Curriculum Vitae - Information Technology

Jordan R. Bass, Ph.D.
Department of Health, Sport, and Exercise Sciences
Assistant Professor of Sport Management
Executive Director, Laboratory for Study of Sport Management
School of Education
University of Kansas
Founder and Co-Editor, Journal of Amateur Sport
Contact Information
Robinson Center - Room 160C
Lawrence, Kansas 66045
[email protected]
The Florida State University
Major: Sport Management
Wichita State University
Major: Sport Management
University of the Ozarks
Major: Communications
Tallahassee, Florida
May 2013
Wichita, Kansas
May 2009
Clarksville, Arkansas
December 2007
Academic Work Experience
Assistant Professor, University of Kansas, Department of Health, Sport, and Exercise Sciences
(Sport Management), 2013 – Present
Executive Director, Laboratory for the Study of Sport Management, University of Kansas, 2013Present
Lifetime Activities Program Coordinator, Florida State University, 2009-2012.
Instructor, Sport Management Department, Florida State University, 2009-2012
Graduate Research Assistant, Wichita State University, 2008-2009
Visiting Scholar
Big XII Faculty Fellowship, Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK
October 2014
Refereed Publications and Monographs (13)
* Oja, B.D., Bass. J.R., & Gordon, B.S. (Conditionally Accepted, Minor Revisions).
Conceptualizing Employee Identification with Sport Organizations: Sport Employee
Identification (SEI). Sport Management Review.
* Bass, J.R., Achen, R., & Gordon, B.S. (In Press). Motivations for Athletic Giving: Examining
Non-Renewed Donors. Applied Research in Coaching and Athletics Annual.
Kellison, T., Bass, J.R., Lovich, J., & Bunds, K. (In Press). Compounding Crisis Events and
Organizational Response. International Journal of Sport Management.
* Fontana, M., Bass, J.R., & Fry, M.D. (In Press). From Smith Center to Coney Island: Examining
the Coaching Climate in the United States Sporting Culture. Journal of Contemporary Athletics.
* Bass, J.R., Schaeperkoetter, C.C., & Bunds, K.S. (In Press). “The Front Porch”: Examining the
Increasing Interconnection of University and Athletic Department Funding. ASHE Higher
Education Report Monograph Series
* Hambrick, M.E., & Bass, J.R., & Schaeperkoetter, C.C. (In Press). “The Biggest Hire in School
History”: Considering the Factors Influencing the Hiring of a Major College Football Coach.
Case Studies in Sport Management.
* Bass, J.R., Vermillion, M., & Putz, P. (2014). “Going Viral”: The Impact of Forced
Crowdsourcing on Coaching Evaluation Procedures. International Sport Coaching Journal, 1(2),
Bass, J.R. & Newman, J.I. (2013). Too Big to Fail: The Penn State Scandal and the Crisis of the
Corporate University. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics, Special Issue, 22-40.
Bass, J.R., Gordon, B.S., & Kim, Y.K. (2013). University Identification: A Conceptual Framework.
Journal of Contemporary Athletics, 7(1). 13-25
Bass, J.R., Newman, J.I., & Giardina, M.D. (2012). Of Victims and Markets: The Neoliberal
University and the Spectacle of Civic Branding. Cultural Studies - Critical Methodologies. 12(4).
Rodenberg, R.M. & Bass, J.R. (2012). Legality of Online Sports Betting. Entertainment, Arts, and
Sports Law Journal. 23(1). 102-105.
Bass, J. R. & Rodenberg, R. M. (2011). Tennis + gambling = a looming double fault? Sports
Litigation Alert, 8(1). 1-3.
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
Vermillion, M., Stoldt, G.C., & Bass, J. (2009) Social problems in Major League Baseball: A
revisiting of topics twenty years later. Journal of Applied Sport Management, 1 (1). 23-38.
* - Student Collaboration, Corresponding Author
Manuscripts in Review (5)
Bass, J.R., Hardin, R., & Taylor, E. (In Third Review). “The Glass Closet”: Perceptions of
Homosexuality in Intercollegiate Sport.
