www.sfcco.gov.fj 11th JUNE 2014 JUNE SOE briefs OPM staff on Elections Supervisor of Elections Mr. Mohammed Saneem briefing the OPM staff on the upcoming elections Permanent Secretary for the Office of the Prime Minister, Mr. Pio Tikoduadua, addressing the staff during the PS Hour Supervisor of Elections Mr. Mohammed Saneem briefed the staff of the Office of the Prime Minister on developments pertaining to the 2014 General Elections during the PS Hour on Friday June 27th, 2014. OUR VISION An Effective and Competent Agency for Change OUR VALUES 1 Customer Focus Equity Quality Integrity Responsiveness Productivity Faith Mr. Saneem spoke at length on issues leading up to the General Elections ranging from civic education and awareness, voter registration, conduct of elections during polling and tallying results after elections. “The conduct governing the elections have been derived from the Electoral Decree 2014,” said Mr. Saneem. The Supervisor of Elections also mentioned that the OPM is the first Government organization to have been briefed on the upcoming General Elections. Staff of the Elections Office also distributed copies of the voter information guide to the OPM staff. Permanent Secretary for the OPM Mr. Pio Tikoduadua thanked Mr. Saneem for delivering an informative presentation on the upcoming elections which would return Fiji to parliamentary democracy. Mr. Tikoduadua reminded the staff to maintain consistency as the OPM is vying for Prime Minister’s Award at this year’s Service Excellence Awards thus we must take ownership of this commitment. www.sfcco.gov.fj PUBLIC RELATIONS & MEDIA DIVISION SFCCO Revamped Website Launched Mr. Solomone Matanatabua, standing right, with Mrs. Mere Nakete, standing left, launching the revamped SFCCO website IO Mr. Aman Nath, right, explains the content of the SFCCO website after the launching The revamped Strategic Framework for Change Coordinating Office (SFCCO) website was launched today by Mr. Solomone Matanitabua and Mrs. Mere Nakete on June 23rd, 2014. The Deputy Secretary for SFCCO Mr. Edward Tunidau urged those with access to the Internet to fully optimize on the information available on the website. The objective is to utilise other mediums of awareness on Government’s intentions and activities especially during this political development phase. The website – www.sfcco.gov.fj – contains a range of information about the office which includes unit updates from Public Relations & Media; Charter Unit; Monitoring and Evaluation Unit and inclusive of gallery and newsletters. The website intends to provide progressive updates on the latest activities being carried out at SFCCO. “We, at the Office of the Prime Minister, will continue to deliver the desired results and give recognition to the efforts of staff as it demonstrates our commitment of working together as a team. The revamped website will no doubt boost our information capacity and a greater means of dissemination”, said Mr. Edward Tunidau. A prominent feature on the website is the audio which allows members of the public to access information on issues discussed by the PR Officers during the radio talk-back shows. 2 PUBLIC RELATIONS & MEDIA DIVISION OPM staff successfully complete Diplomatic Course Participants during the 7th Diplomatic Induction Course at the Parliamentary Complex in Nasese, Suva Two (2) staff members of the Office of the Prime Minister were part of the 46 participants in the 2014 7 th Fiji’s Diplomacy: An Introduction to Policy and Practice at the Parliamentary Complex in Nasese from June 4th to 12th. Director Poverty Monitoring Unit Mr. Meleti Bainimarama and Senior Information Officer Strategic Framework for Change Coordinating Office Mrs. Karalaini Waqanidrola successfully passed the 7-day course conducted by Fiji’s Ambassador to Japan, Mr. Isikeli Mataitoga. For the first time, other Pacific countries also took part in this intensive programme as there were representatives from Kiribati, Tuvalu, Niue and the Solomon Islands. The programme is aimed at training a pool of qualified people who will facilitate Fiji’s participation and engagement in the multi-lateral and international affairs of the global community. Unlike the last 3 years whereby two of such courses are facilitated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs & International Relations, this is the only one this year. IO Aman Nath during the talk-back show at Radio Sargam 3 Director PRMD Mr. Besetimoala with Director MEU during a referral meeting PUBLIC RELATIONS & MEDIA DIVISION PRMD presents on Consultations Findings DS—SFCCO during the PRMD presentation on consultations findings PR Officers presented their findings and overview on the PR Consultations awareness conducted in the Lomaiviti Province in early June. The presentation findings contained overviews on the issues discussed by the PR Officers and the emerging issues raised by the public during the PR consultations awareness. Principal Administrative Officer Mr. Kisoko Cagituevei highlighted that one of their key objectives during the PR consultations awareness was to explain the contents of the 2013 Constitution which includes the concept of the Preamble, national identity, Bill of Rights and the protection of indigenous land, culture, language and traditions. DS SFCCO Mr. Edward Tunidau emphasized the importance of identifying the “information gaps” emerging from the PR consultations thus the need to strategize in order to enhance our strategic objectives while disseminating information in the respective communities. PRMD Stakeholders Meeting The PRMD held a series of stakeholder meetings in the month of June. The meetings were aimed at addressing referrals which were brought to the attention of the Office of the Prime Minister. The meetings are also seen as a mechanism or tool to identify common grounds between the stakeholders in order to address issues discussed and enhance prospects for future collaboration. PRMD stakeholders meeting 4 MONITORING & EVALUATION Mrs. Varanisese Tawake farewelled PAO Mrs. Tawake delivering her farewell address to the SFCCO staff DS—SFCCO handing over a token gift to Mrs. Tawake The Strategic Framework for Change Coordinating Office bid farewell to Principal Administrative Officer at the Monitoring and Evaluation Unit, Mrs. Varanisese Tawake on June 13th, 2014. Mrs. Tawake carried out her roles pertaining to operations work, developing quarterly work plans and monthly performances of the Unit staff. She was also instrumental in her tireless contribution to the SEA and other committees within the OPM. Furthermore, Mrs. Tawake monitored three (3) Government Ministries such as the Office of the Prime Minister, Office of the President and the Ministry of Finance. She was also the Secretariat to the National Peoples Charter Advisory Committee (NPCAC). “On behalf of our Permanent Secretary and SFCCO staff, we would like to convey our gratitude for the hard work you have done and the great efforts you had put in your work,” said the Deputy Secretary for SFCCO Mr. Edward Tunidau. Mr. Tunidau also wished Mrs. Tawake well in her future endeavours. During her address, Mrs. Tawake thanked the staff for the memorable experience she had during her stint at SFCCO. “I would like to thank the DS Mr. Tunidau for his guidance and support in her role and also for the confidence bestowed in handing me the role of Secretariat to the NPCAC,” said Mrs. Tawake. Mrs. Tawake will join the United Nations Development Programme as its Monitoring and Evaluation Manager. 