.林學報 50(3) : 55-65(2001) - 55- Analysis of Genetic Distance among Four Glycine Species Collected from Taiwan : Revealed by DNA Polymorphisms Tzu-Kai Lin 1) Shu-Tu Wu2) Tzer-Kaun Hu3) Fu-Sheng Thseng2 ) (Accepted for publication: June. 28 , 2001) ABSTRACT: Subgenus Glycine are generally distributed in Australia, Micronesia, and southem Chi悶, but G. tomente /l a and G. tabacina can all be found in Taiwan , which is the northem most distribution area of subgenus 叫ycine. G. formosana of subgenus Soja are also found in Taiwan. However, these three wild species of soybeans are very complícated in the variation of morphological characters. In the past , their relationships in taxonomy were rather unclear 甘le researcher have investigated the mo巾hological characters of Taiwanese wild soybean and re- c1 assified these three species mentioned above into four species , G. tomente /l a, G. tabacina , G. dolichocarpa , and G. m叫 ssp. formosana (Hosokawa) Tateishi et Ohashi. In this report , four species and G. soja was analyzed their interspecies relations by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The results of RAPD analysis showed that G. s句a and G. max ssp. formosana are the most c1 osely-related among the five species , and that G. tabacina is the least related to the rest of the species. As a result , they can be classified into two groups: A) G. soja and ‘ G. m囚 ssp. formosana ; B) G. tomentella , G. tabacina , and G dolichocarpa . In group A , the similarity coefficients are between 0.50 and 0.65 , while being between 0.09 and 0.17 in group B. Key words: Coefficients of genetic similarity; Glycine species; Random ampli 釘 ed polymorphic DNA (RAPD). The subgenus Glycine contains at least 17 species , all being perennial , which are mainly distributed in INTRODUCTIO Australia, Philippine , Southem Pacific archipelago , southem Chi 悶, and Taiwan (Singh and Hymowitz 1) Department of Agronomy, Chung Hsing University. (Present address: Department of Horticulture, Taiwan Agricultural Institute , W ufe嗯, Taichung 413 , Taiwan.) 2) Professor of Department of Agronomy , Chung-Hsing University , respectively 3) Associate professor of Department of Agronomy , Chung Hsing University. (Co汀esponding author). 56 - Anal:ysis of Genetic Distance among Four G扯ineSpeó的 CoUected from Taiwan : Revealed by DNA Pol)'mo帆sms 1985; Hymowitz and Singh 1987; Tindale 1984, 1986 investigate the relationships among wild soybean a, b; Tindale and Craven 1988 , 1993; Tateishi and species , Ohashi 1992). Th ree subgenus Glycine species , G and G. formosana collected from Taiwan G一 tabacina. G. tomentella, G. dolichocarpa. tabacina. G. tomentella. and G. dolichocarpa. are known to be native in Taiwan. G. tabacina is only MATERIALS AND found in Pong-Fu archipelago. According to the investigation on G. tabacina populations in eight areas METHODS of Pong-Fu by Yiu and Th seng (1 997b), continuous variations in stems, leaves , and flowers exists among different populations. However, further investigation on isozymes showed little variation among populatíons. A. Plant material G. tomentella are distributed in Taichung , Pingtong, With the exception of nine accessions of