Newsleter October 2014a - St Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine

Volume 19 No. 10
The Message
Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Shrine Church
1 Shrine Pl., Greenlawn, NY 11740
Tel.:631.261.7272 - Fax: 631.261.7295
Email: [email protected]
Reverend Father Elias (Lou) Nicholas
Email: [email protected]
President - Steve Margarites
Vice President - Steve Ramerini
2nd Vice President - Nick Andreadis
Treasurer - Dan Doscas
Assistant Treasurer - Tom Argiriou
Secretary - Effie Carlucci
Assistant Secretary - Peter Orfanakos
Parish Council Members 2014
Elene Batanchiev
George Bennis
Denise Chin
Kevin Chin
Christine Ilasi
John Ioannou
Peter Karropoulos
Nick Kontos
Dean Kostopoulos
Dean Koutsoubis
Dennis Lichas
Curtis Meyer
Georgia Psilakis
Steve Stavros
Our Ministries
Athletics – Chris Varthalamis
Choir – Pauline Kitsopoulos
Church Book Store – John Arettines
Girl Scouts – Agape Bell
Good Neighbor Fund - Pam Praetorius, Maria Mastrogiacomo
GOYA Advisors – Bob Kouroupakis, Janina Nathan
GOYAL - Fr. Louis Nicholas
Greek School PTO – Cheryl Paraskevopoulos, Joanne Kefalas
Greek School Principal – Maria Angel
Greek School Board – George Likourezos
Greek American Preschool – Joanne Kefalas
Bi-Annual Blood Drive - Angela Arettines
HOPE – Melissa Levick, Agape Bell
JOY – Tessie Pando
Junior Choir - Kathy Demacopoulos, Erika Gavras
Little Angels – Alexandra Bennis, Effie Poulos,
Christine Borzumato
Philoptochos – Georgia Constantine
Care Ministry - Sophia DeMonte
Life Ministry – Anastasia Geotes
Players – Chris Christopher
Shrine/Church Beautification – Anastasia Geotes
Pam and Gregg Praetorius, Ritsa Taktekos
Sunday School – TBD
IOCC - Nikki Larkin, Georgia Stavrakopoulos
Website – Fr. Louis Nicholas
Message – Fr. Louis Nicholas
Email: [email protected]
October 2014
Featured Saint………………………………………………………Front Cover
Calendar……..………………………………………...……...……Inside Front Cover
Contents/Church Information……….……………………………………page i
From The Desk of Fr. Lou……………….………….……...……………page 1
From Our Parish Council President……………………………………page 2
Choir……….………………………….…………….…………………… 3
Sunday School….……………………….……...…..…..…………………page 4
Philoptochos …….……..………………………………………………….page 5-6
Greek School PTO………………..…..………………………………… 7
Greek School…….……………………………………………………… 8
Greek American Pre-School…………………...……………………… 8
Girl Scouts………………………………………………………………….page 9
Little Angels……………………………………………………………… 9
GOYA………….………………………………………………………… 10-13
Stewardship Information……………..………………….………….… 14-15
Pictures…………………………………………………………………….page 16-19
Event Flyers……………………………………………………………….page 20-27
Advertisements………………………………………………………… 28-36
Upcoming Events
1st JOY Meeting - Friday, October 3rd - 7:00pm
Church Musician Sunday - Sunday, October 5th
Little Angels - Tuesday, October 7th - 12:30pm
1st Greek Regents Class - Tuesday, October 7th - 5:15pm
(continuing every Tuesday)
1st Adult Greek Class - Tuesday, October 7th - 7:15pm
(continuing every Tuesday)
Stewardship Meeting - Tuesday, October 7th - 8:00pm
Executive Board Meeting - Tuesday, October 7th - 8:30pm
Parish Council Meeting - Thursday, October 9th - 8:00pm
HOPE - Friday, October 10th - 7:00pm
JOY - Friday, October 17th - 7:00pm
Show Stoppers - Saturday, October 18th - 6:00pm
Little Angels - Tuesday, October 21st - 12:30pm
Philoptochos Board Meeting - Wednesday, October 22nd - 7:30pm
HOPE - Friday, October 24th - 7:00pm
Grand Raffle Drawing - Saturday, October 25th - 7:30pm
Fall General Assembly Meeting - Sunday, October 26th - 12pm
GOYA Fall Festival - Tuesday, October 28th - 6:30pm
JOY - Friday, October 31st - 7:00pm
Weekday Service Schedule
Paraklesis - Every Friday - 6:00pm
Paraklesis to St. Paraskevi - Friday, October 3rd - 11:00am
St. Paraskevi The New - Tuesday, October 14th - 9:45am
St. Gerasimos - Monday, October 20th - 9:45am
St. James - Thursday, October 23rd - 9:45am
Holy Protection - Tuesday, October 28th - 9:45am
The Festival Committee & Fr. Lou would like to say, to all of those
who volunteered their time and made a donation for the Greek Festival,
God Bless You! Without all of you the Greek Festival would not have
been the success that it truly was. We thank God for all His blessings
and we pray that He continue to grant the community of St. Paraskevi
His never ending and abundant Love and Mercy.
