Congestion Management in a Deregulated Power System by Rescheduling of Sensitive Generators and Load Curtailment using PSO S. R. Biswal & T. Kuanr Department of Electrical Engineering, GITA, Bhubaneswar, India Congestion exists in both new and traditional systems but CM is more complex in case of competitive power markets due to the unbundled nature of the same, which calls for more coordination. In the vertically integrated structure ,generation, transmission and distribution being managed by one utility ,managing congestion was relatively easier. Approaches used to manage congestion vary with market structures. Several techniques of congestion management have been reported in [2]. Abstract – In a deregulated electricity market, CM is one of the key functions of a System Operator (SO) as congestion threatens system security and may cause rise in electricity price resulting in market inefficiency. Rescheduling generations and demands is an effective tool to relieve congestion. This paper presents a congestion management (CM) algorithm by optimal rescheduling of active powers of generators and power consumption of load. In addition to the rescheduling of real power generation, demand-side participation through load curtailment has been considered to manage congestion. Generator Sensitivity to the congested line and the costs of generation and demand side adjustments are considered while re-scheduling the generators and demands. The redispatch of transactions for congestion management in a pool model is formulated as an Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem. Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is employed to solve the OPF problem formulated. The proposed method has been tested on IEEE-30 bus System and the results show that the proposed technique is effectively minimizing the cost of CM in alleviating congestion in the transmission lines. Out of the various approaches used for CM, the most widely used is generation rescheduling. Generators participate in the congestion management market by bidding for incrementing and decrementing their production. Also, demands can bid as demand side bidding (DSB) [3] for adjusting their loads. However, it is crucial for SO to select the most sensitive generators to re-schedule their optimal real powers for congestion management. The CM problem has two parts. The first part of the power dispatch problem is to find out the preferred schedule using Optimal Power Flow (OPF) and the second part is rescheduling the generation and demands for removing the congestion. The traditional approach to OPF is to minimize the costs subject to system security constraints. In the deregulated market environment, the OPF problem aims at maximizing social welfare based on generation costs and the benefits to customers so as to achieve optimal dispatch plan among operating units and satisfy the system load demand in an economic and reliable manner while respecting generator operation constraints and line flow limits. The objective of the second part is to minimize total rescheduling cost. Keywords – deregulation; congestion management; optimal power flow; demand side bidding; sensitivity. I. INTRODUCTION Increased volumes of power trade happening due to the deregulation of electric power industry has led to intensive usage of transmission network, which in turn leads to more frequent congestion. Thus, one of the most challenging problems in the operation of restructured power systems is congestion management. In a competitive power market, the system is said to be congested when the producers and consumers of electric energy desire to produce and consume in amounts that would cause the transmission system to operate at or beyond one or more transfer limits [1].Congestion may result in preventing new contracts, infeasibility in existing contracts, price spike in some regions, market power abuse. International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology, ISBN : 978-93-83060-46-7,19-20 April 2014, GITA, BBSR 200 Congestion Management in a Deregulated Power System by Rescheduling of Sensitive Generators and Load Curtailment using PSO A literature survey on the application of various evolutionary approaches to congestion management reveals that researchers have not attempted so far to consider Demand Side Bidding (DSB) to relieve congestion in the overloaded line(s).Z.X. Chen et al. [4] introduced PSO for solving Optimal Power Flow (OPF) which deals with congestion management in pool market and proved using IEEE 30 Bus system that congestion relief using PSO is effective in comparison with Interior Point Method and Genetic Algorithm approach. J. Hazra and Sinha [5] proposed cost efficient generation rescheduling and/or load sheddingapproach for congestion management in transmission grids using Multi Objective Particle Swarm Optimization (MOPSO) method. S. Dutta and Singh [6] proposed a technique for reducing the number of participating generators and optimum rescheduling of their outputs while managing congestion in a pool at minimum rescheduling cost and explored the ability of PSO technique in solving congestion management problem. Reference [7] proposes an optimal congestion management approach in a deregulated electricity