** Schaeperkoetter, C.C., Bass, J.R., & Bunds, K.S. (In First Review). Wrestling to Understand Fan
Motivations: Examining the MSSC within the WWE.
* Bass, J.R., Newman, J.I., and Schaeperkoetter, C.C. (In First Review). Examining Identity Politics
and Fundraising within Intercollegiate Athletics.
Kellison, T.K., Bass, J.R., & Oja, B.D. (In First Review). Grassroots Promotion vs. Cease and
Desist: An Analysis of Motives Behind Collegiate Brand Usage Policies.
* Oja, B.D. & Bass, J.R. (In First Review). Concussions and Safety in Intercollegiate
Football: Examining the Role of Equipment Personnel.
* - Student Collaboration, Corresponding Author
** - Student Collaboration
Refereed Book Chapters (2)
* Schaeperkoetter, C.C. & Bass, J.R. (In Press). Communication, Owners/Managers to Coaches.
Sports Leadership: A Concise Reference Guide.
* Schaeperkoetter, C.C. & Bass, J.R. (In Press). Amateur Sports. Sports Leadership: A Concise Reference
* - Student Collaboration, Corresponding Author
Refereed Book Reviews (1)
Bass, J.R. (In Press). Review of Cheating the Spread: Gamblers, Point Shaver, and Game Fixers in College
Football and Basketball by A.J. Figone. Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics.
Grant Activity (7)
Big XII Faculty Fellowship. Principal Investigator. Visiting Scholar at Oklahoma
State University. $2,500. Funded.
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
North American Society for the Study of Sport Management Janet B. Parks Research
Grant. Principal Investigator. “Why D3? A Holistic Exploration of Division III
Institutions and their Student Athletes.” $2,200. Not Funded.
NCAA. “Division I student-athletes’ perceptions of support, identity, and
performance.” Co-Principal Investigator. $5,172.50. Not Funded.
University of Kansas School of Education Research Support. “Paying to Play:
Examining Small College Athletics.” Principal Investigator. $5,000. Funded.
The Knight Foundation. “The Cobb County Braves: Examining Stadium Financing.”
Principal Investigator. $10,000. Not Funded.
University of Kansas New Faculty General Research Fund. “Motivations for Giving:
An Examination of KU Endowment’s Current and Past Donors.” Principal
Investigator. $7,992.32. Funded.
NCAA Graduate Student Research Grant. “Ensuring Long Term Growth and
Prosperity: A Mixed-Methods Analysis of University Boosters Marketing Practices.”
Principal Investigator. $5,756.01. Not Funded.
National Presentations (29)
Bass, J.R., Hardin, R., & Taylor, L. (2014, November). “The Glass Closet”: Perceptions and
Mediation of Homosexuality in Intercollegiate Sport. To be presented at the North
American Society for the Sociology of Sport Conference, Portland, Oregon.
Schaeperkoetter, C., Walker, N., Bass, J. (2014, November), “When there was no money in it, there
were no men in it”: Examining gender differences in motivations and qualifications of
college women’s basketball coaches. To be presented at the North American Society for the
Sociology of Sport Conference, Portland, Oregon.
Delia, E. & Bass. J. (2014, October). Self-Presentation, Twitter, and Sport: Analyzing BCS National
Championship Game Tweets. To be presented at the annual meeting of the Sport Marketing
Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.
Gordon, B. & Bass, J. (2014, June). What can green do for you? Examining the impact of societal
orientation on the hearts and minds of fans. Presented at the annual meeting of the North
American Society for Sport Management, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Bass, J., Pfleegor, A.G., & Katz, M. (2014, April). Why D3? A Holistic Exploration of Division III
Institutions and their Student-Athletes. Presented at the annual meeting of the College
Sports Research Institute, Columbia, South Carolina.
Bass, J., Newman, J., & Clopton, A. (2014, April). Considering Institutional Influences on
Fundraising Within NCAA Fundraising Departments. Presented at the annual AAHPERD
National Convention and Expo, St. Louis, Missouri.