A Special Thank You To
Mendon Leasing
Premier diner
Greek grill
Akropolis Restaurant
Candlelight Diner
Venus diner
Apple Ice
Damascus Bakery
Divina Brand Products
North Shore Farms
Best Markets
Coach Farm
Parrano Cheese
The Constantine Family
The Facatselis Family
The Pando Family
The Paraskevopoulos Family
Please support those who supported us!
From The Desk of Fr. Lou
“For not eating and drinking makes friendship: such
friendship even robbers have and murderers. But if we
are friends, if we truly care for one another, let us in these
respects help one another. This leads us to a profitable
friendship: let us hinder those things which lead away to
· St. John Chrysostom, Homily 30 on Hebrews
The true meaning of friendship is not that you are
here for me, but that I am here for you. As Christians, this
is our primary function. To care for one another and to
love one another. This is the one and only commandment
given to us by Jesus Christ. “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you,
you also should love one another. By this everyone will
know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one
another.” JN 13:34-15.
The most powerful message of that commandment
is the kind of love we are expected to show one another.
We must love each other in the same way that Christ
loved us, and that kind of love is through our sacrifice that
we make for others. Putting someone else’s needs over
our own is the specific role of a Christian. We are called
to this higher standard. We are called to be selfless people
not selfish people.
God proved His love for us by being nailed to the
Cross in the person of Jesus Christ, His only begotten
Son. What an amazing sacrifice! To die such a horrific
and painful death is not what God wants from us. “Do I
take any pleasure in the death of the wicked? declares the
Sovereign LORD. Rather, am I not pleased when they turn
from their ways and live?” Ezekiel 18:23. What God truly
wants from us is to simply be there for one another, take
the time to help those in need, and to share the joys and
the sadness’s of life with one another. This is what true
friendship is.
of other people to make sure that there was always someone visiting, that there was always a meal, and that the
house was always clean. In fact this person gave up much
of her own time, and neglected much of her own things
that needed to be done, to make sure her friend could get
to the doctor all the way in the city. Eventually the woman who was ill passed, but not the love and care that her
friend gave to her. Once a true friendship is shared, it can
never be taken away.
When we share our genuine concern and love for
another person, we share the love of Christ, and the more
we practice being this kind of friend the more we bring
the joy of Heaven into another person’s life. Most of us
know the joy of having a true friend. The feeling is incomparable and truly comforting to know that there will
always be someone there if we need them.
Christ is our friend of friends. He is the one that is
always there for us. When we make sacrifices in our own
life to help someone else, we become Christ like, we become closer to what God intends for us to be. More like
Him. If we continue to help others, and make these sacrifices, we will then feel, more and more, the warmth of
Christ’s friendship. “Let us love one another that in one
mind we may confess” - The Divine Liturgy of St. John
On a personal note, I just want to thank Deacon
(he will always be that to us) Bill Courbanou for all of his
kindness and his love. Thank you for lending me your ear
and always being a good sport. I have always enjoyed our
deep theological conversations as well as our silly ones.
Although I will miss you in the altar, I know that our
community will be gaining so much more. May God grant
you, and all of us, peace and joy.
The old Latin proverb says it best, “A friend in
need is a friend indeed.” It is when we act with love and
kindness to others, especially those in need, that the world
can see that we are disciples of Christ. When we make
sacrifices of our time, to forget about what we want and
need, and help someone else, then we are a true friend,
and not just a friend to one person but to many.
There was a woman who was ill and was given
only a few months to live. She remained as active as she
could, but after some time was unable to really leave her
home. However, she was never alone. One of her dearest
an oldest friends saw to it that she had everything she
needed to be comfortable. This person organized a team
Thank you (Deacon) Bill Courbanou for the many years
of friendship and service. We look forward to many
From Our Parish Council President - Steve Margarites
same commitment we had at the festival there is no telling
how much we can accomplish. The General Assembly
Autumn has arrived and September has been a very busy
agenda will be sent out soon with many important topics
month for the church. We started on September 7th with the
church picnic and the diving for the cross. We were blessed one being the nominations for the Parish Council.
with great weather and I would like to congratulate Julien
Rentsch and Christian Silva for getting the cross before an- Thanks again I pray for all of you and please eat more
yone else. I also would like to thank all the Joy and Goya
kids for their efforts. Thank you to the Picnic committee for
making this day possible.
On September 14th we had ministry Sunday and had proba- Steve
bly our shortest General Assembly ever. The two issues that
were discussed were the refinance of the Wood Ave property and building a playground for the Greek American Pre
School, both motions were passed unanimously
That leads us to last weekend’s Festival. All I can say is
WOW! We had great weather and the outpouring of help
during the weekend was awesome. I know I can speak for
Dennis and say how excited we were and grateful for all the
support you all have given us. If it weren’t for the love and
support all of you showed this weekend this festival wouldn’t have been as wonderful as it was. I know we are all
wondering how the festival did money wise and we will
have those numbers ready at our General Assembly meeting
on October 26th but I would rather focus on the fellowship
this community had shown this weekend. Thank you again
for inspiring Dennis and I and showing us again how special this community is.
JOY Cross Divers
Many of you are aware of an accident that happen at this
years festival please be aware that a special Paraklesis service will be held for the health and recovery of Mr. and
Mrs. Rigas every Friday at 6:00pm, at St. Paraskevi, until
Mr. and Mrs. Rigas are out of the hospital. Please continue
to keep them in your prayers.