market using particle swarm optimization with time-varying acceleration coefficients (PSO-TVAC). Venkaiah and D.M.Vinod Kumar [8] proposed fuzzy adaptive bacterial foraging (FABF) based congestion management (CM) by optimal rescheduling of active powers of generators selected based on the generator sensitivity to the congested line. None of the models have taken care of the role of demand response in congestion management in a deregulated environment. So, the main objective of this paper is to propose a model for congestion management in deregulated power sector, with demand side participation and solve the same using PSO. optimization problem to find the status of transmission congestion under the existing transmission system condition. The second step is to reschedule generation and load in a manner that congestion is mitigated. The proposed method has been tested on IEEE 30-bus system. II. PROBLEM FORMULATION The CM problem can be divided into two parts. The first part of the problem is to find out the preferred schedule using Optimal Power Flow (OPF) and the second part is rescheduling the generation and demands for removing the congestion. A. Part 1 The objective for the first part is maximization of social benefit which can be mathematically stated as follows: (1) Where C g and C d are supply and demand bids in $/MWhr, respectively; P and P are supply d and demand power levels ingMW, respectively. Subject to (2) Where, PD =Load Demand (MW) P L = Transmission loss (MW) Pgi = Power output of ith generator (MW) In this paper, a model for congestion management that dispatches the pool, with maximization of social benefit with all system constraints, has been proposed. The bulk loads as well as retailers are required to bid their maximum demand and price. All generators are also required to bid their supply price along with maximum generation. The contribution of this paper is to relieve congestion by rescheduling active power outputs of generators based upon their sensitivity to line flows in the overloaded line(s).In addition to generators, demands are so participated into the congestion market that the total rescheduling cost is minimum. The proposed method has two steps. The first step is to solve the social welfare Where, Pgimin =The lower bound on the active power output from the ith generator. Pgimax = The upper bound on the active power output from the ith generator. Qgimin =The lower bounds on the reactive power output from the ith generator. International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology, ISBN : 978-93-83060-46-7,19-20 April 2014, GITA, BBSR 201 Congestion Management in a Deregulated Power System by Rescheduling of Sensitive Generators and Load Curtailment using PSO Qgimax = The upper bound on the reactive power output from the ith generator. (5) Where . Where III. PARTICLE SWARM OPTIMIZATION PSO(Particle Swarm Optimization) is a population based stochastic optimization technique inspired by social behavior of organisms such as bird flocking or fish schooling, originally developed by Eberhat and Kennedy in 1995[9].It optimizes a problem by trying to improve a population of candidate solutions over several generations. International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology, ISBN : 978-93-83060-46-7,19-20 April 2014, GITA, BBSR 202 Congestion Management in a Deregulated Power System by Rescheduling of Sensitive Generators and Load Curtailment using PSO It provides a population based search procedure in which individuals (or candidate solutions) dubbed as particle change their position (state) with time. The movement of the particles in the search space is guided by its own experience and the experience of a neighboring particle, making use of the best position found by itself and the entire swarm’s best known position. The PSO algorithm is characterized by high speed of convergence and has better exploration and exploitation provided by the inherent combination of the local and global search capabilities of the PSO algorithm. (excluding the slack bus)to adjust their scheduled power production are given in Table I . Increment and decrement bids are assumed equal in this work. Price bids of loads to adjust their power consumption are given in Table II. TABLE I. PSO is initialized with a group of random particles (candidate solutions) and then searches for optima by updating the positions of these particles over generation. In every generation, each particle is updated by following two best values viz the best position(fitness) it has achieved so far(pbest) and the best value obtained so far by any particle in the population(called gbest or global best). PRICE BIDS OF GENERATORS FOR POWER ADJUSTMENTS Bus No. C g ($/MWh) 2 13 5 12 8 11 11 11 13 12 Bus 1 is assigned as the reference bus. At first market clearing happens based upon the objective of maximizing social welfare. The generation and demand schedule arrived at as a result of market clearing causes congestion on certain transmission lines. The details of which are shown in Table III. The Generator Sensitivities are computed for the congested lines using (12).The GS values of 6 generation units in the IEEE 30-bus system are shown in Table IV. In the IEEE 30-bus system, it is