G. soja and Taitung ( Tang and Lin 1962; Tateishi and Ohashi introduced from China, Japan , and Korea , the other 1992). Yiu and Th seng (1 997 a , c) found significant wild species , G. formosana. G. dolichocarpa. G variations of plant characteristics among Taichung , tomentella and G. tabacina were all collected 介om Kenting (Pingtong) , and Taitung populations. Hayata Taiwan and nearby islands. A total of twenty seeds (1917) named a wild soybean found in Taitung as G. from accession were grown to the flowcring stage in tabacina , however, Chuang and Huang (1966) greenhouse renamed this wild soybean found in south-eastem Taiwan as G. tomentosa. Later, Huang and Ohashi (1 977) and Huang and Huang (1987) named it as G B. DNA extraction DNA was extracted using a modified version of G Doyle et al (1990). Leaf materials (1 g fresh weight) dolichocarpa (Tateishi and Ohashi 1992; Thseng et al were ground to fine powder in liquid nitrogen. The 1997). powdered leaf tissue was transferred to a tomentella. At present , it is classi 日 ed as Doyle and Beachy (1 985) analyzed variation in beak 汀, and 5ml of pre-heated extraction buffer (2% CT AB; 1.4 M 2-mercraptoethanol 、 20 18S. 25S rDNA repeat length and restriction enzyme NaCI , 0.2% site locations among the Glycine subspecies. They mM Tris-HCI , pH found that G. tabacina from Taiwan had repeat length at 的'(, 5 of 9.2 kbp , being significantly different from 8.0 kbp was added , and the supe tJ1 atant was collected by of those from Australia , and that G. tabacina from centrifugation at 10000 xg for 5 minutes at 4'C. Th en , Taiwan had one more EcoR 1 enzyme site than those 5 ml of Chloroform-isoam ly alcohol was added , and from Australia. Differences in seed proteins and DNA the cell debris was removed by another 10 minutes of tomentella centrifugation at 4'C. The DNA was prccipitated by were also found among Taitung G. population and other populations (Hsing et al. 1995) G. tomentella and G. dolichocarpa had been classifíed into different groups by RAPD analysis (甘lseng et al 1997). In this experiment , we used RAPD analysis to mM EDTA , 100 = 8.0) was added. After 30 minutes ml of Chloroform-isoamyl alcoho l. (24: 1 v/v) the addition of 3.3 ml of isopropanol and recovered by centrifugation for 5 min utes incubation in a freezer(一 20'C) at 10000xg after for 3 hours. Thc pellet 農林學報 50(3) : 55~65(2001) - 57 一 was dried and re-dissolved in 2 ml TE buffer (1 0 mM estimate Jaccard similarity coefficients Tris-HCl , ImM EDTA , pH = 7 .4), 0.2 ml 2M NaCl , where a = band number of positive coincidences in and 5 ml a1c ohol(95%) for 1 hour at -20'C. Then the OTUj (1 precipitate was collected by centrifugation at 10000 xg number of positive incidence only for 5 minutes at 4 'C. Th e pellet was re-dissolved in 5 band number of positive incidence only in OTUj centrifugation 剖 (Dunn and Everitt 1982). Th e similarity coefficients 12000 xg for 5 minutes at 4 'C. The final pellet was calculated by SAS computer package were used to ml alcohol (95%) and re-collected by dried and dissolved in 0.5 ml TE buffer. Th e DNA concentration was determined using a fluorometer following the procedures supplied by the j; i, j were accessions codes) , b = band in OTUi , and c = construct a dendrogram using UPGMA (Unweighted Pair-Group Method with Arithmetic mean). manufact叮叮. The extracted DNA was stored at 4'C in a cooler. C. 