I also need to say thank you and welcome back to Michael
Korsanos. Michael agreed to came back to chant for us on
Ministry Sunday and has decided to come back to chant for
us on Sundays. It may not be every Sunday but he will be
with us as often as possible. He is back where he belongs at
St. Paraskevi on Sunday morning , Thank you Michael we
did miss you.
One last note we will be having our fall General Assembly
on October 26th. Please attend and get active. We had a
great festival with great participation by all. If we have the
GOYA Cross Divers
Happy Fall!!! It is hard to believe that
the Fall season is upon us already! Everyone is in agreement that this summer
has flown by more quickly than any
other in recent memory. Perhaps for us,
your choir, it is also because we did
return to our loft twice this summer to
sing at a Sunday liturgy.
nas, Choir Director/Organist at
Zoodohos Peghe, will present
"Vanished Days: A Musical Journey", a
classical piano concert at St. Peter's
Church-Citigroup Center, NYC. It
promises to be an enjoyable evening of
Nationally we are looking forward
selections from several of the greatest
to National Church Music Sunday, alclassical composers. For more inforways on the first Sunday in October,
mation please see the poster on the
and in honor of St. Romanos the Melodist, hymnographer and patron saint of choir bulletin board in the hallway.
In other choir news, congratulations
the National Forum and all church musicians. This day is set aside "to honor to choir member Elaine Champey and
her husband, Michael, upon becoming
the contributions of local choir members, psaltes, and music educators who first time grandparents, and to choir
serve their churches through the hym- member George Strum, Elaine's brother, upon becoming a great uncle. Their
nology of the Orthodox Church". St.
daughter/neice Christine and her husRomanos himself is remembered on
October 1st. Each year there is a com- band, John, are the proud parents of
memorative poster honoring one of Or- Celine Anne. Na sas zisi!!
thodoxy's hymnologists. Last year St.
Until we meet again, enjoy the beauCosmas the Hymnologist was honored. tiful sounds and colors of Fall. Stay
Who will it be this year???? Look for
well and see you on Sunday!!
the poster and/or "read all about it "
right here in The Message!!!
1 - 2, 2014 at Zoodohos Peghe, Bronx,
NY, will also include various workshops related in some way to learning,
understanding and teaching our music as part of our role in the Liturgy.
The spiritual nature of music in
the Church is important to religious education. In contrast to much of
the secular music in our world today, our sacred music helps us to recognize and to teach to others the differences and influences of the holy and the
profane, of what affirms the good and
potential in our humanity and what demeans it, of what leads us to life and
what leads us to destruction. As religious educators, we can guide others to
maturity in the faith and to greater levels of discernment by emphasizing the
importance and power of sacred music
During the month of September we
and by using it as a resource in our
teaching. (His Eminence, Archbishop remembered Kassiani the Hymnographer, on September 7th. Also known
Demetrios, Praxis, Vol. 12, Issue
as Kassia or Ikasia, she was a ninth
3 Spring 2013)
century nun famous for her beautiful,
but emotional, Kassiani Hymn. SepWe have been quoting from His
tember 24th we remembered Thekla,
Eminence, Archbishop Demetrios' arti- the Nun, Hymnographer/Poet, Protocle on the theme of "Music in the
martyr and Equal to the Apostles.
Church", this time expressing how imCONGRATULATIONS!!! It's a
portant it is as a teaching tool, which is
three-peat!!! Congratulations to choir
also a continuous theme of the DAD
member Ariana Warren who has been
Federation. It is always being stressed
awarded a DAD Church Musicians
that we need to understand what we are
Federation scholarship once again. Talsinging, as well as how to sing it. Still
ented Ariana is in her junior year at Ithanother perspective of sacred music as
aca College working successfully in her
a tool for learning is the theme of this
music major fields. Congratulations are
year's 30th Annual Conference of the
also in order for brother and choir
Direct Archdiocesan District Federamember Andrew Warren, a high school
tion of Greek Orthodox Church Musisenior, who has been chosen as an alcians, "Understanding Of Our Role in
ternate to the All State Mixed Chorus.
the Liturgy". The keynote speaker will
We are very proud of our youngest
be Maria Keritsis, Chairman of the Namembers!!
tional Forum of Greek Orthodox
SAVE THE DATE!! Tuesday, OcChurch Musicians. The conference,
which will be held the weekend of Nov. tober 7th, 2014 at 8PM, Eleni Traga-
Welcome back! The first day of class for our Sunday School was September 28th. It was great to see such enthusiasm
from the upcoming Sunday School year. Teachers and students were all eager to get back into the swing of things.
Our Full staff:
Pre-K: Lisa Schiede and Christine Borzumato
Kindergarten: Naouma Tsalios-Tzotzis and Irene Milonas and Hannah Campbell
1st Grade: Karen Kontos and Nick Kontos
2nd Grade: Mary Mooney and Athena Mastrogiannis
3rd Grade: Flo Ioannou and Demetra Jacobus
4th Grade: Zina Poulis and Katherine Nicholas
5th Grade: Perri Athansiou and Georgia Skiadas
6th Grade: Argy Koumas
7th Grade: Teacher Needed
8th Grade: Helen Varsos
9th Grade: Bill Courbanou
10th – 12th Grade (Young Adults): Chris Varthalamis
Our Junior choir will be rehearsing on various Sundays during coffee hour in the 5th grade classroom beginning in soon.
