 58 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTICE NO. 120 59 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 60 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 61 NOTICE NO. 121 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 62 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 63 Wednesday, 26th, March 2014 Published by the Legislature Department
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