5 MONITORING & EVALUATION Compliance and Monitoring Site Visits Site visitations were conducted for both the Central and the Western Divisions in June. This was conducted as part of the monitoring process, to verify the physical progress of projects reported by Ministries/Departments. Highlighted below are the reports from the two monitoring teams: Western Division Site Visit The Monitoring Team site visited the Western Division from the 23rd to the 25th of June and covered 13 project sites from six Ministries. Projects that were site visited are those that have been highlighted by the implementing Ministries to have been completed or are almost reaching the completion stage. Beneficiaries of some of the projects have commended its implementation because of its impact in their lives and their communities. However, there were deficiencies found in the reporting and implementation for four projects. The deficiencies point to an urgent need for additional resources for improvements to be done to some Ministries current monitoring systems. The shortcomings were evident when some of the Government officials that were involved in the project expressed a lack of understanding of the physical progress of the projects. Therefore, Government agencies need to continuously review their monitoring systems and also refine their channel of communication both internally and externally to their customers and stakeholders alike. Nativi Village Women's Resource Centre, Ra Suliano and Mere interviewing the Turaga ni Koro and the women inside the Women’s Resource Centre New Elevuka Settlement Road, Ba Town Central Division Site Visit The Central Division Project site visit was conducted on the 23rd to the 27th of June, 2014 by the Monitoring Team which consisted of Petero Saniele, Wame Qalinauci and Kemueli Qio. There were 22 projects that were site visited in the Provinces of Tailevu, Rewa, Naitasiri, Namosi and Serua. The projects were Self-Help; Rural Housing; Borehole construction and Maintenance of Government Schools. Ministry responsible were: Ministry of Rural and Maritime; Ministry of Education and Ministry of Land and Mineral Resources. Most of the beneficiaries of the projects were very grateful for the assistance given to them by Government, for instance, the Vuwai settlement fishing project, a fiberglass boat and an engine was provided for income generation and has also enabled them to buy new schools uniforms for their children. The way forward for the Ministries and Departments is to continuously monitor the implementation of their projects to ensure that the completions are timely and meet international standards. 6 MONITORING & EVALUATION Part of the Nadi Market Refurbishment Project under construction Semo Village Women's Resource Centre Vuwai Settlement Fishing Project: Fiberglass boat and engine Budget Monitoring (June) - Ministry of Education The budget monitoring meeting with the Ministry of Education focused around program and activity updates as at end of June. The Ministry continues to emphasize that operating budgets will be utilized throughout the year as per the agreement of quarterly grants to institutions and “school term” basis to schools. Other utilisation raised in the June verification meeting is the internal movement of funds from other allocation to fund for the extra cost on other programs such as the “One Lap Top per Child”, Text books printing and Bus Fare allocation, which had exceeded its allocation. The Bus Fare unit has updated the forum that it is has assisted two schools with speed boats. During the meeting, we had agreed that the Bus Fare unit and the AMU to only assist schools that will provide means of maintaining the operation of the speed boats. This is to ensure schools will use these boats at a much longer period. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Ministry commended the central agencies on the initiative of budget monitoring and request if it can continue for the next 6 months. The Ministry had learned from the exercise in terms of planning, preparatory work, coordination with approval authority, requirements, systems and process of key stakeholders and the overall importance of ongoing and effective coordination with key stakeholders. The budget monitoring exercise had not only assist them it has given them a very good insight of their own internal processes. Bau Island Seawall Boat Bay 7 Nai Cavu Dairy Farm - Land Preparation Newly constructed seawall in Bau MONITORING & EVALUATION Cont’d Inside the QVS Physics Laboratory Newly upgraded ACS Staffroom SEA Update The focus of the MEU in regards to SEA in the month of June was the improvement of the Unit’s office space and lifting its standard to another level. One such improvement is the setup of a library for the Unit that can be utilized by both the staff and visitors. The Library will continuously be updated with information from Government Ministries/Departments and private organisations. New library for MEU 8 PIX CORNER! DS SFCCO meeting with Fiji’s Ambassador to China, HE Esala Teleni Director MEU delivering her address during Mrs. Tawake’s farewell Staff tuck in tolunch after Mrs. Tawake’s farewell DS SFCCO meeting with the Permanent Secretary and senior officials from the Ministry of Industry and Trade IO Mr. Nath presenting his consultations findings and overview to DS SFCCO and PRMD Mr. George Katonivualiku, left, Mrs. Aralai, middle, cut the birthday cake commemorating staff birthdays in the 2nd Quarter Thank you to everyone who contributed to this issue of the SFCCO Newsletter. For more information on any of the stories you can contact PRMD on 3225710 or email: [email protected]. 9
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