Please contact Kathy Demacopoulos at 858-1525 or Erika Gavras at 239-6229 for further information or if you child is
interested in joining one of these two groups.
This month’s Bulletin Board will be prepared by our Third grade students and their teachers. Please pass by to see their
inspiring presentation.
Although it is early, we are starting to make preparations for the Sunday School Christmas pageant which will take
place on December 14th. Information will be mailed home shortly.
Registration will continue in the upcoming weeks. If you have not one so already, registration forms are available on the
Church website. You can give completed registrations to Argy Koumas or Christine Varlamos.
November 23– Coffee Hour
November 30 - No classes
December 14 – Christmas Pageant
We look forward to a successful school year and wish everyone a wonderful autumn season!
God Bless,
Argy Koumas, Director
We made it! Our Greek Festival is finally behind us! God blessed us with beautiful weather. It was exhausting but it
was fun and rewarding to work together for our church. We were like machines the whole month of September going
through the enormous preparations and finally the marathon hours during our Festival. I am so proud of our Philoptochos women who were in the Yiayia’s Attic AND who were everywhere needed throughout the Festival. GOD BLESS
ALL OUR PARISHIONERS. We broke last year’s record in the Yiayia’s Attic and this would not have been possible
without YOUR generous “treasures” you donated to our church. THANK YOU TO Elaine Heretakis and her magnificent group of ladies for their tireless efforts in the setup, the pricing, and finally the breaking down of the Yiayia’s Attic.
THANK YOU TO Pauline Kitsopoulos and her fabulous group of ladies who handled the “Jewelry Section” of the Yiayia’s Attic. A special thank you to our GOYA who helped us move some of the heavy items in the Yiayia’s Attic. They
did it with love and respect and the Ladies really appreciated their support. During our Festival we got to meet many
guests. One in particular shared with us her miracle story how our beloved Saint Paraskevi changed her life. Below is
her message that I wish to share with our community.
Dear Georgia,
“30 years ago I was told I would be blind in a year from “Graves Disease” which is a thyroid condition. I had a very severe case and everything behind the eyes were deteriorating. My mother brought me to your Greek Festival and we went
down in the Grotto. I took some Holy water and said a prayer and wiped the holy water on my eyes. Right after, my
thyroid doctor called me with a Doctor in Manhattan that was willing to do experimental eye surgery on me. I have had
eight eye surgeries now and I’m doing fine. The Graves Disease will never go away and I must still tape my eyes but I
can see now. I am so grateful to your Saint and feel blessed with a miracle by her. I came to your Grotto today to give
her thanks and to pray for my husband’s eyes and my children. I am attaching a picture of my second or third eye surgery but please do not publish the picture as I want to forget those days. You may post my grateful story though and it
was very nice to meet you all.”
Mary Oldakowski
Our last NSQ fundraiser was held on Oct. 14, 2012. At that time we were proud to present to Stony Brook Hospital a
check in the amount of $30,000. On September 24, 2014, all NSQ members were invited to attend a Ground Breaking
Ceremony for the new Children’s Unit in which this money was donated. It took place at Stony Brook Hospital followed
by a reception. All of us, plus many other donors, worked very hard to make this dream come true.
OCTOBER 1ST – Join us at our Wine & Cheese Social Gathering – The beautiful message below was tagged on a tree
branch centerpiece at the Clergy Laity that I attended this past July.
“A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and
he who plants kindness gathers love. – Saint Basil
OCTOBER 18TH – We are looking forward to seeing the fabulous “SHOW STOPPERS” directed by our Philoptochos
sister Chris Christopher. Some of our Philoptochos sisters will be in the performance. We wish them and all our “church
family” performers good luck!
OCTOBER 25TH – We will come together for our Church’s GRAND RAFFLE Drawing – GOOD LUCK TO ALL!
OCTOBER IS BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH – Did you schedule your Mammography? Please take care
of yourself!
With love to my sisters and family in Christ,
Georgia Constantine
Greek Dancing
As a reminder the hours of Greek School is 9:30am-1:00pm. It is important for all students to arrive on time to participate in the morning prayer at 9:30am.
All Greek School students will participate in the OXI DAY performance immediately following Liturgy on Sunday, October 26, 2014. Students must be dressed in a traditional Greek costume, St. Paraskevi uniform or white dress
shirt and blue pants / skirt. The Greek School PTO will be hosting coffee hour this day and we need your help with
food donations and volunteers to set up, serve and clean up. Please contact your class parent to let them know how you
can help!
The Greek School PTO will continue to have a table set up inside the gym for parents to sign up for PTO Membership and snack duty. We ask that each family support the PTO with a $30.00 donation towards membership dues.
We are in need of snack duty on Saturdays during Greek School hours.
Please be aware that we are a nut free school. Your child may bring in a snack from home or may purchase a
snack during Greek School. The PTO will be selling snacks at $1.00 each.
As a safety procedure, all parents and children must enter and exit through the main doors located at community center.
All other doors will be locked to ensure children’s safety. Kitchen exit door will be locked and only open for deliveries.
In addition, parents who come in after the morning prayer and / or any time during Greek School hours must sign in visitor’s book with person stationed at the door.
Our next PTO meeting will be in November!!
