Download Bulletin. - St Jacobs Mennonite Church

Vol. 32
Sunday, January 18, 2015
No. 03
9:30 a.m. Study Hour for all ages.
10:45 a.m. Worship Service.
World Fellowship Sunday.
“Walking With God”
Gathering with the Global Church
Call to Worship
* HWB #397
HWB #585
Psalm 100
God loves all his many people
“Jesus Christ is Present Here”
In your sickness
Offering and Offertory
Children’s Offering (Children are invited to place their offerings in the bowl at the front of the sanctuary.)
Prayer of Thanks
STJ #57 Mayenziwe
(Children come forward at this time.)
Children’s Story
HWB #407 We are people of God’s peace
The Story of Mennonite World Conference
A Global Vision is Born
(Basil 1925)
HWB #76
Je louerai l’Eternel
The World on our Doorstep
(Winnipeg 1990)
Worship Bags are available in the foyer for families with children two years of age and up. There are also Worship
Bags available for visitors. A few additional items (crayons, activity books and story books) are available from the
bench beneath the Worship Bags.
Leading Us In Worship:
Worship Leader: Wendy Janzen
Storytellers: Mark Diller Harder and Wendy Janzen
Song Leader: Charles Kruger
Pianist: Doris Pfohl
Musicians: Brent Horst, Madeline Weber, Wendy Janzen, Mark Diller Harder,
Anita Schroeder Kipfer, Sue Shantz
Communion Servers: Doris Bean, Doreen Janzen, Sue Shantz, Nelson Scheifele,
Michael Lutzmann, Dave Weber, Marj Bauman, Pauline Martin,
Brent Horst, Kevin Derksen, Mark Diller Harder, Wendy Janzen
We welcome visitors to our service this morning. Please sign our guest book located in the foyer.
Infants to Age 3 (Upstairs Nursery)
Devin or Megan Martin, Sarah Ens
Age 3-6 (Gathering Room after the Children’s Time)
Pam Derksen, Zoe Suderman
Next Sunday: Micah Jarvis and Laura Wallace Jarvis (Upstairs Nursery)
Nathan or Angela Garland, Tina Cressman (Gathering Room after the Children’s Time)
Nursery Update: A staffed nursery is available for infants to 6 years of age during the worship
service. Parents are asked to bring their children to the Nursery and/or Gathering Room and pick
them up immediately after the worship service. For the children’s safety and to assist volunteers,
we ask that children do not come and go independently.
HWB #229
Lord, you have come to the lakeshore
Hosted by the Global South
(India 1997, Zimbabwe 2003, Paraguay 2009)
“Akuna Akaita”
United in One Body
HWB #118 Praise God from whom
Sharing Joys and Concerns
Congregational Prayer
Sending Hymn
STJ #78 Sizohamba naye
STJ #158
Jan. 25
- Noon. Youth and Mentors Event (Basement and Kitchen)
- 5:00-7:00 p.m. Sunday Supper. Join with others for a simple potluck meal. Talk to
Kevin and Pam Derksen for more information. (Basement)
Worship Service - January 25, 2015
* St. Jacobs Mennonite Church regularly uses 3 hymnals in our worship service. They are identified as:
HWB - Hymnal: A Worship Book (blue); STJ - Sing the Journey (green); STS - Sing the Story (purple).
Regular Worship Schedule.
9:30 a.m. Study Hour for All Ages.
- Age 2-Gr. 8: “Jesus Heals Two Daughters.” (Mark 5:21-43) (Basement)
- Parents’ “Coffee and Conversation”. (Basement)
- Youth and Adult Study: Being a Faithful Church - Guest, Susan Schwartzentruber.
Susan is a therapist at Shalom Counselling Services in Waterloo. She will offer some
learnings and reflections on sexuality issues from her perspective as a clinical
practitioner. (Gathering Room)
10:45 a.m. Sabbatical Reflections. Speaker: Wendy Janzen.
following worship. SJMC Silver Lake Winter Retreat Participants Meeting. Please
meet at the front of the church for a short meeting re: sleeping arrangements.
5:00-7:00 p.m. Sunday Supper. Join with others for a simple potluck meal. Talk to
Kevin and Pam Derksen for more information. (Basement)