COVERNMENT OF WEST BENCAL Office of the District Nlagistrate, Maltla Minoritv Aflairs & Madrasah E"ducation Department. satya chowrlhury Inroor stadiur. tt*tiitil NIr No. q Vf /MA & it.l tc-rna-rioo.l;ilil" phone - l\i.ttt\1:..!1\irl*r tt,;xt.rtil.<:ttr* / Fax = (03sr2)-223is6 Ml/zot4 Date: be/rq tq As per cancellation of Tender vide memo NIT No. 783 Dated 30.07.201,4 due to insufficient nos. of participants a sealed re_tenders are invited from bonafide and resourceful agencies to supply the following Items at different Madrasah in Malda District. Tender papers will be dipped at rhe Minortty Affairs & Madrasah Education Section, Malda. Item Quantity t LCD Projector l0(Ten) nos. I per Madrasah Laser Printer 10(Ten) nos. I per Madrasah ?#ffi[iIT}f.i::?T:i'::.ii:1].:!.:i."":{.h:vr-a]aaDistrictrffi;; Minority Affairs & Madrasah Education Sectiion of District Magistrate, Malda on all woiking days betwcen 11.00 am ro 3.00 p.m. Late Date of Submission of Tender Opening of Tender : : L2.09.201,4 A,. n W\,a. Additional Distribt IVlagistrate [Zp) Memo Malda. No. qVg /L/ (s)/MA&ME/2014 Datecr: al/oql/h copy forwarderi for kind information and with a request to display in the office Notice Board for widc pulilicity ro : 1J The District ]udge, Malda. 2) The Superintendent of police, Malda. 3) The Chairman, Englishbazar Municipality, Malda. 4) The Chairman, OId Malda Municipality, Malda. 5) The Additional District Magistrate and Additional Executive officer, Malda Zilla parisad, Malrla. 'rhe D'l'0'' NIC, Malda with a request to publish the same in the District website i.e. 7) The Nazareth deputy coilector, Marda coilectorate Marda. Bl C'A to Ilistrict Magistrate / Additional District Magistrate [General) / Sub-Divisional officer, Sadar, Malda / sub-Divisionar officer, chanchar, Marda. 9) Officc Notice t3oard. 6) 0--, Additional r,s't3,\ffi Malda. I srratc (Zp) Office of the.Distri,ct Maeistrate Minority Affairs & Madrasah Education Section Satya Chowdhurv lndoor Stadium. Malda Scope of work : The work to be rendered by the Vendor under this tender/agreement is supply, delivery and installation of the sold equipment at the users' premises. The tender should include the installation material wherever required. Terms & Conditions : 1. The rates should be valid for at least 3 months. 2. The rates should be quoted in words as well as in respect of each item. 3. Bid price : a) Any superscription on writing and re writing for correction should be initiated by the Tenderer. b) All c) duties, taxes and other levies payable by the contractor under the contract shall be included in the total price but should be indicated separately. The rate quoted by the bidder shall be fixed for the duration of the contract and shall not be d) e) subject to adjustment on any account. Prices shall be lNR, including all duties and taxes. Rs. 20000/- (Twenty thousand) only be deposited as earnest money with the tender papers through Bank Draft drawn in favour of the District Magistrate, Malda. f) Tender must be supported with the self attested copy of the valid VAT Registration Certificate and PAN card. 4. The technical bid and the commercial SUPCTSCTibCd as .,TECHNICAL MAGISTRETE, MALDA,, DISTRICT bid MUST be submitted separately in sealed envelopes BID FOR COMPUTER UNDER MA& ME SECTION OF and ,,COMMMERCAL BID FOR COMPUTER UNDER MA&ME DISTRICT SECTION OF MAG ISTRETE, MALDA', Bonafide manufacturer /Dealer of the Computer ltems (Server, Desktop PC) along with after sale support service point at Malda District preferably at English Bazar Town will be given preference. Supporting document in support of dealership and after sale service point must required to be attached with the technical bid document. 5.' All essential itenls including cables, connectors, etc. needed for the smooth operation of the equipment shall be assumed to have been included in the quoted pricg/items if these have not been quoted separately. 6. purchased is to be done by supplier at the site. Technical specification/Model/Make shall be strictly as per the requirements laid down. 7. The supplier/manufacturer should quote the academic/educational prices of the equipment. B. Technical specification//Model/Make shall be strictly as per the requirements laid down, 9. Period of 10. The vendor should quote and be capable lnstallation of the equipment delivery : within 4 weeks from the date of issuance of supply order. to supply all the necessary accessories for the equipment. 