observed that the GS values of all 6 generators are close probably because of the system being very small. In this case all the sensitivities are negative which indicates increase in generation. The fact that all generators show almost equal influence on the congested lines necessitates that all the generator buses are selected for the rescheduling to alleviate the overload. Based upon the knowledge of the two best values, the particle updates its velocity and position, according to the following equation: represent the position and velocity of the ith particle, respectively; d=1,2…,D where D is the dimension of the search space; i=1,2,…,N where N is the size of the population(swarm);w is the inertia weight used as a parameter to control exploration and exploitation in the search space;c1 and c2 are positive constant parameters called acceleration coeffients;r1 and r2 are uniform random numbers in [0,1].More details regarding PSO can be found in [9]. TABLE II. PRICE BIDS OF LOADS FOR POWER ADJUSTMENTS Bus No. 3 4 5 7 8 12 15 IV. RESULTS The IEEE 30-bus system has been used to show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The IEEE 30-bus system consists of six generator buses and 24 load buses. To stress the system and create congestion, the load at every bus is increased up to 1.3 times of original load data. Price bids of generators 16 C d ($/MWh) Bus No. 23 19 21 23 23 24 22 30 24 23 21 C d ($/MWh) 24 24 23 23 21 International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology, ISBN : 978-93-83060-46-7,19-20 April 2014, GITA, BBSR 203 Congestion Management in a Deregulated Power System by Rescheduling of Sensitive Generators and Load Curtailment using PSO TABLE III. DETAILS OF CONGESTION Congested Line 1-2 Power Flow(MW) 357.32 Line Limit(MW) 200 1-3 359.68 200 6-7 38.53 25 The following parameter setting is used for the proposed PSO algorithm: Population Size (N) = 50; Initial inertia weight(wmax)=0.9; Final inertia weight(wmin)=0.4; Maximum Iterations = 100; Acceleration Constants c1=2,c2=2; The methodology adapted provides the minimum redispatch cost of $632.1346/h. TABLE IV.GS VALUES FOR IEEE 30 BUS SYSTEM GS Values Congested line G2 G5 G8 G11 G13 1-2 -1.330 -0.754 -0.790 -0.881 -0.887 1-3 -0.307 -0.294 -0.308 -0.344 -0.346 6-7 -0.096 -0.165 -0.163 -0.139 -0.145 TABLE VI. RESCHEDULING FOR CM Generator Rescheduling It is observed that when the system is subjected to this kind of stressed loading (1.3 times the base load) re-scheduling of generator active power outputs alone cannot not relieve congestion in the lines completely. However with simultaneous load adjustments congestion is completely relieved. Thus demand response plays a vital role to relieve the congestion in such a case. ∆P1(MW) 0 ∆P2(MW) 16.1181 ∆P5(MW) 1.3145 ∆P8(MW) 1.3770 ∆P11(MW) 9.0461 ∆P13(MW) -0.0189 Load Adjustments The PSO algorithm is employed to optimally reschedule the active power of the generators and power consumption of the load for relieving congestion in the affected lines. For a larger system, selected group of generators having the largest GS values may be used to save the computational effort. Table V depicts the cost of CM, power flows on the congested line after rescheduling and the total transmission loss. The generators and loads participating in congestion management and their active power adjustments are presented in Table VI. ∆P3(MW) -0.0189 ∆P4(MW) -0.3120 ∆P5(MW) 0 ∆P7(MW) -5.5010 ∆P8(MW) -2.5649 ∆P12(MW) -1.1504 ∆P15(MW) -0.0617 ∆P16(MW) -1.0305 ∆P19(MW) 0 Approx. Cost Of CM($/hr) 632.1346 1107.7 ∆P23(MW) -0.8341 Power Flow on Previously Congested Line(1-2) (MW) Power Flow on Previously Congested Line(1-3) (MW) 191.17 190.19 ∆P24(MW) -0.2895 194.10 195.22 ∆P30(MW) -1.1310 Power Flow on Previously Congested Line(6-7) (MW) 24.14 135.95 Total Rescheduling(MW) 40.7686 Transmission Loss(MW) 14.8699 15.0328 TABLE V.RESULTS International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering & Technology, ISBN : 978-93-83060-46-7,19-20 April 2014, GITA, BBSR 204 Congestion Management in a Deregulated Power System by Rescheduling of Sensitive Generators and Load Curtailment using PSO [4] Z. X. Chen , L. Z. Zhang and J. 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[7] P.Boonyaritdachochai, C.Boonchuay, W.Ongsakul, ‖Optimal congestion management in an electricity market using particle swarm optimization with time-varying acceleration coefficients,‖ Computers and Mathematics with Applications ,vol.60,pp.1068– 1077,2010. VI. REFERENCES [8] C. Venkaiah, D.M. Vinod Kumar, ―Fuzzy adaptive bacterial foraging congestion management using sensitivity based optimal active power rescheduling of generators,‖ Appl. Soft Comput. J., vol. 11, no.8,pp.4921-4930, 2011 [9] A. Kennedy and R. Eberhart, ―Particle Swarm Optimization,‖ in Proc.IEEE Int. Conf. Neural Networks, Nov. 29–Dec. 1 1995, vol. IV, pp.1942– 1948. V. CONCLUSION In this paper, the proposed congestion management approach based on PSO is efficiently minimizing the congestion management cost. Redispatched generators are selected based on GS. The present paper focuses on demonstrating the role of demand side participation in CM. [1] R. Christie, B. Wollenberg, and I. 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