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
Bass, J., Newman, J., & Gordon, B. (2014, April). Masculinity and Whiteness in Athletic Boosters
Programs. Presented at the annual AAHPERD National Convention and Expo, St. Louis,
Saia, B., Oja, B., Clopton, A., & Bass, J. (2014, April). Impact of Person-Organization Fit on
College Coach Hiring Process. Presented at the annual AAHPERD National Convention
and Expo, St. Louis, Missouri.
Meyer, J., Clopton, A. & Bass, J. (2014, April). Town and Gown: The Mediating Effect of Team
Identification. Presented at the annual AAHPERD National Convention and Expo, St.
Louis, Missouri.
Wear, H., Clopton, A. & Bass, J. (2014, April). National Mega Sporting Events and Continued
Community Sustainability. Presented at the annual AAHPERD National Convention and
Expo, St. Louis, Missouri.
Bass, J. & Clopton, A. (2013, October). Examining Differences in Team Identification Between
Fans and Donors. Presented at the annual meeting of the Sport Marketing Association,
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Bass, J. (2013, May). Self Reflection on White and Maleness in an Athletic Boosters Program.
Presented at the annual meeting of the International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry,
Champaign, Illinois.
Bass, J. & Gordon, B. (2013, May). The Athletic Funding Crisis and Booster Departments: An
Examination of Donor Motivations. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American
Society for Sport Management, Austin, Texas.
Bass, J. (2012, November). Deep Inside the Corporate University: Fundraising, Boosters, and
Intercollegiate Athletics. Presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of
Sport, New Orleans, Louisiana.
Kellison, T. B., Bass, J, & James, J. D. (2012, October). Cease and desist vs. grassroots promotion:
An analysis of motives behind collegiate trademark enforcement policies. Presented at the
Sport Marketing Association (SMA) Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
Bass, J., Kim, Y.K., & Newman, J. (2012, May). Racial Bias in NBA Referees: A Test of Line
Movement. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport
Management, Seattle, Washington.
Gordon, B. & Bass, J. (2012, May). An Empirical Investigation of a Branded Collegiate Student Fan
Section. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport
Management, Seattle, Washington.
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
Gordon, B. & Bass, J. (2011, October). The Impact of a Societal Orientation on Consumer-Based
Brand Resonance. Presented at the annual meeting of the Sport Marketing Association,
Houston, Texas.
Kellison, T., Bass, J., & James, J.D. (2011, October). The Downside of Brand Dominance:
Examining the Impact of Brand Erosion. Presented at the annual meeting of the Sport
Marketing Association, Houston, Texas.
Bass, J., Bunds, K., & Kim, Y.K. (2011, June). A Conceptual Framework for University
Identification. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport
Management, London, Ontario.
Naylor, M., & Bass, J., & Kim, Y.K. (2011, June). An Examination of the Motivations and
Constraints of Sport Participants. Presented at the annual meeting of the North American
Society for Sport Management, London, Ontario.
Lee, H.W., Bass, J., & Kim, Y.K. (2010, November) A conceptual framework for understanding the
cultural context and its effects on global sports events brand equity. Presented at the Sport
Entertainment and Venues Tomorrow conference, Columbia, SC.
Bass, J., Park, S.H., & Kim, Y.K. (2010, October). An Analysis of Home Advantage in Mid-Major
College Basketball. Presented at the annual meeting of the Sport Marketing Association,
New Orleans, LA.
Bass, J. (2010, October). The Uniqueness of Sport Marketing. Presented at the pedagogy
symposium at the annual meeting of the Sport Marketing Association, New Orleans, LA.
Bass, J., Kellison, T., & Alfaro-Barantes, P. (2010, October). Identity Crisis: Positioning the
Hornets in the New Orleans Community. Winner of the 2010 Sport Marketing Association
graduate case study competition, New Orleans, LA.
Alfaro-Barantes, P. Smith, R. & Bass, J. (2010, June). Connecting to Sport: A New Way. Presented
at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management, Tampa, FL.