PTO Committee:
Cheryl Paraskevopoulos, PTO President
Joanne Kefalas, PTO Co-President/Treasurer
Helen Orfanakos, PTO Secretary
Mark Your 2014-2015 Calendar!
Sunday, October 26 – Coffee Hour
Saturday, November 1st - OXI Day Celebration—11:00am
Saturday December 20 – Christmas Pizza Party & Christmas Carols
Sunday, January 25 –Coffee Hour (Three Hierarchs)
Saturday, March 28 – Greek School Independence Day Celebration
Wednesday, April 1 – Pre Sanctified Lenten Meal
Sunday, April 26 – Coffee Hour
Saturday, June 6 – Last day of class / Graduation Dinner Dance
Please email [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to be added onto the 20142015 PTO email distribution.
The teachers and students are busy at work preparing for
our first presentation. The OXI Day Celebration will be
held on Sunday, October 26th in the Community Center
following Divine Liturgy. On this day, classes will end at
12:00p.m.; the show will begin promptly thereafter.
Please dress your child in blue and white, or a traditional
costume, and come to support our Greek School and most
importantly our children.
Please remember that Greek School starts at 9:30am with a
prayer service in the Community Center.
If you have not done so yet, please join the P.T.O. and
support all that it does for our children!
If you have any questions regarding Greek School, please
contact Maria Angel in the church office at: 261-7272.
The Greek American Preschool at Saint Paraskevi had a
wonderful September. I would like to introduce all of our
teachers: Kyria Christine Siounnis, Kyria Markela Melios,
Kyria Erene Parpas, Kyria Maria Sazaklis, Kyria Skevie
Giannitsis and Miss Cheryl Paraskevopoulos. We spent all
summer ordering furniture and setting up our classrooms.
Our classrooms are amazing! The English class has been
doing well and we have a total of 6 students. The playground was approved , so construction should begin by
next week.
We will be adding a Gymnastic and Music class on
Wednesdays from 12:30-1:15 starting in October. Carrie
from Tumbling Tunes in Northport will be running the
class. There will be singing, dancing and gymnastics!
There are many new classes for the 2014/2015 academic
Looking ahead:
Ta Morakia:
Mommy and Me ages 0-2 Wednesdays 10-11:15
Regents classes begin on October 7th. If you have not registered your child, please call Maria Angel.
Ta Kouklakia:
Ages 2/3 years old Wednesdays and Fridays 9:30-12:15
No classes on Saturday, November 29th – Thanksgiving
Ta Poulakia:
4 years old - Tuesdays 3:30-5:15
Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:30-3:30
Ta Psarakia: 5 year olds - Thursdays 4:30-6:00
NEW ENGLISH CLASS- 3 year olds Tuesdays and
Thursdays 9:30-12:30. The teacher
has her undergraduate degree in PreK- 6 and her graduate
degree in Reading. The
students will also have 30 minutes of gym with a Certified
Phys Ed teacher.
Please join our preschool. It truly is a wonderful program.
Check us out on Facebook at The Greek American Preschool at Saint Paraskevi Greek Orthodox Church. You
can see our program in action.
Greek School dancers at Northport Library
Please contact Joanne Karipidis Kefalas if you are interested in enrolling your child at:
Jojobeba@aol or 516-606-2060.
Welcome to the start of our new year in scouting! Girl
Scouts of St. Paraskevi will begin meetings in late September and meeting twice a month in the upstairs youth
room. The Cadettes and Juniors will be embarking on
achieving the Chi Ro awards this year while the Brownies
will work on attaining the St. George medals. Awards will
be given on Scout Sunday during church. We also look
forward to our charitable and community work this year as
well as developing the girls leadership and team work
If you have a girl entering kindergarten through sixth
grade and are interested in Girl Scouts at St. Paraskevi
please contact Agapi Bell 631-651-8245. We are looking
for Daisy troop leaders for the kindergarten and first grade
We are looking forward to a great year with our little angels families!!!
It was great to see everyone at the church picnic and
throwing of the cross.
The Greek Festival was a huge success. Thank you to everyone who made it happen!!
Little Angels has a new date and time!! We will meet on
Tuesdays n the upstairs youth room at 12:30.
We have arts and crafts, a visit from one of our priests,
socialization and play time for our little ones. If you have
a child between the ages of birth to preschool and are interested in signing your child up for this ministry, please
contact one of our advisors; Alexandra Bennis [email protected] or Christina Borzumato at [email protected].
GOYA (not the bean) is the Greek Orthodox Youth of
America program.
St. Paraskevi’s
GOYA participates in many important activities
that are both fun
and essential to
the church’s success. GOYA set
up for the Food
Festival, sold cotton candy, popcorn and chocolate covered pretzels at our kids’
corner booth, and
danced as entertainment for the festival goers. The Festival was a great
success and thank you to all who helped.
We have many upcoming events that all GOYAns are encouraged to attend.
Coming up on October
4th; we will be having
our first car wash of the
year. GOYAns are
needed to help wash
cars. Please come support and get your car
washed; all are welcome. On October 18th,
there will be a retreat in
Blue Point. We will do
many fun activities
such as icebreakers,
talk about faith, and eat
food. It is a good way
to meet other GOYAns.
We will also be hosting another Fall Festival for the kids
of the community on October 28th at 6:00 pm. It is imperative that everyone comes to help in their best costume.