'Î' aJ(a+b+c) , RESULTS AND DISCUSSION DNA amplification A set of 20 random 10-mer primers (Operon Technologi 的 Inc. USA) was used in single-primed A set of 20 random 10-mer primers was used in the RAPD analysis performed on 18 accessions of PCR reactions to generate polymorphisms. A 25μr 1 rcaction was sct up as follows: 0.2mM dNTPs , 0.2μM , 3ngμ1 1 Genomic DNA and 0.04Uμr l template subgenus Soja and Glycine species. In 246 amplified polymo中hism bands , a total of 240 bands showed (98 %) (Table 1). In all 20 primers, OPB-19 produced the highest number of bands. Figure I-A shows the results DNA in IX buffer Th e reaction was ovcrlaid with mineral oil , and the mix was heated to 94'C for 5 of RAPD analysis on OPB-19 primer: A total of 18 bands were produced , and pol 戶norphisms were Ampli 日 CatIOn detected among all the accessions tested. Figure 1-8 proceeded on a DNA Thcrmolcycler (Perkin-Elmer) shows the results ofRAPD analysis on OPB-16 primer: 42'C 、 3 only the accessions of subgenus of Soja species minutes to denature the template DNA. for 43 cycles of 1 minute at 94'C , 2 minutes at minutes at 72'C , and the tìnal step of 10 minutes at 72 ℃ ηle total volume of the reaction was loaded onto a showed the presence of 1700 bp bands. Th e similarity coefficients among accessions are listed in Table 2 , and they can be classified into two 1.5% agarose gcl containing 0.3μg mr l ethidium groups by cluster analysis (Fig. 2). Group A being the bromide in 0.5X TBE buffer (pH = 8.3 , with 45 mM 12 accessions of subgenus Soja speci 的, Tris-base , 45 mM boric acid and 1 mM EDTA). The similarity coefficients between 0.5 ~ samples wcre separated by electrophoresis at 11 OV for being the 6 accessions of subgenus 3.5 hours , then the gels were photographed under UV. have similarity coeftïcients between 0.18 all have 0.94. Group B G砂cine species , all ~ 0.95. Th e similarity coeftïcient between these two groups is 0.12 , D. Data analyses Reproducible DNA bands which indicates that the two groups, subgenus Soja were scored for and Glycine species are , the most distant妙-related. G presence (1) or absence (0) of amplitìcation products. lomentella is the c1 0sest one to subgenus Soja in Palr-Wlse comparisons of sample were used to subgenus G今czne specles 甘le similarity coeftïcients 一 58 Analys的 of Genetic Dis恤.ce - among Four Glycine Species CoUected from Taiwan : Revealed by DNA Polymorp地m between G. formosana and G. tomentella are 0.16 - between 0.12 - 0.15 , which shows that G. formosana 。 18 , and G. and those of G. s句。 