Bass, J. Market Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning. (2010, June). Presented at the Teaching
and Learning Fair at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport
Management, Tampa, FL.
Peetz, T., Yoo, S.K., Wright, C., Swanson, S., Reams, L., Bass, J., & Hampton, H. (2010, June). Year
One: Reflections of First-year Doctoral Students on the Protégé/Mentor Relationship.
Presented at the annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management,
Tampa, FL.
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
Dittmore, S.W., Stoldt, G.C., Bass, J., & Biery, L. (2009, May). Media policies in the era of new
media: An analysis of how sport organizations approach bloggers and blogging. Presented at
the annual meeting of the North American Society for Sport Management, Columbia, SC.
Local and Regional Presentations (4)
Hardin, R., Taylor, E., Bass, J., Smith, A. (2015, February). Family structure of Division I female
head coaches and athletic directors. SHAPE America Southern District. Atlanta, Ga.
Bass, J. (2014, January). Homosexuality in College Sport: A Mixed-Methods Investigation.
Presented at the University of Kansas School of Education Faculty Research Conference,
Lawrence, KS.
Bass, J. Kim, Y.K., & Newman, J. (2012, March). Racial Bias in NBA Referees: A Test of Line
Movement. Presented at the Marvalene Hughes Research in Education Conference at The
Florida State University to fulfill requirements for presentation grant, Tallahassee, Florida
Vermillion, M. Wright, D. & Bass, J. (2009, March). American Sport and Alienation: A Multivariate
Analysis. Presented at the annual meeting of the Midwest Sociological Society, Des Moines,
Research Awards
Winner of 2010 Sport Marketing Association (SMA) graduate case study competition. Bass, J.,
Kellison, T., & Alfaro-Barantes, P. (2010, October). Identity Crisis: Positioning the Hornets in the
New Orleans Community, New Orleans, LA.
Advanced Training
Certificate in Educational Measurement and Statistics from Florida State University
Description: “The Measurement & Statistics major of the Department of Educational Psychology
and Learning Systems offers both Masters and PhD degrees for students wishing to become experts
in educational measurement and applied statistics methods. The proposed certificate is designed for
those students who need a basic but sound training in educational measurement and statistics but do
not wish to obtain a Masters or PhD degree in this area.”
Research Center Memberships
Executive Director, Laboratory for the Study of Sport Management
Center Alumni, Sport, Health, and Equitable Development – Florida State University
Faculty Fellow, Partnership for the Advancement of Sport Management – Wichita State University
Media Coverage (11)
Campbell, Rich. (October 28, 2014). Sport Marketing Association 2014 Conference Review. About
Wenzl, Roy. (October 12, 2014). KU researcher’s study grapples with what excites wrestling fans.
The Associated Press. Appeared in the Wichita Eagle, Lawrence Journal-World, and the
Washington Times among others.
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
Stroud, Brandon. (October 9, 2014). The University of Kansas Did a Research Study to Find Out
Why People Watch Pro Wrestling. Uproxx.
Kendall, Justin (October 8, 2014). The University of Kansas finds that WWE fans watch for new
story lines, new characters. The Pitch.
Fabian, Jordan. (September 8, 2014). Violent video, public outrage force NFL to suspend Ray Rice.
Rothschild, Scott. (August 29, 2014). KU prof says NFL toughening suspension policy for domestic
assault shows public pressure can work. Lawrence Journal-World.
(August 29, 2014). Noon News Hour. 580 AM WIBW Topeka.
Kendall, Justin. (August 26, 2014). The University of Kansas is studying the motivations of WWE
fans. The Pitch.
Smith, Benton. (August 5, 2014). KU assistant prof weighs in on Ray Rice ‘spectacle’. Lawrence
Surrency, Justin. (May 13, 2014). KU Study Claims Social Media Makes Your Voice More Powerful.
WIBW Topeka.
Unglesbee, Ben. (August 18, 2013). The science of college fandom might help schools boost
fundraising. Lawrence Journal-World.