It is never too late to join GOYA. Come to one of our
weekly meetings Tuesday nights at 7:30. We are excited
for another fun year together.
Your Presidents,
Alexa Magliulo and Pia Roussos
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Abatzidis
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Accovelli
Mr. & Mrs. James Adamis
Mr. & Mrs. John Addamo
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Akapnitis
Mr. & Mrs. John Allyson
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Amanatides
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Amanatides
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Anagnostopoulos
Miss Eleni Anastos
Mr. Gus Anax
Ms. Ann Andreades
Mr. & Mrs. James Andreadis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Andreadis
Mrs. Helen Andromanakos
Mr. Peter Andromanakos
Mrs. Maria Angel
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Annunziata
Mrs. Panagiota Anthony
Dr. & Mrs. Marinel Ardeljan
Ms. Angela Arettines
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Arettines
Mr. John Arettines
Mrs. Maria Christios
Mr. & Mrs. George Argiriou
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Argiriou
Mrs. Mary Argiros
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Aroniadis
Mrs. Julia Arvans
Mrs. Dorothy Athanas
Mr. & Mrs. Alexios Athanasiou
Mr. & Mrs. William Athanasiou
Mr. & Mrs. Theo Athanassiou
Mr. James Athas
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Avdoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Babigian
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Baialardo
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Bakatsias
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Balezos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Ballas
Mr. & Mrs. John Ballow
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitris Bantileskas
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Barton
Mr. & Mrs. Dominick Bartone
Mr. Nikolaos Bastakes
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Batanchiev
Dr. & Mrs. Paul Bell
Mrs. Diane Bennis
Mr. & Mrs. George Bennis
Dr. & Mrs. Nicholas Berbari
Mr. & Mrs. Stelios Bertos
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bocchicchio
Ilektra Pappa & Vasilios Bogdani
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Borzumato
Mr. & Mrs. Eric Brabender
Ms.Mariana Brancoveanu
Mr. & Mrs. John Callaghan
Mrs. Jean Camas
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Camas
Mrs. Eugenia Canner
Mr. Brian Capatina
Mr. & Mrs. George Caraberis
Mr. & Mrs. Lenny Carlucci
Mr. & Mrs. John Castagna
Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Catechis
Mrs. Lillian Catherines
Mr. & Mrs. Adam Chardavoyne
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Chin
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Chonis
Mrs Betty Chonis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Chonis
Mrs. Ritsa Choulis
Mr. Sofoklis Chrissides
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Christodoulou
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Christoforou
Nick Christopher Esq.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Christopher
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Christophides
Mrs. Efstratia Christophides
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander Christou
Mrs. Malama Clidas
Dr. & Mrs. Costas Constantatos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Constantatos
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Constantine
Mr. Damianos Contopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Contopoulos
Drs. George & Debbie Coritsidis
Mr. George Cost
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Costa
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Costanzo
Mr. & Mrs. George Costidis
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Courbanou
Rev. Deacon Courbanou
Mr. Aggelos P. Coutavas
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Damilatis
Mr. & Mrs. Vassilios Danginis
Mrs. Paula Davantzis
Mr. & Mrs. Spirou David
Mr. & Mrs. Alexander De Borja
Mr. & Mrs. Spyridon Dedes
Mrs. Anne Deloss
Dr. & Mrs. George Demacopoulos
Ms. Chrisanti Demetriou
Mrs. Irene Demetriou
Mr. & Mrs. Benedict Devita
Mr. & Mrs. William Diakakis
Mr. & Mrs. Gabriel Diamandis
Mr. & Mrs. Mario Diamandis
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Diktaban
Mr. & Mrs. Stamati Dimitrakis
Mr. & Mrs. George Dimitriou
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dischley
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Dorsey
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Doscas
Mr. & Mrs. George Doukas
Mr. Peter Doukas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Doumas
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Dounias
Mr. & Mrs.Jimmy Drakopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Drakoulias
Mrs. & Mrs. Denis Draper
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Drechsler
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Ebe
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Ebe
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Eckstrum
Mrs. Sally Economou
Mr. & Mrs. Efthymios Efthymiou
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Emanuel
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Emanuel
Mr. & Mrs John Emmans
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Essopos
Mr. Nicholas Evangelides
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferrazano
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Finkin
Mr. Costa Fkiaras
Mr. & Mrs. Emmanuel Frangas
Mr. & Mrs. Val Franklin
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Fusco
Michael Gambuzza & Victoria Attonis
Mr. & Mrs. Alex Georgalas
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Geotes
Mrs. Jennifer Gerdes
Ms. Kiriaki Gialouris-Giannaris
Dr .& Mrs. Victor Giamos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Giampilis
Mr. & Mrs. George Gianakas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Gianakas
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Gianakas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Giannitsas
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Giove
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Gitz
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Goerke
Mr. & Mrs. Epaminondas Gonatas
Mrs. Tula Haghicomninou
Mr. & Mrs. Savvas Haji-Georgi
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Harris
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hartofilis