and G. tomentella are tomentella 訂e closer than other species are Table 1. Th e total numbers of amplified DNA fragment (band) and the numbers of polymorphic band for each primer used in RAPD analysis of 18 accessions of five wild species of Glycine Operon Sequence (5 to 3 ) Total bands' Operon pnmers Sequence (5 to 3 ) Total bands' pnmers OPB-OI GTTTCGCTCC 11 (11) OPB-II GTAGACCCGT 11 (11) OPB-02 TGATCCCTGG 11 (1 0) OPB-12 CCTTGACGCA 11 (1 0) OPB-03 CATCCCCCTG 12 (1 2) OPB-13 TTCCCCCGCT 10 (9) OPB-04 GGATCGGATG 14 (1 4) OPB-14 TCCGCTCTGG 15 (1 4) OPB-05 TGCGCCCTTC 10 (9) OPB-15 GGAGGGTGTT 14 (1 4) OPB-06 TGCTCTGCCC 15 (1 5) OPB-16 TTTGCCCGGA 10 (10) OPB-07 GGTGACGCAG 17 (1 7) OPB-17 AGGGAACGAG 7 (7) OPB-08 GTCCACACGG 12 (12) OPB-18 CCACAGCAGT 16 (1 6) OPB-09 TGGGGGACTC 9 (9) OPB-19 ACCCCCGAAG 18 (1 8) OPB- lO CTGCTGGGAC 12 (11) OPB-20 GGACCCTTAC 12 (12) Total 246 (240) a) Number within the parenthesis indicates polymorphic band E.I.-' ,且, 1 ,1 EA , IEI 1 ,1 1 , l'1 17 , B且,自且, 可缸, , IBI'l 過 Y 、3 d 司,',3 令 治斗『 ‘ 而yh 司',但情 J 島、 3 aa 冉、d 令、d 弓,.司4.l'IBI--zJ , Iz--a7B 缸, 2 、3/OOO 『 d5 A斗 且仇 υAUIE3111000J4 且, , galz--z1 弓, -7 可 &7. ,且, 司且 1.I'ihy , 、 J44 , 11111 , ISIt- 、 34 咀 SA--2.Ba--a 、3 U 白UAU 勻, uQFQJt il﹒仇 GE-'l'1.ItIAυAυ'Ig1 勻, f-'Iz--a1JnUEIl -E且,自且, 弓,缸司3 3 「J 弓r -AVAUAυAOAOAUAUAVAUAMVAUnvnUAVAU -qb -勻, 'F、-2ga--且 團 句/呵,可 , It--a'121 ll-qdAdTA 啥?., IElv--IAU "、 ,益, 1 MFEE--11 , 121 l 21 、3 J 仇"/利pb 仇M/ 呵,, 1dny/011 -AHUAHVAHUAHVAUAUAHVAυAυAHVAHVAHVAHVAU A判, --oo7 勻,但?但勻,-、 J 令、 J'EaAHV 勻, 『 u ai -- -AU 仇。 AUAOAUAVAUnUAOAυAVAVAV ,A 且可 AUTfo74 JhvAUQ/Q/ 司 I--LVLUζUAaT dA 戶,EAOXUOXU' -『 qd 2-6544777767rb 'I d 呵, 仇。 Aυ' 、 d , UtozO/OFAU 句/勻 『 /O/O/0 A -AHVAUAHVAHVAHυAHU仇HVAHVAOAυ 吟 , 31ν -AHVAHUAUAHVAHUAHunHvnυGV -『 -nynyA , 。一 555777667 1 句32 ,力 66677b -7 缸, 9-6 。OOO -AVAUAUAυAUAUnv -ζυ 且可司3 -AUAVAUAυAOnυAU -AUAVAUAUA 7τ355777 JAY 弓 『 d 勻, -fOAaYAaT/O/ 。 『 d -A且可司‘d -AυnunVAUAυ -AHvnHUAHυAHV 仇。 7 G. s句。 8 G. soja 9 G. soja 10 G. s句。a 11 G. s句。 12 G. s句G 13 G. tomentella 14 G. tomentella 的 G. dolichocarpa 16 G. labacina 17 G. labacina 18 G. tabacina qd一『 d -AUAυ , Aυ'l -A斗 勻,但 or Table 2. Similarity index between each pair of 18 accessions offive wild species of G砂cme. 4-555 6-55577 l l 3-90 8-5557766 1 l- --oooooooooaa l-oaoo :.ill-llli--l Accession -AV -AUTAVMnynyhy -AVAHVAHUAOAOAHVQVAHVAHVAHVAV -AHVAHVAHVAHUAHUAHVAHVA -AUAUnHvnununv •. . . 1 G. formosana 2 G. formosana 3 G.formosana 4 G. soja 5 G. s.句a 6 G. so),。 0.84 0.80 。 .89 農林學報 50(3) : -59- 55~65(2001) 拉紛前 、企 \t..... ψ".~C)..~().i:>~-$-v勻。 q ~、:.s: ~t""" .A MAdcd::34叭叭-抖抖〈咚WV (bp) 2072- 600- 車站﹒ A '。 。抖。。1/.otfDC丸。.'I'<>_\'I'~ M (坤) 2072- 600軍沁. B Fig. 1. RAPD profiJes in five GJycine species. A: primer OPB‘ 19 B: primer OPB-16 M: JOObp DNA Ladder 一 60 - 0.00 An alysis of Genetic Distance among F,ωr Glycine Species CoUected from Taiwan : Revealed by DNA Polym呵地問 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.00 G.formosanα G.formosαm G.formosαm G.s吋α G. s吋α G. s吋α G. s吋α G. s吋α G. s吋α G. s吋α G. s吋α G. s吋α G. tomentella G. tomentella G. dolichocarpa G. tαbα cina G. tabαcin α G. tabacina Fig. 2. Dendrogram of G. formosana , G. soja , G. fomentella , G. dolichocarpa and G. tabacina based on Jaccard 's genetic similarity coeffïcients by using UPGMA method. 