TRAINING & INSPECTION SERVICE Institute Specialised in Thermite Welds & Railway-Related Techniques Railway Training Training programmes Training Process In-Track Inspection Ultrasonic Inspection Geometry Inspection & Rail-Corrugation Training in Thermite-Weld Processes & Provision of In-Track Inspection Service ISSTAF ZI du Bas Pré - 59590 RAISMES - FRANCE Phone : +33 (0)3 27 22 26 24 Fax : + 33 (0)3 27 22 84 92 [email protected] Training & In-Track Inspection Training & In-Track Inspection Institute Specialised in Thermite Welds & Railway-Related Techniques Railway Training ISSTAF dispenses specialist training in thermite-weld trades and railway-related techniques. The Institute is accredited by a number of railway organisations, for example SNCF. ISSTAF runs both short and extensive training courses. The training itself is delivered by the Institute in the form of sandwich courses (in-house or in-track) for new recruits or candidates seeking to upgrade their knowledge (Refresher courses). ISSTAF proposes a range of training programmes for thermite welders involving different processes (Vignole,Tramway, Metro, Travelling Crane), for inspectors (Weld, Rail or Track) using different methods (visual, ultrasonic, dimensional, geometric or other). Training Process Beginner course (Assistant welder) Training & In-Track Inspection Welder refresher course Final Examination Theoretical Course This activity guarantees the quality of welds and rails inspected by ruling on their compliance, and ensures more effective targeting of in-track maintenance operations. ISSTAF contributes to track-quality improvement and to lowering related maintenance costs . Ultrasonic inspection facilitates detection of internal flaws specific to rails and thermite welds (cracks, lack of fusion, blowholes, fatigue spots, headchecks, black specks). Such inspections take place after rail-laying or at the end of an operating cycle (search for implementation or fatigue-induced defects). Welds Weld-acceptance inspection Ultrasonic inspection of welds and rails Activity centred specifically on monitoring the internal soundness of rails and welds. Ultrasonic Inspection Practical Course Thermite welder ISSTAF also provides in-track rail and weld inspection services. Rails Training & In-Track Inspection Training programmes on offer In-Track Inspection Trainee Evaluation Track-geometry inspection Rail-corrugation measurement RAILTECH ISSTAF N° Diplôme : Nr Diploma : Institut Supérieur de Soudure et des Techniques Associées au Ferroviaire RAILTECH ISSTAF Supervisor ZONE INDUSTRIELLE DU BAS PRE 59590 RAISMES CERTIFICAT D’APTITUDE COMPETENCE CERTIFICATE DIPLOME EN SOUDAGE DE RAILS PAR ALUMINOTHERMIE D FO TH ALLU WE OF RA DIIP PLLO OM MA AF OR RT HE EA UM MIIN NO OT TH HE ER RM MIIC CW ELLD DIIN NG GO FR AIILLS S Délivré à / Delivered to Date naissance / Birthdate : Société / Company: A honorablement réussi les épreuves théoriques et pratiques de l'examen de fin de stage. Nom & Prénom / Name & First name: Has succeed the theoretical and practical ending tests of his training course Fournisseur du procédé de soudure / Supplier of the welding process: RAILTECH INTERNATIONAL Engineer MODULE DE COMPETENCE SUIVIS / TYPE OF COURSE FOLLOWED: Délivré à / Delivered to Nom / Name: Entreprise / Company: Prénom / First Name: Date de Naissance / Birthdate: A suivi avec assiduité et succès un stage de formation du ……. au ……….. Has followed with success a training course from …. th to … th of … Fournisseur du procédé de soudeur / Supplier of the welding process : RAILTECH INTERNATIONAL TYPE DE PROCEDE DE SOUDURE / TYPE OF THE WELDING PROCESS: MODULE DE COMPETENCE SUIVIS / TYPE OF COURSE FOLLOWED: CONNAISSANCE SUPPLEMENTAIRES ACQUISES / OTHERS : Nom du Formateur / Traîner : B. MZYK N°/ Nr : Institut Supérieur de Soudure et des Techniques Associées au Ferroviaire ZONE INDUSTRIELLE DU BAS PRE 59590 RAISMES Directeur de l’ISSTAF / Director Gérard NOWAK Date: TYPE DE PROCEDE DE SOUDURE / TYPE OF THE WELDING PROCESS: CONNAISSANCE SUPPLEMENTAIRES ACQUISES / OTHERS: Nom du Formateur / Trainer : MZYK Directeur de l’ISSTAF/ Director Gérard NOWAK Visa : ISSTAF training is designed for all staff grades (operatives, technicians, supervisors, engineers). Training attested by a diploma or professional-competence certificate. Geometry Inspection & Rail-Corrugation Track geometry strongly impacts on the wear of wheel/rail system components. Meticulous inspection of track geometry after acceptance, at regular intervals and after rail grinding helps keep maintenance costs under control. In-House or In-Track Training Track spread Cant Rail-corrugation measurement
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