Mr. & Mrs. Dino Hatzigianakis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hatzis
Mr. & Mrs. John Hatzis
Mrs. Alexandra Hatzis
Mr. & Mrs. William Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Heretakis
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Heretakis
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Homenides
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Houppert
Mr. & Mrs. Agron Huta
Mrs. Urania Huta
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Ikonomou
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Ilasi
Mr. & Mrs. George Ioanidis
Mr. & Mrs. John Ioannou
Mr. & Mrs. Kleanthis Ioannou
Michael & Denise Ioannou
Mr. & Mrs. George Javaras
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. George Kafkarkou
Mr. & Mrs. George Kaimis
Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Kaimis
Mrs. Loula Kalkines
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Kalogeras
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Kaloudis
Mr. Nicholas Kameno
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Karanzias
Mrs. Peggy Karayianakis
Mrs. Mary Karipidis
Mr. Gus Karras
Mr. John Karropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George Kavrakis
Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Kefalas
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Keisidis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kelly
Mr. Peter Kentros
Mrs. Pauline Kitsopoulos
Mrs. Dorothy Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Klein
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Kliampas
Mrs. Chryssa Kolios
Mr. & Mrs. George Kondylas
Mr. & Mrs. Michali Konstas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Kontos
Mr. Thom Kontos
Mr. & Mrs. George Korsanos
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Korsanos
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Kostas
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Kostopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Aristotelis Kougemitros
Mr. & Mrs. Skevos Koullias
Mrs. Magdalene Koumas
Mrs. Chrysanthe Koumas
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Kouroupakis
Mr. & Mrs. Teddy Koutsoftas
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Koutsoubis
Mr. & Mrs. George Koutsoukos
Mrs. Maria Kouttron
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kovner
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Kritikos
Mrs. Katerina Lallos
Mr. Alexander LaMalfa
Mrs. Maria LaMalfa
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Lambadis
Mr. & Mrs. Lambros Lambrinos
Mr. & Mrs. Sid Lambros
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Lambros
Mr. & Mrs. Loren Lampros
Mr. & Mrs. George Langis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Larkin
Mrs. Kiki Lecakes
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Legakis
Mr. & Mrs. Aristotle Lekacos
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Leodas
Ms. Angelica Leontakianakos
Mr. & Mrs. Sheldon Lessey
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Levick
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Lichas
Mr. & Mrs. George Likourezos
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Limperis
Mrs. Dorothy Litras
Ms. Vicki M. Loizos
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Los
Mr. & Mrs. George Los
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Love
Mr. & Mrs. William Mackey
Capt. & Mrs. & John Makrides
Mrs. Aspasia Mally
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Maltezos
Mrs. Kalliopi Mamouzelos
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Manas
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Maniatis
Mr. & Mrs. George Manikas
Mr. & Mrs.Elias Manolis
Mrs. Anastasia Manthos
Ms. Mary Margarites
Mrs. Nina Margarites
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Margarites
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Margarites
Mrs. Thalia Margarites
Mr. & Mrs. George Martakis
Mr. & Mrs. James Martin
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Mastrogiacomo
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mastrogiannis
Mr. & Mrs. Deno Matas
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Matera
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Matthai
Mrs. Antonia Mattheou
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Mavromoustakos
Mrs. Theresa Mavroudis
Mr. & Mrs. Oliver McGaughey
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McQuaide
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Mendonis
Mr. Vasilios Meskoures
Curtis W. Meyer & Evelyn G. Kittis
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Michalopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Milonas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Mirissis
Mr. & Mrs. John Misthos
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Mitsinikos
Dr. & Mrs. Theofanis Mitsinikos
Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Monias
Mr. Nick Monogioudis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mooney
Rev. & Presv. Dimitrios Moraitis
Mr. & Mrs. David Morrison
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Mourelatos
Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Neokleous
Mrs. Sophia Nessim
Rev. & Presv. Louis Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Nick Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs Nick Nicholas
Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Noonan
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Noulis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Oromaner
Mr. & Mrs. Aires Ouzounis
Mr. & Mrs. Francesco Pagano
Dimitrios Pamboris
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pando
Mr. & Mrs. George Panoussis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pantason
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Papachristou
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Papachristou
Mrs. Maria Papadopoullos
Mr. & Mrs. George Papadopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Papageorge
Mr. & Mrs. Themistocles Papageorge
Mr. & Mrs. Iacovos Papaiacovou
Mr. & Mrs. Chrisostomos Papantoniou
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Papas
Mr. & Mrs. Pantelis Papazoglou
Dr. & Mrs. Mike Pappas
Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Paraskevopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Billy Parides
Mr. & Mrs. John Parides
Mrs. Stacy Parkas
Mr. & Mrs. Costas Parpas
Mr. & Mrs. Kyriakos Parpas