Academic Teaching Experience
Instructor of Record at the University of Kansas
HSES830 (Fall 2014) Graduate Sociocultural Dimensions of Sport
HSES834 (Fall 2014) Graduate Ethics in the Sport Industry
HSES384 (Fall 2014, Online) Undergraduate Sport Law
HSES598 (Summer 2014, Online) Undergraduate Sport in Film
HSES384 (Summer 2014, Online) Undergraduate Sport Law
HSES798 (Spring 2014) Graduate Sport, Spectacle, and Modern Media
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
HSES486 (Spring 2014) Undergraduate Sport Marketing
HSES830 (Fall 2013) Graduate Sociocultural Dimensions of Sport
HSES384 (Summer 2013) Undergraduate Sport Law
Instructor of Record at Southern New Hampshire University
SPT600 (Summer 2012, Online) Graduate Management in Sport Organizations
SPT600 (Spring 2013, Online) Graduate Management in Sport Organizations
Instructor of Record at Florida State
SPM4154 (Spring 2011) Undergraduate Introduction to Sport Management
PEL 1341 (Fall 2009, 2 Sections) Tennis
PEL 1441 (Fall 2009, 3 Sections) Racquetball
PEL 1441 (Spring 2010, 2 Sections) Racquetball
PEM 1121 (Spring 2010, 2 Sections) Stretch and Relaxation
PEL 1621 (Spring 2010, 1 Section) Basketball
Graduate Teaching Assistant at Florida State
SPM 5308 (Spring 2010 Sport Marketing
PET 4765 (Spring 2010, Fall 2009) Principles of Coaching
SPM 4025 (Spring 2010, Fall, 2009) Diversity in Sport
SPM4124 (Spring 2010) HRM in Sport
SPM4604 (Spring 2010, Fall, 2009) Sport Governance
SPM 4004 (Fall 2009) Issues in Sport
Directed Student Learning
Claire Schaeperkoetter
Brent Oja
Jesse Meyer
Joe Claunch
Mario Fontana
Rebecca Achen
Ronald Christian
Henry Wear
Kiira Poux
Dr. Yu Kyoum Kim
Dr. JoAnne Graf
Dr. JoAnne Graf
Dr. JoAnne Graf
Dr. JoAnne Graf
Dr. JoAnne Graf
Doctoral Committee Chair
Doctoral Committee Co-Chair
Dissertation Committee Member
Dissertation Committee Member
Dissertation Committee Member
Dissertation Committee Member
Doctoral Committee Member
Master’s Thesis Committee Member (Graduated 2014)
Master’s Thesis Committee Member (Graduated 2014)
Guest Lectures
(2014, October). "Going Viral": The Impact of Forced Crowdsourcing on Organizational Change.
Oklahoma State University Spears School of Business.
(2014, October). "Going Viral": The Impact of Forced Crowdsourcing on Organizational Change.
Oklahoma State University School of Media and Strategic Communication.
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
Committee Membership
Search Chair, University of Kansas Sport Management Faculty Position Search
Committee Chair, University of Kansas School of Education Technology Committee
Department Representative, University of Kansas School of Education United Way
Vice President of Marketing, Wichita State Sport Management Alumni Association
Graduate Student Representative, Florida State University College of Education
Technology Fees Committee
Graduate Student Representative, Wichita State University Foundations of
Excellence: Roles and Purposes Dimension Committee
Professional Service
Founder and co-editor, Journal of Amateur Sport
Reviewer, Journal of Sport Analytics
Ad-hoc Reviewer, International Journal of Sport Communication
Reviewer, Journal of Applied Sport Management
External Consultant, Oklahoma State University Sport Management/Media Degree
Related Professional Work Experience
Game Night Intern, Wichita Wingnuts Baseball Team, 2008-2009
Head Tennis Coach, The Selwyn School, 2008
Sports Editor, Doane College Newspaper, 2004-2006
Jordan R. Bass
University of Kansas
Wichita, KS
Denton, TX
Crete, NE