農林學報 50(3) : 55-65(2001) 一 61 一 1n the group B , two accessions of G. tomentella indicated that G. formosana is close to G. tomentella show high similarity and are closely related. High both genetically and geographically. similarity coefficients are also found among three bands produced in the experiment , as many as 240 accessions of G. bands showed polymorphism (98%) , which means that tabacina , which shows small Howev缸, of 246 variations among these three species. However, the the accessions tested so far are h_i ghly genetically RADP analysis of OPB-07 showed several distinct divergen t. Moreover, from the similarity coefficient of polymorphic bands among three species G. tomentel旬, 0.12 and distantly genetic re1ationship between these G. dolichocarpa , and G. tabacina in the group two subgenera, it is not clear whether G. tomentella is B(Figure 3-A). 1t indicates that 750 bp, 510 bp, 420 the ancestor of G. s句a and G. formosana or no t. 1n bp , 350 bp, and 310 bp are exclusive to G. tomentella. fact , it had been discovered that G. lomen/ella is c1 0ser 650 bp , 600 bp , 450 bp , and 200 bp are exclusive to G to Soja genetically than G. tabacina is (Hui and dolichocarpa , and 1500 bp , 900坤, 850 bp , and 530 bp Zhuang 1996). It was also suggested that a G. curvata are exclusive to G. tabacina. in subgenus Among these three species , G. tomenlella is closer to G. dolichocarpa than to G. tabacin日. G秒'CÍne species was c1 0ser to subgenus Soja species. However, because they have different Besides, genome (Kolipara et al. 1997), further investigation is the similarity coefficient between G. dolichocarpa and necessary to clarify the relationship between those two G. lomentella and the similarity coeffícient between G. subgenera. dolichocarpa and G. tabacina are higer than that For the subgenus Glycine species native in betwecn G. /omen/ella and G. /abacina , which shows Taiwan , the classification of Taitung-originating G. that the parentage of G. dolichocarpa Ii es between G dolichocarpa has been wi1dly disputed. As early as /omenlella and G. tabacina. Figure 3-B shows the 1917, Hayata had determined the wild soybean in result of RAPD analysis on OPB-14 primer. It is found Taitung as G. tabacina. Later, It was determined as G that 350 bp bands only appears in G. /omentella and G tomentella by Huang and Ohashi (1977) and Huang dolichocarpa , and 800 bp and 850 bp bands appear in and Huang (1987). Nowadays, it has been identified as G. dolichocarpa and G. labacina , which shows G a new species and is named G. dolichocarpa (Tateishi dolichocarpa is similar to both G. /omentella and G and Ohashi 1992). 1n our experiment, G. dolichocarpa /abacina. It had been proposed that G. /omentella or G indeed showed significant difference to G. tomenlella tabacina could be the ancestor of G. Soja ( Hardley and G. tacacina in DNA sequences. 1n addition , it is and Hymowitz 1973). However, the results of this closely rclated to G. /omenlella than to G. labacina, cxperiment revcal that G. /omentella is closer to which is agreed with previous research using RFLP subgenus Soja species than G. tabacina. Moreover ‘ the analysis (Hsing et al. 1995) crossing of Soja and G. lomen/ella had been Although many bands exc1usive to G successfully achieved (Newell and Hymowitz 1982) dolichocarpa were discovered in this experiment, As a result, it is suggested that G. /omentella rather bands than G. tabacina is the ancestor of G. soja. Sincc G but absent in G. labacina were also discovered formosana and