Mrs. Hariklia Patilis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Patronis
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Pavlatos
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Pavlides
Ms. Porfyra Pavlides
Mr. & Mrs. Yani Pavlidis
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Philippis
Mrs. Marcy Philippis
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Pickios
Mr. & Mrs. Ed Pietzak
Mrs. Mary Pitti
Mrs. Mary Pologeorgis
Mr. Nick Pologeorgis
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Poulis
Mr. & Mrs. Elias Poulos
Mrs. Irene Poulos
Dr. & Mrs. Jaime Poulos
Ms. Melissa Poutouves Koppelman
Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Praetorius
Mr. & Mrs. Domenic Proscia
Mrs. Georgia Psilakis
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Pugliani
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Rafaelides
Mr. Stephan Ramerini
Mrs. Melissa Rash
Mrs. Georgia Red
Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Rentsch
Mr. Charles Riehman
Mr. Edwin Rivera
Mr. & Mrs. Gary C. Rodetis
Mr. & Mrs. Ionas Rotos
Ms. Eleni Rotziokos
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolas Rotziokos
Mr. & Mrs. Gus Rousakis
Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Roussis
Mrs. Eleftheria Roussis
Mrs. Helen Roussis
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Ruggiero
Mrs. Mersina Samodolski
Mr. & Mrs. Michael A Schicker
Mr. & Mrs. James Schiede
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Scricca
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Selvaggio
Mrs. Katina Serelis
Mr. Anthony Sevdinoglou
mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Sevdinoglou
Mr. & Mrs. Pandelis Shakalis
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Shikar
Dr. & Mrs. Ioanis Siderias
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Sideris
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Siounis
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Skaliarinis
Mrs. Georgia Skiadas
Mr. & Mrs. Fotios Sklavounakis
Mrs. Mary Sofides
Mr. & Mrs. Dean Soteropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Soupios
Mr. & Mrs. Val Soupios
Mrs. Betty Spinthourakis
Mr. Demetrios Spiropoulos
Mrs. Freda Spiropoulos
Ms. Virginia Stamatakis
Mr. & Mrs. Dionysios Stathatos
Mr. & Mrs. Fotios Stathatos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Stavrakopoulos
Mrs. Helen Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Stavros
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Steele
Mr. & Mrs. Lambros Stroumbos
Mr. George Strum
Mr. & Mrs. Odysseas Svolos
Mrs. Ritsa Taktekos
Mr. & Mrs. Gheorghe Telibasa
Mr. & Mrs. John Terletzky
Mr. & Mrs.Christopher Tesi
Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Theodoropoulos
Mr. & Mrs. George Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. John Tietjen
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Tiliakos
Christina Alonso & Geoffrey Tittmann
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Tomasides
Mr. & Mrs. Nikolaos Toubanos
Mr. & Mrs. Kostas Trastelis
Mrs. Georgian Treichel
Mr. & Mrs. Angelos Trombettas
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Tsamis
Mr. & Mrs. Ted Tsekerides
Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Tsivitis
Mrs. Deborah Tsoilis
Mr. & Mrs. George Tsolakis
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Tsolis
Ms. Anastasia Tsunis
Mrs. Eleni Tsunis
Mrs. Evangeline Tsunis
Mrs. Ellen Vanco
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Varlamos
Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Varsos
Mr. & Mrs. Christos Varthalamis
Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios Vasiliou
Mr. & Mrs. Athanasios Vasilopoulos
Mr. & Mrs. Cosmos Vassil
Mr. & Mrs. Efthimios Vassilas
Mr. & Mrs. Gerassimos Ventouras
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Vitiello
Mr. & Mrs. Mihai Voicescu
Mr. &Mrs. Peter Vrankovic
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Whittaker
Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Xenakis
Mr. & Mrs. Theo Zaferiou
Mr. & Mrs. Jason Zaloga
Mr. & Mrs. Peter Zaphiris
Mr. & Mrs. Suheil Zeibag
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ziegler
Mrs. Stephanie Zimmerman
Mr. & Mrs. Harry Zolotas
Saturday, November 8th - 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Dinner - D.J. - Crafts
$30/adults - Under 18 Free
1 Shrine Pl. Greenlawn, NY
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Several years ago a Food Pantry was established in our
Church and it has been able to help feed the needy in our
area. We are currently asking for donations to stock the
Food Pantry with non perishable food (not expired) and
money to purchase supermarket food cards. There are boxes located in the hallway outside the gym. Please see Fr. Dimitri and help support this wonderful ministry.
Wanted: Choir Members
Positions Open: Soprano, Alto, Tenor & Bass
(No Others Need Apply)
Physical Qualifications: Must be able to carry
light musical notes part way across the church.
Must have sufficient vision to see the director
from twenty feet away.
Experience: No applications accepted from persons who have not sung, hummed or whistled in
the tub or shower.
Wages: Satisfaction and joy in God’s service.
Fringe Benefits: Social Security - We promise
you the security of social fellowship with other
members of the choir.
Hours: Sunday mornings, with occasional opportunities for overtime. (at above mentioned
Vacation: Missed rehearsals and worship services are primarily a matter of conscience and
the ability to return the glares and pointed remarks of the director.
Retirement: No particular age, but it is generally determined by prayer, printed notes getting
too small, robe too heavy, notes too high, church
too hot (or cold), or organist unable to play the
notes you sing.
Rehearsals: Only when necessary.
Apply: By attending our next rehearsal, by contacting the director, or contacting Pauline
Kitsopoulos at: [email protected].
15% off
Entire Purchase
For First Time
If You Mention
St. Paraskevi
Official Photographer of St. Paraskevi
Email: [email protected]
631-582-4000 tg-law.NET
John C. Tsunis Maria Gasparis
The Peter William Simmons Memorial Brunch
Sunday, October 19, 2014 - 12:00pm - 4:00pm
The Coral House
70 Milburn Ave., Baldwin, NY 11510
$60PP - Advance Sale Only
For Tickets Please Contact:
516-369-9964 or 516-695-2118
All proceeds to benefit the Winthrop Newborn Intensive Care Unit
The Perinatal Bereavement Association