11. Warranty : As provided by the manufacturer. 12. Minoritv Affairs & Madrasah Education Section of District Magistrate, Matda reserve the right to purchase varying quantity of material, less or more than the quantity.specifies in the tender. 13. Minoritv Affairs & Madrasah Education Section of Distric! Maeistrate, Malda reserve the right to reject any /all tenders or cancel the accepted tenders without assigning any reason. 14. The bidder whose bid is accepted will be notified of the award of contract by the purchaser prior to expiration of the quotation validity period. The terms of the accepted offer shall be incorporated in the purchase order. 15. Partial quoting comprising of all items of similar nature and related function (e.g. all computer related products) may be accepted. 16. The tender should be prepared & submitted after carefully pursuing the complete tender document (including the guidelines, instructions, terms and conditions, nature & scope of work, specifications of the equipment to be supplied & work to be performed, etc.) 17. Only those tender(s) who meet all the guidelines and terms & conditions in all respects should submit their tender, complete in all respect, after pursuing complete tender document. 18. Please confirm that only original equipment(s) and components will be supplied by the Agency. 19' 1,Oo% of the total payment against equipment will be paid through cheque on delivery and on satisfactory installation and receipt of satisfactory installation report. Application form will be available at the office of the District Officer Minority Affairs, Malda or may be downloaded from the District website. 20. The date of submission of sealed tender is 1-2.09.2014 up to 3.00 PM at the office of the District Officer Minority Affairs, Malda and will be opened on same day 4.00 PM in the Office Chamber of the Additional District Magistrate (Zilii parishad),. Annexure 1- Specifications ITEM# 1 : LCD Projector with USB Plug 'n Play and instant setup for PC (10 Nos.) System : 3 LCD, 3-chip technology Project Method : Front I rear lceiling mount Driving Method : Poly-silicon TFT active matrix Native Resolution :SVGA Brightness (white & colour) : 26001m (Normal)/ 2080 lm (Eco) Contrast Ratio : 3000:L Projectidn Lens : Manualfocus and digital zoom Lamp Type : 200W UHE (E-TORL) Lamp Life :4000 hours (Normal)/ 5000 hours (Eco) Keystone Correction : Vertical: 30, Horizontal: 30 Sound Output : 2W Monaural Operating Temperature : 5 C to 35 C<41 F to 95 F> (20 % - 80% Humidity) Projection Dimensions (lncluding Lens & Feet) Fan Noise ITEM # 2 : 228X2g5X77 mm (8.g7" xLL.6" x 3.03") : 37 dB / 29 dB Printer - Required 10 Nos. Laser Printer Resolution(in dpi) Mono 600x600 Paper size A4, A5 Print Speed (in ppm) 14 ppm Port 1 USB Memory (in MB) NA Network Card 10/100 NA Duplexing NA ilF t, Tender Document for Supply and lnstallation of branded LCD Projector & branded printers at the different Madrasahs (approximately 10) under the District of Malda Total (Rs .in words) Laser Printer Name of the Bidder: Address of the Bidder: License Number: PAN No. : VAT No. : whether income tax return up to 31.03.2014 have been filed : - (yes No) / Earnest Money Deposited DDN date Drawn on I have read and do accept the terms & conditions mentioned in the NIT & the documents attached. I also understand that the violation of any terms & conditions may lead to penal action including cancellation of bid & confiscation of earnest money deposited. (Signature of Bidder / A.R. with Seal and Date) Sl No. t. 3. 4. 5. I I I 7. Contract no. A.G.J.S.High Madrasah P.O-Ganga Prasad 03512-248709 94741.639L7 Block-Kaliachak-ll Achintala High Madrasah P.O-DebiPur Block-Kaliachak-ll Budhia High Madrasah P.O-Budhia Block-EnglishBazar G.B.S High Madrasah P.O-Golapganj Block-Kaliachak-lll Kanua Bhanipur K.R.H'N High Madrasah P.O-Debiganj Fllnrlr-tla ris.hand ra nttr-l 2. 6. Name of Madrasah with address vaf,arajnagar High Madrasah e.o-HariPur alock-Ratua-ll Mitna Solemania High Madrasah 9593697781 o3sL2-238266 973418210L o35L2-248256 9232789889 ,,1 .l 993340026 974918649 s474474387 9733185306 P.O-Talsur P.lnrlz- Ha rischancl ra ottr-l 8. 9. I Naikanda High Madrasah P.O-Naikanda Block-Chanchal-ll Simultala High Madrasah P.O-Khejuriaghat 7797212932 o3stz-224448 9232797851. Block-Kaliacha k-lll 10. Tahaghati High Madrasah 9933482814 P.O-Singia Block-Cha ncha l-l Dist. Officer MinoritY Affairs Malda. I
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