ci. /omentella have higher similarity Moreover, bands common to G. dolichocarpa and G coefficient than the rest of wild Soja subspecies, it /abacina but absent ìn G. /omen/ella were a1so coηlITI on to G. dolichocarpa and G. lomenlella - 62 - Analysis of Geneti c Distance among F,∞r Glycine Species CoIIαted from Taiwan : Reveal叫 byDNAPoly油α前1Ís間 observed. In addition , considering the fact that the tabacina was sterile , and G. tabacina had not been parentage of G. dolichocarpa Ii es between the other found two , we therefore suspect it being the introgressive investigation is essential on the relationship among hybridization of G. tomentella and G. tabacina or the these three and other subgenus Glycine species, in intermediate type in evolution. However, research on order to understand the genetic characteristics and cross breeding (Singh and Hymowitz 1985) had c1 assification of G. dolichocarpa on Taiwan island. As a result , further indicated that the crossing of G. tomentella and G 呻吟恭、、、 鼠, 主舟、忠心念念 呻吟恭、、、 可 L" ,."c,'" ~'-~念﹒令 ~V MAdgydJf SjJSY ().' ().' ().'" ().' ():本 ().'JFd、三 M ().'- ().' JSJ ().'"J().,. G"- G. (句~ 2仰'2- (句) _ • • •• 2的'2- 倒﹒ 軍沁﹒ • E三1 因 單恥 ﹒ A Fig.3. B RAPD profiles in G. tomentella, G. dolichocarpa and G. tabacina. A: primer OPB-07 B: primer OPB-14 h M: 100bp DNA Ladder 一窩棚輔騙 ω- ---于一-品品 置圓圓 鐘,品也回 a 扭轉趣聽 • • -j"酋﹒叫 W璽ERE w .-ac Ewwwzama 農林學報 50(3) : 55-65(2001) - 63- ACKNOWLEDGEM ENT This work was supported by a grant of the National Science Council (N SC 88-2311-B-005-043 , NSC 89-23 13"B005-009). LITERATURE CITED 1. Chuang , C. c. , and C. Huang. 1966. Glycine. In The Leguminosae of Taiwan for.pasture and soil improvement. P.54-57. 2. Doyle, J. J. , and R. N. Beachy. 1985 Ribosoma1 gene variation in soybean (G秒'cine) and its re1atives. Th eor. App l. Genet. 77 :768-776 3. Doyle ,J. D. , 1. L. Doyle, and L. H. Bailey. 1990. Isolation of plant DNA from fresh tissue. Focus 12: 13-15 4. Dunn , G. , and B. S. Everitt. 1982. An introduction to mathematical taxonomy. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 5. Hardley , H. H., and T. Soybean: Impro \i eme肘, H戶nowitz. Production 1973 . Speciation and cytogenetics. Jn : Caldwell B. E.(ed.) and Uses. p.97-116. Amer. Soc. Agro. Madison , Wis. 6. 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Forest. 46(2)59-74. ρ宮、 農林學報 - 65- 50(3) : 55-65(2001) 利用逢機增痘多型性 DNA(RAPD)探討 台灣四個野生種大豆間之關係 林子凱 1) 吳詩都 2) (接受刊載日期 胡澤寬 3) 曾富生 2) 中華民國 90 年 6 月 28 日) 摘要:台灣雖然是 G伊ine 亞屬最北之分佈地區,有常見於澳洲 Micronesia 、南中國等地之 G. tomente l/a 及 C tabacina 之自生種。但也有固有種 Soja 亞屬 G. formosana 之分佈。然而在台灣這三種植物之變異及分佈複 雜,過去在分類學上較不一致。目前台灣自生之野生大豆依形態特徵由過去之 三個種被重新區分為四個種: G. tomente/(a , G. tabaci間. G. dofichocarpa , G. max ssp. formosana • 因此本試驗以此分額之四個野生種加上 G. s句a 共五個為材料,利用逢機增殖多型性 DNA (RAPD)進行系統間關係之分析。 經 RAPD 分析的結果,此五個野生種大豆 中最近緣的種為 G. SO)。與 G. 為 G. G. tabacina • 而此五個種可區分為 A) G. 5句α 、 G. max dolichocarpa 等兩群。其額似{系數在 A 群為 0.50~0.65 max ssp. formosa間,而最連者 SSp. formosana 及 B) . B 群為 G. tomentella • G. tabacina • 0.18-0 .3 8 :而 A 與 B 群問為 0.09~0.17 。 關鍵詞:類似係數、大豆屬、逢機增撞多型性核酸。 1)國 立 中興大學農藝系 研究生(現任職行政院農委會農業試驗所圍藝系,台中縣霧 峰鄉 2) 國立中興大學農藝系教授 3) 國立中興大學副教授(通訊作者) 413 '台灣)
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