D Department off Public Works Engineering Enginee ering Services www.douglas.co.us Novembeer 19, 2014 C UPR RR-BNSF Castle Pines Qu uiet Zone Douglas County Notice off Quiet Zone Establishmeent Addendu um No. 1 Dear Sir or o Madam: This letter is sent as notification n th hat Douglas County C has coompleted woork to establissh a railroad Quiet Zone alon ng the Union Pacific P Railro oad and BNSF F Railway traacks parallel tto US Highway 85 from A Atrium Drive in Castle C Rock, CO C to Highw way 67/Manhaardt Street in S Sedalia, CO. The Quieet Zone inclu udes the two public crosssings mentionned above, aas well as thhe five (5) pprivate crossings between thesse two publicc crossings. Those T of you w who are propperty owners along this coorridor have been n aware of ourr efforts over the last severral years. Youu will see signns installed on each approaach to the privatte crossings th hat indicate ‘N No Train Horrn’ is being ssounded. Pleaase note that tthe individuall train engineers will still hav ve the right to sound horns if they feel itt’s warranted within the quuiet zone. Wee have appreciateed your suppo ort of this purrsuit, and send d this corresppondence to m make you awaare that locom motive train horn ns will cease sounding s on Tuesday, T Nov vember 25, 20014 at 12:01 aam. You will also see the ‘No Train Horn’ H signs in nstalled on eeach approachh to the Highhway 67/Mannhardt Street cro ossing. At thee Atrium Driv ve crossing, two t stationarry horns, calleed ‘Wayside Horns’ havee been installed; one on each approach. Th hese horns willl sound in pllace of the traain locomotivve horns, at a lower decibel level. So whilee this crossing g is included in i the Quiet Z Zone limits, itt is not truly a quiet crossinng, as the Waysside Horns seerve as a onee-for-one rep placement forr the locomottive horns. T This treatmennt was necessary y at this crossiing in order to t achieve thee Quiet Zone along the enntire corridor. The Atrium Drive crossing will w not receiv ve ‘No Train Horn’ signag ge because of the Wayside Horns. If you should have an ny questions about the esttablishment oof the Douglaas County UP PRR-BNSF C Castle Pines Quiiet Zone, pleaase contact mee. ondence is in ncluded on thee following paage. The list off recipients off this correspo Thank you u. Sincerely,, Sean P. Owens O PE Sean P. Owens, Project Manager M Douglas County C Publicc Works – En ngineering 303-660-7 7328 Attachmeent: List of Ad dditional Reciipients 100 Third Sttreet, Castle Rock, R Colorado o 80104 303 3.660.7490 D Department off Public Works Engineering Enginee ering Services www.douglas.co.us DOUGLA AS COUNTY UPRR-BNSF F CASTLE P INES VILLA AGE QUIET Z ZONE DOUGLAS D CO OUNTY, CO OLORADO List of Ad dditional Reciipients: ndum No. 1 Full Noticce with Adden by Certified Mail & Ad ddendum No.. 1 (only) by First Class C Mail: J & M Inv vestments, LL LC 10610 Lu ucas Ave. Franktown, CO 80116 Castle Ro ock Developm ment Co 3033 E. First F Street, Stte. 410 Denver, CO C 80206 Plum Creeek Wastewateer Authority 5880 Cou untry Club Drive Castle Ro ock, CO 80108 By E Email: Sherrman Spear, UP Stevven Grosse-R Rhode, UP Benntley Tomlin, BNSF Nichhole Hightow wer, BNSF Stevve Fender, FR RA How ward Gillespie, FRA Ronn Ries, FRA Norman & Elaine Josly yn 4351 N. US U 85 Castle Ro ock, CO 80109 9 James & Tammy T Klos Norman Jr. J & Jennifer Joslyn 4343 N. US U 85 Castle Ro ock, CO 80109 9 BKS Farm ms LLC 2812 S. Quitman Q St. Denver, CO C 80236 Solitude Colorado C Hom meowners Association c/o Koelb bel & CO 5291 E. Yale Y Ave Denver, CO C 80222 100 Third Sttreet, Castle Rock, R Colorado o 80104 303 3.660.7490
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